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<br /> c�andemn�tlan w aelKr�ke�of�y p�re oE the P�o�pe�ty:aE fa caaveyaace ia lieu of condemoariao.ue be�eby usigned�d "
<br /> slWl be psid w�.ender. . ,. ` � .. .
<br /> �. Lt the eva�t oF s totii tat�inE ot the Ptopetcy,the'ptucGeds sfyaU 6e appi'Kd to the swi�seciusd by this Sec�aity �' .
<br /> - Lnwmrnt.wfKther or eot then due�wish wy excesg paid to Bomower. ln the event of a�artial takBng of the Fropetty in `_
<br /> . . which the fdr m�rhet value of the P�uperty immediauly beforc the taking is equai to or greatcr than the amount of tlae sums • .
<br /> � ` secered by ihis Securiiy InstNment immediatety befa�e the talcing,unkss Bomower and Lender odxrcrise agree in writing, , ,
<br /> the sums xecured by thts Security Instrument srial! be reduad by tGe amwnt of the pmceeds mulfiplied 6y du following.
<br /> � . . frution: (a1 t1k to�a)amoLnl of the sums se�;un�!ima�ediauly Defore thc.ia�cing,div�ded by(b)the'fair madcet valu4 of the
<br /> . -- . - _Pmpe�tic immediatdy.lzefa+e thc WcLtg. .My h�laoca,shall be ptid tn_Boanwer_ In the eveau.of a.putial,taiong af tl�e. `
<br /> , Property in which�he f�ir muicot vAlue of the Pmpctty immediatety 6efore the talang�s less than ttie amunnt of the snms .
<br /> � , seCUted itnmedi�tely bcfore the taking,'unkss,Sorrowrr an�3Tertder�se agret in'w�riting ar tmtes's appIicable Iaw - —
<br /> • ' dherwise provide5..lhe pr�ceecis sitatt h�s�pplied ta the s�ms secaned try this Security Insanunent whetheir or not the sums are �
<br /> tfirn dur: � �
<br /> ! If!tK PtopeAy is alwndcxKd by&xrower,,a if,afte�ndice by I,ender W Bormwer that tbe copdemnor offers to make
<br /> ;.. � an awu+d ar senle a ctaia�for tlunages.Bnrrowcr:f�iL�to iespond to�eo��Fx�ithin 30 days after the date the notice`is given.
<br /> j , i.mder is autl�otized to colkct axf apply�he,proreedg,at ir.c option,ei€he;:.to,resto,cation or repair.of tlse Property 4r to the
<br /> sums secured by th(s Security fnstrument.whctheri�s not then due: �:';`;'`;:.•:� . ` : -:.; . .
<br /> . Uniess Lender and B��rtr�wec olherwise agree in writing,any appGcation of proreeds to principat shalt not eate�.o� :.;:•.,
<br /> po�tpone�he due date a(tUe monthlY PAYmenty ref�mod to in PuaB►aPhs i and 2 or change ttre amaunt of soch paymeant�-� . ,`•;;,. -
<br /> ' I1. 1lacarer Not Rekare4: Forbe�ce �y l.ender Not a Waiver. Eictension of�tie time for.payu�t or -
<br /> modific�tian of atnExtitatjdn ot the bumw�ecused by thi4 Security Insnument granted by i,ender w any succc.csor in iirtesesi _;-, . .-:-
<br /> of Bocrower shal! nat operate to rekase the liabillty of the origma!8orrower or Borrower�s successois in interes�L.encfer..�
<br /> fihall noe he tequica!to commeace proceedings agaInst any successos in uuerest��efnse,to extend tune for paymenc ar..:.::,
<br /> odtierwlse moclify amcxtization of tbt sums sccurcd by this 5ecurity Insuument becea�ia;uf a,iy demand jnade by the originaF-�::�..:�
<br /> � Bormwer a Bortower's successorr�in intercst. Any forbearance by Lender in ezeicising�ng right ar remedy shall not 6e a ::.:
<br /> w�iver of or p�clud�ihe eae�iscof siny righ�-a remedy. ;`�
<br /> , 1L Sr�ce�un s�d A�s Ifo��d:Jdat�ud Several Liability;Co-sigaers. The cavenants and agneements of ttns'� .
<br /> Seeurity InFtrument rhall biad aod brneftt the�uccessorxc�nd�ssigas of l�r and Horrower,sabject to the provisiohs"of:.:;. .
