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<br /> �{OOdS Of gOtldttl����Ilf�l j+l�Cr 1DQItt1�'i 11WII�IOC.�If 11�Sl1f�l�C�I�ilAOd�1�IE�OYfb��O[1��f0�c .
<br /> - �jx'�!f I�YtfCf-�1E.�[760C G�fiEr p[OYI�I�f�Itlifti�L�:i���fG C'bOQl1l��Of[QMEC�JOC�i0��'3�QY� ,. .
<br /> M�IC�f�Z DOt 6E a0L�9��vi�1C�.��SQ![�N�K.fit7S ZQ 11MlIISi1D OOYOqaE�1��OYC. T.C�O1lyr�,��f� , '
<br /> � �tlOQ,Cbf�ln(70YE17$C i0 p[OfQCt�'S Tl�i IJC�IE�fOQC[Iyt ID�E00[�Q�Ol�C Nlf�l�17�1�. � , ` < '
<br /> /�l�l11SItt�E�lCIG4�d.fQIGlVi1S 31liTl�fC�00�1C t0 t.!'�Cf�S�Ii�T IOC10dC t�10D�t$�9C f�tlllC. �. .. �
<br /> , 36i11 IIiYC!bC[ig�t0 LOW t�IC�iCf�S 10�lp1EMf1S.If LLadCf 1DQtt1fCS,$Ot[iOMIC[S�I QlO�tl)►$1VC t0 I4'�Er fIl IEOCip4 Of
<br /> �id`�IUdtS�d tC11G�Y�I OOl1�CS.IA tI1C CYC�of bSS:BOrIOWEt S6iII gtVC QlOdlpt OOtICE t0 thC 111SUfi1i0C C�1�!�d 1l�![.
<br /> _.. . '
<br /> . . -
<br /> Ixoder miy ma�c proof atoss tf not m�de P��r 67►Barowet: � �
<br /> Unkss I�eoder�d Bormaer ad�awise agtee in writing,finsa�noe poceada shait be apptied to�storuiiae�ar tep�r�f t6e `
<br /> Prnperty d�maged,if tbe tGS�oratioa or rep�ir is`ec000mipUy feasi'bie�nd Lender's sa�rity is mt'lesuaed.�f tb�tatontian or . �.
<br /> sepair is not eoonoimically feacible or Ierda's sea�rity woold bc lessened,tLe insurance p�ooeeds shall be appiied to tbe stla� �
<br /> - sceu�-hy shis-Seauity ir�trumeat,w6eshcE ar aot theri due,with arty excrss p�id w Borr+ower. If Borrowa a600d�aat t6e �
<br /> 8ra�perty,ur does not ansrret within 30�ays s trotice fram t,wder d�at tue insur�nce an'ia h�s afferod to�ettk s cWae,d�ae �
<br /> I,eadet may oaikct tbe incnranc�t proca�ds. I�eader may use tbe pnabeds to tr�ir or nestore the P�dpeRy ot to pay sums <
<br /> secored by tLis Saatrity Instrument,whetl�er or aot then due.T6e 3Q�day period wilt begen abea the narcc is giveo.
<br /> Unkss Lsnder u�d Bortawer dlkrwise agnee in wrtting. aaY appti�ion of.pmQeeds to prioci�l sbaU not eata�d 4r
<br /> �� postpone the doe d�of the mu�hly pay�nents refemed ta in par#grapbs I and 2 ai changc t�e nnoaat of tbe ptymd�ts.If� � '
<br /> . �iiec pacag�apb 21�tbe Pmperty is aoq�ired by I.eader.Bociewer's rsgut to�y ins�r�oc policies xnd proc,eods resaltina fiom
<br /> daa�e�m tbe Pmpecty prbr to the acqbisition si�ali pa�ss w t.wder tn the exteat of the s�sec�ued by dds Security Imtiameat '
<br /> imniQ�telY P�ior W.the acqaisitic�fr.� .
<br /> � . i..t)a�pucy.P�+eaaration,Msiptanace aud Prutedion at flk Ptupart9,Borro�rer's I.o�Ap�o�t.ea�ewlir .
<br /> � Horrp.r�r stnU az��:e�abllsb,and ase tbe Pn�paty�Bot�wePs pcincipal residenct withie si�r�rjs aftet the executioe of ,.
