' �' . , . . . ' � - � ` . . . 4 ti �i.� -"
<br /> f.' ' - . . ` . i . - �� '. S,. . ' . �u e�.�
<br /> . � .`{. t � ,.' �� `,��' ' ' ' � •.i
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<br /> z-, ��
<br /> .T._,_._ .__ _�—�_ ` - - _ - -- . }��,.�.�-
<br />... ._—.� _-- "�—�_..�—� ,_ _ , �_ _ — _� _ — ._..._ - Y:
<br /> . . �y_ : .. � a� . t�,: .� � � <_.__�.�._�� .��_,_-..-r.- . '�'�.6`�qiC�t�w`aTS^ .
<br /> . , .t' _<�,` ' ••`� . _ ' ' E 4� . c '- . . r . .. ...-r_. ...�_'....C:..-.,_..: ' ' � __
<br /> ' ' ,
<br /> . < . t
<br /> .. - . < . � .� ..' �. v : _ , i � . ' _y_'. ........t'"_.. . �... ... _ .. ...._ _.
<br /> ,.�._�.._,.�.,..._Y._ _�.: . . . . .
<br /> ��°r � �1: ' �
<br /> ' ER WITH all[h�impmvements notv or ie°.,�aftes erected an the property,and all e3s�menu.�a�u�rt�nt�.and .. ' �'�
<br /> TOGETEi , ' .• �:
<br /> fixtures now or hereaftec a part of the pmpetty A11 repla�cemgnts and additions shall also be covered by this Security ,, ,��.� , _
<br /> Insuuinent.All of the foregoing is refe,rrod to in this Securiry Insuument ag the'Property' . ; � -
<br /> BOAROWEFi CQVENAM'S tbab Horrower is Iswfiilty seised of the eseate hereby conveyed and has the rigbt to grant and . . . . .�'.',: ,.�`.�
<br /> � oonvey the Property an�3 th�a tL��Pro��y is unencum3zred. except for encumbrances of record. B�orrower evarrants 2nd will �.�, .... V ' � . _
<br /> .i defend gen:rally th.ride to t�e Pro�zry a�aia4t all claims and demands,subjea to any encumbrances of�ecord. . �` .
<br /> = 'THIS SECURITY INSTRUMSIV�`comfin�uniform cove�ants far mtional eue and non•uniform coven�uu with lim.iz� �=:.,�,�'.-_--,__•_._,.
<br /> "`� variztions by jurisdittian to c�nnstimt�a unifo�n setvrity insnum�nt covering�eal pmgert3+. C ; ,_ . �
<br /> `! UNIFO1tM COVENAN'�'�.Bm-rozver aa,3 Len�er coveaaut and agree as follows: { : . .'.;_,,,�.;���.
<br /> � 1. Faym��n4 of�tts�pa!and aate�st: Pre�r�3'enct�Y aud Late Chr�rg�s. Bmsower shall prom�tlY FaY cri�a due the �. ' . . •.. �. .�_
<br /> priacigal of an�d interest on tice dzbt evideused by ti�Nat.and anY PT�Y�t m�d Itz�cbarSes due vnder the qFtrt� `'. . - - ,''� - =
<br /> . - :�.�•_:;..
<br /> . . �.���P�.�����,�u�nce. Subjecx to�li.sble law or to a writsea waiver by Leader. Borrovrea shall pay to ,"� ,..
<br /> are�h�°.umder th�e Note,un2i1 tfi:Note is paid in full.a sum('Funds')for.(a)yearly traes r �,.:�., = :s�i,�:.�t;.:•�
<br /> .:` I.en�on the day montWY Paym�ts earl leasehold '
<br /> � � aad assessmr�ts cvhich may atmin priariry avcs this 3ecurtty Iasau�n8 as a lien on the Property;(b)Y Y P�� , �,rf��r�r:�:
<br />.`r`• P�P�Y�� Iemums;(d�Year1Y flood insuranoe pieffiiums, .�,.� -=.tr=..-
<br /> ' � or grnund m.nL on the Prope�ty,if anY;(�)Y�Y��or P � _._
<br /> ' if mortgage in4utanse p�miums,if auy;�ad(�an7l�Pa➢able by Borcower to L.euder,in aocor�lanre with ;; -- .
