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<br /> � � � ' f�s uested in writi�tbat tl� Deea of Reconveyance be
<br /> py�.....Ea,..�h�s b�at p�d,aod wd Hme6c�aTY �l
<br /> �cab�d aod deli+res�ea ss caeli�med bY its e�dos�nt bdo*►;_ � - - , ,
<br /> -NOW T�EREFORE,•in ca�idKatiat of iach p�yin�nt�tad ia aooardance wit1�the re4uest ot the BeneBcisry�
<br /> , tl�ean, t1��dee�e� �s�ee aoe.by tbae cx+a�ts,a��.rami� rdare ana rewnvey to tlie pesaon or
<br /> p�e�ooa aatitied tbei+eto all tlie iatciest and est�►tc dQived to a�id Ttostee bi► or thrauEb eaid Trust De�d 'm tbe
<br /> iolbw�d�ces'b�1 praoi�but aa1Y as to spch pcanis�s:
<br /> Lot 1'�renty-One �(�1), Blo�k 1bQ (2). Southern Acres, aa ad�fiitioa to the�City of , �.
<br /> , Graad Islands es1.1 CountYs Nebrttska � . . �
<br /> _„ ,
<br />�::�� 'DATED: ..........J�.17,.1992..._........... TRUSl'EE: ...B1C__._. . . ..--. . f i esfd�t ......
<br /> .
<br /> .._.. __... .. ........................
<br />,,�;. �' � Pfefl V oe Pr
<br /> .,• STATE OF NESRA9KA , . . —
<br /> �`�- COUNTY OF _..�. ,..L��i......�...�ee. . � --
<br />:.r. .. .
<br /> .- On this...�7�_..day of,..........J�me...�....,,,....,19...92 befone the underaignc�at Notary Public dnly oommissioned
<br /> __ . .....
<br /> , ,�_ , .�oecuti Vioe Presic�ent
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<br />:,". ` peisonally came �t L• ....._..!................._.................._..........�......_---
<br /> : � aud qt�liRed for eaid Coanty, ...............___ ...........
<br /> �" �s Trwtee. to me lmo�va W be the identacal person whose neme ia aabscn'bed to the foregoing instrurfaent and �_=._-
<br /> �clmowl ed tha e:ecvtion tbereof to be 1�voluntasy act snd deedibs sucb Tnistee. �--
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<br /> � Tbis is to artity that the above named Truatee has been requa�ted in writins to esecyte'tlie,,tot±esoiag D�eecl af = -
<br /> ' Revot►veyance and his aetion in doing-ao is�atiSed and oonlismed ia aU reapecta .. ` _ ' °_ ,*�� .
<br /> � --
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<br /> ,1��',r� ~ . By� . _. .�.....' :�+...�.........�...- -,.
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<br /> �, CpUNTY OF .......�A��.•.•--•• 1 me, the undersigne� a Notary Pnblic�in and t�or eaid
<br />! .�'� County pereon�tT�s�une......................��!.L...Pfeil............._................_..----...'..................... oi Flret Federal Savtngs
<br />. ,,.;� .
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<br /> �' A�eociatwn oi�incoln. / - �
<br /> � = ....A�rii.l..........� 19....� ...��.�...... .... ....... ... ...Notary Public �"
<br /> W'� �1�AAr�ibfl r Yr�ls . .
<br /> ,
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<br /> �• •�' t�.,,E,m,f�o�i��,�gge � When sernrded to be�etr�rned to: i.
<br /> ` N�me. ....................... Loan No................_.................................. - � •
<br /> , , ...........................................
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<br /> . .} ,•y.�.. , . . �� Name - --�!
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