.-� . ,I, . r ' �.' -` �;h ti �-�;;.i' ` " i,. � .
<br /> i y' . _ _ l .�` ' .
<br /> *' . � i�-��_ ._..�:
<br /> t`� - : . � . . . , . ��f ��,o6�1s.S . � .
<br /> =s<<�::.� _ . - � . � - .. _ . .� . . _ .
<br /> . .. . . = - _ : _. _ .__ ---- - - -_-_-- - - - -_
<br /> �- _ ,�,�,meal„psy ao 1�1!e roquieed;,e ebe aptia;of trader:if�e�oae cove�fn ttx amo�and fdttt�paica j-
<br /> tiMt Len� raW�y.pairldb�t►Y���PP�bY���available aad is o6tained.Sotrawer sh�tt.pt�► `
<br /> � `the popmia�as�eq�lit�ed to e�ielaiR mo�t�e�instuanoe in effeq.ot to pruvide a lass nse�vq ur�til the ioqui�eae fai aovrt�e -
<br /> jnwimce eqdt in aoca�d�.witli at►�r Mrritun a�betwaa BaaOwer atd L�ender or appiicalile�aw.
<br /> ` � . f.�t�ecti�.l,emkt a iu a�a�t mry mfk+e re�sonable eatrIes upai and iagpearoQS of tl�e Pmpeity.I.ender s6a11 givc
<br /> Bormwa c�tia at the time of or prior w sa inspoctioa speafyin8�te cswse for the iaspection. . <
<br /> ` Ii.C�ie�Mtlor.7�e p�eeds af aay award or c[sim fos damages.�rxt or auasequentiai. in vonnection wit6�y
<br /> ' oondemnMbn or o�het t�ldn�of any�p�t`oP the PaopenY,or for oarmeyan�x in liw of�oi�dem�ion,are h�eby assig�od and
<br /> ebalt be p�id la Lender.
<br /> -, . Ip ti�eveif�ot�tatat taktrts.of the Pnoperty.tde prooeeds s6a!!be appl�d to the st�ms saaired hg this Seeurity Iacmmmt.
<br /> wheihcr ot no�thcn dpc.witb�ny excess p�id to BQrrower.In the�vent of a partiat�ing of tue Propetty in whictf tbe fair :
<br /> mul�et vdue of the Pmperty imepodi�tety Defon the takidg is'oqnal to or gieater thaa the amounc of the sums secarcd by this
<br /> � Sxurity imwmeM inrrodiatety befarc tAe t�king.unless Borcnwer and Lender ott�erwise ag�oe in wriang,the sums secured by
<br /> this Socurity lnsttumd�t �Iwdl be c�edaced bY tbo aroount of ilsc..pceoe�ds mnitiplied 6y the following fiactian: (a�the w�al
<br /> trmaut af the sums eecutod ima�adi�tely befote the taking,divided.bjr;{b)ttie-ta'ts;madce.t vaIue of:the Propetty imme�atei3+
<br /> beforie the Wdag. Mg 6tlance stiil6e-p�i�to Borrawer. I�tLe ev+�:of.a parcial samag of.ihe Property in which th�fair .
<br /> market v�tue of the Propecty immedi�tely before the taking is less thw�it�e�amt of the�ossaaued.immediaoetg Tiefore the
<br /> t�tcing. untess Hormwec t�ed Lender otherwise agroe in writing or natess applicable�a�v cxhervt�sse�provides.tT�e proceeds:shaII .-
<br /> 6e applied W the sutns secure4 by this Sxur�ty It�sWma�t wheWe�or uot the suts�s are�hen dtit. . •; ": �'�''' � .'
<br />— , if the Property is af�ndoneA by Borrov�s�.or i�atter mtia by Lender w Borcower tbat the conde�r offes�to mafce ati._ .
<br /> awa�d or sdde a cls�im fa damiges. Aatmwer fails w respo�d to LeMer within 30 days after the date tl�e iaaae i§giYen:''
<br /> — I�der is authorixed ta coitea and appty the pmc�ads.at its aption,either to�estoiatio�s or repair of tbe Propecty or w�sums
<br /> savred by this Sa�urity In�rumrnt.whether or nat Uien due. ':,.`::`':.�: , ..�� ;.
