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<br /> '—�" y.�.---._.__ — _� .�- _ .�. :. _ . . . . . ._. �.
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<br /> . �. �4. :�:.t-r'
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<br />� �_ �b'���� o��o o���usr ���3 a `,� , .° .� ��T
<br /> ►- 9 (Contlnued) f� ��' �'-
<br /> _ ,.
<br /> , �E%<
<br /> DMd O!Triul.TRe�eard3�ead ot Trust"mean t?i3 Doed a?Tnm!8monp Qrentor.LonBCr nn0 Tru3t�. �. . . '\%_.• -=--
<br /> f3Yanto�. Tha w�d Yirantor mBSns Hny artd�:1 p�,,ans entl ontites exectttlnp th�Qe�O of Tn�t. Any Clrentor wTtO�pns tR's Qbaa a4 TittLt,�u1 :S� �` ...
<br /> Qq�y not 8tgn Ine Godit Agreert[ent,�s�gmnp tles Weed of Trust onry to pranf end convep s�et Qranto�m IntKesf!n th�R�aJ PrOpaty atsd to Qrant �:.� "`fi• • -
<br /> d
<br /> ` �SOCtplty tntHe54 m QraMOr's �rdorest in the PertiOnat PrCOarty to lAndCr CnC is not parsontify I.aDte unQsr trie Crtdit/i0t0CrgCM EYCSpt aa <�,,� ,��;•� --
<br /> oUs���o Grovlde�4 Cy conhtnct ar Inw. - - `t;`.: - _
<br /> a1-TY
<br /> trtqKOY�raenb. TAB wortl 9mproverrtinl5" moans and ��dudas wfthou! limitation e!1 erishnp and tuture improvamsnts,fi�dtuts,bu�dinyts, �r i�<
<br /> � ' stntCtulHS.rt:oDile Aomes aftoced on th9 Ree1 PrOpeRy.taaTihas,addiLOr�s aad otrter eor�struction on ih0 Reai ProQeAy. :;•�,�,•',.!... ;� �.::��
<br /> : r;�... j;�;. ..
<br /> •!.�•.:''.:' "-.:.;7•' . -
<br /> IttQaDt�IInest. The word 9nQebtedrtss5'mearts ell pdnppal and interest payrabJe under the Gedt l�reemeni and any amaursts�cyenQo^d or .�i�° .- . . ;. : , •.
<br /> ¢�,.��.;::E,;._ •:1..
<br /> ' aQe9noW by Lencter ta discharqe obtipations ot Grentar or a�ertses incurreC by Tnstoa a Lendcr ro oator�obli�atior�s at(irtntor under 11� f;•���1 t��.'�h�,r'�: : -. .
<br /> . OeiO of Trtrst,taLettier witA irrt�ast on s�f+amaunts as Rra++tde0 rn this Deed af Tnist. SpKiRWy.wliAOUf 6miWlOn.ttds ONd Ot T�t� : E��.:���i•; .. _
<br /> eeeures a revolvtst�IEne of Credit,whiCh obtly�tea Len6er M tndc0 tGv�sC2s ta Gt�niet�f�Cttfl es Qt�ttCt eG�t�23�l816.]if.�l�me af " ,�.. _
<br /> the t�tAil Ap�M. 9uth adsra�ccs maY De maGe.rxG�.�0 rcmaCe hcm tlme 4o t&ne.iuf�f�o�NmttMton tit�Qra iuftd __. ':<- •....._
<br /> cut�ndk��b�tanee awinp af amJ ano tlma.nai InG:cCtna finance cRar�es aa sueh 6alo�ce��a iUnO a var�e�Y�aum��rart►� •.'�.�'^`.se .
