. . . � . �,_.:_...._. .:,S•: �•T� t
<br /> ��.:., ,a �c.�.. _� —
<br /> _- �� ������ � - ��`� :: �:�`-
<br /> cov�ar�rs _ ` � -
<br /> l. Psy�. Bartowar ayt�ss to n►ako �i!puymsnts on the socured debi when duo_ Un!9oa Bcrrow9r nrtc� Lander sgree othBrwlse, any , ; � ��: ,
<br /> paym2srta Lender recetva9 iro�Barrawm or for @artoncu'a btnaTtt wi0 ba applAd flrsi 4o any amourna Bo�rowar owes on the secured dabi � . T �; -
<br /> tt •
<br /> oxctusiw o!irtterosi or princlpa.se�nd tn intetest.and then to Dr��P�.If pzrtiai prepaymerrt o1 tho seeurcd Gxbt oocure for any reasor,it w:G < �'` .; _
<br /> nct reduea or exeuao aay sehedulsd payment unh7 tna sauirmd debi ts pa3d In fuU. �; u�•, , - ��,�•
<br /> Z,qa�su p�ftnst Sfit�,gol�pwer wIU ppy�II tmc�,asr.s�sam2rtta,artd oth:r eharpes aYtri6utable to the property when due and wiU Qetond Utta ' • ` �. �.; `
<br /> to tt�e progertv aflainat any elaima wh'.ch�vould impair th0 lien of this dead ot uust.Lender may repu;ro Bortotver to assipn any dIIhte,elatms ar <� � � • , , ; : '�_
<br /> ds9en�s vlhtcb BorrowaT may hava ayelnsY partloa vrtio supply tabor or m9tsriaSs to improva or malntain the propertY. �:_.,,c��,,,,.,.• �:, -
<br /> 3,hisu�c�.�artowar wfll keep tho DropertY tnsuted undar tarms acceDtg4le t�o Lender at Borror�el's expense and 4or Lendefe benefrt.AU < •
<br /> insurence po►Ictes shaU inefude a stars�erd martgage dausa in favor of LeMar.Lendar wiU 6a r+iuned aa loss payae or sa tha insured on any sueh _ , • , � - _
<br /> �n�ur�rece na��cy,qny insuranes pr¢c�yeQs may b3 epp[ad,wtth:n LendePs discretian,to eithd tha eeatora4ton or ropair of tfr9 damaged property . „
<br /> or to the eaauad dobt.Ii Lsnder requirea rreart8agsi insurance,Bonower aQrees to maieusin sueh insuranee for as Inng as Lendsr requires.
<br /> .. t
<br /> ,., 4.Grepaf4y.Hortowar wi0 kenp tt�e propnrty in good eortdition end meke ali repairs reasortabiy aecessary. '�=-i�=.__;��:
<br /> 6.F.�ns�s.Bor►o+�rer egreas to puy ati lertdera e�ense�.includ'm�rauorszhls aitor�Ys�tess.if Bnnower breaks any covsnm2S�n�s deed ' ���• •
<br /> m
<br /> oi Vust or ui amr oCiG�adon sewred 6ythfs dead of bust.Bortower v�inll pay tfieso amourt2s to I.ender as provided(n Covenzni 8 of this deed ef I: --"^-,.-�-"'� �
<br /> trust. ,t�
<br /> . .:::'.;---
<br /> 8.Pdor S�cwSRj tntersab.Unfess Bortow�r fuct obtai;�s Lender's wrritten eonsent,Borroveer�nn'li aot mskn er permit any ahangas to acrl pJfar ;;,;-;�-:,_.�.--4_r-;s_•
<br />' eeczui3y iMerests.6orrawer wiSl perform atl of Bortowers obiigations under arry prlor mortgage.Qeed of t�wt or other seauity aBrssmsm. '-� -'��.� „.,• '.;.�:i_'°#.'
<br /> Inctuding BoROweYa covananta to make payments when due. '
<br /> 7.Asai�xnacrt of Rxrts�nd Profrts.Borrowar assigns to Lender the rerrts end profito of tfis property.Unless Borro�rrar artd lsnder hace agraed ��.�--`��-�":•
<br /> othervvsse in wri8ng, Bertower may colieet and retain the renis as long as Botrawer is nat in default.It Bemnwer defaulr�,.Lender, Lender's ?`�l". °r�+*+�€�,
<br /> agent, or a eourt tQpoiMed receivar may take paasess9on and manags ihe property and eaUaet tfte rerro.Arr/r�L�er cottetxs sha0 be '_ �`�`
<br /> aPpUed first m tho coste of manag�the propcsN.inctud�n�court costs and ettomeys'lees.Cortuniss(c�t�restCi s-sy rn8, end eny otlter �r�����,,
<br /> necessary ralatad e�.�penses.The re ning amau[rt of rer�A m i then appiy w paymsrns on the seaued deltt�piavided ir+Cavenarrt 1. �,—�����=�'••;:.
