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<br /> f " ' � C �'l-� —
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<br /> . i�wid�or tia�oRkn�ed(or if s b�at�ia�emt in Bore�owet is soid��aod BoRawa�is noc a�n�teval pnso�)wilbov�t � `
<br /> . . imdr�s p c i o r�itten ooment. I;eiWer mty.at its pption. cequa�e immediat�P�Ymmt in fuil o��ti sums savrod 6g tius �
<br /> Seauity Imttua�dot.Hawava,this optko alnl!not be exarisod�y Leader ff exeacise�s Qrohiblted bY fedetgl taw,se�of the date
<br /> of dds Sa�ity�sfrum�t-
<br /> If i.ender exercises this option.�I.eoder sl�l!�ive Bor�owa ootice of xalaation.Tde notice sh�li�rovide a periad of not.,
<br /> � .lesc tl�bn 30 diys 6nm ihe date the notice i�deltiveird or ts�tied witbin w6ich Bbrrowar rtwst pay a►!wms s�x`�►ral by this
<br /> Savrity Iast�umens.if 8orm�vet fsjls 3a pny these snrt�s priot w tUe eap[rrtioa of t6is peitod,I.�eader mty involce any remedi�
<br /> pemuttad by this Security I�ttummt withoat fu»her notia or deaiand on Borr6v�ec. , �• '
<br /> ls. �otrowe�s Riait to Rd� [f Borrower mats certain oo�}non5. fiorrower shalt have the rigiu to bav� �
<br /> mfocaemmt a_f tltis Sxut�ry i�eat disinotinued at any riaie prior to the ratlier of- ta).5 days(or such ahcr peciod as
<br /> _ �ppiicable iaw may sQxify for ransiatement)before s�te af d�e PropenY Pa�s�rant to suy power af sate c�mtained in thrs ` ..
<br /> Saa�n'ty I�tntmeot:or(b)awY of a judgment enfot�cing this Savrity I�nent."17tose conditions are th�t Borrower:(a)PaYs
<br /> I,ender all smas wluch t1�en woutd ix dae ander this Security Inctiument and the Nute as if no aeceieration had accumal;(b)
<br /> atres any default of airy otiur covenants or agoeements:(c)pays ali eap�eases incurred in enforcing this Security Instrument,
<br /> including,but mt lunited to.�+asonabta attomeys fas;�d(d)tata suclt action u Icnder mag:easonably roquirt to assure
<br /> t6at tbe liea of d�is Sawity It�rument,Lender's rights ie tNe Pmpaty and Bomawer's oHligation to pay the snms secund bY .
<br /> ttis Saauiry In�tcumak sh�ll oontinue uncl�nged. I1pon ceinctatement by Bortower. this Seearity ImtNment and the
<br /> ob�ig�o�sccc�ed I�ercby ahall�main fuliy�effxtive a�lf no accelecation had occurnd-Howevsr,this riglit ta reinstate shall
<br /> not appiy in the case of acceTeration under paragraph 17.
<br /> 1! SJe o[_Note;C6ae8e ot I.au S�vica Tbe.Note or a pa�tiai itmterest in the Note (mgether with this Security
<br /> Immuntnt)may be sold aEye ar mon times witlw�ut prior natia W Borrower.A sate may resvii in a change ia the entity timown ,
<br /> �s the"Loan Servicer")tt�at colla�ts monthly p�yments due uader the Nate and this Secunry Instnuneat.'I1�ere also may be one
<br /> or more changes of tbe I.o�n 5ervicer unretated to a sate of tl�e Note.If there is a change of the Loatt Servicer.Barrower wiil be �
<br /> given written mqce of tbe c.hange in accoMance with parag�aph 14 above a�d applicable law.The�wtice wiU state the na�e and
<br /> acldt�of the new La�ti Servker and the addcess to which paymenis slwuld 6e made.The no6ce arill atso contain aay other
<br /> infomnatian reqnired applicable 1aw. _
<br /> — m ��Sa�moea.&tirrower shatl not cause or pennit Ebe presence,use.�dispo�ai.storage.ur retease of a� =
<br /> 'Hazstrlous Subst�nces on or in tbe Property. Bormwer sf�aU not do. nor altow anyone else to do. anything affecting the _
<br /> _ .Property that is in vioL3tion'of any Environn�ental Law.The pcueding two sentences shall not apply to the presence.use,or _.-
<br /> - - storage on the Prope�ty of srnall qnantities of Hazardats Substanccs that;ate geoerally recognized w be apprapriaie to nom�al ---___
<br /> rrsidential uses aM to maintenance of ttie Property. �--
<br />-- . Bonuwer shait promgtly,give Lender written notice of any imrestigation,claim.demand.lawsuit or ather action tiy any �'`';°':`_