<br /> in tR���rldlt A�ree�tt,my temaCrucy e��e.s,other ctt�ea.mt0 tny mr�a7cta es�er�oA o►�dY�rxe6 M peov16�0 h ttHf p�t{�'4 ''. . ''��..,, .�,,:,;�::�.,,—_
<br /> eeea6 not ea�ed iAe Crt61t dltnit isa DrautCeQ cn 4Re Cr�t Agrament. Ito2s�'Httatar�n�ih�art�oixrt otr�Qi�iy�t artll D��'�. . :. `'• , s ,',�•
<br /> C d
<br /> tt�e Ow0 of Trust�eeu�+es tRe tatm Cre�t A�aEmant cmaer.t c.town aDave. Tlw nrip�id��01 fhs csa�&»of endit eru�l al ��';``."-
<br /> v�fafn tl�fws G!IOwer tflaie SIte otstolml S�^.srm ct z;uo. A�@atas.t9[�tio4 hrmht�te 4�!Ikw Cf CrlCl o►ONIeU�fRO LOtIQer'i . ,�--, �T.�--:,
<br /> aON�to aatraice Atatla i+a�ftflt. Ttbreta�e.ttw Qen oi ttxs Oieq Ct�aiss!tri0 tQm�i tn it�!foPee and etleet�dtn�+ri►
<br /> aco 0�1mC�. . �__.��,. ��n!
<br /> � Lei�e.TRe word lease'means any lease be.u�Grarttar and me Lessar�Y'r3�roPeAll• ; ` �. -
<br /> �u ` �.,
<br /> ,.�?,�.'
<br /> LesWe�.TAe word'i.ender rts22�rs lV�CO K�F�al Cr�drt�rz�re.ils s�s and essig�s. ��.1-7..�����n �t +'
<br /> �.: , '�"�;'..•' �
<br /> ,;,� (�eraorul P�opariY.'me wa�s T-tasr❑a1 Prcpersy'mesn st1 c�J�..ent,fbct�ues.and att�artices ot persotsYt prr�erty rtarr¢s�eafter owr�e0 �:f.,� t't r:{ ,�:�"�� ''_ .
<br /> 2�2v L�antor.Bnd naw or h2rea�m"��efl ar atficsd to the�1.. 4�er vrith eD au�`.r.�rs.Oarts.an0 sdQUort4 ts.a�1�v+Cat�emerrts a� .a� � G.:i.;.�.�r1��-,"':,�_'
<br /> �:� �Y'�GB ;,�,'�� ,��.�.�rr,cr'r�F. ,
<br /> ..,a- E.'�D�li substitudons for.a�ry af s:�PropeAY:e�tcepetABr uFL�a7 procee�s(rac�dup w(tho�t G.�r'.�ttion sD irt�esnce Frae�and rcrfunts ep ;�,},�s.'n-'��,,:�7�frt�'t`�:. �-.•:
<br /> :,1t,� Prsnilums)iromarry�afeaotherdaaa�tiona��':aCerty. `���,..�.: ; � r, ��`t�����,:
<br /> '`� �up�rh.Ttw ward'PrapeA�'rtreares ca�rra�j 9'�Ra&I P+'oFeM and itia�er'��rr.�a!Proporiy- � ; r��'
<br /> � ..;.y:.,..�'' ,�� ;.y ,.-..
<br /> ':,� L�PfOp�Ply.T1t6 wOr05'R6FS Et�II�`Y'�8'.'!.'!H P�'�A�tll.ie'.L�HnL'�y 1t15�fb8d�<<?:Lh�i'CAP.�i8,u771C8 M!!�53."Q''.i�. Ctt. s"•� � .r;�,".;`,. �R; .
<br /> ' ` �;fl�oWmenti Trte w�'Ra4ited Ocaiment5' +r�aa-+�^J r.�;.:;�s w�itqut limttatir:�r�Orom'ssorp rta�u,at�d�s�,f.^� •{;•x..� � ��gf�. ,� • '
<br /> � f �qr,.,s. �•.�;"� , .
