K,-. . . , -Y'�Cli{-- .�i;.� t � . .�}1.5��✓wd.�:Z. •Setvrr ». .Ifc: � iL. 4t�y�� . ..
<br /> +._1.:--_:»_t.' t'o �c Y t'•'�`#+�7Cdh.a�i.:
<br /> �` ,��°�'� �:d�:-.�_ _�,...� -
<br /> �� � .. �--.-�_:�, ...-..:=–
<br /> ° �---_�_w -::���—.
<br /> `�tocoatis'U ccnnact[on���i?h�ar��mnatlan or othar taking oi iho 2roptarty or pai4 thoreol,or for comeyanco in It�a ot condamna4lan. . - �;-�_--,..�.
<br />.. '� '�`""�:,
<br /> Lender st�alt Da anUUod at ft�aptan to camrnan�a,ap�ear tn untt presecute tn iLa own rtsme any acYqn or praceedtn�.and sheU eSsa ,: _.�...:-�.,��..��__-
<br /> a
<br /> � p$��ttiiisd tfl�tai�any oom�mmisa or��smant in oenn?ctlmn wt9h such taklr,g os damage.ln the evar+t any porttan oi ths RropeRy is 4. .. {�: �� �-� ��•
<br /> � so iaksro or Qamaged. Lende:at�il have the opUan in its aol�and absotu4e�;,cretton, t0 B�PiY ell&uCl1 ptOC�:B�, e{tB�$BduCd�►8 ' r__._. "'.':_..�;�ir
<br /> ,..� , � , ., .� "�- _.
<br /> tt=eret�m adl cos4s and e�ns�Int�rred by it in r.annsetlan with sut�h Proceed�.u�cn any irtdebted��ess aecured hereby 8ns!in sr�h �:��.�:••r<, .<<.•�-�;.T``
<br /> at�r es Len�r may dsterenine.or ta aApty all aech Proceed3.aP.er s�h dE�tto�.to the re�toretion of th�P�a�ry upan sucA t�r� . : �
<br /> d�tons as Ler[der may detarmine.My apAlica�on af Rroceeds to Indebiedr�ess shal]rtot extertd op po�tane id�e 6ue date a!enY pay- , , �^t�_,- .�_"�_
<br /> ments�snder the Note,or cure any default theraunder ar hemuns�r.Any un3pptled fun�s shali De ptitd to Tr�stor. � , . --,�_;,�; �
<br /> . 8. R�r4arnmttr;a by Len��i.Upon tho oxurrence a!an Event o!Qefault hsreunder,or if er�y acq is taken or Iegal pseceedmg � � .
<br /> �mmant�d wf�:c�matedatty afiects LenQer's int9rest In tha Rr�perry.i.ender may(n fffi own discret6on�but without obtiggtfon to do so. . •, "�` � �..t:�.a•�,
<br /> en6 wit4inut nflit�to or demand uRon Tn�stor and�°riti�aut�eteastrtg Trustor irom arry ob;tgatton�do as►y act whlch Tm�ar Ptas egread _ `.�.:,;:°�;
<br /> but fail2d ta do and may atso do any other ect it dciems ns�ssary to pra2s�t the s&cairityt hereaf.7rustnr shall.Immedate3y upan ° . . . . 4
<br />- Qemand theretar by Lender.RaY to I.�rtrter a!!casts end expart�as incurred and sums escRandad by Lendar In conr.sction wi4b the exer- !.. --�•. .'�... ..::.n.ti{
<br /> cso hy lender o!!he toregaing dglrts.to�i?�er w(th intarest thereon at the eigfaui!rat�pmvi�ed in b'sa Note.eH�►si�at!be adQe�to
<br /> � the irtd�tedness secu�ed hereby.Lers�a�sitaU aoi incur any tisbility be�s�of anything it may do or omii to du heteundsr. L
<br />. 9.Ff�ardous Naterfals.Trusto�s1ta11 keep the Pnoperty tn comptiance with�!f appIIcabte taws,ordinanoes and repuiaUons �.�,' �� ,' ` . ,..' •�-
<br /> �` cetaUng to ie�ustrfat hygIene or envtroamental protsetlan(callectiveiy referred to hsretn as'Env1ronmsnml Laws').Tn�sWr shai!k�sp �--:.,.�,,y,��;,,--
<br /> ���v'• the PmpertY free irom aJl substar+ces deemed to be h a�a r d aus or m x lc u rt Q er any E n v tr�nmen t a l i.a w s(o o i l e c t�r e t y referted tn herefi �A'"'—�=""'�`�-
<br />..;���, ,�:':•`,`,;?i
<br /> as`tlazacdaus Materlats).Tn�tor hereby wartante art�represents to Lertder tl►at thera are rw Hazardous Matsriats�n or under the �a °` i--.