<br /> - gover�eatal or negulatory ageixy or private party involving the Property an�T any Harrrdous Substance or Fr►vironme�Law
<br /> ��-���=='
<br /> of whic6 Sorrnwer has actual imowledge. If Bo�rrower teams.or is notifed by any govemmental or regutatacy authority.that �����.:
<br />_.. any remaval or atixr remediation of any Ha�rrdons Substance affecting the Property is t�ecessary.Borrower sha11 promptly take ____
<br /> ali nocessary remedial actions in accordance wttb Environmental Law. ` i —�:�
<br /> As used in this paragaph 20, "Nazardous Sa6stanc�.s"are those substances defined as toxtc or harardous substances by �±��-'.:-
<br /> �' E�tv�ottc�tal Law aud the following sabstances: gasoline. kerosene. other tlammable or tozic petroleum praducta. toaic �'"°`�-
<br /> arad herbisides.votatile sotvents.materiats rontaining asbestos or fomialdehyde..and radioactive matenals.As used in •
<br /> P�s�.:
<br /> this par�20, "Environmental l.aw" tt�an.s federal laws�L_ws of the jurisdictian where the Property is located that ���;z�_
<br /> relate co I�aFt�,safety or emrironn�ental protectian. • �""_
<br /> NON-UIJIFORM COVENAN!'S.Barrower and Lender furtti�r coverant and agree as follows: -
<br /> 21.Ac�eleralion;Ranedks.i.ender slu�ll give ratice to Borc+ower prt�or to aoceleration tollowing BotTOWer's brexfi �F� '
<br /> , o�any coveaaiat or sgreanent in th(s Securi Instrument (bat not oc to acceleratioa unde� 17 uNess ' --
<br /> tY P� P��P� �....�"�,
<br />- - ' ,f; applicabk aw prnvides otherwise).'fbe notice sh�ll speciiy: E�l the defauit; (b)the�raquired to care the defaalt; -
<br /> ' (c)a date,aot less thao 30 days!mm the date the notice is giren to Barrawer,by whk6e tb�e detAUlt mast be cured;aad -
<br /> • �, (�thxt tstilure to cure the detault on or hefore the date speciRed in the notice may re�I"t in aooel�atJon oi t6e� - . -
<br /> secured by this S�curity Instrument and sale oi tde�operty. The notke sNall[urther infocm Borro•�er of the rlght to ,� :.y
<br /> rei�te nfter pcceleration and the righl to brtng s caurt action to atsert tbe non-existsnce oi a def`aott or any other ` �_�._�-�;_-
<br />� de(ense pf Boerower to aoceleratbn And ssale. li the defaoii is nat cured on ar 6efore the date specifted in the notice, ��. �•.r -
<br /> Lendes,�t its oqion,may require immediAte paymeat in Sc�i[ot all sums secured by this Security Instrumeat aitlaat ,�'���-,;_,.•-
<br /> further derc�md and may invoke the power ot snle und any ot�r remedies permitted by applicabte IAw.I.ender s�8 he �-s''�"�-- -
<br /> � entitied to calted all expeases incurred in pursaing the remed�e4 provided iu clefs paragraph Z�,including.bot�w1 I�iied s'���''� `a�
<br /> ' to,reasonsble�ttorn�s'fees and cast.4 af title evidence. - • -
<br /> It the powa oi sale is invoked,Tn�stee shall recard a notice of defaalt in each caunty 1n wdi�h aay psut af the _
<br /> Properiy is kxgtM and shall mail capies ot such aotice iq t6e manner pr�trlbed by appika6le law to Borrower s�d to . �:
<br /> , the othes pnsons pr�scribed by applicu6le law.After the time r�equired by applica6le law,Trnstee shail give public awkice , i��;�;
<br /> o�sale to the persons and in the m�znner prescrlbed 6y appiica6te law.Trustee.withou�dfemand on Borrowe�,shali sell �;f�;:
<br /> � thc Ptoperty At publk audion to tl�e hip,hesl biddes at the time and place and under the terms dcsi�wted in thc notice ot . .V�;,,..
<br /> � .d sole in one or more put+cel.q and in any order Tcastee determines.Trustce may postpane+cale ot all ar any paecel ot thr _ ..
<br /> Plroperty by publk announcement at the time atM place oi any previouriy scheduted sale. l.ender or i�g designee may . -
<br /> . purchase the PropeAy at any s�la �
<br /> . ;
<br /> ' . �' ;�'l�t,:� � .
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