<br /> ' s�rtwirns.ouar�n't.es,seau�apraements.rt:�rtqape9,dea."s�d&tst.+a�aR atl�er instrurtwnb aad Ooc�r.:�e�'�5.�"aeC�srsvw�r fae�aEfttae 'r"�;ry;.%�r�.' 'fii';�,1�;:': � �
<br /> d
<br /> �..: �np.�raet�C fin eonrtedion wHA Granters Irtdabted�ass to Lender. '�c t•:r.•:•,i.:���:.�,��{�; -••=
<br /> �.f f; �'s7�bre.Tt�e��rC Trustae'me8ns Yhe a shown at the t of '•T`•:.,,`,'� ,;�,�1 `_:G
<br /> +�Y oP P�ortti ot�tis 088a ot Tnut �'�'�:�f��`' ;..
<br /> n
<br /> �.,. R,�.it:�=.. .�:_
<br />. .�r�°, • .i:4`.5. F_ .
<br /> ,,..;�i. 34�d���F TFlilti3T A}Q).tF Aliif,A SElX1RITY INTEStEST lN 1tE PERSOilAL PROPEAftt.iS�ifYE!!t019E' � Q1b�.��.39£IR d'F Tt� :rg%'�, ';;
<br /> 1R
<br /> , :r- t!l��SS ARa PF�iFOC181MCC OF EAC#i AQREEk1EMT AliD OBUOATiON OF GRAAIYQA IJL�L4ER TFE G'FiEDiT�Y�i!� ^�'f':_, '� 1° -
<br /> - �� . .., . ': -j'•.� .:.
<br /> - {.� aar�r�oocw�ns,a�nn�c�u o��,sT. v�ns cr�o o��os8 is ar�r�acs�acc��o av�a�Fau�r�r�sa��: �,�,,,,��:�.£.� �,
<br /> ' � PAYMFJiT AND PQ{�OAtNA1CCC. ExeeDt as ottww�Pravidad in tNS O�W W Trust.Citantu sAaY PcY to LenQU aY tmourds s�C�r�d D/ihffi , /� . ,.� � ' �....
<br /> � �:�?`t' D�W o f T�u s l u t h e y b l o o m e Q u s,a n 0 a h�ll s tr i c ff y a n d I n o d m e i y m�n n w p a r f o r m a A o f Q r e n t o�'s o bl!�t f o r�s u n d e r t f q L O A K JNER�h t o r n�E q W i y
<br /> '� Pin GY�d'il Ap7�cftint and ttNS Doe�o1TtuSt. • !���.�.
<br /> _ s. POS�StOM utD�vuNTF.lU►ttCE o�7!�PROVERTV. Grama nyrees tnat QraMa's passesston�ntl use ot a»Propaty sNaY b�pavarn�d Dy .. , :`'.�, � ;�: , :_
<br /> Uli OVfflOrtl: ��r�.�?�'� ' -
<br /> ro:ow�g a `
<br /> lbw�lo��f0 t�t. Unl�tM occumnc�o!�n Event o!OefaN1.Qrarrtw mtY (a)remafn m passes�fon end corrtrol ol tM Rrop�rty. (D)uss. ��..��..-.
