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<br /> enances,and �*���"-=-
<br /> `' '�p{i�TFiF.Ft VYITH alt the ianprovemenu now or her�aRer erected ott tt►e p*oAer�Y.and al!easements.appurt
<br /> �_� _
<br /> fixsures now or hereafter a part of che propertY• A11 rePiaceme°ts and additions shall also i3e covered by this Secvrety F
<br /> ty p �. �:,��• ..
<br /> InsUeument. All af the fvregaipg is�+eferred to in this Securi Insttsunent as the"Pro e --,,,_
<br /> BO�ROWER CUVENANTS that Borrower is lawfully seised of the estate hereby conveyed and has the right to grant and �_`��_
<br />.:,�� eonvey the Froperty and that the Propercy is unencumbered, except for encu�nbrances of rernrd. Boao�uer warrants and wili • �
<br /> � defend generally the titte to the Pruperty againsc aU elaims and demands:sub)ect to any encumh�anees of cecord_ ,t,
<br />,'�� THIS SECURITY INS7'RUMENT wmbines nniform covenants for national use and aon-uniform covenants with limited �,.
<br /> ... _`'"��_
<br /> . variations by jurisdiction ro coastiwte a uniform security instnrmeht covering tea!propercy• ___ _
<br />�=x: UtY�ORM COVENANTS.Bor:ower and Lender covenant and agree as fatZows: ' `�-;-
<br /> 1. Fayment of P�inctgal snd Interest; F►'ePaYmeut and Late Charg�. Busrower shall prompdy pay when due the �`�,"..�:
<br /> �a,:._.
<br /> '` ` principal of and io3erest on the debt evideaced by the Note and any prepayment and late charges due under the Note_ �-
<br /> 3e
<br /> 2,F�nds for Taxes aad Lnsurauce. Subject to applicable law ar to a written waiver by Lender, Barsower shall pay to '"�:"
<br /> ' L�nd:r on the day montWy Paymenu are d¢e under the Nate,until the Note is paid in full.a sum("Funds")for.(a)yearly ta�ces �2-�a�-��'
<br /> `,.
<br />' an,d assessments which may attain priority over this Security Insm►ment as a iien on the Property: (b)yearty leasehold payments �E.��__
<br />;';:;�`' or ground rents oa the Property.if any:(c)Yearly hazar�d�r propercy ensurance premiums:(d)Yearly fiaad insurancz premiums. _-
<br />' '`�� if any: fe)Yearl�' anortgage insnrance premiums,if amr aad(�anY sums Payable by Borrower to Lender, in accordance with �._
<br />"��y" the provisions af paragraph 8.in lieu of the payment of mortgage insurance premiwns.These items are called"Escmtv Items." __-_
<br /> t �,,. '�:
<br /> � I.ender may. ac any rime. couect and h°td�'�nds in an amount not w excced the maximum a�ount a leuder for a fi�er�tl�+ ,_
<br /> m
<br /> �'A�' reiated mortgage loan may require for Ber���r's�w sccoanc ander the federal Real Fstate Setttemeni Pmcedures Acc of r {;'
<br /> �� 1g14 as ameaded from dme to time. 12 Lr.�.�.Section 2fND1 er seq. t"RESPA"?.��another law that applies to the Fuads ', :t
<br />::'_��,y-.-h.��-.,;;� seu a lesser amount. If so. I.ender may_s�sny ame, coUect and hold Funds En��3.:.ount not to exceed ehe lesser amount.
<br />�;�a� .
<br /> Lender may estimaie tlt�amount of Fun��s•�e on the basis of cturent data and reas��sble esti.�tes of expendit�res of future �,_;;
<br /> _� r �:-��:
<br />;':;� Fscrow Items or otherwise in accarda�ae�n�h�plicable law.
<br />�,,�_-� T6e Funds shall be held in an institution whose deposits ate insured by a �?era! az�c�. instruti►entaliqY, or entity �
<br /> r �. • Q der. if i.ender is sach an institution)or in aTe Federal Home I.aan Bas�c-�.er_der"�a'1 aPP�Y�e Funds to pay the ��;,,`
<br /> -_ ,��tno Le*t. . j � g PP 9 g Ihc�sc�uw dH.ou�tL,o=
<br /> frscrow Itetns.Lender may not charge Borrower for ha.,�:a and a 1 in the Fur�s,aflauai�y�Y�S �+�.��_�_
<br /> veri[y�ng tfs: .F�,9crow Items.unless Lender�lrs Borrower interest on�Funds and appticable:aw�ermits Lender to make suc6 �.-,.
