. �_ t . .. ' . f.. ... �` . .�v._...._._..,.•..aw�._.i..�. �__.__�......�...._�...�....��1.3 '...=,-,�.:�._._'_��..__._..r.._.�_.......-- ��—�+=�----�.'�"_1 .. , -.
<br /> `-_,.....z_ � r -_'. r.
<br /> 9 ��i OO�V
<br /> »��� . ._ e..�►.,...a.� -s� ., .w nf tha Cmt� ar �`
<br /> _.,� . • i7. Trdplst�r o} ttte Pro�erty or a eaenenaiai ini�io8a e.� o.»,....o.. ., a. .r _�s, .-i`• _. . . .�Y €..-. ._.1 . :-: �_�_
<br /> asiy �nteresi in it is sold or transteRed(ar d a 6enefiaal m!erest�n 8ortower �s so!d or transterted and Borrower�s not a na^��' �f�;;. .. •'
<br /> �a-e�*ia�±--�_„___---
<br /> person) �vdhout Lender's pnor wrtten consent. Lend2r may.at rts opt�on reQuire ur.me�.atn payrr,em �n lufi ot s�l sums secured bJ
<br /> this Seaurity InStrumEnt Mowever 1':is cpUon sha:l not be exerased bY Lender if exeruse�s proh��Qed by lederal law as o�t.ie •
<br />. tlate ot thrs Secunry tnswmeot :. �;. .',_
<br /> It Lender exercises this opUOn. Lender shuli grve 8arra�ver notice ot ucce:eraGan The noUCe shail provide a penod ol�ot � � `� �,
<br /> I�ss than 30 days fram tho date 4he novice is delivered or maled wdhm which Bo�rower must pay att sums sPCUted by [his ��,�• '%��'`."=
<br /> ,;��,� �
<br /> Securtly Instrument. tt Borrower taiPs to pay th¢.,a s+�ms pdor to the expvaLOn of this penod. Lender cnay inuc[�e any remedies '� � . , ,, _.�... -
<br /> � permrtted by this 3ecurtry instrument wdho�t fuKher r.oUce nr demand on 8artower ; <<-",
<br /> 18. BoProtivets RtgPa4 4� R�ie�s�0. tt Borrower meets cenaln condRtons. Botrower shati have the right tu have • , �
<br /> �,<� enforcement ot this Security instrument discontinued at aay time pnor to the eartier ot (a? 5 days (or such cther pencd as � : , ;� .,
<br /> f ,� appficabte iaw may specity for reinstatement)befere sale of the Praperty pursuaM to eny powef ot sale containetl in this Securrty =•"
<br />� ,, Instrument or (ts) ea�try nt a iudgment entorcing thfs Securfly �astrument Thcce canditlons are that 8onower (a) pays Lender all
<br /> � sums which then wauld be due undet this Sec�crtty �nsUUmerrt and the Note as d +�o acceteradan harl ocarned: (b►cures arty i. ' .: ._
<br /> detauR nf any other aovena�t or agreemenis: (c) pays aa expenses �ncurted in enforclrtg th�s Sacurrty lnstrument mcl¢dirtg.D�t ���.'y. .�
<br /> noi timtted to. reasonable attomeys' tees: and (d) tekes such acGon as Lender may reasonably�qu�re to assure that the hen ot
<br /> this Sewrity InsVUment. Lertder's nghts m the Properiy and Borrowers ohliguuon to pay the sums secured by this Securrty ,..�; �;;,:...�._�,,. j;N,,Y.._
<br /> Instrume�t shall w�rtinue unchan ed. U on re�nstatement b 8oaov�er. thia SeCUrtry tnstrumecrt artd th¢ abllgatlons secured '.'�-%;'�+"_:.�- ' "
<br /> - � 4 P Y -�',+��',:=,=.-.�------
<br /> � hereby shall remain hilty eftective as it no acceteratioa had occurred However-th�s right to remstate shall nal app�y m the case .: •.;.. .-.,-�,...�+x;
<br /> 'i ot acceteratlon under paraSraPh 17. �, . �x { ,••u��'�
<br /> ;�s ��
<br /> 13. 5alo of 4Vo4e; Cite�tgo of L2�an Ssrvicee.The Note or a a partial interest in tha Wote (tagrsther with te�s ;�+;�Y�� 'V-�g --__
<br /> Securty tnstniment) may ba sold one or more times wRhout pnar norice to Bortnwer A sale may result�n a change m ihe entiiy
<br /> 4;�`� (ynown as the •loao S�rriceY)that coileets monthty payments due under the IVate and this Seeurfty Instrument There aisu may ,�, }��'-
<br /> ;;-e;x'�.:z�-�.='-
<br />�� be one or ma;e changes of the Loan Service► u�retated to a sate ot the Note. If there is a chenqe nf the Loan Servicer. _�--_:.�__,_
<br />�,...� BoROwer w�ite��writteti noUce of the change in accor�ance with paragraph 14 ehove and apFGcahie Iaw. The notice wi0 _. ,..�;,;;
<br /> ' �'�.
