. . x� `� e t G`, [ . . `� • t;.�r . '� ' . Y ` � ,� ,. '— ' ...7�i,.--`�f�K ' -:
<br /> � . . . • t �. e 5 ` i� .
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<br /> � � � ':
<br /> 17.Traa�fer of the Pnnpesty ar p Ben�fcia!tate�+cst in Boseo�ser.If all or any pan of the Propeny or any iraerest in it �°`�=�
<br /> is sald or transferned(ar if a beneficial interest an Borrc��ver is soid or trdnsferred and�orrawer is not a natural person)withaut �=-
<br /> Lertder's prior w•ritten uonsent, Lender ma3r, at its option, require immcdiate payment in full of:ill sums secured by this �..=�t,
<br /> Seci+rity Instrument.However.this option sha11 noi be exercise,d by L.ender if exemise is prohibitai by federa!!aw as of the date
<br /> uf this Security Instrument. M' ,
<br /> If Lender exercises this option, Lender shall give @ormwer Qotice of acceteration. The notice shall provide a period of not �-
<br /> less than 30 days from the date the notice is deiivered or mailed within which Borrower must pay all sums secured by this '�,i;
<br /> _ Securiry Instrument. Tf Borrower fails t�pay these sums prior to the exgintion of this period, Le�ider may invoke any remedies -
<br /> .-: permitted by this Security Insvument without funher nouce or demand on Bormwer. � '.,.
<br /> �� 18. Boreo�cer's It4gdt to Reinstate. )f Borrower meets certain condidons, Borrower shall have the right to have
<br />``'�� enforcement of this Secarity Instniment disoontinued at any dme prior to the earlier of: (a)S days (or such other period as �=�
<br /> applicable taw may spacify for reinstatement)before sale of the Froperry pursuant to any power of sate oontained in this �
<br /> �_`..
<br /> Securiry Instrument;or(b)entry af a judgment enforcing this Security Instrument.Those oonditions are that Borrower:(a)pays �-••- :
<br /> I.ender all sums�vhich then would be due under ttus 5ecurity Inswment nnd the Note as if no acceleratioo had occorred;(b) —=
<br /> cures any default of any other covenanu or agreemenu: (c)pays all expeases incurred io enforcing this Security Insuument. �;1_.
<br /> including, but no2limited to,reasonable attomeys' foes; and(d)takes such acdon as i.ender tnay reasonably require to assure -
<br /> that the lien of this Securiry Instcumen�Lender s rights in the Property and Bomnwer°s obligarian to pay the sums secured by �-=�
<br /> this Security Inswment shall continue unchanged. U�SOn reinstatement by Borrower, this Securiry Instrument and the �' `�
<br /> abGgations secur�hemby sttall remain fuily effective as if no acceleration 6ad oocurred. However, this right to reinstate shall �"�'•"
<br /> not apply in the case of acceleration under p�agtaph l7.
<br />' 19. Sale of PIote; C e of i.oan �eiviser.The Note or a artial interest in the Note (to ether with this Securi �`�
<br /> �S P g tY �i`".,
<br /> Instrument)may be sald one or more times without prior rr�tice to Sorrower. A sale may result in a change in the entity(known �:-�
<br /> as the"Loan Sen+icer")that collects monttily paymenu dae under the Note and this Security Irtstrument.There atso may be one
<br /> or more changes of the Loan Servicer unrelated to a sate of ths Note.If there is a change of the Lonn S�ervicer,Ba*r��ver will be -"-_
<br /> given written notice of the change in accordance with para.�c�:ia 14 above and applicable law.The notice will st�.r�name and �"
<br /> add�ess oF the new Loan Servicer and the address to whi���a_�-ments should be arade. 7'he notioe wi�i also a7n•,�:ir any other
<br /> _ � information required by appGcable law. _
<br /> -� �. Ha�ardons Sabstanees.Bomower shall not cause cr rr-a�i�.idm..presence, use, disposal, �tn�e, c�r-�r�e.�se of any =�'�
<br /> ��t Hazardaus Substances on or in the Property. Borrower �;.�i s:t �;��.. �r allow anyone else to do, anydLr�}; �*{ecting the b,^,.-:
<br /> i Property that is in violation of any Enrironmental Law. '�1Ca t�•r..�:i.rstc�vrp sentences shall not apply to the F:�..�ce, use,ar I��_-i
<br /> storage on the Property of small quantities of Hazardous Sabss�.::�d.'��r ue generally recognized to be zppropriate to nom�al ��� `
<br /> hresidenrial uses au�to maintenance of the Property. -_,__
<br /> Borrower s6a11 promptly give Lender weitteri notice of any inve�:gation,claim, demand,law y-�s or other action by any
<br /> governmental or r•��ulatory agency or private�.sty involvin g the Pro pe r ty and an y Hazardous Subm.;moe or Environmental Luw ��%°�
<br /> � of which BanowQSr has actual knowledge.If Borrower��r��, or is notified by any gnz;srnmental a;regutatory:::.•,hority,that -'`���
<br /> any►�ovsil or other remediation of any Hazardous aulJras��affecting the Property is u�ecessary.Borrower sh::1.vvmptly take �=,-�=
<br /> "�, all rra�sz.y cernedial actions in accordance with Env:���emal Law.
