�L .�,.�Z 4: _ _t4':_'_' _.t'' _ __', ..,.""'". -_. _i.i .. ._" _' ' '����--
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<br /> - `i�1'r�kt��[tie�twrat�►�ea�nnel�ehi Lt�+tst i��ue�ower.If pil or pm af,ttre Fcnperty or aoy iimte�+est ia�t
<br /> �- isioid or�d tor.ita bme�ici�t i�erest in 8o��rer is sdd ar tr�fea�ed and�Qors'owa is�wt�n�tun!pe�aoh)withowt
<br /> �, , istde�•s'prior Ntittan axaent,.t.e�rier maF.at its aQtias. se�N�+e immodi�ce PsYme� in fnli of�11 suns secuned by t6is
<br /> . . Secarit�r I�uma�t.Ho�eva■t6is.apion shall oot b4 exec�ised bj�I�eoder if c�se�s pmtubitod by feder�l liw u of tl�e date ,
<br /> . of ihis Seantity t�tnorneat. � ` � -
<br /> . If Lender exa�cIsa this c�ption.Lender shali give Bormwer outice oF sooeler�Eion.71ie twtive sdall provide t period of na
<br /> kss tmn 3p d�ys fmrtt the data tIu aotice is delivered or mailcd witturt.which Bar�wer must pay all sums sec�rea by this
<br /> `` Sau�ity I�tnument.If Boriuwa faits ur�sy�hese suras prinr tn t6e eupiration of this period,Le�er may invoke any rrmodiss
<br /> permitted'hy this Sec+uiry Insaumenc aithout furti�a�tia or d�nd on Borrowa.-
<br /> ` I3. Eo�nower's iti�t to Retrhta 3f�Bc►rrower meets eertain conditions. 8omower shali have tbc ri$dt to datve ,
<br /> eaforopment,of this Savriry In�trtunent disoontuwed at sny time prior to the eartier af: (�)S days(or such-other period a4
<br /> - � applica6k Isw itaty specify`for oeim7�emeot) befere safe of the Prriperty {xnsauit to�ry power of yate�wniained in this , -
<br /> . Sa�iry i�trauna�or(b)a�Y uf a judgtaent.oufarring tIiis Secarity it�swmrnt.Those tond�tions are tE�at Boriawer:(a)!x►Ys .
<br /> I.ender aU�whicb tha►would be due ander this Soarriry Insuumeat aad the l�iae�s if av acceferation fud aavrred;�b} . • .
<br /> � cunes,aay default af any oehee oovenants or agroements�TjpaYs all expenses incumed in enfor�eing this Secuaty Is�strument.
<br /> irciudia�.Dut�at limetid to. reasonabte utarnrys'fds:�nd(d)t�kes such aetioa as Lender may rasonably tequire to assure
<br /> th�t ihe tien of t1us.Se¢urity instrumau.Lender's rights in the P�upeAyi and Botrowcr's obliga�ion to pay the wm�sownd by
<br /> tdis Savrity Instrumdit sl�ll wntin� unei�anged. Upon �eia�a[ea�ast by 8orrbwer. this Securiry instnrment and the
<br /> abtigatio�seaaed Aenby:sbgi!remain fnlly effxtive ac if no accelrnrion had a�xur�nd.Huwtver.this nght to reinstate shall
<br /> notappiy in the cue of�cceler�doa wider paragraph 17. `
<br /> , l�. Sde o[Not� Clua6e at Lo�o 5aviar.•TGe Note or a pactiai irnerest in the Note(togetUer with this Security .
