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<br /> � ��`. � �s` rx�a�.tn�s, ,�aas:.tiiis ,ist aay o� aanuary,` zs��a, b�tween ..
<br /> �, Caaah�tn` Divarsified i�lar�house(s� . Jofnt ventur�, a �G�n�ral ` .
<br /> �-- -° _� `, PArtn�trsh�P .-<�har�fn�_��erk�d._,to_ _a�..:Granto�! � _.and H�a. GQOd _ . -,- -.- -
<br /> _----_ __ --____���t�nt�, Lt.�l._,__boug].a��_ C. stoc$. .Ev+�rett_ Sischta_ �d B,T.
<br /> Daislsy, Jr. (hs]C�in ,sefss�ssd°tQ .�ts Grrrites).. t
<br /> . tiZT1�3sEZ8; that Grantor, for and in consid�ration ot th� 'sua ' � -
<br /> a! �na Do12ar (Sl.ao� �d othsr good at�vvaluabl� consideration,
<br /> does her�by rqiss, release and foraver quitcia3s�nato Gsante�, and . .
<br /> � to 'Granta�•s h�ir�c and as�iyn� far�ver, a�l riqht,- titl� and � ,
<br /> - interast in and,to ths property describad on EYhibft «A" attached
<br /> . � liereto.and incorporated herein by reference, together with all. and
<br /> � � �� �tcingular th��h�reditam�nts thareunto belonqinq.
<br /> � . � To have and to hold the al�ove descri3�ed premises nnto Grantee . j
<br /> and_ 6rantea�s heir�,° assigns; so that naither Grantor nc�r any .: �
<br /> _ per!lu�an. in Grantor�s..�taas and,3�ehalf shall or vill hereatte�:c3ai�a� ;
<br /> _ � .. �or dewa�d :any right ar tf�e to the said...premisei�` or.ariy :part .
<br /> , • ..there�pt, .but:.#hey sha�ll by.t�iese gr+esents;.�s;_�sccluded and �i�v4r � . -
<br /> , � �DAi�ed. . . , � . � . � .
<br /> . � _ � ::�IN.�'� .�OF,-Grantor-..has hereuato set.�Graator's hand _.:�::::�. ' ,.
<br /> -T ; th� day and year Pirst above written. �
<br /> - � Ke1n Good� d�nt �
<br /> - � Ren Good v�st�nts, Ltd. - - .
<br />#- . Gan�ral Partn�r, Coa�baan•
<br /> -_ Div�rsiti� N�r�hovs��s} Joint
<br /> ,:�= Venture,' a Ltd. Partnarship ,
<br />- _ - , � � ��
<br /> -- � � Douglas . 8tock, Ganoral Partn�r
<br />