- _'7�.F.V_ -. S. . . _ ' _ ' . _ . ' � � . ' _ -_ -- "'--_--
<br /> �.fi ' _ ' . .' ' ... ._�
<br /> _ -' -" ='..L.�� __ -.
<br /> --�_ r�, .� , . _ - �� � ' e
<br /> � ` � .
<br /> - - -•.--.._. . - - ----- --- --- ---- ----.. .-- - - - - . . - ---- ----- ..---
<br /> ' R `- --. �j
<br /> `� . • ` ` � s'ii/tV.���'�liF�� � . � . ..____ ` . __
<br /> � _ � : `. .., - . `.. �x������ -92-..s �o��� ;
<br /> � . . "`:r�seun,sr,�����,�.a�i�� '�s Q.'� . 1',"'e � �� �g ��
<br /> a�d�toaorpar�eed�o�ad�be damed to aoml ud soDPkmmt th lKayye.Daed or 7'rust.ar Secudt�Dad t�e"Sea�ritf
<br /> 7maumat"}att5e�medate'sIvmbytbleundadp�edttbe"Bonawrz'9wsaca�eBorra+�er'sAdjnsableltace'Natettbe"Note'9�f� ,
<br /> � : . �lA�.:AYNi03�i.QAN A3SOdA110M OF 3RAND IStANO.NEIIRASKA(t�e'•Lmda'q ot t6e s�me��se aod`oo�Ios t1e �
<br /> p�opat�dacrmedintLeSecadt�llar�uma�t�uodto{acadat: `
<br /> '�-.-� .. --_- - �.- - _ �_w. ��tn st-.: c�►a is�d,..� �
<br /> _=. _ - � - - __ . - ,. cProa«n►�> _ —. _ . -- -- —
<br /> ' �is Mle ew�iu l�ii�s ai*I�t�r e�/n i�:i4 i�lwwt�a�e�i�q rM1b� . .
<br /> �t�nMr.TIi�MIaiM�iM t�e��t�0't�kee�t nle a�el�ye�f rf Ne II�e a�i
<br /> tM ie il��awii lYe�tMe I lwt/4
<br /> . �ADDIfiONAL 40V@UNTlS.ln aAdirion m We ooveafnts�ud�enr+msde is t6e Saurity L�aume�c.8aru.e�aod Lmder
<br /> � lYaNrercore�nuedapaeasfolbws: �
<br /> , '.°�,A. II�t�A1E AND�tON'l�lLY lAY1Q+•[�tF t�6NCFB ,
<br /> --���; 17�e Note D�a�for an�iootuest rate ot` 8•0- , !i.Section 4 of tl�e Note providcs tar cMa�es in tde_i�est nte�od the .
<br /> ' montUhrlr7�sents.ufotlo.rx . ._
<br /> . . 4. /NTE1tESTRATEANDAtUNPHLYP.lYM�N7'CfUNO�S , . �. ; . �.:
<br /> U�) ��'+ . • .
<br /> � Tn�e;�aratruel.►�iv.ymsrcha�eeosher,iscdagor T4�i1� }� ,•19�3..—,anaebth�Yta.yevay�
<br /> �t.et�/n IIIOIItbft�\li���bditCOII�Y}�IUty�1�QRl1itC�C�ifI1�CYp�IQdiN/'�L�r���ft
<br /> w.8i
<br /> _-" � ����� . . � ' - ,
<br /> . H�with tde ArstChan�e Date.my incerest rate w�1i be Wsed oa aa Indc�.The"Ind�••i�the wakly avuase yidd on United Srata
<br /> _ � -�:� Traisu�y aea�dtks aQjusted w a�oonst�r mu�tY ot t yar.a.+m�de svaitabte bs tbe ged�ai iteaerre Hoad.'I'!n mac�erear inda�i�o►e .
<br /> - - �,sv�ilableatoft6edate<Sdsys6efareaebClnnE�Dateiscalkdthe"Curcrntlade�c" - -
<br /> -" it the lndwc is oo bn�a sva�7abt�thz tYqte Holder w�l choose s new indao which is bued upon comparabk iufamattoa.The Note
<br />'•:�=� Hokkr�ill�ivemenotkeotthisaholcG `":.. ----
<br /> = . . • t� C�Iei11M�f CY�{ea . _ . .
<br /> Helore adt Chs�e D�t�the Nate Holder will a�te my anv inumt cate bY addin� D�W�
<br /> -:�" ,:l"poiets!_=TS �ri)to the Carrrnt Indai ud reandic�to the nearat 1/dtb o!l�ri.aubjed to tbe Taairs stated ia Seaioo�IN)belo�v.
<br /> .- ° Thb satndo0�moune�rilibe my new intaest pte uatil the na�t Cb�a�e D�te.
<br />-�",` The Nae Holder wII!thm determine the amoant of the moathiy paymeat that woaW 6e satf�eat to tepay In falt the princip�l l am
<br /> �*_•;.
