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<br /> .i` TOGETHEFt OYITH all th:impmvements rtow or hereafter erected on the pmperty.and a1[eas�ments, appurtetLVices,ectd '
<br /> ti j z
<br />' . fi�ctures now or hereafter a pa� of the [Sroptrty. All replacem�nts and addidons shall alsr, be covered by this �ecuriry ;�'
<br /> Instrument.All of the foregoing is refemed to in this Sscurity Instrument as the °Property•" ��r
<br /> BORRO�VER COVEPiANTS that Borrower is�awfully seised of the estnte hereby convcycd and has the right to grant and ;�
<br /> �' '� oonvey the Praperty and that the Pro�erty is uneacumbered. e.scept for encumbrances of record. Sorrower warranu and will � �-
<br /> defead gen�raliy the title to the Praperty agsinst all cluims und demands,subjei-c to any encum�rances of recard. '��r
<br /> THIS SECURITY INSTP.UMENT corttbines uniform coveaants for nnrianal usr and non-uriform covec�anu�vith lurrited `�"�.
<br /> � variadons by jurisdiction[o rnnstitute a uniform sesurity i�strumeat coverin�rea{prnperry. ___
<br /> �'�:_ UNIFORM CQVENANTS.Borrower and Leader covenant and a�ree as fallows:
<br /> i. Payment o�PtiptelpQi �d imterr�s't; Prc�saymest au�Late Ch�e�. Ecuro�ver shall promptly pay when due the ;��'.'.`:
<br /> principal of and interest an the deht evidenasd by the Note and any prepayment arr�1.�charges due under th:Abote. --�'"
<br /> • 2. Eunsfs for Toxes and Insurn��.Subject to applirable law or to a�vritten waiver by Leadcr.Borrower shall ga�to f.�-�
<br /> Leuder on the day month�y payr.r:uu are due ander the Note.until the Note is paid in full,t�sum("Funds")for:(a)yeariy taxes F� '��
<br />, arzd nssessmenzs which may attcin priQrity over th'ss Securit}�Instrument as a lien on the Pr+operty:lb)year[y leasehold payments � _
<br /> or goand renu on th:Prop�rty.if any:(c)Yearlv t�.asd or pmperty insurance premiums: (d)yearly tlood insurance premiums. �.
<br /> � '' if any; (e)Yenrty moztg3�e insurance�remiums.it any:am�(�anY sums payable by Borsower to l.ender. in accardance�vith _
<br /> , tt�pmvisians of parflgaph 8.in lien of the pay�sen.t of a�asigage insurance premiums.These items are called"Escrcnv Items." -__-
<br /> � I,en,ter may,at any tim.e, callect and hold Funds in an amount not to exceed the mammum amount a lender for a federally •�-`'
<br />: ` related mortga�loa�may require for Borrower's escrow account under the federal Real Fstate Settlement Procedures Act af _�
<br /> 1974 as amendetl from rime to time, 12 U.S.C.Seciion 2601 et seg. ("R�SP/�"),unless anotfner law that a�pplies to die Funds
<br /> se4s a tesser amoimt. if so. Lender may,at any time, colled and hotd Funds in an amount not to exceed the lesser amount. ��_°�_:
<br /> (,ender may estimate the amount of Funds due on the basis of cvrnent data and reasonablc estunates of eapenditures of fuwie _ _
<br /> Escrow�ms or othenvise in accordance with applicabie law. r-_-
<br /> The Fuads sl�all be 6r1d ia an institation whose deposiu are insural by a federal ageacy. instrumentality, or endry �:-• :
<br /> (including Lender,if Leader is such an institution)ar in any Federal Home Loan Bank.Ix�er shall apply the Funds to pay the ` �
<br /> • Esc[ow Itecns. Lender may not charge Borrower far holding and applying the Funds,annually analyzing the escrow sccount.or
<br /> ., veri in the Fscrow Items.unless I.ender pays Sorrower interest on the Funds and applicable law permiu L.ender to inaice such �•
<br /> fY 8
<br /> a charge.However, Lender may re�.Wre Borrower to pay a ere-time eharge for an independent real estate tax reportin�service F�?.
<br /> used by I.ender in connection witi� n�is toan. �::,�s app:�::zzr.�_e taw pmvides othera+ise. Unless an agreement is made or ��'
<br /> . applicabte law requires interest to be paid,Lenr},:r sh..11 not be required to pay Borrower any interest or rasnings on the F�ands. �`
<br /> ��� � Borrower and Lendes may agree in writing, hcwe-.�s, that interesi shall b�taisW on the Funds. Lender shali give to Borrower.
