-;r, _c; . .� , `�_
<br /> 4 `-i-". .� - � � - -- . -__ . .'�.__
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<br /> �:.a�.vs �afJc_ ..� �_ - . M1 . . �t '_ ` . . . . _ _ _ ` , t ,�' =. .
<br /> _-'_ .. . , ___, '-',. [ • . [ . ` . ' . ,• ` ' . �� ._���� � . . . . ._�-T.:_ .
<br /> z� ~ �`• �W��MIG 1RIQ[OYdqdl[S aUW C[�IdC�Q C[lCfOd CQ t�1G p[OQaiY.i11a i�qShcidl[S.i�U�tE�OCC9+
<br /> . . . �d 6sprrs ncw a�arafler r p�t d tbe p[opetty. A1E xplaamenfs and addttiaas ahill atso be vpvaod by td�s 5ecuritY
<br /> '. � _� b►wumm� All of the faneaoina is teferted to ie this Seeunty In�nunMt u t6e"Ptoperty." � � �
<br /> . ` �ORItOWFR LOYENANIS ths Bamwa is Isvvfully seised of tbc estat�hnrby oonveyed and h�s tde rigEa to grant `
<br /> aoQ convqr tht P�opaty and IB�t the Pmpe�ty is utx�wnbeted,osoept foc encumbraoces of teracd. BaQOwer w�ants asid
<br /> ;; will defead geaerally the dde 10 We N�opeety ag�iast�lE ct�ims wfddem�nds,�ubjxc co any e�xvrnba�nces of rxad
<br /> THIS SECURiTY iNSTRUII�NT combines unifam covenantc for aaaa�al use and naa-uaifam.wvemnts with
<br /> - - limitod v�i�tians by�uisdictian W cansdMe s.unifam searitg insl�ument euvedog neai�nperty. - t ' .
<br /> --U�ML'OVFNANTS. Botrower aod I.edider cavm�at aad agcee ag foUoars: . � . , _
<br /> ` - 1. l�3!�e�t d Pr�t aM1l�ten�t;PreWlrat�d Lat�Ciar�es. Barower sl�al!P�PUY i�Y°whea duc the�
<br /> of and irRaat on tt�e�e6t�evidenced by the Nate aad any prepaya�eat aad Iate charges due uuder the Note._
<br /> I�L�/s fir'li��es�M I�s��ee. Subioct to applic�ble law ar to a wrieten waiver by i�eoder.Barower sha11 pay to
<br /> t.ender at the daY�3'P�Y�m dne urider thc Na�e,�mp7 tt�Nae is paid in fuiF,a s�rn(Tvnds"}for(a)yeazly : --_--- T
<br /> � : w�es and aaaessmeota atich roay�tain prioricy ova t6is securiey tn�aiiene-as a rKr,on me Pmrpeccy;(b)n�rlr kasenotd
<br /> paymen�s or grom�d t�ents oo the Ptoperty.if any: (ck YeulY ha�ard or pcapetty insuraace_P���:(d) S�Y��'
<br /> ios�uanoe pamiums.�f any: (e)Y�Y�8�mcannce premiums,:��,y:�t��►y��n�x��r�w�r co
<br /> I�e+�der,in acco�d�nce wid►the pmvisions of�wra�grapt�8,in fien of the psyment of matgage irtsuranix premiums:These
<br /> items a��"Fscmw Items." l.eider may,at atty ritr�e,coUect and hold Fut�ds in an anwtmt not ta e�cc�d the maxinitm�
<br /> - atmum a{a�der fa s►federallg ieJated ino�tgage io�n msy tequire for�Botrawer�escmw accounf under the federal Reat
<br /> F.st�e Seukmetu.Pmce�aes Act of 1974 as ameeded fmm tiine to tirne,l2 US.0$2601 et seq.t"1tFSPA"),unIess another � -
<br /> law thu�ppties to the FLMs sets a lesser amouti� If so;I.ender may,at any t�me,colloct ud Uold Ainds in an amaint not to
<br /> , axceed the ksser a�nouo� Lender may estimate the amount af Funds due aa the bacis o�eumnt data and masonabk ' --
<br /> _ esmnate.c of expendipires of fimu�e Fsemw.Ite�ns oraherwise in accar�e wit�:applicable 1aw. --
<br /> . 17xs Fimds sf�i!be heW�in an institurion whose deposits ate insm�ed�r:3,federat aBencY, insE�urtrentality.oc emity .-':=`�-::.-
<br /> _=.. (iacltidiag I.ende�if I.mder is such an insaitud�or in my Nerler�t Harre Y��ank. L'..-7�ec shall�r the Fwtds ta�,,�a�_-=r-'`,�=-;;;,--- ,--
<br /> - ----t7ieT�scmw Items.. Lender nny na chuge Bomawer far .*�¢and aPPh�B the Fi�s:•annu�lty aaalyzing the eSe���•.: .