<br /> Untas I�ider_�nd Borrower atiKrwise agree in writing. anY ePPlicatioa:bf�pmoeeda to pri�ipal�s6a11 nat q�t�iidor
<br /> postpone the due d�te of the tnonthlY PoY�s cefeROd to in pan�raphs I ar�2 Qr cbaage the amonnt of such pa y m e n t s:;::�� '
<br /> _ l l.aoerowa Not Releared:Foebearseoe By l.e�wke Nol a Wstver.Exteasioa of the time for paymeat or modification
<br /> -= af amortization of the sums securod by this Socurity Instrument grantcd[ry[,eoder to any successac•in interest of Borrower shali ----
<br /> _ __ �wt oper�te to refeace the liability af the original�rrower or Bonower's successais in iaterest.l.ender shall not be reqnired tn � ___-
<br /> comrt�ce precoedings against any succesui�in interest or refuse w extead tmie foi�a}mient or otl�erwise modify amc+rti?atioe - � =-
<br /> of the st►ms sxurod by this Sec�riey In.�ttument 6y aason af any demand.made by the orlginal Barrower or Horrowe�s !�'�_-
<br /> . s�u�essors in lnteres�My forbcarance bf[.endes irt eaercisiag ruiy right or remedY shal!not b e a waiver o F or prec t a c i e;h e =,.-_
<br />- eaercisc of any right or mmody. • . -=_
<br /> 12. Suoceseais�ad A�gre Haund:Jotnt and Several 1.iabiikyt Co-st8aecs. The covenants and agee�nents of.tiiis �-
<br /> - Socurity Instrument shall bind and benefit the successars and assigns of l.ender and Borrower. subject to the provisiobs of `�
<br /> paragraph t7. Boaower's covct�ant� and ugrecments �hat! he joint a�id several. Any Borrower w ho co-signs t h is S e c u ri t y . ,p,_ -
<br /> ,�'., Instroment but daes not exocute the Note:la)iti ca-signing this Suurity Instrument only to mortgage,grant and eonvey that
<br /> ' Borrower's interest in thc Property,undes the termti af thjs Security instrument:@)is not persnnally obligated to pay the sums
<br /> securod by this Securiry lnstrument;and(cl agrecs t�wt Lcnder and Any ather Borrower may agree w extend,modify.fodiear or _._u_-
<br /> make any accammodatians wlth regard to thc termti of this Sccurity instrument or the Note without that Borrower's consenE. �r-
<br /> �,�r��_.
<br />� ' 13.l.wn Chstr�es.lf the loan yecured by this Security lnstrument is subject to a taw which sets maxlmum Ioan charges, ,r=:.=
<br /> ., k_fy�.
<br /> .:� and that law is finaliy interpreted so that the intere+i or atNer loan charges collected or ta be coltected in connection with the
<br /> loan execed the permittvd limits,then:(�l any�uch loao charge�hull be reduced by the amount necessary to reduce the charge . _
<br /> .. to the permittod limit:and(b)any sums ulready eallected Gum&►t�awer whiFh exceeded permitted timit�will be refurxted to --
<br /> . Boaowor. l.endcr may chaose to make thi!. rcfunJ by reduciog �hc principai aweA under the Note or by making a direct •��.
<br /> - paynient to Borrower. If a rcfund reduce� principal, thc rcducti�n will bn treated as a panial prepayment without any -�:',
<br />;:.•,..� •.;,: prepayment charge under the Koto. . � r''�
<br />'`�r� �. s� 14.NWkes.Any natice to Bonawcr proviJcd fi�r In Ihir Sccurity instrument shal)be�en�y delivering it or by mailing
<br /> ��' '. a � it by f rst class mail unle.5s applicable law reyuireti usc c�f arx►ther mc�hnd.Thc natice shall be directed to the PropertY Address
<br />- or any other address Borrawer decigoates by noticc ta l.cnder. Any natice to Lender shatl be given by first class mail to �����_
<br /> - '� i.ender's s�ddress state�d herein or aoy ather addre��.l.endcr dcyigrwtcs by not4ce to Bormwer. Any notice provided far in this r:j��=
<br /> � :,� Security lnstrument shall be dcemed to havc hccn given tu fi�+rruwcr ur l.endcr when given as pro�is'.:d in this paragraph. '.;2'.
<br /> _ 1S.Governing Lt�w: Severnbllity. This 5ccuriry fmtrumenl �ha19 he govcmed by federa� iaw and the law of the ;��.•.
<br /> .� " judsdicdon in which the Praperty is tc�ratal. In thc cvent that smy pruvi.rian or clause oP�his Security Instrument or the Note
<br /> � conflicts with applicable law.�uch mnftict shall nc�t uffcrt uthcr pu�vi�iu���uf thic Security instrumtnt or the Note which ean be
<br /> � .�`��� given cfPect without thc can0icting pr��viriu�i.T�+Ihi�cnc!thc pravi�i�my nf Ihi�Security instrument arsd thc Note are declared ' �
<br /> _ '� to be severabte.
<br /> � .. .::
<br /> � �� 16.Borrower's Copy.&+r�mvcr�h:�ll hc given unc c�mG►roied cupy uf Ihr Nutc and of thiy Sccurity_Instrument. �,
<br /> -- . - — _ �. � Farm 8028 9I90
<br /> � � .
<br /> . vet�u 0 0�h
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