<br /> state the name sn�address of the neN Loan Serv�ce►and the address to which payments shoutd be made. The notice wN also _. �,.
<br /> _ cor�tair►any othe:ir�formatian seqvired bY BAi�is�bie law �''•VS��
<br /> �- '
<br /> 20. H�¢90us StabStSStCes. Borrower shalt not cause or permR the presence. use. disposat.storage. or relzase of .'i:�{',•';.------_ - -
<br /> ' any Hazardaus Sst.�.�nces on or in the Property. Borrower shaU not do, nor aflaw anyone efse to do.anythmg aitecLng tfie _`_•r:t�,�;�_'+,'�i"_� _
<br /> '•"'� Properly that is ez'.'io�ation af any Bnvironm�tai Law. Yhe preceding twa sentences shall not appty to the presence. use, or �
<br /> storage on the Froperry of smail quantities of �s�ardous Substances thai are generalty recog�aed to be appropriate to nortstat
<br /> .'���.�1F6M:.��_.
<br /> residenUal uses and to ma;ntenz��e of the Property. •.
<br /> � Borrowe► shali promptly goue L.ender written notice of �.y fnvestigation, daim, demar�, lawsuit or other acUon by any � �? .
<br />;,.y . � ; .__
<br /> gu•,,�rnmentai ar segutatory agency or private pttrrty invoNing 2#+e,Property and any Hazardnus Substance or Environmerrtal Lav of '}
<br /> �y ' �...
<br /> r��►�� Borrowc:r .�as actuai knowledga if Bortower leams, or is notified by any govemmerttal or regulatory authorily. L`�S any ,'(� -�'•'��
<br /> re-a�ral or e'�ha� •_,ar+ad'ation of any Hazardous Substance affeciing ProP��l is necessary. Bortower �rll promptly take sll „ ��
<br /> '. narazea�y recne�+,.1d��a:;ons in accordance wftA Emironmerrtal Law. . ��
<br /> '.!; ;:':
<br /> r'-�`�'s
<br /> �4s used in t:ia *ardgraph 20. 'Hazardous Su�stances' are those subs�nces defined a�toxic or hazardous substances by ..�.
<br /> Emtironmentai Law and tti2 foi:�wing substances: gasolc�s. kerosene. other flemmable or toxic petroteum products. toxic •; ;�,� .
<br /> � � pestlGdes and hamirasias. vafaU}�soMents,m�'.�a'ials wntaining ashestos ar innn�ldehyde. a�nd radioactive materiats. As used in •,�:��t'
<br /> paregraph 20. 'c�vtronmental law' means f°-cra� taws and laws af the jvrisdictian where the PropeKi� s�orated that rerate to ,i�,•.
<br /> health,safety or environmental protecUon. �'�`°
<br /> �i_;.,.
<br /> NON-UNIPORM COVENAh°!'S. Bortower and Lender further covenant and agree as toltows: � .���,.
<br /> 21. Acceleration; Hernodlea Lender shatl givo natice 4o Borrmwec prior to acceleration _ „ :;��.
<br /> foflawing Bono�vor's brea�b of any covena�t or agreamant in tliis Security Instcumont (bu4 not �±;�<
<br /> prlor to aaceloratlon under paragraph 17 uMess appllcablo law provEdos othenvlue). The notice ,�;:�_-
<br /> •,;��,u;:-
<br /> , shall specify: (a) the defautt; (b) the ac4ton required to conam the dofnul� (c) a da4a. not tess thaa �,;;,.---
<br /> �. _, 30 days trom the dato the nottce Is glven to Sorra+n►er, tty which thv dofault must bo cured; a�.d _ _ _.�"`-���_--
<br /> (d) that iaifure to curo �he default on or 6e3�a the date spec�tie� ��� tho notice may ro�tr in --�-��:-�Y,_�=_
<br /> accelera2ion of the sua�n��.scured by thia Secw�.�iy tnstrument and saia at tite Property.The rnm�co r�F^_�:::`• ��
<br /> shall furtltev Brs'Porm ��..�s+av�er of tL�a rlght to rains4ate arEtox acceteration and tha �ight to bring a �,Y�:;}x���
<br /> court aati��a s�o �cQ the nor►-o%.nstence af a defauf3 x�r any ather defense of Borrower to � .x,,,,.��,:.�--
<br /> ''�:•xA�;�;::;,:�.
