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. � <br />, � � <br />, , <br />' � <br />� <br />� <br />20�1�02937 <br />EXHIBIT A <br />TO <br />MODIFICATION OF DEED OF TRUST <br />Legal Description of Property: See Attach Exhibit "A° <br />•1'Af'tGEL l: T2�e Nnrtheast DuartE�r ot �ection ��, '1'uwnst�ip lU ta�rth Ranqe � � <br />�West of the 6th P.M., Hall County Nebraska, excepting a certain 'tract <br />there�rom as recorded in Warranty Deed in.Book 197, Page. 317� in the <br />Register of Deed Off ' • I'' . <br />. _ .. . •. . • --- ---- • _ . . .._,—_._._ ' <br />PARCEL� 2: The Northwest 9uarter (NW1/4) of Se�tion 17,_Toanship�l0 North, <br />Range 8 West of the 6th P.M., Hamiltan County, Nebraska, excepting a <br />certain trect deeded to The State of Nebreska as shown in Warranty Deed <br />recorded in Book 55,'�Page 326. . �� <br />• I <br />..� � <br />Parcel 3: The West Helf of the Southeast (�uarter (W1/2 SE1/4) �nd�the Ea$t_. _.. <br />Helf of the Southweet�Ouerter (�1/2 SWl/4) of Section 24, Towrnship 11 <br />North, Range 8 West of the 6th P. M. , Hamilton County, Nebraska, exdepting a <br />tract of land comprising the westerly 335.08 feet of the southerl,y 642.75 <br />feet o� the 5E1/4 of . SW1/9 af Section 24, Townehip 11 North, Range !B West of � <br />the 6th P.M., Hamilton County, Nebraska. � <br />. ; • <br />• I <br />Parcel 4: The Northwest 6tuarter (NWl/4) of Section Faur (4), Township Ten <br />(10> Nortli Range Eight. t 8) West of the 6th P. M. , Hamilton County, Nebraska, <br />�except a tract of land comprising a part of the Morthwest Wuarter,;(HW1/4) <br />and mare -parti-cula-rly���described as follows: Beginning at a pointl on the <br />east line�of•said Northwest 9uarter �NW1/4) said point being Fort� t40'? <br />feet south of the northeaet corner of said �Horthwest 8uarter (NWl/4�), �alsci <br />being a point on the northerly rig�ht of way line of Highways 2 end 34; <br />thence,southerly along the east of sa3d Northwest Ouarter INW�/4), a <br />distance of Three Hundred Sixty (360') �eet; thence.westerly parallel to <br />the north iine of said Northwest euarter (HW114); •a distence af Three <br />Nu�dred Fifty #eet (355') feet; thence northerly perall•el to the east line <br />of seid Northwest bluarter iNWl/4), a distence of Three Hundred S3xty (360•') ' <br />f�et, to a point on said highway right of way line; thence easterly alang ' <br />seid right of wey line, a distance af . Three Hundred f3fty five • t35�' ) feet • <br />to the pl.ace of beginning end Excepting a certain tract deeded Ito the' <br />State of Nebraska recorded in Book 39, Page 163. ' , . <br />