� _�. . . .y. . � � -•' t ' _ . .. . . • , .•�. . . . ' � . � .�(• A ` '
<br />.. ` •. '�f- . a ' .. . �l: 1 � . ` -_ . . '' ♦.�. . . � .. '
<br /> . • ` . � t� .f�` " l ti+� - . t- �`•• � �` " " . , �' .' i c�. '� _...�...��r•��t
<br /> . . � . >�t .,.�,.--..
<br /> ——_ � _ - __._
<br /> �i� �GS�3Y f/a6�� �.�__`'.'. .
<br /> �E7�ER V�TI'H ali the improvecn�nts caw or 6er�fter er�ted on d�e Pro�enYs
<br /> and ull easecaents. appurtenar.ces.nnd '�"`,�� '-
<br /> fixtures no�v ar hereafter a part of the pmperry. All repl�ce�nis and �ddirions shutl also be rnvered by Uris S�uriiy �.�-
<br /> ,,.�- .
<br /> Instnsraen�All of the foregoing is referred to in tt►is Security Instrument as the'Propecty.° �_-�
<br /> SaRROWER CbVENANTS that Eorro�ver is lawfiilly seised of the atate hereby rnnveycd and has the rigi►t to grant an� ;��j�
<br /> x:,�_�=.
<br /> convey the Property and that ttie �operty is unencumbemd. eacept far en�brances of remrd. Sosrowea warrants and will �
<br /> � det'end genem9ly the title to the Property against all clairas and demands. subject to any encumbrances of record. �
<br /> THIS SECURTfY INSTRUMENT comb�nes uniform oovenants far national use and non-tmiform covenanis with linsited
<br /> variations by jurisd'ecdon to oonstitute a uniform sscurity instrument covering real property• �
<br />-� UMFORM COVENAM'S.Eorrotiver and Lemler�ovenant utd agree as follows: �,, �:,
<br /> ` i. F�ay�eat of Prsa��gaQ and aniea'es3;Pre�sYment and Late Chhar�es. Borrower shaU prvmpdy pay when due ihe �t�P_�:
<br /> n
<br /> principal of and iniezest on the debt evideaced by the Note and any prepayment and late charges due under the Note.
<br /> �: `.
<br /> Z.41mds fos Tuxc�aad Insaranee. Sub}ect to applicable!aw or to a written waiver by Lender. Bormwer shall psy to -- _
<br /> I.ender on tbe day monthly paym�nts a�re due under the Note,until the Note is paid in full.a sum('['unds')foc(a)yearly tax�s ; �
<br /> and ass�sments which may attain priority over tliis Securiry I� ,m ni as a lien on the Property:(b)yearJy leasehald payments _
<br /> or gtaund tents on ths Property,if any;(c)Yearly hazard or property insntance preminms;(d)Yearly flood insurance premiams. —
<br /> if aay' (e)Yeazl}'martgage inburance Premiwns, if any;az►d (fl anY sums Payable by Borrower to Lender. in acoordance with =:;y_
<br /> the provisions of�arageaph ti, in lien of the payment of mortgage inswance premiums.These it�ms are calted"Fscrow Items.' �:.,�
<br /> �'` I.en�(r�r may. at any wne. cnJlcsci and hotd Funds in an amount not to ezceed the maximwn amount a lender for a federally
<br /> .�k' relattxi:baortgage ioan may m,quir•�for Borrower s esccow acoount under the fe�eral Real Estate Settlement Pracedures Aet of �-_
<br /> 197d�us aineaded fr�m time t�i tiirsrz. 12 U.S.C. Seruon 26Q1 ct seq. ("RESPA").unless aiwtiner law that applies to tfie Funds �=�:�
<br /> �. sets a Iesser amount.If so, Lender may. at any time, collect and hold Funds in an amount not to excced the tesser amount_
<br />�I�., Leuder may estfrimie the amount of Funds due on the basis of curreat data and reasonable estimates of eapenditures of fuwre �•
<br /> Fscrow Items or c�erwise in a000rdance with appficxble law_ °`u
<br /> .d--.
<br /> The Funds shaU be held in an institudon whose deposits are insured by a federal agency. inswmentality, or entity �;�'=;
<br /> _ _ (3�r.iiufing Lender.if Lender is suc6 an iastitution)or in any Fe�eral Home Loan Bank.I.endes shall apply the Fundsc tsa pay ti�e =-_
<br /> � Esc�w Items.Lender may not chatge Barrower for hotding a,-td�i�i;r.g•�:.F�.�s.sr.m::.�fy�!;�;rhP,��t„�u ncm,nnt;�r ----
<br />.'!'ti verif}+ing the�scrnw Items,unless Ixnder pays Borrower interest on the Fu�ds and applicable law germits Lender to'make suc�
<br />� • a charge.However,Lender may require Borrower ta pay a one-time charge for an independent real estate tau reportin8 service � �, r-
<br /> • used 6y Lender in connection with ttus loan. �anless applicxble law provides othernise. U�tess an agreemeni is made or �
<br /> spplirable taw nequires interest to be paid,Lender shall not be m�uired to pay Borrovrer any interest or easnings on ttae Funds. d„�
<br /> Boaower and ixnder may a.�,�in wrivng,however.that interest shall be paid on the Funds.I.ender shall give to Borrower.