<br /> . S .,�<::.� .
<br /> PropeRy.Tnistar hereby a�ees to ir�dmm�ify and hold harmtass Lender,ita direaors.oHice►s.emplayees and agenta.and arry sua;s� � ���;:i.-
<br /> �.I, _.5-�Si:�F.._:.
<br />- • sors to Lende�'s interast,lrom en�against amr and aU ctaims.damages.lasses and GabTities arising in connection with tha presence. - - - __�,:
<br /> "i�Yi=J e�.-.Cr�•n{(ay...a=„�_..-
<br /> use,disposa!or transport of any Ffazar+dous Materials�on,under,from or about the Proaerry.THE FORE(iOtNG WARRANTIES AND t.��.,;:;�,;� � � , :�
<br />�- .:. 10.Aaslgnments o!Rents.T�ustor hereby asstgns ro Lender.arid gants Lender a security tnterest in,a1!present,funire and � .�^'� : _
<br /> ..�» after ads rents issues and rafitg ot the PropeAy provided that Tnu^ror shatt.until the oa;urrence of an Cvent of Default,hereurtdsr, ... ; � .,. _
<br /> .,��.. �9 • P • ,�...�; • ^��•, .,
<br /> � ,, have a*ae►ight tn collect and reialn such rents,issues an d p r�'',�3s t hey become d u e an d pa y a b i e.U p o n t h e�a x�sr6n a 3 cat an Even3 ag . _� ; ' r �' ,
<br /> ;;, �IQ.,Lsnder may,either in person or by agent,tvtth or�:'{�:.^.bringing arry actian ar pcuuceeding,er�yr a�iv�:at�unied 4�a �' °�, ���j¢j�� SF .
<br /> :>`i`�; caur,Q�]wtthout�egard W tAe a�juacy of its secudty.ere4a�r•,,�n and tahe pa��:an at��C'mperiy,�s any paR tf�r2c�'i.in iL�� �,�E 1�� ;"�, ;<•:�,;1', `
<br /> �
<br /> ;:.�1, name�r in the rcaacne�af the T�rStea,and do any acts v�it;.r^..r?s�t��ems n2o�y er des:ia'����:�:as�Cte vatue.maiketatiTi:��rr ,� ��;'•�,�i=;;;�'?�'�5�=`F;=,c
<br /> rs
<br /> ';�!tr� reniabTiiy o!the�PsoP�srlY>ar any part iherefl!cr interesi therein.or to incr2��a incoma tr:.4-�.-�a.r��1a�the security hereot e..�, .1u�,f.<� �°�.�r A .
<br />�:fY;i�' .�u,.t=1�t!}����� : y; .•
<br /> . � with ot withoui WkUig�passassbaa of the Property,sua for or otherwise calle��e rerrts.iss�:�s a-^J�:-��aieof,inctua'�ng those ps� ,tS;;.,. .� �r. : .
<br /> ::`�'1�Y due and unpald,Dy noftty(ng tenants to make payretsnts tc LenCer.Lendar m.;t�aPPiy re�*.assess��'G�'•�,Iess oosb et�d expens- t'"., `��;7'�`�t�����n
<br />'':$-E.�.1'; es o}opereUon and co!lecNon induding attamey's Ezas,to�"s;kebiedrtess srcurad he6e-b�i.a?�.�swa%,a:�r as Lst��er may d�:• . . �J,rrF',�.:::�
<br /> `;'�� mine.The enterin g u R o n and takin g possession a�r 24a P:�y3rg�,�e cQ.:�i�ra oi s�ch rents.issu�san3.pra's�. �e�rra-��srn , r••;
<br />;;�'��rf. theremf as aforesaid�hall noi cure or wahre any fld'r�:Y,�'2 cu�ua3�2 of da9su4 Pur�under or Invalidate ar�,�wc��ca r-,.�'�ib� � '
<br /> '`' defautt or pursus�to such noUce ot defautt a.�f, natwiCts�n�:�g fhe continuanoe in possession of t?��prope�ty ez�a coNec�an, �� ' ' '.,�,'�.�
<br /> , , � � "` �
<br />• receipi and a�piicatlon of renta,issues or profits,Tnistee artd it�nder shafi be en�ited to exerdse every right provided tat in arty ot the �;;��,r i��,;�( � :
<br /> Loan Irisbumants or by taw upon oa;urrence af any Event of Daisu�,Inclading i�ithout limimtton the dght to exert�se the pawer o1 sate. --• ��.