<br /> ;..,$�;,r;�.{ i ..:�_;�.�.a;,,
<br /> 8.i�aaatwtds•Cat�uminLm�r Rann�d Umt 0�+�[opm�c�zs.8arraweragrees to com�ty witH tho Otovisions af z:y lease if tltSs��af�'v.s-t is on �"�t", .
<br /> s.., �� .r
<br /> a teaselso(�If tRs dead of Vuus�tt i�on e unft in a eondamirdum ar a ptznned unit deve[afsmsm.Borrower v�rill perform a1 cf Ecrrav+aYs duties � 4
<br /> tr s �
<br /> �ucdar t1u eavert.snt�.by-laws,or v�lattons of tD�e con8ocnictiuin or ptar2ned unit develogR:eaf- � . . :
<br /> % , 9.puL'ncfty af t.mt�e Lo par{o�m tnr Bnarower. Ii Borraww€rr f�s top eAoran arry of Bosrcnee�s dutias under this d2ed cf�ust, tartder m„a�� •�-=Y�' � . �`'°•';-"-
<br /> r pErfoiill tE'ti d�iC��Cs ca�tse tAem t0 bB pB(fartt._d.Lertdet�r.;aS Sign eoxo�wrir's name or Ray any amoum R necessary tor perform�:cc�.f ary f '�.�.,:..
<br /> c
<br /> 5- e.tiU-L'�ct�a�ca�.a�a�c �d�earninva��:�ca�S x�.a:�r.:�:�a�l�sr may de whate�is naeessary to protea L4+r�s •`
<br /> ` t�cuitY tirtarest in Ute prope►hr.7tiis maY in ^� osn:�.eting tPJ3 construcdon. �
<br />�� -��.�_
<br /> �� •��
<br /> Cr�roGe�e tafture to pertarm will rtot preet�da Lertd�tta�n vr�r�g aayl of its other rights unQer ihe taw m dti�doed af�t. . ::••-. ,`.�=-�'�'";
<br />' :�.j Ar�y amounts Pald by lendcr to Drotect Le�der's s�'.�it�s 71�a�s�t wili be secuted by tt��d of trusL�amour.t?raa�l be�ua on deman� � _
<br /> _-:� and w71 Daar imerest irom the date of tlw�ay�n't cr��x�r,fuil at the(nterest rote in efifect on the sec�ra3 Qebt. _-'. . -_ �-':
<br /> - ',��—
<br /> ��..
<br /> ip,p�t�Wt�nd Qccdcmttan.tf Bonovrer fa� :�:aake any paymerrt when due ar breaka any caveroms suider this deed of vuat or arry �•�♦'�:?�'�y;,�=
<br /> :.,,'; obfi9aUon seaued by ttiis deed ot truat o�azP spri-,s mortgage or daed of trust,Lender may acceiereas t�tm meanuitY of the seeurod dabt a� .,.> ,� r� .
<br /> demand immeQlate payrmetrt end mal►inwks tha�caor of sai0 ond any ott�er tamadies permitted EY aDD�c�alls taw.
<br /> � 17,gpwst fot I�todee df Dat�4t.tt la hereby req�:es�d L�r�x:�Piss of the noUces of def-�t a.nd sate be ser�t to each person who is a party . •�• ' � ,�'�°'.��
<br /> .. hereto.at�e ad�fress ot oach such person,ee ses fa2h ta3-en. � ''` ,
<br /> �� �i
<br /> 12.Pow�r o4 Sw.if the Lender invokes the�e.�r-s c`r:�..°a Trustee sttafJ first reeord in t`ne offiee ot the rogister of deeds of eacEa•ca�ty . ,r'•: ..�`� ,
<br /> � wharein th3 ma�t:�capertY or some part or pu��Kr�f i�siwated o noNas rs.".dafautt co�tnlng tho irtf_rmation requtred by law.The�'�raro�e _ _
<br /> shati atso m�cs�[;(m of the natiee of defau'z�a t��a 8c•rrower,to each��cc rnrtro is a party hsreto,m�d to other persona es presc:ibstl.3y ,j : ;,;
<br /> appiicabte Imrr..tlu2 Pass than one mor� aft��+e 3rustee records the nai.4.ro of Eofau or two mor.M:u a}the trust proyorty is npt vic erry •
<br /> � UvxrgoraLed c�0�cr a'�ape and is used in famr��c-erabnrm cartied on by the trustar.the�NS[89 6�ti 2I)Q�YB�l'bllC f WIIC9 OF SiIO t0 1II6 pE160(!S e�;' `.,
<br /> � +eaa�ic�the manner prescribed bv apppGcabte taw_Trustfle,v.�rtlsaut Eemand on Bonawer,shail se0 the proporty at pubRa avction to tl�e tilqhest r p�;�,.
