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<br /> ,� ,,..�o��ge: PLANNED �J1�IT DEVELQP�4�IE�I'T RID�R � • � � �.
<br /> � THIS pLANNED U1V1T D�YBLAPMENT RIDHt is mde diis 19TN dsy of, JLil� , ,
<br /> � , ��942 .and'u iaoorponted iuto aod slull ix deembd ta amead and suppknxat tt�e Mortgag�,Doed of `
<br /> �- --_ _ _ Tsust a.SecLCky Qeed (tbe _'�SecuritY _I�") of the s�me d�te, givai by tbe undc�si�md (the.
<br /> , ••Bormwa•,)to eecate-Botrower's Notc w NORWEST MORTGAt3E; INC. ' �
<br /> . (�..�r..,
<br /> � of the sarne ci�te aad covering tbe Pi+npetcy desan3od in t6e SeaECity Iamumot and locata! st:
<br /> � 902 8£LL 80lA.EVpRD, 6RAND ISE.AND� NE �68801 � � ,
<br /> . (P�operty�auressl
<br /> , " TLe Ptopetty includes,but is not 1'vnited m.a p�nel of taad hnp�mred witb a dweqing,togetl�er wit6 atber sac5
<br /> pqacels an�t aKain oomman snas aad fxiTities.ac descri6ed in DECLARATIONS OF COVSt�MNTS RECORDEQ ZIi
<br /> BOOIC 20s PAGS 98; RE6ISTER OF DEEDS, HALL COUNTY, NESRASKA (tbe•'Dxlaration••)• ,
<br /> . 7'he Piupetty is s p�ut of a pl�nnod uait�evdopment Imown ag '
<br /> �At� DAVIS ACRE& . ot unnnevetopmeetl
<br /> , �.. �d
<br /> , (tbe••pUD•�. The Properiy also incIudes Bormwer'a intenst�.in the 6on�eoamers associAtian or eqoivalent
<br /> � � encrty i�r�ting or maoaging tbe ca�mman a�and facilities of the PUD(the"Owners Assaciation'�a6d#be uses. .
<br /> � 6epefits and proctects of Bor[owcr's interest. �
<br /> -_ pUD COYENANTS. In addition w tbe cavenants and agrcements made in the Sec�►rity instrument,
<br /> _= — Borrower and Lender furtt�er caveaaat and ag�e as follows: ' `�
<br /> - �.ppp pbliSallons.Borrower sha11 perform all of Barcower's obligatioas under the PUD's�Constiment
<br /> Documents.The"Coastituent Uocumenu"are the:(i)Doclaration;tii)artictes of ir�vorporadon,uust instrument _
<br /> = or any equivalent document Rfiic� creates t6e Owders Associatian; and (iii) any�y-laas or othcr rules or
<br /> -- regulations of tbe Ownecs Assaci�ion:Borrower shall promptlY paY,when due,all dues and assessmenu imposed
<br /> -- - , pursuant to the Constitaent Doaiments.� . . �
<br /> - � B.H�M 1n�rsoce.So Iang as�he Ownecs Assaciation maintaias,tvhh a gene�ally accepted insurancc
<br /> prria,.a"magter"or"btanket"poticy insuring the Property which is satisfactory to Lendet and which provjdes
<br />_= insttrado�coverage in the amounts,for the periods,and against the hazards Lender requires. inSluding fire and
<br />-- hazazds inctuded within the tertn"eatended coverage,"then:
<br /> _.�,'�f, (i) Lender waives the provision in Lniform Covenant 2 for the monthly payment to Lender of
<br /> - one-twelfth of the yeariy premium installments fos hazard'uuurance on the PropeRy:and
<br /> (ii) Borrower's obligatlan under tiaiform Covenant S to maintain hazard irisurance coverage on
<br /> "'�`- the Property is decme�l satisfieA to the eatent that the required wverage is provided by thc Owners Association �
<br />-= p°lic}'.
<br /> - Barrower shall give l.ender prompt nocice af any lapse in required hazard insurance coverage provided by
<br /> : � , the master or blanket policy.
<br /> ln the event of a distributian of hazard insn�ance proceeds in lfeu of r�toratian or repair following a loss to
<br /> r-r�,: " , the Pro�erty. or to comman areas and facilities of ihc P11D, any proceeds payable to Borrower are hereby
<br /> - ' assignrd and shall bc paid to Lender.�Lender shall app;y w:e pnoaecds to the sums s�re� by the Securlty
<br />_ Instrument.with any excess paid to Barrower.
<br /> - C. Pubiic I.inbility Insatnnce. Borrawer sfiall take suc6 ac[lans as may be rcasonable to insure that the
<br /> Owners Associatton maintains a public liability insurance policy acceptable in farm. ampunt. ancl eatem of =�""'
<br /> -- coverage to 1.ender.'
<br /> - .,,�
<br /> d:;�:�
<br /> :_:;� MUC�$TATE PUD RIDER-S(ngle Family- Fsnnl�MwfFnddN Maa UNIFORM INSTRUMENT form 3160 9l80
<br />,....
<br /> Pegu 1 ot a
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