<br /> operat�a�U►�FraAMY.and (c)cWbet�nY Rer�hcm ths Propefy. u
<br /> -;;��:g-:----
<br /> .: � OtAy b MW�t11n. Qrantor ehaU rtWntain tM Propwh in tenitnla0�candibon�rtd promptly p�BOrm�9 rpl4s and mdn• nM n�Cas9ary to - ���
<br /> • � ; Vtasrrvr i!s vilt�- . • � --
<br /> M�tlyd0ua 8u�atanCea. �rantor represents an0 wurants t�ut the Pra9erty nevar nas Ooon.and rNVar wil b�so torg n ihb DMd 01 Trusf I=-�,,,,;; --_
<br /> � rert�lro s li�n on tM RoportY.use0 t�ar the porwraUa+.manutaeturs.staaD��trutm�nb�tPo►�t.nbas�a tivuMn�d ni4fs�at anY h�ardaus l�.Y�----.-- ---
<br /> . w�Or substtno��as Lh�@ 4gms us Q�flrNd In tM Ccmpnt�eMlw Em�or+mMTa1 R�sPOnC�.Comprns�ibn and L(�bYily ACI d t�90.O ---_- -- �
<br /> aawrbW.42 U.S.G SeeHOn SS01,et saq.('CERCLA'.tAS S�tund Am�nQmtnb and Ru�tharlat►nn Act('9ARA7.appYc�6b W1�a FW�d � �
<br /> . ., • t4ws�m rpWll�am adoPUd Pwswnt to u►Y of tM tarogdnp. (irardot authmt�s l�ndr�rtd ib ap�nb to�tdw upon ttr Propwly to mdt�fi� ���.�-".�.
<br /> ..�� ira�cEOrD tnd fesb as LanQer maY deem opP�aprt�tu to tlel�nMrw comPNanca ol fh�PraP�H wtth tt�s s�ctlon of tht OMO Of Trust. Qqntor = -_..�
<br /> ''Y: h�nWY N)nittges�nd wah�s anY futura d�ims�g�inst LenQar(cr indomntry a ContriEutlon i�th�w�nt Grantor b�eartNS Y�bt�far dunuP a ----- _
<br /> ���.. c�L'�r Cosl4 untlm any suoh fpws,an� (b)�prc�s to indemn�.y an0 hdd humbss l.mdv ap�tcrst anY anC�G ctilms arb IaMt nalWtp ttOCn a :�.
<br /> �af��araprsph at fh0 QNd Ot Tntst. 7MS oOTpaUan to in0imr6ty aNW suMv�ttN paytnNd Of tfN In4pOi�QnMS�n0 UI��afili�Ctlon d � �*�� - .-� .�
<br /> U
<br /> �_ _"�:
<br /> .._ �
<br /> �nD�.Wa1�e. Oranta ahaH nol enuse,eonduet a permit any nWsarsop na commit,pormit,a auRM aesy�,1�pitq d a wasb on a to tt� �-�.--�;r,�•���.-�--�~�1,
<br /> ;�t
<br /> Ptop�rry a arry portlan ol ths PtopeRy. Speaflc�yr withoul GmitaUOn.(irar�tar w�not romov�.or Qrant to ury cL'�party th�rlaht to wmow.any `•..
<br /> tlmba.rr�rMrats pnduc6ry oN and Qas�sat.4�ava1 a rodc proQ�wtlnoul ths pAa writtsn eor�rfl at Lcr.�. - ... . '�'��
<br /> ''� Lned6PS i�1f to Ent�I. Lsnder and ib ayenb and raprss�rauvves may entw upon ttN RMI Ptop�rry ai ap rMSOn�At�tln�b atCied to ;,�.�;,-.�;�•_^ "
<br /> ve
<br /> �� ,'d (ua�dtls tr�Lr�sts�n4 t0lnspecl ths ProRertY fa P�Dos�af C3a.K[ars camgllQrios with 1M tema and can6uc�c!tNs OM�01 Tnnt '_=-•-�y$--�-
<br /> � ' (Dr�mpY�rt00 v�ue f3ovtmn�RtqWtertlenU. Cirtnta shaB prompUy emr�fy wEfh all tawa.a�r�AnleoN,sad roalY9ot�a ot�/povunmtnti! - �,::�
<br /> �r�! autt�odtys�ppYCSb)r to ti►��a oceupancy at lhs PropaAy Cuanta ma��tmt�sl In 9ood hilN arry s�n u�.atElronoo,a npW9on ub • ��?;i•
