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<br /> - propeity i�prod,�,imt was n�r�S.�i�l�aea.r;tbin e6c una•exceoaed wver�ge-ma�uuy other ba�cdss i�clu�ains .
<br /> .� � floods ar tbodina,far�rLich Isnder req�im�a'1l�is iraur�ooe�1!6e mainninod irt the anwnts an¢fa tLe�aiod+
<br /> � tt�t L�der requines:'I�a inaanaoe c�rder provldsag tbe iawr�nee shs(1 be cGosen by Borroaer subject to I.afder's�vai
<br /> -... � ; whic�h s�il oot be aivaROa�biy r�rithtietd.If Bormwa tits to m�intaia ooveiage d�scn'bed abnve. [,ender may,�L,e�der's �
<br /> �- opC'xon.ob�n ao�e�ge to pcotect Lxader`a tights in thc Pcoperty in acoordanoa with�T. .
<br /> . �AI!i�nae policies and'na�eNals�tnl{be aoapta6le w I�ader�d sball inefude a st�r�dard mortgage ca�use. I.ender
<br /> a1�U i�ve tbe riEht w Mid tBe policies�utd mxwals.If I�eoder requi�es.Homawe.r sttall PromptlY S�ve to Lea�der�II receipts of
<br /> aid pnmiau�atd iea�vai notkes.tn tGe eveat Af toss;Banavver si�a1J give pratt�pt aoticc ta tt�e insuttioee cstriet atd i.�der.
<br /> Lender m�y mdce pruof of toss if nat made P�!P�Y bY�'�►'�• ` � ��
<br /> fJnkss I,eeder ud Bonowei ot6en�ise ag�ee m writing.incurance proceods shalt be appliad to rat�ration or�r of tl�e
<br /> . ,P�oQe�tY d�ged.if tlie Testo�tiort or�ir is eooaomically feacible ard I.ender's savriry is na�lessenod.If�ha restar�tion ar
<br /> ' �dr is unt e0000mically fea�bk or I.eidec's soauity wonW 6e les.senod,the iasuraoce proceeds s6aU be applied t�ttie snms�
<br /> � . `securod by thia Sewrity inumment,abether or mt t6en due.�with ury exoess paid to Hormwa.If Bosuwer ab�ndons tha
<br /> � PmQaty,or das aot answer wit6iin 30 days a noticc fmm I.ender that tUe insura�carrier das offered to senle a claim:,tlxn
<br /> Leader mry oollax We iawnnce proveods. L,ender may use the pooeods w �+epair or restore d�e Ptopercy or W�yr sums
<br /> savred by this Sacu�itY Iastcwnau,wiktbec or eot tlxn due.The 30�day period will begin whea tl�c notioe is given.
<br /> . Unkss l.e�det aad Bormwer otf�wise agioe in wiiting.AnY apptication of prooeods t�pdncipal shall not eatend ar �
<br /> postpone the due date of the maotlily payments refferred to ia patageaphs i and 2 or change tUe amouat of the P1Yments. if ,
<br /> nader pocsgnph 2t the�roperty is xqnired by I,eod�.K,Bormwer's rigLt to any ins�uanoe policies ud pracoods`esulting from ,
<br /> damage w die Pm�percy pcior ta tbe acquisiGon stret#pass to I.eader W We ez�eat of tbe surac savred by Wis Security Insuument
<br /> immediatety priar to tl�e aoq�isitioa. ' .
<br /> �.paap�e9.�r�ioR,Mai�tem�re aod P�utedioo otlie Ptoparty;Bon+wrds Loaa Appiia�tion;LdrseMld9.