<br /> acaeteratlor� �n�� a�.°s�. ��r tfie defadit ts not aured on or �efore the date speciflad In the notice, . „ ; , ;r�r�,.,
<br /> an
<br /> 6.r&m��r at ita option rv�� require immedlate �xry,�ment in full of afl suma secured by thls Security �b !__,::�rr��,.. •;,�.;:
<br /> � ia��t�sument wtthout f�Rher demand and magr �imva6�e the pawer of sale and any ather remedies '•°•�'•'•� �---=-
<br /> perrntitted' (b�j appltcable Iaw. Lender shall be entitled to co l lect a l l expen�ea ineurred In pursuin g l
<br /> the reme::i� ��ovtded ln thls paragraph 21, Includtn�. �bvt nat Ilmited to� reasonab�e attomeys' �..'3.�.:... �:'
<br /> . �.�a and costs ot title evldence. ��� � �;..
<br /> t�f the power of cate is tnvoked, T�ustee shall record a noUce ot d�4ault In each county in r�;��,.���� n '
<br /> ' v�hich any part of the Qroperty ts located acad shall mail copiea v� suci� nottce in tha manner '�'\��'�•. . � ' -•,
<br /> prescribed by applicabfe law to��awer and to the other persons prescr i 6e d�y app l ica b le law. z_ . •. t °��"�.
<br /> After the timo required by appNx��tflv Is►w, T�u�too shall give pubUc nottae of aate to the persons :,,,;;`� :,. �•.;'�`;�:,
<br /> • �. and In tho mann�r pres�scmed tr,� z��+pllcable law. Trustee. withou't �'iemand oa� �orrower, shalt sell •, A,�,j�,,;_,,:;_,�,-_
<br /> ttpno P�oparty at pubflc zu�cClon to the htghes2 midder at tha time m�:�i plaoe and under tfto torono ���•�•
<br /> }�N���`t��:4F"'!";�'r':_ '
<br /> • �esignated In the not.� of sale In one o� ���re parcels and iro amrq� order Trustee det��ucsea. rs;�k`,�Y.•��,:.,,..
<br /> : ' Trustoo m�ry postpone sale of all or a�y pzu�rvi of the Property by pubUc announcemert�C �i; ti�e ���i�r:+;;�.r;, .
<br /> time and �QaCe oi any provloualy scheduled sale. �nder or its destgneo may purchose the �,�;�:,_,::.�.,.,.::�_
<br /> •<<`ti
<br /> Pro�erty�i �ny sate. � ' ' . ,
<br /> Upan roceipt of aaLrc�ent of the p►iae I�ii�, Trustee shall deliver to tfie purchaser Trust�e's . .
<br /> . r�'�as1 conveying th� ���^,+�rty The recilals 9�0 �he Trustee's deed shall be prlma facle evtdence of ��:�;�;.,.�� ,:
<br /> �.vhe truth c3 tne s�'!a�Tm�:�ts made therein. Yrustee shall apply the proceeds of the sale ln the . ,
<br /> • foflowing order. (a) i� a0 costs and expenses of exerci�ing the powar of sale, and the sate, e�``' •� � .
<br />� 9nceuding the payra�oeat af the Trustee's fees actually incurred, no4 to exceed three � �,� �:, •' .
<br /> �. e� mf tho princfpa) amount of tha ,,���.�.,..A.._-�=
<br /> � :��te at the time ot the declaration of defauG;. and reasonabie alfn�c�may's feos ae permitted by Oaw; �;.���>'7+�? � �
<br /> . (b) to all sums secured by thls Security InJ',sr.ement; and (c) any excess to tho person or persons �' � r - - - _
<br /> :.:.
<br /> ' legatty entitted to it. � .•�"`�
<br /> c� 1:�4,;',.
<br /> . . �rp������� � �at�� . .`
<br />. . �..� ct3:6 LIAG(3J9fi) =-.3�G of S 1 %'�t4aH��tj"� : ---
<br /> _ _ �'t���4�i�tc4 - -
<br /> ` t''��1- - --
<br /> ".y . -
<br /> _ . � . . .
<br /> ' es,3s � :
<br /> � --� .., • °
<br /> , . .. .. __ . _ .... . . ._ . . _ .. �
<br /> - -:---- ..._...,.a._ _. . . ..., « _. . �, �
<br /> ' ' . �._ , • ' . • . , . •, �.. .�., . . ' ' �
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<br />