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<br /> . J� ` � � `.R�FILED 70 t�ORRECT OATE dN PACE 1 TO �� o � �-N ~ "
<br /> ��'�• ;(�p�ce Abore 17da l.t.e Far R a o a i i.s�1 �
<br /> s�.r rr�. I�EED OF TR[�ST ��a� _ o�
<br /> - , _ �
<br /> � �sy zs� .
<br /> THIg DEFD OF TRUS7("SecuritY lastrun�ent")is m�de an � ;i� ' '19 91' '
<br /> '1'he a��s Ryao L. .Simons aad Oolores A. Simons, Nus'band snd Wtfs . .
<br /> . . � , ' �
<br /> ���B�er'�?.Tbe uu:ta is��ercisl Fedenl Bs�k, A Federal S�v�ngs Bank
<br /> . . (•°fn�sta'').The beaet'x3ary is
<br /> � Flve Points: Bank, Crand tsland, Nebrasits T � ,
<br /> wl�icb is orjanized aud e�isduE nader the laws of Nebrasks .aud whose
<br /> � ��� P.O. Box 1 SQ7, Crand Island, NE 68802�150I����.��ovrcr owa I.ender tt�e prindpal soa+of
<br /> Ntneteen ti�ousand four fiund�ed flf.ty dolts�s,and 00l100 --- -�-�""'-""'
<br /> Dd1us N�•s..19 #50.00 )•'�s debt is evidenccd by Borrower's note datod the same date as this Sccurity
<br /> lnstrument("Nde't?.w1�iCA Drovides for moathly paYmeats. with tbe fuU debt, if not paud qrlier� due and payable on
<br /> r �n� • .This Sx�uitY���savices to Lender(a)the reWY�t of tbe tkbt eridenced
<br /> 6j►��ie�e.'iiv�5i i�taat.and all reaews�s,�tensions and mudifications.(li)tbe PaY�t of�iE other sums,with iatereat,
<br /> sdvanced uader P�ph 6 co�raax the secoiity of shis Savri�y Insaument;aad(c)the perfomisaoe ot Sarower•s cavenaacs
<br /> ��r�enta�indtf this So�rixy Instru�ent and the Note.For this purpose,Boriower inevoqbly grants aad conveys to
<br /> Trusta.in trust, with the pow�of sate,the followtng describod property located in Ha�� �unty,Nebraska:
<br /> The South Twenty Fe�t (20') of Lot Ninety-three (93) and the North Thirty Feet_ (30')
<br /> of !ot Ninety-two (92) of Hawtl�orne Ptace, bei�g a subdivision of part of the
<br /> North�west Quarter (NYr"�) of Section 7wenty-tHO (22) in Townshlp eteven (11� North, -
<br /> Ranqe'Nine (9), West of the 6th P.M. Hall County, Nebraska. .
<br /> , . . , .
<br />'; -
<br /> wbich hu the addras of 990 South Oalc Grand Island Escraa.c�iy1, -
<br /> Nebraska 6$801 l��P coeel+t"�oP�rty Address"3; _
<br /> TOC3ETHER WITH all the improvements now or heteafter erccte�b on t?e pro�erty,and all easements,rights.a�purtenanas, _
<br /> renu,royaides,mineral,oil and gas rlghts and ptofits,water dghu and stock and all Pixtures now or hereaFter a datt of the
<br /> property.All reDlacemrnts and addldons shall also be covered by this 5ecurity instrument. Ali of the foregoing 1s referred
<br /> to in this Securlty Instrument as tht"Property." .-.
<br /> HORROWER COVENANTS that Bottower 1s lawfully seised of thc estate hereby conveyed and has the tight to grant
<br /> - and convey the Property and that the Property is unencnmbered,except ior encumbrances of record.Borrowcr warrants and
<br />= witi dtftnd generaity the titte to the Property egainst al!claims and demaads,subject to any encumbrartces oP record.
<br /> � 1. Pryre�t ot Prl�eipat,l�terest aeq l,�te Charge. 8orrower shall pay when due 1he pNneipal of,and interest on.the
<br /> - debt evidenoed by tht Nat�and late charges due under the Note. � ,
<br />' 2. Mo�tYhr PsY�eels ot'Fax�.tas�aree sad 0/tur Ci�r�eg.Borrower sh�11 inciude in each monthly p�ymem.together -
<br />- with 1he ririnclpal ancl interest�s set fonh in the Note and any late rhargcs,an installment of any(a)taxes�d special asscssments
<br /> - . levicd or to be tevfcd against the Fropertyi,(6)i�55Chd1�QaynleRts Qr grwnci rcnts u1t t31��fO�ify.-a;sd;c;prc�iums-tor
<br /> - insurance rcquhed by paragraph 4.
<br /> _ ' !'irge 1 uf I �NA�ielrtsti U!M ot Twl-12/69 _
<br /> • - - . .- — - - - - . . - - --- `
<br /> VMVM08f6aCF FQNM4� e31312938f00� i900�Sit 744f--� — - . _. _. . ..- ---... . _ ..__._ .._
<br /> _ ���[��300U QI . ' � -.
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