<br /> •`'`' a charge. Ho�ever.Lender may require f3or.rsaer to pay a one-time c�.arge for an ir.�iependeu rzal estate tax reporting serv�c� —_
<br /> -n�'�' used by I.ender in cbnnection with this ��an. unless applicabte law provides e�.'_aswise. L'�*.6ess an agreement is made�,�r �=--?'.
<br /> ,�.,. applicable la�v requires interest to be paid.Lender shalt not be re�uired to paY Ec'-�r��a'.�anY���t dr eamings on the�unds. �,1:'_
<br />`��.:F �Borrower and Lender may agree in writieg,6,owever,that enterest sha11 be paid�n�e Fuada. l.ender shall give to Borrovrer, � �y�-.f=
<br /> �N v cvithout charge, an aiu►ual uccounting of:r���unds, showing credit,:a3�debits�e:se fiunds�the parpose for which e�.h
<br /> I•�t`: �,�,,.
<br /> �r,
<br /> � debit to the Fc�ds was made.The Funds:y.e�ri�dged as additional s�iy for afl ss..^�s�-e':'�1�'��is Security�uu�ent. �-�`
<br /> ��� ".�. If the Funds deld by L.ender exc�d:?:e amounts permitted to be held by appl��le law.E;em�.'r shall account to Borrowsr --
<br /> = far s3ae ezc,css Funds in acryor�..ance with the requirem��of applicable law.If th�a..�-vaunt of the Funds held by Y..ender at any m:�-�•
<br /> ac o
<br /> ' ti�e is aot s�tfi�:.ient to p���x Escrow Items when due,Lender may so notify Ear��aver in writing,aad.in sucb�ase�oaower �F;.._
<br /> shall pay w I.�miQr the amwnt necessary to make up the defcciency. Borrower shai:make up the defie�ency i� �o more thuuu _�_-�
<br /> twetve monthiy payments,at Lender s sole discreuon.
<br /> Upon payment in ful2 of all sums secured by this Secarity Instrument, Len�r shall �:+��pdy refund w Borrower:�r ___
<br /> Funds held by Lender.If,im3er paragraph 21.Lender shall acquire or sell the Fn�a�csy.1-ender.prior to the acquisidon or sale --;,,,:;
<br /> ,,,'.,... of the Property, shall app[g�;er�y Funds held by Lender at the time of acquisition o�a"t as a credit against the sums secured by ��°•.,
<br /> Y�'f:_.
<br />�;`;r,,�; this Security Instrument. --
<br /> � �' 3.Applica4ton of Payments.Uni�,s applicable la�v provides othcrr+ise.a11 paYments r��'.�by Lender aader paragraphs _
<br /> ' 1 and 2 shall be applied: fir��z,to nny F�payment charges due under the Note; second,to a�r:a:cs payabie under paragraph 2:
<br /> `�� t6�ad,to interest due;fwrt�n.��principal due:and last.rr_any late charges due uavgz'�e Note. ' �•
<br /> 4.Ctoslr�es,LIe�. �:x��wer shaU pay all taxes. �s�sments, charges.fin:�:>:a.�d impositions amibutuh�e to the Propercy ' ,�,'
<br /> ' which m2y a�in prionry c:�'�r this Securiry Instrument, and leasehnld payments �r gound rents, if any. ��wer shall pay �;�:_
<br /> '• these obligati•z�in the marmer providdd in paragrsph 2.or if not p:�a3 in that manner.Borrower shall pay them on tima dir.wa�d��
<br /> . to the person owed payment.Borrower shall promptly fumish to Lender all noiices of amount�to be paid under this pata�q�lY• a.-=_.
<br /> ff gorrower makes these Gi}rnents directly,Borrower shali promptly fusnish to t:e�er receipu evidencing the payments. ��
<br /> Burrower shall promptly dischazge any lien which has prioriry over this 3e.T��mLy Instrument uniess Borrower:(a)agree5 in
<br /> writing to the payment of the obligatifln secu�d by the lien m a manner accept�.3f.ce 4�Lender.(b)contesu in good faith the lien �_•�.��
<br /> . ��.:. .
<br /> • •` . by. o�defends against enforcement of the lien in, legal proceedings which in che Lender s opinion operate to prevent the _
<br /> enforcement of the lien;or(c)secures from the holder of the lien an agreement saiisfactory to Lender subordinating the lien to
<br /> thls Security lnstrument. If Lender determines that any part of the Property is r�,��;ect to a lien which may attain prioriry over !�--
<br /> tfiis Secvrity Instrumtnt. Lender may give Borrower a notice identifying the iicr. 13•srrower shall satisfy the tien or take one or �;;,.�.
<br /> � more of ihe�stions set faTth above within 10 duys of the giving of notic�. ir"•�
<br />::' �:�' Form 8�ZtD flU�O
<br /> _�,;r,....;i.
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