<br /> °Insttument)may be sold one or mare hsrcs without p�ios notice to Borrower.A sale may t�nit in a change in ttie entity(1aa�wa
<br /> as tbe"Lwn Saviar`)that colixts amnt6lY PaYments dne under the Note,and this Secunty Instrument.There atso may 6e one ---
<br /> = or more changes of the l.oan Servicer ututilated to a sate of the Note.If there is a change of the Loan Servicer.Borrawer wi11 be `
<br /> - givea wrtiten t�odce of the c6angt in acaoMance with paragraph 14 above and applicable law.The notice wil�stue the name aid __
<br />-- �ddress of the aevw Loa�Servicu sid the address Eo wtuclt payments should 6e made. The notice wiU atw cantain any osher
<br /> --- - � infomjation reqoired by applic�ble law. � . -
<br />-- 2�. Haz�edoos Snbshned. Borrowec shal!not cause or permit the pe�sence.use,dispnsa�.storage.or nlease of any
<br /> -- Hazardaus Substances on or in tbe=Property. Borrower shall not do. nor allow anyane else ta do, anything affecting the -_
<br /> -- :Prop�ty tbat is in viulation af any Enviionnxntaf Iaw.The preceding two seritences sdaU not apply [o the p�esence,ose. or
<br />--- - storage an the Praperty of small quantities of Hazardous Sabstances that are generally recognizod to be apprapriate to nom�al =:--
<br />- � residential ases and co maintenance of the Property. . �---_-_-
<br /> `�-� Borcower shall mm 1 . ve Lender wriuen notice of an investi on,claim.demand.lawsuit or other action an �--
<br /> P P�Y 8� Y � S� �' Y ��,.:.�.=--
<br />- " " govertuneata!or regulatory agency or private party involving the Propeity and any Harardous Substance or Env'uonmetrtal't.aw ' �.�-.-�=
<br /> ;, � of wtuch Borrower has actual icnowledge. 1f Borrowec leams.or is raGfied by any gavemmental or regalatory authoriry.that �-��__
<br /> any remov�l or otbet remediation of any Hazardau Substance affecting the Property is nec�ssary.Bormwer shall promptly take =_____
<br /> � all necessacy remedial actIans in accordance with Enviromnenta!Law. . ��-�
<br />� As usesf ia this paragaph Z0. "Harrrdaus Substances"are those substances defined as toxic or hazardauS substances by , '�c-
<br /> Environmentat Law and the foAowing substances: gasolicre. keraseae, other tlamrt�abfe or to�ic petroleum products. toxie �`_"2"
<br /> pesucides and herbicides,vata�te sotveats.cnateriats cuntaiaing asbestos or formaldehyde,and radioacuve materiats.As used in
<br />`; ',.� -- - -- this paragraph 2�, "Environmental Law" mear�s federal iaws and laws of the jurisdiction where the Property is lacated that ��r�_
<br /> ' �' relate to health.safety or enviranmental proteal�. `r __
<br /> ° - NON-UNtFORM COVENANTS.Borroarr and Lender�urther covenant and agree as follows: � _�::
<br />' 21.Accder�tioa;Remedies.l.ender s1�D give notlioeta Borrower prior to acceteration lolbwiu�Bortowtr s bres�ch •��
<br /> � o�any coveu�at or agreement in thts Secarity Instrmmeut (6nt aot prior to s�cceleration nnder paragraph 1� anless ...t�;
<br /> u
<br /> = APA�icable k►w provld�s othcrwLse).'f'6e notice sha11 specify: (a)t6e detao►t; N)the adion required to cure the detault. :,�.:.,,. .;
<br /> � ;' (c)a dat�not less than 30 days from the date the notke is given ta Borrower,by whic6 the deis�ult must be cured;and :.";a�'._•.'�=-
<br /> ..';.:;'` (d)tlwt taDurr to care tLe default on or before the date specitied ia the notice may resalt tn pcceleratian ot the sums �-^'�=�•.'=-_
<br /> secured 6y this Security Instrument attd s�te of thc Property. The no'ttce sha0 furtlter inform Bormwer oi the eight to '�; � �� _
<br /> , •• reiastate aRer acceleeation�nd tl�e right to bring a court'actlon to assert the non�existence ot a defauit or any other � •°f:°-
<br /> de[ense ot Borcowee to acceteratlon aad s�fe. If the default is twt cured on or before tt�e date specified in tLe notice �� ��
<br /> -��`':-
<br /> ' '`.�;:: .
<br /> I.ende�, at its option,rtwy require immedlate payment in fu11 ot atl sums secured by this Secur�ty Instrument witbout ,._,.-:�___
<br />_ ';;,;,: larther demAnd aed may invoke the power aC sa[e and any ather remedies permitted bY�+PP��abte law.I.eader shall be �-,.."�;'�i.:;___
<br /> entltled to colkd all expen�incurred tn pacs�ing the remedies provided in this para�ph 21,inclnding,bat not limtted _ .. . "__
<br /> � � to,rrasorwble�ttorneys'te�and costs of title evldence. � ' _
<br />- � B the power ot sale is invoked,7'rustee sh�0 rec�ard a notice of detault in eacb county in whlch any p� oP the ;: �; : �
<br />� �.; Ruperty is lacated and shall mail wpies ot such natie�is the manner prescrtbed by appticable law to Borra�er and to =--=
<br /> ':, .. • Nbe�ther peesons presc�l 6 e d by ap p l ip b le faw.A fter t h e time required by appNcabte taw.Trustee shall g lve p a b lic notice :r.Y:.
<br /> P
<br /> uf g�le to the pe�sons And in the manner prescribed by applirable�.Trustee,without demaad on Borrower.s6a11 seiE '='T°4=; "
<br /> "',��. tirq Property at pu6lic auction to the bip,h�t bldder at the,time and pC�ce and under tt�e ternu des5gnated in the notice aP , . _
<br /> " s��n one or more p4tcel.c and in arly order Trustee determines.Trcu�tee may pastpnne�ate of all or any parcel ot t6e ,,;. ' '
<br /> • -, • •:.
<br />. �' Rnpnty by public announcement A! the Ume and place ot any prevlously schedafed safe. I.ender nr its designee may �:�;+:;;,;;.; , • ;
<br /> . penchfae the FroptRy at any sate ' ';,;',;;�,: " :
<br /> ; :,, . . .
<br />— - - Form 3G28 9190 - -:
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