<br />' �f;�;"• :���,�.��.:s pazagraph Z0, "Harardous Su6sta.-�-�°s'are those substances derued as toxic or haz-srdo�;s s�bstances by
<br /> ��°."� Ea�iro::�r,e:;�L (L•�� and the foflowing suh�r�:ct.:s: gasoline, kerosene. ethar tlammable or toxic ;¢:troleum products. toxic --�---
<br /> ��'r pesticides ana t;,�itii:ides,volaate solvents,ar�:e¢aals�rontaining asbestn�-:,r�.:��matdehyde,and radi��aoe�z�e materia7s.As used in
<br /> --,:f. thic parav.anh 2U, °Environmental Law" m����'ederal laws and lav�s -aF�,�e J�ris�s�ion where r;�e �roperty is tocated a+ ---
<br /> relate to heatth,safety or environmental protection. - -
<br /> �• NON-UNIFO�tM COVENANTS.Borrower and i.eader funher cove:2at and���e as follows: �i.
<br /> ' : 21.Acceteration;Remedfes.Lender sbaU give aoHce to Borro�rc�qsior to arceteratfon following Borrower's 6reac6
<br /> ' ' of any cavenant or agreemea4 dn this Sc�tQrlty Instrumeat (but a�+t pNor to acce[eratfon ucu�r-�paragrepU 17 unless `
<br /> . .,, appllrable t�w psnvl�cs otherwise). The rr�:e shall specify: (a)the rafault;(b)the actton req��i;rr.sd to cure the defaalt; �;
<br /> ��' (c)a date,not[ess than 3�days from the °�:e the aotl�e ts given to Borro�rer,by wWcla the de�'ault musl6e cured;an¢1 •''•
<br /> •: (d)that faiWse to cure We deSauft on or before the date specif7�i in the notice may c¢svlt in acceleratton of the sums ,�
<br /> f secuse8 by thts Security It�^nent and sale of the Property.T6e notice s6all further intorm�onower of the rig6t to ■�
<br /> 2 .� e�l�state aftes acceferation and tl�e rlght to brtng u caust acnoa to assert t6e non��dstence r,f a default or�nny other �•`
<br /> f defeuse of Botrower to acceteratioa and�rrh�.If t6e default is not ca�.-ed on or beYore the d�rt;�e.nyecifled in We natice, �:
<br /> � I.ender,at its ogtion,may requIre imcaa3.��td;e payment in fu11 of�ID wnms secured by thls Sa��t�'ty Instrument withouE �.
<br /> further demand and m�y it►vake tHe poasr of sale and auy other r+e��e�d,tes permltted by appli�G�t.(s law.Leader shall t�e r�=,
<br /> ;, entlUed to collect all espenscs incurred in puisuing ihe re�edIes provlded in this paragreph 21,�t�zcfud�ng,butoot IImtte� ��"���°=_
<br /> ( to,teasoaa6le attorneys'fces and wsis ot titte ev�dence. �:;;"��;.
<br /> lf the power of sale is iovoked,Trustee shall record a notice of default in each county f� whicb any part of the —�"'
<br /> Proper¢y ts lorated aad s�all mail coptes of wch notioe i�e the manner prescribed by apgllcaQG:Law to Bormwer and to -
<br /> the other peraons prescribed by applFc�ble tatv.After the time requlred 6y applicnbie law,Trustee shall give publle notice �.
<br /> of sute to the persons and in the mannes presc�ibed Ea.r�pplicable Iaw.Trustee,au!l�out demand on Borra�:ot.shall se11 �-_;�
<br /> the Property at publtc suctton Qo the htgbest biddee aC t,frn c�me and place and�nuiimr the te�ms designated fa t�l�notire of �°�-=
<br /> sule in one or more parcets s�d tn any order Trastee dtUUr.�niQes.Trustee may�rra'�pone sale of all or any�ncel of We �''-�`'
<br /> . Property by pebllc annuuncemen!at the time and p�aez of any �reviously schetluled sale. Lender or[ts��tec may
<br /> purcl�ase the Pprn�r?.�tq nt any sale. �
<br /> ��: .
<br /> i
<br /> Fcr.r. i028 9190 ---
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