- .. , .. . ���,• �; ,, , � ,-':"'°`_� _•�-
<br /> .j:�_�.�. g6_ 10?'�7�� :
<br /> priactgal amoun!o!ttts indebiadness secured by this Oead of TrusK.nai inctu�ng suma advan�ed to protec3 the ssauify af Ws Qee9 of
<br /> Trust�xce2d ths origin�t prin�ipal amowt stated hgrein,or$ .vr�dctiever is gre3ter.
<br /> 18.41tr.�c43�svo�3v1�tQ�t�.
<br />- ' (a�B�rmwer t�idt F�afe�.ExYSnstan oi tha Ume for payment or�no�fi�atlan of amartization of f9te sums sa�cre�Ery thls _
<br /> ' Dsed o9 Trus!grantad by Leader to any succe�sor in in.ersst of Borrawer shall not aparaio to rataaso,tn erty mannar.th�fi��- _
<br /> . . ry o!t�s orifltnal Borro�var and�arra+va�a su�essors in interesL Leader shail not be requtred to commen�procee�ling�s
<br /> agatnsi s�fi succacsor or retuse to extend tlme for payment or otfiervrise rtwd'�►amort(aa8an ot tho sums��ur¢d by Ihio
<br /> Deed o1 Trust dy raas4n af any Qsmands mada by the cdglnal�orrawer and Borrowats aucceasare in interest
<br /> (b)L�rtder'�Powers.Vtthout affecWg ths fiabait}�of any othar person liabie fortFte payment aT any oQligatinn h4re?n rrr�n-
<br /> `'� Ua1ed,and wit�►out aNecting the lien or ct�arg9 ot Ws Deed a!Tnist u.p�n any poRtan of the Pr�perty�ct tP►on or there:cioa� -
<br />' r�"`� ceteased es secs�rity Yor the iu11 emaunt ot all unpaSd o�Gga�ans,lendar may.trom t[m�to tima end Ylithout rtfl�ce(�re'e�s =
<br /> ' arry person so liab.o,(i�extend tha maLtHty or sitar any oi tlte terms of any such obl�gaUOns.(Hij flrar►t a1Rar irs4u;�nc¢t3.(fvf -
<br /> E� re'easo or comay,or cause to be reteased ar reoonvaye�at any tima at Lender's opUon any par�el,paRlen er ct!101�o -
<br />�_-. Rroparty.(v)hke or rel��se atsy ctpter crt 8ddi�onal ssasrity or remnveyed at any time at lsndsr's option arty p�ntsf.pcston or
<br /> at!ot Ma Proz►arty,(v�t�ke cr retease arry athet or at�Uona1 securit9l for any obL`gatlon hereln menuoaisd.or(vt�na[c8 cc�r�to-
<br /> � si�ens ot o1h2r artangamants vaiY�dsb�rs 1n re!aiton Mereto. _
<br /> � (c)���eastutce by Len�e Qt�i m 1�laSvaa.My forbaatance by L.ertd�r tn c3xencisit�eny�ight or remedy Pt�restr��.og oLia�
<br /> � envise afiorded by agplia�to taer,shall resi te s a�aiver o4 or prec(udo tho exercise of any such dght or resstedy.Th�psoqsr�
<br />- merN ot tnsuranca ar tfia pay�r�rtt a3 4axes ar o�r[iens or cha�s tsy lender shaSl not bs a vraivar or Londafs right flo a�ceter-
<br /> ate tha maturiry ot ihe indebtadsxtrsfs sacur�by tNs Dead at T�u�.
<br />' ,:;`.<�< (dl Suc�ors an�Aa3dgcs¢C��d87n4 ond�raeeai f.[�6:tfI4y;��pu�r13.The covenants and ag�o3manta hQrsln oan-
<br /> tairted shaU btnd,and tha dghf�hereunder shal!inure to, ths respet�iva successors and asslgns oi 4snder e�d Tnistca.AG
<br /> , . cuvenants and agmemants o!Trustor shail be jaint and saveral.Tha c�Uarts and Aesdtngs ot the Rarag�P�s ot 4f�s Deed a!
<br /> T�ust are tar oonventanae only and are nni to be used to interpret or define tts�provisions hereof.
<br /> �� (e)R�uest tor[�a4itxs.The parties heceby request that a capy of any notice o?dsfauft hereunder and a oa¢y ef+ury nof:ce
<br />,•`•;,,, . of sate hereunder be mailed to each party to ttds Deed ot Trust at the address set foM above in the manner p�c[�b�d�y
<br /> •=-�. ajrpitcabs laar.Excapt for any ather nofke required�uxler eppt'iczb�e taw ta be g�ven in�nother rtsanner,any noLrs Rr�vtded tor
<br /> "��,,� in thLs Deed of Trust si�ail be ghren by matiing sucA notice by certiffed mail addressed to the oti�er parttes.at the s�dross set
<br /> ,S, .* torth abova.Arry nofDca pmviGEd fac in ihi�tsesd of T�ust shati ba sfEcs�Frs apan ma�7ing in the manrt�r desigrraied R2ran.lf
<br />- Tn�stor is more thaa ona persan,noti�ssrtt fle tnc�address set farth ahove sittsll he notice to ali such per.�;s�.
<br />_��;:,���. (�4nspection.Lsnder may make or cauar�+�L�e made reasonabta e��ar�d tnspecPtorts af ti�Propsr�p.Arorrided
<br />_����'��� that Lender ehal!give Trust�r rtatu:e prtar to ar�st:ch inspec�aa speafying cc�nabte cause thersfar c�f�2d to L,ersdc�a int�r- .