<br /> -_ • �ccoant,a.verifYinB d�Fscmw.Iums,nnl�ss Lender pa�s�wer intec�esc on the�..-=sds and applicabie taw pe�`�':�. --_-
<br /> = Lender w make sach a ehatge.< Howeva,I.e�e.t may itqa�B;irrower to pay a ono-time charge for an independenc.!�: ��-°�
<br /> y= ° estate tax reporting service used by I.ender in�dn'witi��loan,unless applicable law prorides otl�e�urise. Unless ait �7:=---'�
<br /> � agreen�en4 is made a applica6la-law requites�to be p�:l.ender shai}not 6e rcquired w pay BoTrower any intercst or� . �,-,'r-�:
<br /> eamings ort the Furxls. Boaower and I.eader r.�agree in w�g,however.that interest shall be paid on the Funds. Lender , ��°
<br /> , s�ari give to Borcower,without chazge.an annuat accotmNng�t�e Fi�n�s.stawing credits artd debits to the Fundt and the ' - = -_- -
<br /> • pucpose far which eacb debit ro the Fvnds was a�ade: The Pur.ds are pledged as additional security for all sums secured by ��_- --+
<br />- ` this Seeuriry Iaswmeat �'�--
<br /> �m;o��a�._;_.-.
<br /> � ;F If tve Funds held by I.ender exceed the�vnts perrnitted to be held by applicabte law.I.ender shall account to ----
<br /> _ _ ,Bamawer far the eactss Funds in accordarice K:�i the requinments of applica6Te law. If tbe amount of the Furids held by =-
<br /> ' Lender ac any ame is noc sufficienc ta paY ihe Escrow Irems when due,Lender may so notify Borrower in wridng.and,ia ��
<br /> such case Somower shxU pay tQ t.¢��3er the aniount necessaa,:uo malce up the deficiency. Bomower shalt make �the -- - - �
<br /> def cie�.y in no mare than tweivem[�c.i�lY PaYments,at Lendes�s�Ie dtscrepon. �i:_=_.�.._
<br /> �P�PaYment In fuU of all s-,�s secumii by this Secur.tgs finstivmen�Lender ahall i�mP�Y refund to Borrower any ��n�a;
<br /> ' . Funds helA by Lender. If.under paragraph 21,Lender shall acquire or sell the Lender,prior to the ���'"'� 6
<br /> - sale of the shall a 1 an Funds h�1d hy Lender at the time of' ��am� �twsition or r,.•-.. _
<br /> Ptoperty. pp y y acquisition.or sale ag a credlt against the sums '.-`���'���;�_
<br /> � secut�ed by this Security Instrumen� '�'�
<br /> c-»�..w.,._::-
<br /> , 3. Applicatioo d Payments. �.'nless appiicable faw�;ovides othenvise.all payments received by Lendes under � -
<br /> ' , paragraphs 1 and 2 sha]!be applied:6�to any prepayment c�es due under the Nate:second,to amounts payable under -�_
<br /> " paragraph 2:third,to interest due:fouith:to principal du�and i�t,to any late charges due under the Note. _' "�-"_-_
<br /> . , Clwraes;Lieas. Borrower shall pay all taaes,assessments.charges.fines and Impositions attributable to the �_
<br /> Property whicb may attain priority over this Sccurity instrumen�and leasehold payments or grouad rents,if any. Bomuwer ` -
<br /> - shall pay these obligations iR the manner provideQ in paragraph 2.ar if not paid in that manner.Boaower shall pay them on a"�-f.
<br /> ' "� time direcdy to the person owed paymen� Borrower shali promptly fumish to Lender all no6ces of amwnts to be paid uccder -;,,��y:,, -�
<br /> �,�; • thu paragraph. If Borrower makes these payments directly.Eoirower shall prompdy fumish to l.eader receipts evidearir� • . 'L, ;,�-
<br /> • the payments• ����:
<br /> ,• Borrower shaU promptly discharge any lie�which has priori over this Securit inswment unloss Borrower.(a)agn:.�� . , � " `�`=� '
<br /> in writin td the � y • ,✓'�'r+`'
<br /> �_'
<br /> g payment of the obligation secuoed by the lien in a manner acceptable to Lertder.(b)contests in good faith t�. �=.�-4
<br />_ iien by.ordefends against enforcement of the iien in,legal proceedings which in the l..ender's opinion operate to preveae�e �' . -= -.
<br /> � • enforcemrnt of the lien;or(c)secures from the ho:der of the[i�an agreement satisPaccory to L,ender subordinating tt�e[��n e:�•_�rl•=�'�'.tr�_.
<br /> to thls 5ecusity Instrumen� If I.enc�ec determines that any Parr i�f the PropeRy is subject to a lien which may attain pEiariry �.�?;,;.
<br /> , over this Security Instrument,Lea�er may give Banower a nat'rce identifying the iten. BoROwer shall sat3sfy the lirn or4alce • ,•�::
<br /> '_ one ar mo�e of the acti�ns set forCs above w�thin 10 days of the giving of notice. . .
<br /> � S. Hazard o�Y+roperty Insurance. Borrower sha11 keep the improvements now existing br hereafter erected on the ,
<br />_ ..."��,µ � Property insured ag�e�ioss by fse.hazards included within the term°catended coverage"and any other hazards.including ' • .
<br /> �� t`p �' floods or floading,f�u�-,:�C�rv:r requires insurance. This insurance chall t+c maintaincd in the amnunts and_fo�the �—_�._
<br /> -- - - � .rk H - _ - '?.'-
<br /> `"+•'• . �• • . .
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