<br /> '•, 9fr$�.If rsquired by tha Furt►F[omestead Rota�tion Act,Tcr,cr�a shall ofPer the propoRy in tvro caparate s3tas as req�trr�-J by ayDQ��a law. - , .
<br /> . 7aa�t�3e maY Qostpone aafe of aU or any parcef�4 the propercy ay pub:ic annauncemert at the time and gSace of any prev:ously scheQufed se1e. ��•
<br /> � L��er or its dssi�as may purchase the pra�ut,v at arry s a t e. .ak s��'
<br />-.�19i�� Y •....�:,;�..
<br />'�3�:�.� Upon reeaipt nt of the price bid,Yn�a shail Qefiver to the purchaser Tnistae's deed comrey3n9 t'�property.The reddsls carrtainod(r� . .
<br /> •,;•� Tructee's deed t 6e pr[ma hde evidience of the uuth of the sutemanta eonialned theroin.Trustea ehan appty the proeeeds of tfie aafo in tho f� '���� •' '
<br /> tollowir�g arQ�r. �� to a11 o:�enses of sfie eaie, induding, �ut not limited to, raasanab(o Trustes's feas, reasonabb attome}�s fees and •'' _
<br /> � c�ir�ammartt fees;�)to fili ert+rr�6eaued by this deed o!Vust,and fc)the baiance,H arry,to tt�e persons tegaliy en4itis�d to receive R. —
<br /> . r i t��ar�rloau•re.At Lenderc a�-,�im:..this doed of ttust may be foreclosed i�tAs manrter provfdo by appfiqEle law tor lbreciosute of inettgages '��T-
<br /> • on real prop�raSo_ '
<br /> � t4.huDO�9atr.lutt:'�er may onter tha prc�mt3r t�tnspect R if Lendar fltvcz:I:rnvower notJce beforehand.The noUce must state the reasansbte : - '� �
<br /> % Q-:.:,�;.._
<br /> cause for Lerntt[t'xi�supection. . u,. . ,.
<br /> i' 1b.CanQrrtn�ttce.Barrower ass�ns to Lender theprocaeda of eny awarQ or c(sim for dam�as connected witfi a condemnadon or othet t�klnp ����:;�- -,a,���
<br /> { c�a0 a arry p�rt of ths propeRy.5uch proceeds will be ep�fled as pmvlded in Covenant 1.Th[s assipnmarre ia rubjact to the temw of any pria _,_._ _
<br /> �{ � sa�auity egreemet►t. "�' _
<br /> }
<br /> _�:i� 46.Watva.By exerclsiny any ramedy avt:ilaUl�to Lendor.Lender does not give up arry riphto to tater use anY otfier remedy.By not exercislnp ;� "°'�
<br /> �. erry remedy upon Bortowar'a detault,lsn¢�r d�s not walve arry�Igfit to later eonsidcr tho evoM a dofautt if k hapDens agatn. z ��=•_
<br /> : 'j 17.Ja6�e�nd Ssvrnl Li�b�'itr:Co-ai�uos:5ueas�on�nd Ilsfipn� Bavnd.Atl duUes u�er tlils d�ead of trust are joint and aevorai.ATry ,^,.'^t�:,
<br /> Borrower who eo-si�s this deed o!vust but does not canign the unQeAvL�a Qebt tnatrumemt�)daaa so anly to grant and convey that -. �t"%". ;ii�u;�.`:_:
<br /> QQ 8ortowers irttarest in the proprir,l to ths Trustea under the terma o4 thi�deeQ oftruat.In ar�'itton,such a Banowes agrees that the Lender and +� • . . �•:.,;
<br /> `�� otha�Borrowar unQar thia d�acrd of trust msy exter�d,modity or make a�y other ehan¢�in the terma of this daed of trust or tha secured � •- - �, �:' ;:
<br /> d�withaut that Bortowere wnserrt and rrtt�out rofeasing thet Bortower from tho torRS:a ef�qs5a daad of truat. � �
<br /> - The dufles end 6enefits ot this Cosd oi trusi du;it 6ind and banofrt the succa�at�and asi�s of Lsndor and Borrowar. ' t���,�
<br /> ` ta.Irffatlea Untess oU�etwiso requUed by faw,arry noitce to 6orrower shail Co�.°vcn by dei••.raring R or by mailir�y h by eertit3ed maii adQressed to i',;„� -
<br /> Boaowor at Uw pr�rty addrasa e►ar�y�athe►sd4rese that P.orrowar h��piven to lanast.LRcrtower wdl pivs arry noUce to Lender by certifted �;�
<br /> r,�ail to Lend�s ess on pags 1 of this de�d of truct,ar tn r.ny other�dQPess whlcte�.urnlar•ha�destpn�tad.Any other noUce to lender shail ---
<br /> Ira serrt to Lendar'e aQdross as atuted on pape t of Wa dacid ai vust. .
