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<br />_ _ .. .. . . .5 . .. ... ... ...��__� _ ._ . J.:. . _... . . _ ... c�..�°._•_i.---`-�'"'�.. —_
<br /> , .��__.x.'.n__.--_'-_'---...._.,.._.^---__..�.��_,_-�__.� .� �
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<br />�. � �s� a0��� ` Y" .� ;
<br /> �� � S. �zard or Prap^.riy Ia�uran�e. Bomower shnl7 keep the improvem2aate nav�existing or hereafter erected on e . ; .��'
<br />� �coperty iasured agata�t loss by fue.haiards iaci�ed within tits term 'extea��d wverage" aad tu►y ottc:r��uds. iac!_�iug " . . �_-
<br /> ' � tlQOds or floodlag, for which Leader requlres issvmnce.'ibis inEUmnce sheU he m�intained in the amouuts aad for the periads , � '.�'_--
<br />:;;i��: . �. . .` <<, .
<br />;:�,r' thut L�euda requires.lhe;�+o�mnoe rarrier provtdine the iasurunse sha116e chQSea by Borrower subject to I.euder's approval .. . -
<br /> which shall not be unceasonably withheld. If Bottoa+te fails to maiatsim oover�e descdbe�above. L.ender may, at L�ender's . �' "`
<br /> m a
<br /> optioa.obtaise coverage to pmtecc Lendar's rights in the P¢operty in ar.cordanse aith paragraph 7. ., . ' . - .
<br /> ::;� A!!I��surEnce poi�.ies�nd renewsils shall be asc�Yable to L.ea�:r ar,d sisall incl�de a standard mortg�ge clause. Lender ' �__- , ,v�.�, :__.
<br /> • shall have tbe ri�t to hold the pollcigs and reQewals.If Lend:r requires,Borr�we�r ahall Q�omptlY Bive to Leader all raceipss of f<>� . , ,,•_ , .. �—
<br />�.:, Paid pre�iu�a an�d renewal c�otiees.In the event af loss.Borco��et sh�l1 give prompt aotice co che in�+�*��caaier xnd Lender. ' • • . ,
<br />�.• �; Leader m�y make prasf of loss if not m2de promptly by Borrorner. , : ,� : '^ `-
<br /> r : ...
<br /> UnIess I�d:r aad Borrower othern+ise agree in wticimg,insw�aa.sa prusee�s shall be appl[ed to�estoration or r�air of the �. - '�z,.y:-<;rr.;,��:A tr
<br /> pto�erry damaged,if the restor•uion or re�air is eo�onicalty feaslble and Leadts's security is nat ltssened.If the restorat�on or �S;�;: -; :�.�*a�..�,,.�
<br /> .._.. -' .�r.ac�. -_
<br /> r�aii is aot economically feasiele or Leades's secauity would bs lessened,the insurance psn�ds s�all be Egplied eo the suma :�,;� v _ry
<br /> ��r_
<br /> secu.-od by this Security tnae.s_,ne,n�,wh2thzs os a�ot th�d�se. arlth a�r exce.ss paid t+o Basower. If Sorrower abandans the _;�,"{�,��----__ --
<br /> PRa�perty.or Qnes not answer within 30 days a a�otice from I.ender tLat the insuraace cairler hss offered to settte a ciaim.thea � -
<br /> ��.: �:�.��_
<br /> l.ender scay collect t� insurance pmseEds_ Le.Y3xr may use the pr�cetds to repair or c+estore the Property or to pay sums -
<br /> secured Qry thia SECariry Insau�ent,whet�er or a�ot�due.lhe 3Q-day period w�71 begin when the u9tlee is given. �`�.'F'-.'�° ° •`
<br /> p ri '�-:�; .:
<br /> ' Ur�ss L��a�1 Bosrower otheRVise agiee in writing, anY aPPlication of pruceeds to principal shall not extead or - .�-.
<br /> • postpoue ct�dLe d�of th�ffiogshly paymeats referred ao in paragrapha 1 and 2 or c�ange the amount ot the paymsntss.If under `;�T„��.
<br /> paragraph 21 the Pco;.arty is a�4� bY ���r, Bomawei's rig6t to any inanranr�poliCies �Ild pmceeds IesliltjIIg fsom ;� '..':, s�='-:��-'.'�=-:
<br /> ,
<br /> � �lamage w the Property gsior to the acqaisitton sball pass to l.endet to the ext�t of the svms s�by this Sa�rity Insuu�t :� �y;a ' a
<br /> immediately prior to t�asqui.�rition. ����_
<br /> - - O�IJCCOp3IICsl ••r[CSQI'�t_.s_v�s�►_ .••+1 w n••••••�•«,�a3aii'i..a.'S T^....�.."!lnRltrol7nnr�R_$S!�►�d9. t..'"�°s'�_�._�.--... ———
<br /> - � a�a�ia��oFa'�-�¢au�°iG..a..s� ,i'�s usE.av�rca 7s -rr------� _t.. ��_,�._ "�
<br /> �� Borrower shall oxupy.establisb,sud use ttte Properry as Bormwer's principal residcnoe withia sixty days aRer thc exaution of ����, �
<br /> this Se�urity Inst�ame.nt and shall contiane to occupy the P�operey as Boaoaer's principa!resldence for at least one year after .. .:;.�_
<br /> per
<br /> •'• the date of axupar►cY,imless Lender othecwise agte�s ia writing,which consent shall nnt be uareasonably wlthhe2d,or uWess � ��
<br /> ea�enuaring cincumst� e�ist whir� are beyom�D Bortower's oontrol. Borrower shall not desttay. d�age ur imPair the - r. ,�•
<br /> • Pragecty. allov�the Pst��rty to deterio�te. oa omamit waste on the Property. Bormwer sh�ll b$in de�fauit if any forfeitun •..�.