<br /> re �:
<br /> � Further.Lendefs dghts and remedies under thts paragraph shatl be cumulatIve with,end in no way e limiffititfon on.Lendefs dghts and , ��:...�•��;•�
<br /> remBdIes unQer any assignment af leasss end renis recorded against the Property.Lender,T�usiee arad tha recaivar shall ba Yabta W :•�
<br /> aocount onty tor ttwse rents actualry rec+�ived. „. +�:
<br /> 11.Ewnb o!DWauit The foltowing shelt constttute an Event of Oetautt under Ws Oeed o!YNS� .��-;�.
<br /> (aj F�lture to p�y any(nstatlmant of prin�ipal or interest of any other sum senured hereby wher�due; • '�"�r�� ,_=
<br /> (b)A breach ci or defauti under any pravlsWn contalned in the Noig,this Ceed of T�us�gny of the LAari tnsburtfents.or eny .• _,�: �,•; =_ -
<br /> ather Iten or encumbrance u�on the PropeRy; � :T.'
<br /> (e)A vvrlt o!executlan or attachmant or any Etmiiar process shall be ontered agalnst'Frustor whlch shall bt�ome a Ilen an ;: ,*�'�#F',
<br /> the Praperry or erry poRlon thereof or inierest thoretn; � ���� � '
<br /> �jM:..... ,..��r.a ;•lx:IY� ��_'__
<br /> (�There shaH be fited�y or against Trustor or Borrowet an actlon under arry present or future tederal,stete or other sta�te, :.�,;;.,!:,_�
<br /> taw or�utatla�n reteNng to banbuptcy,insoivency or o�er rella!tor debtoB;or there sPiaO be appointed eny trustee,recehrer or .„,.•
<br /> � liquidator c4 Tniswr or Bomowar or of all or any part ot the PropeRy,or the rents,issues or profds tt►areol,or Tnistor or Borrowet - __.�_.:�;a.,T:;
<br /> she(1 mahe eny general&sstgnm�nt br the benafit of credltors� •:�•'�-•"',:_:'?.�:,.:
<br /> " �� e The sate,transier.lease.assSga�n1,canveyanca or fuRher encumbrartce e?aG or ar�f part of or eny interest in tf�e '
<br /> �:{, ( ) •�--
<br /> ,;x� Properry,efthsr wtunter(ty ar tnvoluntardly.u�ttwui ttie express vYr(tten oonsant of Lert�i:����at Trustor shall be pertnft- __ ���i_;.�_�
<br />`;��,�fi�, ted to e�cecute a tesse of the Property��oes not contain an opUon W purchase e�+�.i L�::.:^�c8 whlch does nat exceed one ��
<br /> .i�;,':�" year;
<br /> .,�;�,..r ,� . , � . �
<br /> ,. , ,. Abandonment of tha P - ._..
<br /> .or
<br /> ::L;{4;s. ifl � —
<br /> ;;;���<< (g)It Trustor la not an indiv[dual.ihe lssuance.sz!Y�.transter,asstgnment,car,.zy�..nca cr ecrrc�,.^^�branaa of more tl�an(tf e �Q: } .;,.�,,,�
<br />:;",���., oorporationj a totat of peroa^,T of its issi:ad and oui.stA�sding stock.or('d a partrte,^�la�)a totai af � ������. :;3�_
<br /> .,f,�,��-
<br /> cent ot partnership tnteresis,or(if�fimi�88 liabilityr�arry)a total of �OarxnF cA the Itmited Iiability oom�� , •,� ,:,��;{���� . �
<br /> ' ny interests or voting dghta dudnfl tha per,ad this Qoo��t Tmst rematna a lien on the property. ���'�• .�:•�,,.=:-_ r-_
<br /> 12 Reme,dies;Acoolomtton U�fon OOtau:L In th¢a«c of ar►y EvEnt of Detault Lender may,w3tho�t noioe exc:ept as required , �'�+�—
<br /> y:��;;; by law.dec(are�ll indebiedness e�cured heret�r Qa be du�aw�r�payable and the sama shall thereupan I:�ec�^.e d�o and payabte witl�- . ` i°,���.•�
<br /> W ll- ����;...�r�
<br />;,.i;f�i a out any pre�entrneni.demand,prateat or nottoo ce G,�y krtd.,y raafter Lender may: zr�� �
<br /><.. ,ti��„ l�.::::,:�,�,.._ �_
<br /> ; ;�:4; (a�Demar�d that Trustea exordso tiac�POWER QF BALE granted hereln,and Tnistes shait tit�aa�ai�r cause Trusio�s inter- �:.;:�=°.�,:y---
<br /> : est In tha Praperry W ba sofd and Uta praoc3e0s to Ce�istributed,all tn the manner provided In the Mebrasica 4ca�Oaede Ac� — �
<br /> (b)Exercise any end ail rigfrta provided for(n any ot the Loan tnstruments or by law upon ocwrrenca crJ any Event of �,—°-"`-""°"'
<br /> ' Defauit and �':,
<br /> (c)Commence an acNon to torec4ose this Deod ot Trust as a mortgage.appolnt a reoelver,or specifk;atty enforce any of the �-��=�-
<br /> ,... '�� cavananLghereof.