<br /> �-,r,; �Y:(e?Y�Y t of mortgage insaranse ptemiums.These items are called "Escrow Ite�.' •
<br /> }�.,. th�IaavisIaus.af pazagtaph�,in lieu of tt�.paymen -:•"-``;.`�--
<br /> ��r•; L�sier m3y. at a�3+tim�, collect aad holt�F�ds in an amunnt not to exc�od the maximum a�ouat a lender for a federally - '.,r� �
<br />,A�°� r�8t�ef�I,c��mty rcqstire for Barrowez's escrow accoszt under the fed�al Real Fstate Settlement Prooedures Rct o� �;�:;.;., ._Tr= -_
<br /> � .�` --- -
<br /> �'rr• 1�J�7a as a�}f�as�W time. 12 U.S.C. Settioa 2601 et seq. ("RESPA').u�s another law tDiat appL+es to the Fands >... :;'; ��,v�r ,
<br /> sds n i�ser a�aT.�t. If sz�, Lender mny, at aaY time. wltea and hold F�mds ia an amoum not to exce�d t�+s lesser amaunt. � ,�' . �,
<br /> 'tf j,,,A„y,,,,,��,�.�rP r�e amounc of Funds dne on the tr�sis of cacairrent data and reasanable estimates of eapen�itures of flmue �; ` .---°r^-
<br /> en ����-��
<br />;i;;:!'� Escro�v It�ar esthe�wise in accor3anoe with applicable law. �:``:�a:r;..; -`_
<br /> '� 'Ihe Fun�.s shall be held ia an instimtion whose deposits ace insured by a federal agen�y. instrumentaliry, or eariry .�r . .
<br /> . .!�
<br /> ,��: (inr`s�3ing Leuder,if I.ensfer is such an insdtutioa)ar in aaY Federal&iome Laan Bank.Lender shall apply the F�mds to pay the • f
<br /> = ,° Bzcror�Itenns.l�ader maY�t charge Borrower for haldir�and agpPying the Fu�ds,a�ually analyzing the escrov,zawnnt.or ��.,..°_,,..�..:� " � -�;
<br /> rl�r
<br /> ,•.t v e i l f j ri n 8 tln:Es�»ow Items,�?ess Lxnder pa5+s Borraw�r'�°iest ea c�.c Funds and applicable law permits L�utu�w ma.3��e such � v��
<br />;� �� �� �
<br />,.;'s� a c b a r ge.I�owever,L�n d e r r r a y�e Sa7rower t o p ay a o n e-t i�e c�s a t g e f o r az�i a d e p e�d e a t r e a l e s t a t e t a x n�o r t¢n g seivice ,.;' . .. �. �':� .
<br /> :.�
<br /> used by Lender in cemi�tira with this loan, unless applicabls law pravides ot�e:wise. Unless an agreement is �ad=ar 7�;4`•:i�� `' �
<br /> .'<�_ a�Sicable law requires int�r�t w be paid,Lender shall noi be�uired to pay Borrower auy iateiest or e a t n i a g s on tLe Ftmds. i;{���,''•;�:; ''?� �: ._
<br /> Basrnwes an3 L e n d e r maY ag�e u►w ri t i n g.h o w e v e r.shat intemst s�all be paid on th�Funds. Lender aLaU�+.e to Bor�uwer, .ty�5t.�,'�: ��' :--� ;.`.��� . .
<br /> •` �` ..• : ;
<br /> �;,.�, without charge, an a�ual acca�nting of the Funds,s"�a�-mg credits and debits to the Funds and ti�e putpu�Cvr�vhich ear� -��f'��� ;i�
<br /> '�'-:� debit to the�,,t¢ds was made.'19ie Fffids ate pledged as a��irional secauiry for all sums seaued DY this Security In+omniei►t. •• -
<br /> �..
<br /> ,.r,,�
<br /> If the Fa�ds held by I ender exc�eed the amounts pe�iYted to be held by applicab2e law.Lender sh�ll as�aunt to Bo�Ner .;.5..::-, ,,,-i'�k.;' .
<br /> I faT t�e excess Funds in acco�ace with the reguire��f applicable law.If thy amount of ihe Fimds held by L.endex at any . � `
<br /> , ;(
<br /> ti�is not suificient to pay the EscroN Ite�when due.Gi..�ader may so notify Botrower in writing,and,in s�W.ch case Boma�vez , .�; ; -
<br /> ;:��; sha11 pay to Lendep the amaunt necessary to make ug n::e deficIeacy. Burrower shall malce up the deficie�cg!�s no more thfcn >.,`r .
