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201102814 <br />�+�.rc M <br />Part af t6e East Half of the East Half of t6e West Iia[f of the Southeast Quarter <br />(E1/2E1/ZWI/ZSE1/4) of Section Four (4� TowasWp Eleven (11) North, Range Niae (9) West of the 6t6 <br />P.M., Hall County, Nebraska, more particatarly described as foIlows: <br />B�IIIQRRg a point on tl�e Sonth line of said Section 4, said point being 130 ieet. West of the Southesst <br />comer �f said West Half of the Sout6rast Qnarter; theoce l�lort6erly parallel to t6e Esst tine of said West <br />Half of the Soat4east Quarter, a distance of 373.0 feet; thence E:sterly parallet to tLe South iine of s�id <br />Seciion 4, a distance of 13Q.0 feet to the East lise oi ssid West Half of the Southesst Qnarter; thence <br />Northerly slong and upoa said East line af the West Aalf of the Southesst Qaarter, to a point whic6 is <br />660.0 feet $outh bf t6e North line of said Soat6east Qoarter; theace Westerly pacellel to said North line <br />of the Souti�east�Qaarter, a distance of 33266 feet, to tbe West line of said Esst Hatf of ttte East Aalf o! <br />the West Half of the Suutheast Quarter, thence Soatherly along aad upon the West line of said East Half <br />otthe East H�If'of the West EIalf of the Southeast Quarte�, to t6e Soath line of ssid Section 4, thence <br />Eastecly aloag and upon said SoutL lit�e of Section 4, a distance oi204.87 feet to the place ot beginaing <br />NOFE: 518 E. Capita! Ave., Grand IsIand, NE <br />