<br /> without charge; �rs.;�ua!ae�unting of the Funds, showing credSts and d�its to the Funds and tfr,:purpose for�viuch eaeh
<br /> de6it to the F�n�;=•��zs made.'i�'he Funds are pledged as additional sec�a.ri�;far all sums secured by t�:s Security Inswment. �,
<br /> �:`�`� If the Funds held by Lender exceed the ammmts perm�ttrd ta be f s rW�'Dy app li c a b le law. I.en d e r s h a l l a c c o u n t t o B o r r o w e z•
<br />.'''`�
<br /> for.ci�¢excess Funds in IIccordo:�oe with the requirementa r:f��.:�ble law. If the amount of the Funds held by Is�3er at any �
<br />.,,,.y: � ti..-�e ia not sufficient to pay the Fscrow Items when due,L�r;'u�r rnay sa notify Borrower in writing, and.in suc3�ca�`-t;.;Eonower _
<br /> '.'','; ; : sHall pay to Lender the amonat necessary+to�alce ap the�defieiency. Borrower shall make up the��f"ic��e.�ey i.��r��nre thaa
<br /> '"- twelve monthlY PaY
<br />:�:�f;�• ments.at Lender's soIe discretion. �
<br /> `"` � Upon payment in fuU of ali sums secured by this Secvriry lnstrument. I.ender shall promptly refund to Born'awer any
<br /> .��:
<br /> . Funds hetd by Lender.If.under paragraph 21.I.endec shall acqare or sell the Properry.Lender,prior to tti�aa�,usition or sal.e --
<br /> of the Property,shall apply any Funds hetd by Lender at the time of acquisition or sale as a credit against the sumi,s�:recured by ---.
<br /> this Securiry Insmiment.
<br />���'� 3.ApplIcatfon of Payments.Unless appuca6le law provides othe�.i�.aA payments reeeived by Ixnder under paragraphs. �' �
<br />-;�'.:�; �.
<br /> `,'��.� .• I and 2 shall be apptied:first, to any prepayment charges due nnder the:Vote;seoond.to a.'nauats payable under paragaph Z: �.
<br /> { third,to interest due;fousth,t�n�rrincipal due;and last.to 3r=�+late char�es due under the Note. _
<br /> :��J ' 4.C�ar�es;Llens.BorrcRer shall pay aU taxes,as�znents.charges, fines and impositions amibutab2e t��i��Property —
<br /> �� '-`� whicb may attain prio�ity over this Securitp W:�unter.t;�3leasehold payments or ground rents, if any. Bnmo�r shsill pay
<br /> these obligations in the manner provided in��aph 2.or if not paid in that manner.Boaower shall pay them on tunedirecity �
<br />,`�'�``�• to the person owed payment.Borrower shall promptly fumish to Lender all notices of amounts to be paid undes this�aragtaph.
<br /> .. If Borrawer makes these payments directly,Borrower shall prompdy fumish co Lender receipts evidencing the paym:tits.
<br /> ' Borrower shall promptly discharge any lien whieh has priority aver this Security insttument unless Borrower.(a)sgrees in �r
<br />`;���-:: writin to the a of the obli ation secured b the lien in a manner aoceptuble to Lender:(b)contests in goad faith the'lien [;�_�.'
<br /> , ,,,., 8 P Y� 8 Y
<br />--�lii�:�•�
<br /> ,,.,,4, by, or defends a��:nst enforcement of the lien in. lega! proceedings ��-I�ich in the Lender's opinion operate to prevent � �.-
<br /> ``''i;;s'� enforoement of di�[u�n;or(c)secures fram�i1e holder of the liea an.s,�„�:ment satisfactory to Lender su�ordinating the lien m �
<br /> this Security Instrsment. If Lender drxermines that any p:st of the Praperiy is subjoct co a lien which may attain prioriry over
<br /> thIs 5ecurity Insuument,Lender may give Borrower a natica:identifying the licn. Borrower shall satisfy the li�.�oe t�lt��one or
<br />•;;.;;;,� more of the actie^s set foN�above within 10 days of th��4�i.:;of nouce. ���
<br /> : ..�
<br />'`;'�Si,F� �atm 30Y8 9/90
<br /> �s��� Pa�e 4 0l 9 �.
<br /> . ��:
<br /> , , f.. . __-
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