<br /> ' Burmwer a6all oocapy.est�blish.and use the Pnopaty as Bormwsr's principai tesidenoe within six[y days sfter the eaocutlon af
<br /> . ' tl�is Secudty Iasuuo�ent aed shalT oartivae ta oocapy t6q Pno�e�ty as Borrowes's principal t+esidence for su teast ane year after
<br /> the date of oxnpancy,uNess Leoder otherwise agnoes i��rrmu�,�vhich cansent shaU not 6e am�asouably withhetd.ar uWess ,. ' _
<br /> exteaaatiug circniastar��es exist whicb are beyotd Borrowec's'soatrol. Borrowa shall not desuoy, damage or impair the
<br /> --- . Pioperty.allow tbe Pr+operty to deteriorafe.or commit watste on the gtoperry. Bocrower sl�aU he.in�defaah ff mry forfeituat _
<br />"� ' action or prncoeding,whether civil or criarinal,is begun that in Lender's goad faith judgmcnt could result in forfeiture of Rhe —
<br />= Property or otherwise materially�d�e lien eceated b�v this Security Instrument or Lender's security icRereu.Borrower may
<br /> cure sach a default�d ninstate,as prbvided in paragraph 1S,by causing the aetion or proce�ding to be dismissed witf�a tuling -
<br />--_% tbat,in Irender's goo�faith detemtination. precTudes farfeiture of the Barrawer's intenst in the Property or other materia! _.--
<br /> = impairmenE of t1�e tiee►cn�ated by this Security Insuvment or Lender's seatrety inurest.Borrower shali also be in default if - -
<br /> Borrower,dur�ng tt�e T:aaii application ptocess.gave materially false or ina^�e inforraation or statements to Lendtr(or failod ,
<br /> to pmvide I�der with atry material informadon)in cannection with the Io�i e-.fdenad by the Nate.including.but not[imitod .
<br />-,^;, to.repnsentadons conceming Borrower's occupancy of the Pmperty as a p�incipat residenee.if this Security Instrument is on a
<br /> =:-i;- - � teasehotd, Borrower shall romply wlth all tl�e provisions of tfte lease. If Barrower ac�� fee title to the Ptaperty. the __
<br /> ' � � leasehold and the fee title shall not merge unless Lender agrees to the merger in writing. � =_
<br /> ',, i 7.Rntedbn oi Lender's Rig6fs in the Property.If Borrower faits to perform the covenanu and agreements contained in �,R
<br /> : this Security Instrurnent.or there is a tegal proceeding that may significantly affect lxnder's rights in the Property fsuch as a "`
<br /> " proceeding in bankn�ptcy.probate. for condemnation or forfeiture or to enforce laws or regulations).then I.ender may do and '"�'
<br />�ti't1 -.. � .
<br />;�_-- pay for whatever is necessary to protect the value of the Property and t.ender's righu in�e Property. L,ender s actions m1y � �,-
<br /> inctude paying any snms secured by a lien which ha.c priarity over this Securiry Insaument. appearing in oourt. paying �r�.-�-
<br /> - re�conable attomeys'fas and entering an the Property ta malce repairs.Attho;r�Lencter may take aetion under this yaragraph �'=
<br /> - ' 7.Lender dces not have to da so. ��•�-
<br /> . ; Any amounts disbursed by i.ersder under this paragraph 7 shall becorne additional debt of Borr�nwer sec�red by this ��==
<br /> � Security Lasttument. Unless Boaos��and l,ender agree to otner terms of payment.�hese�unts shail bear interest fre.n the �-=;-
<br /> ; date of d;sbursement at thq Note r�te and shal! be payable. Kith interest. upon naticc frain Lender to Borrower requesting �`�°"�°
<br /> _ . PaYment. . �'
<br /> 8.Matga�e Iasuranca If Lender requirr�a�rtgagc insurance as a condition af making the loan secured by this Securiry �`�'
<br /> -- "' a Instnnneat. Borrawer shall pay the�cemiums required tv maintain the mortgage insurance in effect. If. far any reason. the �;_�`�.-_
<br /> i moRgage insurance wverage requir�by l.e,ncter lapses or ceases ta b�in effect.Borrnwcr shall pay the premiums required to "�;��
<br /> ; obtain wverage substantially equivalent to the mortgage insurance previously in effect.at a c�t substamially equivalent to the .�;__;
<br />-. ° cost to Borrower of the mortgage insurance previoasly in effe�, from an aivzmate mortgage insurer approved by Lender. If •-,
<br /> � ,'�, ; substantially equivalent mortgage insurance covernge is not avaitable.Horrower shall pay ta l.ender each month a sum equal to �
<br />� • +� ' �anatwelfth of the yearly mortgage insurancc premium being paid by Barr�wer when the insurancc cnvcrage?ap.sed or ccased to ' .
<br /> ' � �` ' be in effect.Lender will accept.use c-nd retain these payments as a loss teserve in 1}eu nf mortgage insuriuut. Lvss reservt
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