<br /> this S�r�tg•Ii�ent and shall cominue to oa;upy the Pr�sty as Bomower's pri�ipl,nsideoie for at least oae ye�r aAa
<br /> `the d�e of ooc�ey.uakss i.ender atl�trwLse agroes in��FSg,which coaseot shalt�.be tm�as'6a�bly�rithhdd,or adas
<br /> extawating c+�aa�ances exist�which are beyand Horroa�er's coatml. Borrower shai� not desuoy.dau�8� or imp�ir tbe
<br />� .PropeRy. a11oRr,t.�;�rapertY m deteriorate.or cammit waste on the Property.Bortower shalt be,�i�efaWt if�ty forfeip�e
<br /> -` ' action or pme��.whether civil or criminai:is begun that in I.ea1�s good faith judgment oaul��i�esult in forfeiture of t6e
<br />':j'. Propeny or ottiers�ise m�teziaUy impair the lien cnatod by this Security Insmunent or IxMer's savriiy inter�st.Bormrv�er m�y
<br /> � aics such a default an3 ranstate,as providod in paragrrph I8,by caasing the action ar prooeading to be`dismissod vrit6 s tulio� �
<br /> il�at� in L.ender's�x�d faith detemdnatlon, prectudes forFeitane of the Bormwer's interest in ihe P�ty or other a�aid •
<br />' ;_� imp�tm�ent of cf�.�en creatad by this Soeurity buroament or Lender s se�atrity inte�est. Bormwec:s�also be in defsult if :' :'.:.,
<br /> �_� Borrower,dasi��e toan applic.�tion process.Bave materially false or ev�urau infarmatioa or sute�ts w l�der(at faifed...;',,-�;�' .
<br /> to pmvide I.cndi.�with any matetial infot�ion)in cannection with the�Craa evidenced by the Note.i¢ciuding,but not 1Lniied ' . .
<br /> - E to.rep�e.sentations conceming Bomnwer's occupuxy of the Property as a pdncipal nsidena.If this Scrarity inqraa�eat is au s
<br />. j Ipsehold. BOROWCf SI12II COIfIpI)I Wltjl A�) lI1C Ft0VIS10t15 Of t11C IC3SC. If Borrower acquires fa tc�e to tbe Propaty, tbe �
<br /> , leagehold and the fa title shall not merge uniess Lender agrees to the merger in writing. � �
<br /> 7.Protection ot I.eadet's Rigbts In the Property.If Borrower fails to perform the cavenants and agreemeius contaiued ia .
<br /> this Sewrity lnsttument.or there is a legal praceediag that may significantly affect Lender's rights in the Propaty(suct►a�a
<br /> proceeding in bankruptcy,probate. for condemmtion or fo�feiture or to enforce taws or ngulations).then Lerder mry do aod
<br /> _ pay for whatever is necessary to protect the value of the Property and i.ender's rights in the Property. Leeder's acdom mry
<br /> inetnde paying any sutn9 secured by a lien which has priority.over this Securiry Instrument, appearing in 000tt, p�ryriaj'
<br />��:}.-:.'; reasanable attomeys'fees and entering on the Property to make repairs.Alchough I.ender may taYe aca"son under this p�rsRnpb. ;'.
<br /> . 7.Lender das r�bave to do sa. � • � .
<br />. t�tay attwunu disbursed by Lender unc�.."r this paragraph 7 shal! 6ec'ame additional debt of Bomnwar secw�t3lry tM '
<br /> Securi:y In�trumc.^.G Unless Borrower and l�;der agree to other tecros oE payment. these amaunts shall beu inraiest Crom ti�',
<br /> �- �4 date of disburse�at the Note rate and:dtat� be payabte. with interes�.upon ratice from Lenckr to Bommver'requesti� :•:
<br /> ;`. payment. �. . . .
<br /> - �'Mort�e�nwrmoe.tf Lcnder rcquired mortgage insurance ag a wndition of making the loan savral by this Securiry :
<br /> Instncment.Boaower shall pay the premiums required to maintain the mortgage insar��ce in effect. If. for ahy �on.the �
<br /> ,mortgage insurance eaverage required by Lender tapses or ceases to be in effect.Borrd•�er shall pay the premi�uus�quiied w�
<br /> ., abtain coverage�u�tandally equivalent to the mongage insurance previousJy in effect,at a cost subst�ntially'a�¢i��oent to tbe
<br /> oost to$ocroa��r oE the mongage insurance previously in effect. fram an attemate mortgage insurex.approvad by Leeder.'t� ,
<br /> � substantially eq�iG�alent mortgage insutance coverage is not avallabte.Borrower shall pay to Lender ea�s month a sucn e��c�1 IIo :
<br /> �. ane-twelfth of the yearty mnngage insuranee premium being paid by Bormwer when the insurance coverage lapsed c�oeated to
<br /> -. be in effect.L.ender will accepi.use and retain these payments a5 a toss reservc in tieo of martgage-irisurance. tass reserv� - -
<br /> "� '•� .
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