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<br /> - �. H�i.r ee+�pct L�r,� �a�n+nwei�nu Ime� t5c imp�vv�en�s oo�►�a_eea�atta aeaea o:� �� -
<br /> V ` Ph�p�y iwied apimt�tas by�:�inciuded�vit6in d�e tam"estmdod ooverase'��od<aoy otber�rardt.� .,
<br /> fioods or!{oodin�,fa Mr6ici►I.�eeder req�ias inwrance.'i1�is inwrmce st�slt tie n�aietaine�ie t6e arnounts wd fut dK perjoik �
<br /> � , �t l.eadet�equit+es.'11�e imuraeoe c�crier p[ovidinS tGe iasutanoe atnil6e chosea lsy Bonnwa subjxt to lender's ap�ovd
<br /> ' which�IWI aot be�on�bly witl�6eW. If B+xrnwer fails w m�intai�oovera�e deacritied above. lender may. �t l.adet's
<br /> optip►,�obpiin anrenae w p[otoct f.eadee's rE�hta ia the Ptaperty`in socordance witte paragnph?. .
<br /> ' AI1 h�umoe policies�od renewais�siutt 6e acaptabte to leoder ud sl�ail�r�et�a stsn�sni mort�age clause. ieider: ..
<br /> , shtll 6ave the,rt�t ta hold the poticia�d ienewals.lt LenJer nequitss.ftarto`vve`stt�ll ptomptlY Bive to lindes all Raipts of , ,
<br /> pa�p�and c�pxwai notiaes.In t6e eveiit of Iass.Bormwu shali give pcampt nqda m t1x insuimce crrtie�and ixt�der;
<br /> ,. Lendit�mtY t�fce pr�xsf of ta�if,a�t�prornptly`by 8onuwer. � . , _ �.
<br /> � IIdess Leed�ad Bamwa ott�er,wise a�ae in writin�.inwruke prooeeds sbsll bo-apptioA to restor�g or tepair of the
<br /> ~Prope�tY dam�d,if the iestaTatioa or repair is eoonomically fasible and tender's socurity is not tessene0.tf rhe n�ation or
<br /> tepaii is not 000nomicaily�eacibk or t,ender's sxurit�rvontd bc tessenod,Ne insuruio�p�ucaeds siutl6e appliod to thc�
<br /> sea�nd hy this Securi�y I�cumeot.�al�t6er a aot tt�dae. with aay eaass p�id w Borrower. If 8ormwer ah�odoas the
<br /> Propaty.or does mt ns�ver within 30 days s notioe ftom i,eiid�er tl�tf�e insunooe c�rrier has otferod to settle a cl�im,tdea
<br /> I�eadet tmy oollat t6e iasui�,e p�oxrds. Lp�d�er noiy use the p�ocaeds to repair or nstot�e she IMnperty or to pay suass
<br /> saur�8'`by this Secariry Iratrumrnt,wbetderornot then fiie.The 30�day perio�will begin when the tjoticc is givea. �
<br /> Unlas I.eider sod Bamwer at6eiwise agroe in writing, any apptic�tion of procaods to princip�l shalt mt extend or
<br /> poslpan�die dua date af the ajonhlY p�sYrt�ts nferraa tQ ia pa�graphs 1 and 2 or c�nge tfK 9matnt of the payments. If
<br /> under per�gr�pb 2!tLe PnopRty is aa�ui:od by Leader.Borrower's�g1ft to any insuratx�poliaes aad piuceeds n�uilting fmm. -
<br /> . daan�tge to the Prnpe�ty prior to t6e acqoisition shall pacs m LROda to tbe exta�t of the su�s sacurod by this Security Insinunau
<br /> �mmediately prior to tbe acquisition� .
<br /> • . f.E)oc�p�ey.Pt�eev�tjoo.Mai�tes�ee ssd Yre[atioo ot tlle YropErty:Bomuwtr's Iran Applicatioa;Le�eholda.
<br /> , Bairower shall occupy,esqbfisb,and use the Property�Barmwtir's PrinciP�l tes�daxe widrua su�ty days aftes tLe exoaition of =
<br /> this 5ecarity Insuumrnt and shall aontinue to accupy t6e Property�s Borrower's principa)residence for at ieact one yau after.
