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<br /> � s�,�aro3�►��►��:�sa�s�;�,►�- ����u�s�: c:3
<br /> � pa�n t.e�der a�s��k�►aro�dd be due��ida d„s Secu�itg Iasanaoeat�od�he.IVo�e as if no aoak�ion.ls�`
<br /> oocune�(b)a�ra anY defi�t cf�y od�a ooveo�rK�a apeeme�Ns:{c)P�!'s all expeaia iec�urad in d�facL�g 1Ws Saa�rity'
<br /> . In�npit��ncludio�.but not Ienited ta.�soa�k at�bmcys''fee��nd fd)�es�actian st�.endes an�}►re�ooi�bly . `
<br /> requite lo�a�wre tMt d�e I�ei►of this Sa.�uity�I.ea�iet�rigMs In t6e Ptagaty aad Sa[awtr3 oblig�tioo W pay ttx
<br /> a�mt,�a.�rd bryr tlris.Saa�riry� s�a1! � � UP� �ei,n�ate�aeat 6Y Bdc��wa. this SocuritY .
<br /> � ioet�aait aod the oeL�se�ed l�eby abai!nm�in fuUy effec6ve u zf nQ�ccNer�aun hsd aocunod. Noweva,Wis
<br /> `- - d�6tto�esi�it�atappiy.a�tbecasGflEao�aaaderp�bl7. ` '
<br /> i! Sde s[N�1�;CM�ot La�s Sa�ioe� 'Ibe Nae or�puti�l;intenst in the Nae(togetbe*witR this Sav�iry _ _.
<br /> � Ia�ma�t)tp�Y be wld ope ar mo�e tim�vrithwc pia notice m Bamwer. A sife msy iesoh in a ctnage in tix erxicy .
<br /> (lmo�rn a tHe"Laan Sarioe�')t6�t cbNects mootbl9 P�Y�due atdcr the Note and this 5ecurih�L�strurtxn� There a1sQ
<br /> �oay baaae ar mane c�s of dre Loin ServicxF uoe�d�ted ta asak of the Note..If tl�+e is.a change of t6e Loan Servicer.
<br /> Baro�wer�r7f 6e pv�a w�ritla�t�otice of tbe ciwtbe ta aoco�dinct wlQt pvagr�h 14 above aod appiicsbk bw. The notioe
<br /> � �eUt staie t1��ne aod addrcs�d d�e nevv i.ari Savieer and the addrcss to WrBich p�yments sliould be a�ade. Tbe notice w�71 . .
<br /> �hfo�,�Y�iofaimarian roquired by spplicabk law. . • • . ,
<br /> . • �. Haae+N�a S�irb�ees. Bon�ower shall not csuse a�permit tbc piesa�ce.use.disposv.ston�8�.o`tek�so of any
<br /> Hiza�do��s Sab�t�m oe ar ia the Piopaty. Banower shall trot d0.aa allow anyope else to do.aaything affecting tlje , _
<br /> Aiq�ty d�t is in vioistia�of�►y F�►vuaomenqt Law. The preceding two seatmces sl�at[aot apply to the presa�ce,use,or
<br /> stn�ge an d�e Propaty of sm�U qwuKities of Na�dous Substances that m generrlly recognized to be spproprisitcc to nam�l .
<br /> tesidealial uses�ad ta t�e of�he P�paty � ' '
<br /> , Harco�ra st�tl P�PaY B�Ye ixnder written no�ice af wy iavestigatioa,cl�im.dem�d,lawsuit or otlkr acGan by any ,
<br /> javanmrntal a�nguLtay aB�Y a P�vau party imoiving tbr Pmpelty aed aay fia�adPns.Snbstance a Fnviconmrnal
<br /> Law of which Bamwer h�s actwl Imowlodga tf�Bamwer la�.or�s�wtifiod 6y u►y governma�tal or negulataY
<br /> wtlarit!►.th�t any iienwval.ar od�ortemediuion of any Huardous Substanoe�ectiug d�e Pmpe[ty is r�vessary,Barowa
<br /> . sh�ll p�vmptly tate aII t�a�oess�ry temodi�l actions i�t�e with Enviroonfental i.aw.