<br /> =- paragrapb 17. Ba�rower?s wvenants w�d ugreements shali be joint and sevelal.Any Borrower who co-signs this Securiry. •,�
<br />- . Instrument bui does nut execute tite Nac: (a)is c�aigning this 5ecuriry[nsaument anly to mortgage,grant and convey ihat...' . _
<br /> - _ Barower's intercst m the Piropeny unQer the tcntts�+f thi�5crurity Im.�irumen�; (bj is not persona}iy obligatal to pay the sums==.:•
<br /> -- secured by ihis Security Insitumem;and tc)agreex that Lender ar�t any other Borrawea may agee to extend,modify.forbcffi -
<br /> = o�make any accommodatiuns with regard tu thc termy uf thix Security Iastrumecit or the Noce without that Borrowers —
<br /> =. caisFnt• . ' ' —
<br /> _ 13. Lawt Chtuges. If thc loan secured by.lhis Sccuriry lnstrument is sutr,ject to a law which sets maximum toan ==_
<br />-� charges,and that iaw is finalty inte�pretcd w that the intcrrst or other taan charges coltected or to be collected in cannectian' .. ... .. -�v-
<br />__: 1 with ihe laan exceed the permitted limit�,then: tal uny yuch li+;�n chttrge ahall be reduced by the amount necessary to rednce '•
<br />.�="�,;s. i tha charge to the pertnitted limit:And Ib1 uny sums ulready collected fram Horrawer which exceeded permitted limits wi0 be. . __
<br /> nfunded to Bormwe�. LenQer may cbaa�e ta make this refund by reQucing the principal awed under the Note or by maYing a
<br />,Y`�'.�5,•y. ' direct payrnent to Borrower. !f u refund reduceti principal,lhc reduclion wifl be treated as a paztial prepayment without ariy. _
<br /> Ipnpayment chargc under the Note. ---.
<br /> '. i 14. Notices. Any notice tU Barmwer prnviQe�f fi+r in this Securiry Insirumem shall be given by delivering it ar by --
<br /> mailing lt by fir�t class mai!untess applicabte law m�uires ure of another methad.The notice sha11 be directed to the Prvperty �'=�'
<br /> ' Address or Any other address Rpauwcr de+ignatu�by nuticr tn l.rndc�. Any notice to l.ender sha11 be given by fust class �;
<br /> mail to Lender's uddress stated hrrein ar uny athcr addn�+l.cndcr dctiignates by notice to Bor�ower. Any notice provided for
<br /> in this Security tnstcument +hall F►e decmcd tu h;wc fken given t�+ Nurr�►wcr or Lender��hen given as provided in this J'�,",�:
<br /> paragrAph. �
<br />= 15. Governing Law;Severability. 'Thi.Security In�truai4m ,ha(1 hc governed by federa! law and the law of the
<br />_ jun.sdiction in which the Properly i+le,+cated. In the evem tbat any pravi�ion ar clause of this Security Instrument or the Note
<br />_ " : � contlicts witfi appticab(e law,such canftict tihatl not:�ffcct olhcr pmvi�i�m�of thir 5ecurity lnstrument or the Note which ean �%_
<br /> ' r;�;•,��: I be given effect withaut�h�cunflicting pri+viri��n. Ti�tbi.cn�l�hc pr�+vi�iun�of'this Security Instrument and the Note are =-
<br /> ��''•� I declared ta be sevc�able. <<•'
<br />_ �� 1 16. 8orrower's Copy. Sarrawer tiha�l tx given unc cunG►rnird cupy of'the Nate and af chis Security Instrumen� �?�:;'�:
<br /> 17. 7lrnnsfer of the Yr hy ar u HraeQciallntereN ln Nnr�ower. Ii ull at an '�'���
<br /> ope y part of the Property ar any interest in . ,•r;:_
<br />- • � it is tiold or 1rAnsferred(nr if c�hcne�cial intcrc��in Nnrrmvcr i..�+ld ur tran�fcrrcd�nd Borrower is oot a natural perwn) -�'.�_
<br /> ;;;,.� without Lender's prlor wri�ten c��mcnt.l.endcr m:ry.:it it.up�inn,require hnmediatc payment in fuU o#a1t sums r,ecured by •: _,..
<br />' J���' �� � this Seeurity Instniment. H��wever._�his opti��n rh:dl nu�Fn etierci�ed hy Ixndrr if exrreise is pcohibited isy federal law as of
<br /> '��'��'. I the date of thfis Security lmtrument. � -
<br /> � If Lender exerrise�thir np�i�m,l.�nder rhall give Hurruwcr nulice of acceler;itian. The notiro shall provide a period af '�
<br /> - ' not tetis�han 30 claya frum the d.itr tlx:nutirr i�Qcliverrd or m�ulyd wilhin which H�►rn�wer nrust�r.�y all sums secured by this
<br /> Security lnstrument. If Borrower fnit�tn p:�y thc�c +un�w pri«r �n ih�r+cpir;�liol� ��f Ihir peticxf, l.ender may invoke any
<br /> remedie�permitted by thiw Security li��[rumcnt wi�huul lurll�rr nuti.c��r il�ma�ul un Hurruwcr.
<br /> ,; , 18. Bor�ower's ltighf to Retnstate. If Hutruwrr uu�ci. rrn:uu c�mditiun., f�unn�ti•rr�hal! have the right to have , :;_
<br /> _- - - --- enfurcement�sf this 5ecurity tn�tru�ii�tU diticuminuc�t al any time pnnr tu Ihr k:ulit�r�+t: ta3�d:�7;s(ar�ueh othe�pe�iad as =';``
<br /> • SioglcF.uuity� iLnnk�lue�F'�rddlrS/ucl�IfllN�f1��ININt.rI 1'mfunnl'avenams 9l90 Ipugr4nJhpa�esl �
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