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<br /> � ACKNO�DGMLNT OF DEED O� Y�iUS4 A►S SECtJRITY 9�9STFttlP�9E6VT ' :. ;s.�.;:Yr�;�?�:�.�"-`°—'
<br /> : O�"� ;,�n.�c�<..�:�..�,=..�s�� _._
<br /> wa Bazw G SAnds'tror� and Judv A. SancDsQr�m Husband and WHe _ �'� �-��'����`�v�Y
<br /> � „r�'�'`��4., . -_
<br /> ..�'�.�..:�ar�1r�' .
<br /> . �� -=H:- -
<br /> .(•Trustor°) -_-
<br /> under me fouov�iny Oeed of 7n,st co te er�teree tnto amoeg Truscors.Nt�tional �ank of Gammorae T�atst and ' '_ � -
<br /> Savin s fissaciat�on 13th &°O° Stree Uncoln NE 68508 '.-;- ' �°° ��
<br />� ("Trustee'). i�,'�;� :l.�F;�..
<br /> ana The Overland Nattonal Bank o!Grand Island t �,� �������-
<br /> :•••:.. . :�• —
<br /> ('Benefrdary')covertng the propeRy descrtbed below hereby achrow�edge thaS it is undetstood th�(a)the Oeed of Trust to be • �
<br /> . .� executed by Tmstor is a trust deed arod not a mortgage and(b)the power of sate provided for in tha Deed ot Tnist provldes �` �• `� �'.`
<br /> substan6aV}r drfferent rights and ob6gations to the Tnutor than a mortgage in the event ot de(auft or breach ot obiigation. ;'`�o .• ; •._'�F: ; .
<br /> _.._��.^, ..< :
<br /> Trustor acknativledges that this Actmowledgment was made prior to the executicn c::he�eed of Trust � ' � ;,;'." �---
<br />. .;u ./.7��� .. •_ ...,'� ..' '
<br /> Executed and delivered thls 28th day ot Se ember �:?�rza. ;
<br /> �.��;r., •�t• �t
<br /> .. T�,,�o� Trustor Barry �ss#�stro�r+ '`'�'� . ' �
<br /> Y.5 <: �� :.::,
<br /> , �� ;' •• ' .'
<br /> r�s4rom \..�_ Fn'� �' ':«��,' :.�
<br />- . Tmctat TrustOr '."..;.}�.�t �,'�4 .,
<br /> .� • . .' i.� ..
<br />, r r•���.� r�1?: ..
<br /> E!� O� YRUST �,;.,, � . :a,�.�.,,�;�.' '_
<br /> /`��: :{:' r•
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<br /> , ,,5����a- (�'._:.
<br /> s mada on S� tem�er 28th 1996 ,�������,;�.{';. ..=r
<br /> TNIS OEED OF lRUST('Security Instrument')i p ' :� ��`:-
<br /> ' ' The m,stor is�Barrv G Sandstrom and Judv A Sandstrom Husba�d F�� �yNe �r�orrov,er'). �� �'` '� '�" �' �,Y•
<br /> } .
<br /> rne trustea is attonai Bank of Commerce Trust and Savinas Associ�t on 13th$c"�"Streeta.liincoin. � �� � �:�' " "
<br /> � (Trustee).The beneftdary is —f-"
<br /> . N 68568 ' �
<br /> Th Qveii d Nationa 8ank of rand Istand whtch is organized and e�dsttng r.t• . •
<br /> un�er the laws ot ni4ed States af Amer ca and whose eddress is 304 West Third StreAt - .,� .-.
<br /> 4 . �'
<br /> ` Grand tsland I� B01 ('Lender'}� . — ---- .�,
<br /> � Borrower owes 1.endet :.�prindpal sum o1 One Nundred Seventv Eig Titousan �our Hundre �t�t'r�r$• ,;�:;;_-
<br /> � - OOIIQQ Ooitars (U.S.� 1�8.400.Oa �. This debt Is evtdenced by&srrz�+�er s notv ' �� .,_,....:..;�'��.
<br /> dated the same Qate as th(s Searity InsUument ('tVote'). �Nhich provides tor monthty payments,with the fu0 debi, it not�i+� ��_��
<br /> eariter,due and payabte on Qctober 1.2011 �;
<br /> ,.''�?���' This Securily Instcument secures to Lender: (a) repaymmt ot the debt evidmced by ihe Note, with interest,and aU renewas: M�„;�
<br /> extensions and mo�ificaUons o1 the Note; (b) the payment ot all other sums, wltb interest, advanced under paragraph 7 to __ �'�}'•t,u.__ •'-
<br /> - ,.,,:,,a.�-.
<br /> � protect the sea�rity of 1f�iy Security Instrument: and (c) the pPrtormanca af Borrower's covenants and egreements. Por this . . r�
<br /> � �. purpose. Borrower irr���c�1y grants and conveys tn Trustee, in Wst, vlith pa�er� ot sate. the foilowing des�s+�ed properry •�v�•�" '�r��_
<br /> �. ,t�ku�;{:..:,. ..
<br /> � tocated in Hal� Cae��t�f. Nebraska: , t
<br /> '�y���� Lot TCrm;e (3), tre Fraatiatt� �tock Thirty-Three (33), in MonilPs Add7ltlfcsr� and the Westor(�q `��t4�;'�
<br /> 1`�f�` Fo�.Two Feet (�.�'�2') of Frs�Eional Lo!Two�2�, in t�ractlonat Block Thi� �hres (33) In MorrilPs �'°"�' _
<br /> Addition and Etu c�x�plement To-9�UI� T�te esteri�j �orty Two E�sot (W4�o! Fractional l.ot Two ' .,-::�'" • -
<br /> � (2}. In Fractionsi 1�II�k Pifty�tve (55. ta V�'asmer's 4f�i�d Addtli�rr.ro all being Additions to the City .•� "•,.,;�.. •
<br /> of Graeed island. u�;n County. Nabras�o. . �:r: � ,��...;.
<br /> :��,:� �
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<br /> ,' �'Q�t:.�VT t�
<br />' � �.��.�P�:. 1.
<br /> ''�R�,ti`3='' �
<br /> ` � whlch has the eddres4 or 2117 W. Charles St., . Crand Islant�. �����-�r'.'`-��
<br /> Nebraska 68H03 ('Properry Address'):�� Frty ���
<br /> �y�' z� c"p o�— "- �
<br /> !f�'Y�' �ym tU29 .. "�ce.�SKA Sm¢_ Fnmdv FNMA/Fra�tlC UNiFORlA�k5%�:/+!•ENi (U� ��;;CA'� ��i••�=,F�rw; . =..
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