<br /> -- - a�pected w owe aa that Chanje De�te ia substaatfiaUq oqaal P�Ymeau by the maturIty d�te at my new iss�rest cau.7'Ue saait ot this pknlarion
<br />-- wiUbethenewamount otmgmoathlY W►Yment• �-
<br /> � tD) Liwilso�I�ke�qltaleCMu�es �'--
<br /> �r� � The iaterat ntc 1 am aguired to pay at the fiat Chan�e Date wiA not bc grater than 10_O �Ri or kss than —
<br /> � 9i.Thaeafter,my intercst rate wiil never be incrpsed or decrrised on any slaak Ch�age Date by moro than two oeTCent
<br /> �;;'
<br /> - ' � from the nte of Interest 1 havebeen paqJns tor the yrcadin=tMelve momhs.The minimum fa�est rate onthis loan w➢D aever be _v
<br /> . tess ttqn �.CL_�Fi and the rtwdmum intaat rate wUl never be gatu than 13-OQ �'i. =_-
<br /> �.=
<br />_ (� Flfeefh�e D�te of CY�s =�::`-
<br /> . My new interat ratew1116ocome cffoctive on ach Changf Date.i wUl y ixw monthly yaynxltt besfnnina on the fint ��''"
<br /> pay the amouat of m
<br /> - monthty p�ymeat date afta the Chanfe Date until the amouat of my monthty Dsyiaent chan�a apin. , _-
<br /> `�•. (� IVNkedClM�a _1,
<br />- The Nae Hotder�Itl m�il ur deliva to me a noeia betore each Chanye Dace.The norive will advtae,ne ot: •
<br /> " p) the ne�vin�aat rauon my fan�u otthe Chanse Date; A�F i
<br /> C�;
<br /> _ _ (ii) the amouet of my monthly psyment foilowins the Change Dnte; �'�-,-
<br /> (!ii} aTrys�ddiHonilmatterswhichfheNaeHolderisrcquiredtodisclosr,and
<br /> d
<br /> (ih the addres�of the�siociation you could contact reg�rdina any questions�bout the adJustment notia. �;��
<br /> ' 1. CHARCEB:WENB --
<br /> UnitormCovenant 4of ihe Savdty tnstrument isamendcd toreadas follows:
<br /> • :' :" 1.C�:llrm.�asrawer st;alt pay at!taces.a�ssszats.ac�otha chars�s.f{c�;and tasposittons aun`butabte to the Propeny which may -
<br /> atWn a priority over thi�Securlty lmtmmeat,aed ki+ehoW payments of Sround rrnts.itany,ia the manner provkted uadet puynDh 2tia�of
<br />- - or.if nd qW 1n:uch macma.by Borrowa maklnj p�yment.when due,directly to the payee thereot.Horrower s1Wl promptiy tumish Lender -�
<br /> . �• � atl aotkes ot amount+due nnder thi�pua�raph.�nd in the cvent Horcower ahall make psynunt directly.Horrowa shtD promOUy furnish to �� '
<br /> • l:ender recelyt�evlQencina�uch paymena. Barrower sball prampQy discharge any lien afitch has�iority war this Securtty lnstrumenr. �"�
<br /> ; hqwever.Borrowcr shati not be requirad to dischar}�c any auch t1m so tong as Bonower.(a)ahall ager in wridn�to the yayment af the
<br /> obllpdon secured by such Itrn in!he man::cracceptable to Lender;(b)shalt ia g�od taith contat suc�Gen Dy,or defrnd apimt enforcement ot
<br /> od
<br /> .� 4-, aucb lim in,teeal procetdings whiah in ehe opinion of Lender operatc to prevent the enforcement of the licn or forteiture of the Properey or any �
<br /> �� ',z ; put thereof;or(c)sriall secure from�he holQer ot such::n an agceement in a form satutactary to Lender subordiaaang such flee to tl�is f
<br />_ Secudty tn�trument. ' j
<br /> • :t lf Leader determina that a11 or any parl ot the Propeny is subject to a lirn whlcb may sttain a priodty over thl�SeCUrlty Instrument. �
<br /> .-.� • l.eeder ahalt jive 8orrower a notice ldentltying such Uen.Horrower ahall satlsfy such lien or take oae m more of tde acHoas set fanh abovr '
<br /> -�,-J:ki� �• wlUilntendaysoftheaivingof:�►nutice. �
<br /> _.. - ..�-.' - - . . _
<br /> , _.'�". :�� . , !
<br /> �"'.,:�-.c.i-� C. NUTICL � � 1
<br /> . ' -`� Unitorm Coveeant 1�ot the Secudry instrumenf is ammded to read a9 toltows: • F ,.
<br /> � � `�' II.Nolke.Exsept tar aey aotice requlrM under apptlabte taw ta 6e slven ln eaother manner,(a)any nodce to Sorrower provlded for in thls �
<br /> '�-.�:••,
<br /> . ���'ti 5ecurity lnstrument�hall be�tven by ddlvedns it or by mailina it by flrst clus mail to Boaower at thtProperqr Address or at such.ocher�dra� { .
<br /> ���- a�Borrowee m�y desl�te by aotice to Ltnddr as pcar�ded herein,and(b)any noUa to Leader sh�U be aiven by tirat claSS mail w l.enda`s. �
<br /> ' ?:�-��::�. •addces�stued hereln or to such ather addrrss a►LeeQer may designue by noHee to Borrower a9 pravlQed herein,Anq nodce provided for in thls . f •.
<br /> ; _-'--�.E=��'�-: . StctuitylmUttmenisbaltbedamedtahsvebeen�iventa8oarnrerorLenderwhensiveninthemannerdaianatcdhadn. t
<br /> ' �:r`''r'�`.- ,31' �
<br /> '"`"�;'�:�� ------- . � _ _ _�_ _ __ __ _. � _ - - _ _ _ - . -
<br /> , . -.�� ,
<br /> . �fiaa�..�,�.,' . _ . - . . . . •
<br /> %�. �
<br />