<br /> As used'ut tfiis parag�aph 20."Fl�zacdoas Sobstances"are tdose subst�xs defined as toxiF a huudous substartces 6Y .
<br /> � , Fnviroomenta!Law and the folbwing substaaces: gasoliqe.kctnsena,�►hes fl�mmable or to�cic petmleum productc.toaic
<br /> � pesticldes and hefiicides.volat�e solvents,materials containing asbestos or formaldehyde,and radivactive materials. As
<br /> used in this parntgrAph 20."F�vironmental Law"means federal Taws and laws of t6e jarisdiction whe�e tha Fmperty is located
<br /> that telate to health,safety or envirrmmental protection. � �
<br /> NON-UNIFORM COVENAN7'S. Batirower and l.ender funher covenant and agee as foliows:
<br /> - 2L AaYkratlo�i RenKdies. I.eoderaiwQ give notice to Barro�rer peior ta acakration tdbwiog Horrowee's .
<br />.. brese6 d any caveasnt or ag�ment In t6is Secuetty Instrument(bat not prbr to Aocekratfoa ander pan�ph 17 ,'
<br /> ; ���pp[iwbk Isw Provides ot6erwtse). T6e aotice sUsll speci[9s (a)tl�e delsWt;(b)t6e action requiced to cnre tbe
<br /> dds�k;(c)s date.ubt k�s tl�aa 30 days from ttie dah the uotioe is�ivn to Borrowes.by�rLic6 the defsnit must be •
<br /> c�ed;siW(d)tl�at fa0aee W cnre tbe defi�elt ae or 6efore tbe dsk specitied ia the notWe esy nsrk is a¢eekratbn a�
<br /> - fie srd+secured by tbis Security IRStramtat and stk at the Praperti: The notice shsdl furt6er intorm Iforrower ot
<br /> tUe ri�t to rel�shte aRer aocekssHos�ud tbe rig6t to brfoS s oourt sctioa to�eert tLe�ow-e�[iste�ce ot a defaWt ar
<br />—= — � aey at6er defease uf BorraRer to acala�aad sAk. It the de1'sult is aot cnred on or before tbe dste specitied b .
<br /> _= tbe aotke,i.eider at its opUon may req�rcimmediate psymeat ia full o�all sams secured by tbis Secur�ty lustrameet
<br /> ,�,; �vithoot tort6er demand and may invoke the pa�vrer of sak aed any other remedks permitted 6y applicabit law �
<br /> - I.e�der s6sli be eotitled to cdkd all txpenses incurred ln pw�saiag tLe remedies provided in thts paesgrapb 11,
<br /> ""° incladin�.bat not Ilmited tay reasoiwbk attoraeys'fees and casts of titk evidence.
<br />-- It the pavver ot sate is invotced,Trustee shail record a notice ot default in eacA county in which any pArt ot the
<br /> _ _ proPa�t'ia located aad slwil mail copies of sacb notice in the mAaner prescrlbed by appikAbk taw to Borrower and to
<br /> - t�e dMet persows presc�lbed 6y npplicabie�aw Aftrr the time required by Applic�bk bw,'IFo.�tte sbsU give publlc
<br /> = eotke o�sak to the persans and in the manner pcescribed by pppUcable law 7lrustee,withatt demand oa Borrmrer,
<br /> eba9 seil tre Property at publlc Aaction to the 6ighest biddar at the time and place Aad under tl�e terms desig�wtcd in _
<br />,.�.,� tie nMia o�aak in one ov more parcels and in any order Trusta determines. 7lrusta may postpone sak dsif ar Any
<br />'.�: PArod ot the Property by publk aneounoe�ent at the time aad ptsce ot any previousty schedakd sak. l.ender or its =
<br /> _ = desigoee maY pRChase the Praperty At ae�sate. -
<br />�_��"' llpae receipt ot pAynKnt o�the price bid,7lrusta s6a11 deUvee to the purchasee Trustee's deed conveyiag tUe
<br /> pitioperty. T6e recitaL9 ia ti�e Trusta's deed sh�ll be prlma tack evidence ot the truth ot the sfatements made therein.
<br /> `_- - Ta�sta sb�ll spplX the proeads o�the ss�k in tlie tolbvs�ng order. (a)to all costs aad expeases of exercising tbe power
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