<br /> tarelve monthlY PaYm�•���'s sofe discretio�. ' � _;
<br /> Upon Paym�nt in fiill of atl sums ser�ed bY 't�Sec�uity Insavment, Lendes shall pzo�auy refimd w Bomow¢a 2uy �°* . r$„y �
<br /> � Fuads held by Lender.If.�mdsr paragraph 21.L,endPr '�' acquire or sell the Propetty,Ixud�T,rrQOr to the acquisidon aa�a , �u t<�fa,' �'",
<br /> .. ��.•._•_:
<br /> � , � of the Properiy,sha11 agD�Y�Y Funds held iry LeaGea�s`.�e timz of acquisition or sale as a credit a�ains[:�ie s�as secured bY �Af it.��..,,�?:-.�.�;:._
<br /> Y� tI113 S2WIit�l In9Wm�t• r �g "�'�/3l= } ` ,••'•
<br /> .� 3.App4tc�tton oi Faymwts.Ualess applicable law�eravidrs o•�erwise�all payments teceived by LeuG�c�r:t�t pesagr� __
<br /> c�ar es dne r,��s�a Note: secoad,w am�u�nts payeble�ar para�p�3; � .�� �
<br /> :": � 1 aud 2 shall be applied:first,to anY P�P�� 8 _ - _..- - -
<br /> •�j tbird.to interest du.;fourth.to princlpal due:aad last.to ayy lws d�rrges dae oader the Note.
<br /> � .:} 4.Chuges;L ieas.Borrow e r s h a 1 1 p a y a l l t a a e s,�a s-�e n c s. c h a r g e s�6 n e s and i m p ositions atcdbu:r,�`r ra the Prapcity .-� . :�' ��_
<br /> ..'i whish may auain prlority ove.*this Secutiry Inswsr�x,s,�.d lease�old gaymeats or grouad rents,if any. �wer shaU PaY .�J • � -?; :�'�"`-�`�:,�
<br /> � these obligations in ths wanner pmvided in paragrapa�,or if naa�ld in thu manaer.Hoirower s�aU pay thrm on dme directly ,.=-�:. •...•��x-::-,..: ;-
<br /> :. .� �• t o t h e p e r s�n n o w e d p a y ms;nt.Borro�ver s�promptly furnisli to i��i+:r all notices of amounu�to be paid under tiiis par"�""aPL. ' ..��•��j i;, -
<br />�.�`' f• If Borrower mtilces thtse payments di�.£;�.Boaower shaU pmmpUy�umish to L.e a der rece Ip t s e v i d,.*n e i n g t h e p a y m e n t s. :;,.�3r.,:; _
<br /> �..:f Bormsrer shaU pso�g�y discharge any lien s�:r1a has priority over this Security Insuua�ent unl�s Bor�a.rer. (a)agras in _ •'!°�"°�` -
<br /> .:.• ; � �c�iting to the pay�ent aF c�lte obligadon seaued b3►t�=�'ea in a manaer aeceptable to Lmder.(b)contests i���a�d faitL the lien . . -.
<br /> ty, or dsfeads against e�orcement of the lien in, lega] proceQdings which in the Lender's opinion opes:e to prevent the - �;''.•t . -
<br /> ' enfotcem,,rt of the lien;or(c)secures from the holder of the lien an agreement satisfactory co Lender subordlnating th�tttn to �'' + �A��_M
<br />' � �,� , this Securi�T�'�umtct.Lf LendeY determines that amy part of the Pcoperty is subject to a lien wbich may attain prioritg over �J���:�:;��,.__:-
<br /> � �S�urlry q�swmens,Fra�cr may give BomoweY a aotice idendfying tLc lien•Borrower sha11 satisfy ths lia►or take eue or ��s�.�!�-_�_
<br /> more of the ar.xioas set fs�ti�.ubove within 10 da�s of�r,giving of notice. �---:�
<br /> F�
<br /> Fcre�3� + 9I90 � ,��'�-'_.�� —_
<br /> � ���BVItL� �s m e mie :`�� x a;'v N
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