<br /> --=�,-
<br />�,;_:fv� Any notiee ehe11 be deemed to have been pIv�t co Bonower or Lender when ty.'ven in ths mannef s�u:�u'cove. �,�ti�.�•
<br /> --'��:�g � ... .
<br />.y.+lpi� ,. . 1.'::--
<br />;,.,t,a.. 19.Tmsin o1 t!w Proprrry a�B�Qef�f Irt�t in 1?w Barowor.If ali ac any part of the propertlr or rm�v iMerest in it ia cotd or trenaterted � ,- ,,,_
<br /> wltfiout LenQer'e pia written consaM, t.awder msy deman0 immediate RAY�M of tfia cecurad ddrt. I.mnder may atso Qsmand immediste �.�,,,r,.,.-
<br /> � d�m�and payrn�ertteon ffio ahiova st(urrtions If rt s Orahibdlted EV feGaral law es o tita Qaeo of 11�Ut daod o}��us�K.d�arred. Howaver.Len4er may not � - ';.
<br /> t!�--.,"� �_�t�'�:_
<br /> �it a�.��'='=-
<br /> •' 1D.R�eorw�yanc�.When the aDYlgatbn secured by this deed of tnist hno Oeen paid end Lornder has no fiuther obOgaccn to make advancea �r.r.dr.,,�.�
<br /> • � under the Insbumenu or �smertte seraued by thla Qeed of truat,the Truatee ahaif upan written request by Nx�LenQer,reconvey the trwt te:,.;,� id��S.
<br />:=�:<�' property.The Londer sh�0�iive�4o Use Borrowar,or to Bortower's succooaar in interast,tl�ci trust dnnd and tho note or otMtr ovidonca ot Uw ��' '
<br /> Y?i�;rs obl�gaUon so eatisfied.Barrower shall pay nny re�otdaUan coasts. t��i'�����
<br /> , _��'_'���?'r's_ _:
<br /> =::�.,r �.� � �
<br /> ?�'�"� 21.Sucesua Tn�s2H. Lender, at Lendere option, may romovo Trustee ertd appoin4 a auecessor trustes by first, mailing n copy of tho �
<br /> suDstitvtion ot trw-tee es requtred by applteah�o Iaw,nnd than,by fi!ing the aubstituUon of�usteo for record in the oftico o�the regl3ter o!deeds i�': ����'..
<br /> of eaeh ecur+ty in which the trust property,or same port theteot,is situated.The sueeessor truatee,without convoyanw ot tfia property,ahall ��'•� '
<br /> � sueceed to aft the power,duGas,autAarlty and ti4fa of tha Trustoo named in tha deed of trust and ot sny suceessor UuBtoo. ��. ,�,,, ,�,,,,,,r
<br /> . du ,.'.�����-
<br />_ �"1`R•n_ - .
<br /> . :i�i-,i:i�iFi€•=+.:r:I:' ..
<br /> " �s�'e�;.-:•i�_.
<br /> . ' •� -_
<br />. i l.. . .
<br /> • , . r' :�,�L .
<br /> ' Ip+DS 2 o12J . � , .
<br /> ��:i:,_..�u
<br /> BANRE:i9 SYSTQJS.6:C..ST.LlO1JD.GtN 59301�7•COG]97434U FOlCA QCP•tSf6K..°EJ1491 '
<br />. �--.^�i�:��..
<br /> . 1' ' _
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<br /> ..-__-._.-a. � . _.. .. _ . . .
<br /> •I. r ` • . ..Y _ , � . ' �.. .�� . .. . • � . . � , • i.1i' � ' � _ ' ` ' . .
<br /> . . . � . • � ..� ... . . . . . . .. • " :.:1'• .. .. . � ... .. .. . � . � . .. - � . � ' . � �
<br />