<br /> _ '-- est In the Property.
<br />-==_ (g)Reeortveyett��►.Upon pa�i ot all sums secuced by itris�eed QO Trus►.Lendes dsal!reques2 Ttrlstee to�onv�y 4ho -
<br /> Praperty and sP�nO surrender this�eed ot Tn�st and all na�-s evtdsr�cing�nr.'e�otedns��asred[x�1r�QeEd o9 Tnist to
<br />�;,..'�4 Trustee.Trusiaa sh�I!reconvey tha PropaRy.uuiUmut vrarranty asd�uiUwac du�*;e to the pensan fegattp e�ri�s'Yed thcrot.�.Tn�Wr „
<br /> _,.,v.. st�ll pay aD c�ts or rec�sdaiton.it siry.
<br />�,: ' (h� Petsonai Rtoaer4y;Searrtty Agreament As additiortaf.�rity ter ths payment of the t�ate.Trustea heco�y grants
<br /> = La�c undartho Kebraske lynifomf Comme�lal Codo e saau�i.�i rr:arest tn a!i fi�dures.equtprt:erit.and other F���D�KY
<br /> �cC t�a connecttan with the reai estate ar tmprovemems torxst�ii r�reon,2nd not otherwfse deGared er deemec!to DQ a par!oi
<br /> - the raa!estate secu.�d heteby.This insWmer,t��!i be omrs�..Md as�Sttc►,rc!y Agreement under srctct�ade.arwt�ra Le►►der =
<br /> � . shall haxe a!1 ths cr{�end�e�redles ot a�a,tt:m� patty w�der s�d�S trr add�ton to the ri�i:�¢s�rd:esma�fios wdar thts �
<br /> parag�aph s'haff t�a rasnulatIve with.and tn nm�r���'x-�c�n�sn.Len�s�n�tstG and resnadces 4r�w�ca/c3her`ecurity egr8e-
<br /> ment stgn�d by Ba�nrer or Trustor.
<br /> (i�P1�ts�Encumbra�ca�7nrstav hereDy warrsn��rni'�r�senis tPr�t th�re ir�r�dcfauit undar Ytw prard�icns ot am/
<br /> --_- mott�.d�ed o!trust.leasc��urchase contract descrif�t�::a3 or arry pa.4 M the Ft�r.i�.or other oontract.in�tuu�:�ent a
<br /> -°��.,. agrsecrr�t ca�'�6i;g a ISeR s�enc�mbrdnae a�atnst all at+�ry part ot��'ra�arty►(e�"�ecSvefy.`lien�'1.e�dsUrtg as o7 Me
<br /> date�g ti�ds�J�csi:af`1'r.,,st,ertd thaY any attd a0 existing Uens ratnain unmutU'�r�.�d except a3 duc(osed to i.etsd�r tn Yn�tors wrii
<br /> • �� ten d's��i�is��e cG ffr�-,s and erdcurnbrances provided for herein.Trustor��all tlmeSy pe�form all 0/Tnistofs obltaa4sons,
<br /> '..� cmr�s�s.repra�e:�4a8ons end warranttes under enyr and eA existlng end tuture Liens.�hal1 ptom�tiy fawacd to LenCo:oopies
<br /> ,�•':�� � al eb mr�x�of detaul!sent(n caarr�ecUon with any and atl e��ting or future Llans.and shalt no!witheut Ls�edats prio:written •
<br />.�� con�:`t�n arry m�ner modiiy tl�o prmvistons ot or Mow arry future advaiu:es undsr eny existing arfuh�rd Bans.
<br /> �:r• Q Ap�ans ot Paymonb.Untess othenatse required by Iaw.sums patd to Lender hereundsr,inctuding wWaa�.A�r.it�
<br />:'•5.� tion paymelsi�a1 Pdn�pal and tnteres�tnsurarxe procee�.oondemnation praoeeds and rants ar�d Praf'�.stt�11 bo appAed by
<br /> � L�ender ta th�anwur�ts due and owing irom Tn�stor and borrawer in such oNer es Lender in its soie diacr�',la��dr�ents de�ir-
<br /> ebiA.
<br /> - (k�S�at�l►If arry pravisien of tAis Oeed of Trust cantiicts vriM app�cabie law ar is deda�cf ireY,.�tlfao o7Aa►wise uneo-
<br /> =__ ' torcac�fo.sucb canflict or invatWlt��sha11 not afiect the other prwrisiw�01 this Deod ot T�ust w tha Note wNch can!xa gtven
<br /> == . eff�Jt ti�ItTsoui tha ocr�f''.�tirt��ra�f��an,attd to this end Uta ps�uts�ons ai Ws Deed o1 Tn�t entf the 11S�aro d�claro�1�f�Eev-
<br /> _= at&C�.
<br /> .. (Q Tianra Ths tsmis'Trustor end'Borrowef shall ficlude Aoth s�ngutar and plu►a1.and wAen the Tn�r arnd Bara�ver are
<br /> the same peraoa(;��.ttwse terms as used in this Deed of Trust s�all be tnte�changea�te.
<br /> Em��avamirig�aw.Th(s Deed of Trust shail be governad Rty tlie Iaws of the S�te af Nebraska.
<br /> . .. •
<br /> • Tru�w has exocutad thlsa Daed ot Tru3t as af irie datb writri�n aba�fa.
<br /> �� -
<br /> �.
<br /> ELDOt�G H�LIIf o Husban� Trurstnr Trw^tor -
<br /> .
<br /> �RL/A.�� , ; 8 -
<br /> il�lif'6 r TIUitOT T(Iti�G►
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