<br /> tbe�te of aaa�ncy.untess ltader othe�arise agr�xs ia writing.which ooasent shall nat be unie�saaably witl�held,or unlesc
<br /> :�_. extawating circumuan�s exist which are beyond Borrower's control. Barrower shall not dest�y. damage or impair the
<br /> Pt�ope�ty.a8ow the Propercy w deteriotate,or cammit waste on the Prope�ty. Borrower"shall be in defauit if any forfeitur�e
<br /> -- xtioa or p�uceodiag,whe�tiei civil or eriminal,is 6egun that in Lender's good�faitfi judginent cou�d nsWt in forfeiture of t[re
<br />';�: Property or otherwise materially impatr the lien createA by tl�is Serurity insuument or L�er�der's socurity interest.Barrower may
<br />•*;.. aue such si defanit aad reinctate,as ptuvided in paragraph 18.by causir�g the acxion or proceeding to 6e dismissed with a niling , �
<br /> = that. in Ltnckr's goad faith ddennin�ation, precTudes forfeiare of the Borrower's interest in thc Ptoperty or otlkr materia! :
<br />.��:ui:` `� impaim�ent of the lien.created.by tl»s Security Instrumeni or I.ender's security interest. Bortowec shall ulso be in default if
<br />;_,;:l' Bormwer.during the loan application pracGSS.gave materially false or inacauate information or stateme.mts to Lender(or failed
<br /> '.%`� to g�ovide l�ender with amr material information)in connectian wIth We laan evidenced by the Note.including,6ut not limited
<br /> -.;:• to,reptesentations conaming Borrowor's ocaipuxy�'�the Property as a prineipal residetice.if this Saurity Instrument is on a
<br />°.;,r;�5 leaseho�d, Borrower shall compiy with all the pr��ns�ons of tlie lease. IP Horrower acquires fee dtie to the Property. t1�e
<br />:.�:�?�', Icasehold and the fee titlt shall nat merge uniess � r agrecs to the merger in writing. � _
<br /> «�::` 7.Avtect�oa of I.ender's Rig6ts in t6e �+nperty.lf Bortower fa�'?s to perform the covenants and agreements contained in —
<br /> ' this Security Instrument.or there is a tegal p iceeding that may significantly affect Lerider's rights in the Property(such as a —
<br /> • proceading in baiilcruptcy.probate.t'or cande tian or forfeiture or to enforce laws or regulations),then Lender may do and �-_
<br /> _ , ' pay fos whatever is necessaty to protect the value of the Property and Lender's rigfits in the Property. Lender's actions may �
<br /> _ include paying ar►y sums secured by a lien whicb has priority over this Securiry lnstrument. appearing in court. paying
<br /> �� . reasonatile attomeys'fees and entering an the Property to make mpairs.Aithough I.ender may talce action under this paragraph �
<br /> 7,Letrkr does not l�ave to da so. �_
<br /> - Any amounts disbursed tr} L.ender under this paragraph 7 shall become additional debt of Borrower secured 6y this �==:
<br /> • Savrity lnstrument. Untess Barrawer and I.ender agree to other terms of payment.these amounts shaU bear interest from the
<br /> , • • date of disbursea�emt at the Note rate and shall be payabfe, with interest. upon notice from I.cnder to Borrower requesting �-�_
<br /> . . . payrnent. E�.
<br /> 8.Mat�e Insarauoa if l.ender rec�uired mortgage insurance a4 a condition of making the loan secured by this Secority '�'
<br /> � . Instcument. Borrower shalt�tg the premiums required to maintain the mortgage insurance in effect. lf, for any re�an. the
<br /> =- - ma»gage insutanre wverage required by �.ender tapses or ceuses to be in effect.Borrowcr shall pay the premiums r�ired to
<br /> - obtain coverage snbstantialJy equivalent to the mart�age insurance pre.•iausly in effect.at a cost substantially equiraiert to the �
<br /> cost to HorroRer of the mortgage insurance previously in effect. fro:�an aitemate mortgage insurer approved by �.ender.If
<br /> �� substantially equivatent mortgage insurance coverage is nm availablc.Borrower shal!pay to Lendcr cach month a<urn equal to �
<br /> � . one-twelhh of the yearly mo»gagc rnsurancc prcmium bein_paid by Honowcr when the inyur:uue coverage lapsed or ceased to
<br /> � ' - �� be in cft'ecc.i.esnie:will accept.use and retain these p�yment�as a tosa r�erve in iieu vf n�ortgage i�isura�e. L:,,y rc.;e;te !
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