<br /> •�'`���� v�flnt�afd CarnpY�np dutrlp ur1 Pro�np.iMtuS�'sD�PAmF��DPNls.sc�r,�r�rrs CxantOr 1�s twE�d LatrS�rr I�w�lt{np pdpr tp Qpitp 6p mQ �.�.,., ai'•
<br /> '. �:� . . �.,.--
<br /> � sm lorg as L�n�'e Im�ts in Ihs Property a�no�Jeopardiie0. Lender.���Quire Gran2cr tc Pat aao�s4to a�curiry ar�s�uaty bon0. � --�'—
<br /> rs�or�btY atf�etay fo L�nae►.tv O�oyct tlnOws inter�st '„A=- -
<br /> S �•��_._�����
<br /> � (3�y M ProheL (irtntor C�aes neitMr to�btndon na Navm w:�nded the Prapetty. (�raair,c�A�do al othR�cb.in a66Yon to tAaN� �:;:`:,,y,;�,,,,,,,�.�„�
<br /> � paiil�te aboH In thls s�cn,w':de�fram th�ehutcter and use d'de,p Proporly ua reasonabry nio�ary to probet artd prss�rw tt�Ptoparly. _-,,���z•,:
<br /> . � s. ootARJANCe wrtNUFJ►sH. �f tnae�a lsasa on tr�e R�roosny�c;ranta wa��ar+�nrtls.nd wt�sotctly obs«v�uw pdam on�wn�ty ostb� . �- ' •r�,.�
<br />� �- � a ' • � -ii K..7.
<br /> othM Mrtn9.CoWni�.fln0 cand'�9o�W tM leass. Grenta further agrees Ga;r.,1 to strrrender,t�rtNr�1�.Or unCN tIW LAaS��at�d (b)n01 to -`::-'�' :c'u��'y;�:.,-
<br /> .� ' mOdly,cA8r1gE,stf,"(qY�:�ent,81tCr,a amend thg LeBSe.eifn@r pr8lh,r o►in writrng,wlthoUl Lendgr9 pllOr written co1�S0n1. No 8S1Yt0 In the PfOpBrty, ' ' . j . ;,....,. E`•
<br /> ' ' f---
<br />' T � . . � ... . .� �( � . . . � . . . _ . �'.�� . . . ..• ' �
<br /> . :r,:,rl,7:rs�' ' . ' . `.�t�ti,� � . ti . �: . , .
<br /> , � . �'r's.
<br /> • ..p � r/''. , � . • .,�, . . , �'//i �v a�. : . . - Iti!j�syr}= �
<br /> .i'S(`� . ..::. . . ' ' ;L'lJt/y,1�1 r��4S1'1', - . � .. ' . � �r1��fi ' __._
<br /> {r,,`� , , ,�:. ; , • �)��ti� . � • �r;,'.;....,� • ,R ..
<br /> k . 'i,ds' . t f,1 . ;, �{�.
<br /> � � + . . . � .,;1.'�. , • ' . � . -+����; � • . • ' . . .. . .. - -1 ::. 4.`r��;?w•�{� ; .
<br /> ri,tst,. . ". _ - � . � _ ,�: , • � � . - � • Z�.ia�. • `1�.yrtUrS. _ f�.
<br />. -ti� . ;;_., . - �. . rj . . "�� . r.�., . -
<br /> , • . '�e�T r . . �. .� ' � � l.�.4� � }}r itl�. : .. . � • ' . . �,�r�:f� � •
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<br /> %' , i), � . . . % . r�}6;5�+',.
<br /> - •��:, ' .. ' . . . - -;. ,_.7'; . . . :i ?-�•- . i.{��t)��i(;t_
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<br /> .e....._� . - .,. . . .. . . � _--__ ' _ — _'_" _ _' _ _
<br /> — _-__._—'""' '"" ' _"'_' .. .... '__ _-"'..__ '_ — — . _ __ _ . _. . _ _ . ..__-_ .___ _..
<br /> _. ,.' '' + • ---- _ __ _
<br /> ' _ '_' .._._._. . . .._.... �� -.
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<br />