<br /> No remedy hereln oonfeRed upon or reserved to Yrustee or Lender is intended to be exctusive ot any oiher remedy heretn,in tne l.oan • �
<br /> Ir�Wmenb or by law provlded or parmitted,but esch sha11 be cur�ataUve,shall be in addiUon to every other wmedy g}ven hereunder. `� ' =-'�
<br /> in the Loan tnstruments or now or hereafter exis�ing at taw or in equfty or by statute.and may be exercised ooncurrently,tndependenUy �� =___
<br /> or sw�cesivety. .° ��;,-. _
<br /> 13.Trustes.The Trustee may resign at eny tlm�wlthout cause.and Lender may et any Ume and witiwut cause appflirrt e suo- �' � T;c.�_
<br /> . � cessor or sub3tiWte Trustae.TrusteB shall not b3 liabte to any party,inciuding wtthout IimitatFon Londer,Borrower,Tnutor or any pur• '^'�'��"�'�"'°
<br /> d►aser o}the Properly.tor any loss or demage untess due to reckless or wiltfuf miscon�uct,and shali noi be required to take arry ectla�t �==-"y--���- —
<br /> in oonneation wFth ihe en4orcomont o1 thts Qaed of Trust unless irtdemn(fied,in wriUrtg,far a91 costs,compensation or o:cpensea whicA � . -._ .-
<br /> may be as&oCiatsd thenewith.In eddiUon,Tn�aWe may 6ecome a purchaser at any sate ai ihe PropeRy(judiGal or untter the parrer of __� --—�_-���'-
<br /> ' s�te granted horein);postpone the sale ot all or azry par�an of the Propetty,as provtdoct by tavr,or sell the Pro�Ay e�s a vrho!D,ar in �•-,�.. n . - i�'._.
<br /> . . .��.�,'� : .-•�°- �
<br /> . ,;•�: snpLmto parcofs or lote at Truatee a d€screYian. .•:,t,��_,�a:,�;,.�...,::¢�,,>;.:i..
<br /> ��''�r`,{ 14.Ftx�an0 Expsnses.In tfie event Tn�stee se¢3 uto�roperty b�f exer�ise o9�,awer of sate.Trt�tes skaJi f�o�:ti8ed to s�y -.,,�����.«.:�k�t;�,rf��,• �-..,::
<br /> .;r���.;�a� �rny salo prpeao�s�rst to payment of all caata znd expenrc�dt exemaJr3 pcic�aer ot saie,inctu�ing all Tr�cs;ee s tc�,�d Leadaru rancl ��j�����r:};,;
<br /> • •.r��,»% Te„�tee's attomoys tees, actuat►y lncurred to extent pemi�,�s�y apFt�e�++:�aw.In sho suent Berrorrer or Trostar c�=�ses arry r�.1'�t •,,�;.. . .
<br />�, .,�aa�i�ed by law to cure an Event of Detault.Lendar shatl�8 urttt!ed to recover from Tn;�tor all costs and e anses r�t�LSL' incurre�as ° '`` ' _ -
<br /> xD � �..�z.. . .
<br /> . ,:,:� ;��aE�:�nt o!Tnutors detault,tnCtuding without IimitaUon aii T�u�ise's and attomeys tees.'tv the oxtent permitted by a�lica3Cle lav�. ���V<`�.'.. " '�' -
<br /> �: ,
<br /> ,ti.i.. �.� ;,.. •.
<br /> 15.Futuro Attvances.Upon requeat of Borrower,tender may,at its op2ion,make additional and tuture ad.�.�+ces and read- '�''�'' ,,••�.,.;;;, , �
<br /> _-�-.� vennes to Barrower.Such edvances and readvances.vv3tit inte►est therson,shall ba socured by this Deed of TrusY.At aeo Gms shail the _ _�,,c�:;i��,-,:,,-� -
<br />, • , '��*;4:'.
<br /> � ...�. ' .` . _
<br /> -- --- • ' .. . ,. • „ � ,.��-` � � . .,.. � . • � .. . _ • ' :' '
<br /> . • .` • ',. . . . ;, , , . .. ;� • . • .. . •, ... . , .
<br /> . ` . "��;' �` - . . � , '. ' '�1\ . - _ . � ' •
<br /> � .. •-rj' � . .... . . . . .. . . • . . _ .. , . . • „ . •�� � .. ., . � .-.-.. _ . �f1:�.. ._ �. . t . . . ��^H' . .' ., .r ' _ .
<br />