<br /> with^::t d�arge, an annual accaunting of the F�?s. showing cndits and d�h��to the Funds and th�purpose for which each �___�•
<br /> debit to:th.Fands was made.The Funds are pled�as addiaonal security for all sums secured�y this Security Instrua�.
<br /> ;:,;°��:� If r,�:Fa�s hetd by Ixnder exceed the a�c�.�.:�s permitted to be held by�9licuble law,Lxnder shall accoun+t to Hcs�r�ower
<br /> �':--��� fnr th�eacess Fu�io accordancc with ihe requ;�a..r.szents of upplicable laoi.I��e amquat of th�Ft►r�tr.t�by i.ettder at any �
<br />�{;'����� tjm2 is aot suifici�en}�ay the E�crow Items wk�n�ie.I..�nder may so nati.fy J�arrower in writing.aa�.i�;sach case Barro�ver .. ��+��r
<br /> . snal�R�.=,ao Let�der th:amount necessary to mak�ap the deficiency. Borro��es s�all mstce u�th:de�aiscy�y in tto e�sse than ----
<br /> twetrt�snanThly paytaents,at Lender's sole discretion. . -
<br /> •„ ',� U�nan payrnent in full of all sums secured.by this Security Instrumeni. Lender shall prompily refnnd to B��t��any =___
<br /> ' ?A�ads hel�by Lender.If.under paragraph 21.Lender shall aoquire or se11 the Property,Lender.prior to�it acquisidgi�or sale j�"�'
<br /> of ttas�raperty,sh�ii��I.y any Funds hetd by Leuder at the time of acqnisition or sale.as a credit pga�..-is't��ke�ttn�s secured by
<br /> `�:� � tliis S�c^:riay Instcusa�,.°�::
<br /> � 3.,�l�p�lttatlor►of Ys�ym2nts.Uciess ap�licable law provides otherwise,a!1 paymecxs neraeived Dy Lender under paragiaphs
<br /> ' �' �a 1 mnd 2 s'lrall_be ay^�it�: fir�t.ta mar}.�Wgayc�ent charges due under the Note;,.second,to�aounu payable under paragraph 2;
<br /> ' �; tturd,to interest du�.�oust�:.ra?�a�::.�:J�3�:e:�a Fast.to a»y late ctiarges dv�rsa'c�t4:Note. . . _
<br /> ' � 4.Cbu�rges;L'u�tus.�u���x s�al!yz_..:ai.'1�.�s:es,assesssnents.chargw. f�;�;s and impositions at�:��able to the Property
<br /> .. :;$ which may attain priorct�• over t;-��Security �smv�:�ent. and leasehold paym�:r.s ar graund rents. if•r..�. Borrower shall pay �,
<br /> • ; these obligadqns in the manner prai'�:d in paragraph 2,or if not paid in that!�inner.BorroNer shall pay tt�em on d�e directly
<br /> to the person owed payment.Bc>-�rarr.shaU promptly fumish to Lender all notices of amounts to be paid under this,r�tagraph. —�
<br /> ' If Borrowes makes th�se�ayme.::��u�ctly.Borsa�ve�shall promptly fumish t�Lender receipts evidencing the pay.,�cs_ _
<br /> � • , Borrawer shall�rrFm�tly disc?:arge any lie��th�r,h has priority over thi:a�re.vrity Instrument unless L'r�„�+�':4a)agrees in
<br /> � � writ3ng to the paytrr�t�c�f�e obligation secured"ay the lien in a mnnner ao�:rble to Lender,(b)contes,dr���att�**�.�,`P tien �;.
<br /> . by, or defends aga::.�t enforcem�t of the lien in, legal pxaa.edings which in the Lender's opinion operate tv �r�ro+e:�t the �..:
<br /> ' � enforcement of the Zi��, or(c)sect�res frnm the holder of the lEen nn agreement satisfactory to l.ender subordinatir:;��.Jien to —_
<br /> � '' this Security Insms�:u�. if ir.nder determines that any part of the Properry is subject to a lien which may attain priority over
<br />'.." `� this Securiry Jnstn�.��. I.ender may give�onower a nodce identifying t!x IS-.n.Borrawer shall sati�fy+a�:lien or taks one or ��
<br /> •' more of the actions s�t�:or1h aboee within 10 days of the giving of natice. --
<br /> .,
<br /> ".� Form 3�'3GJS 9/9� _-
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