<br /> atxl��.�pmcere�ing,w�ethei civ�or crI�:nal,is�b��un t�at in L e a d e r's go n d f a i t h j u dgmeat co u t d i e s n t t i n f o r f e i d u e o f t h e `;� '`�:
<br /> Pcogex^�y or othetvviss�aater}ally i�a the ii�crzatEd hy tL-'s��.tity T^�•,,^,°-•=t or Leader's seeauity iaterest.Borca�rer may =�s.. �'.
<br /> aue sach a defanit and remstate.as P��ded in paiagraph lit,b3'c�sing the action or pmceeding w ba dismissed wis�a�almg
<br /> thai, ia Lender's gaod faith det�+;���on, Pn�c:�forfeiture of the Borcower's interese in the pmperty or other�terial �'. ,
<br /> . impa�rmemt of the lies created bY this Securiry �um�or Lender's seauity interest. Boaower sl�all aL:o be in defmilt if , -
<br /> . Borroiver,dur�ng the loan application process,8a��materially false or inaoa�rate informatfon oz�nr�,,,�'�or�Le�[der(or failed n.:
<br /> _:?;��.`•.: to provide Lender with a�l materiat informaSon)in connection arith the loan evidenced by the IVote,incfus3iag.but not limitod :'..`• !a , ', -..
<br /> 20,iep�sentatlons concemin�Borraa��:rr's oocapancy of the Pmperty as a principai cesi�enoe.If this Setv�iry Instruffient is on a � � ^
<br /> �?�r�anJl � � �.•.,��i
<br /> " leaseholA. Boirawer shaU eomply cciih all tk.e�rmvisimes of the lease. I f Eaao�ver acguires fe� ti t le w t a e P m p e n y. t h e ._.; � �.,: .- -
<br /> Ieaseho2d and the fee cid:o shall�t merge unIess Tuau'�r agxees to tIl�merger in writmg. �.�_••:�.��Y-;:_.-
<br /> 7.P�sotectlon off Hr�r32r's R[�'�s iz+the�wgp�¢iy.If Bosromer fails to pzrform the covc�ants and�ments containsd In ���,�!'•'�.'='
<br /> . thia�ry Instrument,or the��is u r,r_;al prareedi�g that m��sig�iIIcan�Yy affea Lend�s aights in the Proparty(svch as a �'�'f-! ---
<br /> proce�s�h�ln banlaapiey,Pmba*e.."E��xndsmaation or fanCr��os to enforce laws or�l'�ons).then I�ender ru�3f d�and � -':'�'�
<br /> ; pay fot w�atever is aecessary to p.�t�t tas vz':�:of the Propeity and L�ad_•r's rights in t�.�rnpeny. Ixader's a�may '�;,'�'�'.
<br /> � inslnde Paying aaY sums securtd by a li� Q�tra�: has pr�ority ower this Securlry Ins�ent, �iat� in cous, Pay'mg ���:•._,`�
<br /> ''::; reasaaab2e attomeys'fees and entecing on titr:�:��ty to make repaiis.Althongh I.endsr may taice ac�usn:��der this patagraph -- ;_` s��;,�f�.�::�
<br /> ;;.•+� 7,Lender does nos have tu do so. � ,• �:,,,,�t�. .
<br /> '� �,•r;.,,*�,,;,,.����•.
<br /> Ae+}rr amonnts disbursed by I���e: uzd�this paragraph 7 shall b000me additionat debt of Bormwer secuied by this �` �;:. � .
<br /> A 1 � ',:�
<br /> . Secar:�.�v,F�sttament.Untess Eorrower aad L�er�e to other terms of payment,these amounts shall bear inteies3 from the f����,:.,, �:;..�:,, .
<br /> date a�'a�:aDu:seme�ts,u:the Note rate and sh21J�payable, with interest, upoa notice from Lender eo Bomower reqaagdng . �.� :.�'°;, ;
<br /> •�,s,: F�,.,.,
<br /> PaY�� ed mort e ir�surance as a caadition of making the loan secared by s�.'s Security �+ - `,�y��.,��:';:
<br /> .. �i�m4gage Ia9prance.If Lendes reguir gag _ � v .;•°..
<br /> � t„c�,r�nt. Borrower shall pay the premiu�s require�t�n�rs,r��aia the mortgage insurance ia effect. If, for� r.u��, �e . �''`.,u -,.
<br /> . ,,,. ,,.
<br /> .. � mortgage ins�*�-sP coverage reguiied by Lender lapses or�w be in effect,Borrower shall pay tte premiums sr.�iired to -,P�
<br /> obiain coverage substaa8ally equivatent to tte z�vr.L;age insuranc�previously ia effect,az a cost substantir.:ly esjauivaleat to the ';,��,,.•.-
<br /> cost to Bolrower of the mortgage insurance pzw,i�c�sly in effect.from an altemate mortgage ins¢cer a�1sroved by Lender. If '�!�'s''`
<br /> substauRialiy equivatent mortgage insurance oover��is aot a,•ailable,Bormwer shall pay to Lender�s r�onth a sum equal to ' "��`�ti�"
<br /> ono-tarelf�of the yeazly mortgage insurance p�miwn beizB L�hY Bormwer when the insv�.�ce coverage lapsod or oeased to � �.;fi,���,�.,�_
<br /> iA5
<br /> ��.,
<br /> be w e�foct.Lender will accept,use and retain these p�e•^•-=.u� a loss reserve ln liea cf �rtga�e iasur�ce. Loss resesve • r:, �, -
<br /> �t�` 7i:'
<br /> Fatm 3028 9lDO ,. i,:�1�I��."", ""`�;.�<,�1�•�`.y
<br /> � "'^-��Y{�
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