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<br /> �--�---� - -�--3- �i.� j -. .--.. . _ ._ _� . . - �- .�.--- F•,' ��.(` � :A'-...., ''�,c-..`-_� ---t ; f. _.:�:
<br /> � - .�.
<br /> .
<br /> . . ... —..-s - � ,,. �...sa..;:.__�::s _�.....�.,.�>tr_:_�.__, �_.��, . _� _ i._� � �. . �..
<br /> 1 _�..�...Y. � �.�. . �#` , ,t� k c`
<br />��\. ��� ����� �-. � • • ` . .. _ .. _�.Y�'`
<br /> • _ u ,
<br /> TOGETH�liWCfHa1!tt�n im�rov�mcnts�orv mr��reafteaerectes�am the property,aad uU easemeats,appurienaaces,asd .�': ;.: � , " �.�'_�
<br /> fi�¢ures aow or hereafter a �mra af tEte peogerty. Atl replaoemeats and additions sball also be covered by this Security , , . .
<br /> lastrumen�Al!of the Eore,gainB io refened to in this Ser�uity�stsu�emmt as the"Prop�rty.° . � : : `_�:.
<br />;... � BOKROWEF�i:OV��ANI'Stf�at�orrawer is khn�ulty seised of the est�tahereby conveyed and 6as the eighi to g�ant and , , `; ; �
<br /> convey the Property and thut t�te Proger�y is une�tumb�°.red,excve�i for encumbrancesof record Borrower warrants aad w�l �, ��� . �, `
<br /> ,_ � defend generaIIy the title tQ tha Propecdy ag�isst a91 cJa�s aud demands,subjec�to any ensumbrances af record. . '
<br /> THIS S�CURI'TYII►15TIt�3MENTcombines naifas�coveaants for national uss nnd nomuniform covenants n+ith limited --_----•�-=`=
<br /> ' variations hy jnrisdidion to constfihrte a uniform�Uity imstruffient cavt:aing real progc,rty • . ' . .
<br /> UMFORMCOVENAYSI'S.�orrocveraad I.eadtr roti�aasi!aad xgseeas fallows: <.�.'
<br /> 1. �ymeat o7 Fr6adpul s�nd Bnt�r�s� �va�t and I�Se �. Ba3rower shall promptiy pay when due the � � �_,�. �•
<br /> : prinapal of and intmeK an tltc dc6i evidenced by th�Nete an�any grepayment aad latc charg�s due under the Note. .. < .�... `�,.''
<br /> 2. FanB��ar T.n�oa and Enancwzce.Sub'�ta cable law or to a�vriue�waiver by Lender,Borrower s6all pay to �'���°•''-°-=-
<br /> , aPF� vriu ,��+a���-i :
<br /> I.ender oa the dag mnntWY Paymeatsare due un�ta the Pd�Ye,unt�the Note is pnid in gull,a sum('Fiands") for.(a)Y�TiI+� � ` , ,
<br /> . and assessmea�ch may attainpriority over tbii Security Tnsin�meatas a Ifien on the ProPertY(b)YeartY leaseholdgaymeats -'=�'`�-"�`"-'`.`�. .
<br /> :�S�,s�.:�.M.
<br />; or�ound rentson the Pmtt�sy�'if an� (e)YeaztY bbs�dot propertyinsu�anc�premium.+'(�Yearly flood inca�ranceptemtuffis, . '� `;''_��..,._,�`�,; ��
<br /> if anY+ (e)Year�'murtgage insurance premiums,if an}, and(�any s9n�s payable by Borrower to Lender,in acoordancewiEh �. '":""_"�,
<br /> `�,�. 4:_�,�.;�'�'�
<br /> :.;.�.. '...� ;o�� € . ;t:.`_''
<br /> th$provisioas a�purag�aph8, in lieu of the paym�t of aaurtgagei�svaance premiams.These items are called'Lscsow Items." ,:.�:•,. . _;�.r;;;...-.;,-
<br />' Lender may, at anp timcs� cdllect and hold F�ds ia an�ount not to exceed the ma�dmum amount a lender for a federally : • • ..A;d��•`: • �i- .
<br /> related mortgagelaan muy reqt�ire for Barmwe�s�saa��r account tmder the fedesal Real EstaYeSettlementPracedwesAct of `' _� ` �' �-='
<br /> .�_:.__
<br /> 1974 as amended&am time to teme 12 U.S.C. Sedi� 26U1 et s 'RESPA �u�iess aaotherlaw t6at a Cr�s to ttze�5mds • ��"�
<br /> , e9• � '� PP . T�:. -.��...
<br /> � ��' sets a Ie�ssa:amaunL Yf so, Lendermay, at aay t3me,aoIlect amd hold Funds ia aa amountaot to exceed the tesser amon�. . +�:---_--
<br /> . t �����.__
<br /> =- i t � .�.. s7. 1. t �.i��ee e'n�i roncnTOhlns_ctimatPC�tf P.7[ifCtldltilICSQf�IIIL' '�T^��RI �'�-
<br />�,53;; T.CIIaG7IDity cS:i:ilu�c ialc f�iaYi�►ilit O.r--�iuv�,rao':wa..,,:...�:.. .,..: -- - � � _ .. __
<br /> ,�-( ..
<br /> �xe� Escrow Items ar.otl�ernise in accardaace with app'::.a�f�taw :t•_'� .;-;.''`_
<br /> The Ftmda shall 6e held ia an institutaon�vhss� d:.posits are insured lry a Eederal ageneY, instramentaliry,or ertc�:y —��,•
<br /> �;•�,,:,_.
<br /> , � �'u�stttding Y.endssr,if L�enderis suc6 an institu�on)a�ia a�.y FederalHoffieLoan�an1c.I.ender shall apply the Funds to pay the �� .�!w�,.-�,!_:.
<br /> Esarow Ite�n.i„endermay aat charge�orroarerfor�iatd�and aPP15'�S the 1'unds,annualty analyang th$essrow acoount,or . •� ' ': � ,y�,i ,.`s
<br /> n
<br /> �. verify�ng tha.�vItams,unlessl.eadergaysBono�reainteresta�xtftt�Fundsandapplicablelaw�erinitsLendertomal�esu+¢h +'°'�Yf;,�,� '� �
<br /> sx f a
<br /> �� � acharge.I�Smvsvcr,Lcudcrmayrequir�Borroweriop�a3 aoa�tffiedra�eforanindepeadentrea,bestatetasrepa�;servire �� ..• I �';''
<br /> �-�.'�,'�,,_�...�'
<br /> ;�.- .���ti�=- � .
<br />:;,' `. vsed by Leadnr in eonnedion with i�is loaq unEcaa�-�licable I� pzoti�es othernise. Unless an agesment is made m < •;�,I.,,s,. s. r:;� :.
<br /> °;' . a licabielatvre tiresanteresttobe aid,Ixnders�allnntbar uir�to a Borrower interestar ,ontheFuads. . ' •5' �''�'
<br /> PP 91 F �1 P Y �Y � �i _
<br />::T�'-;^ Borrowe�and�L�tsndarmsry ag�ee in wrstaug, howe�zr,that interestsbalIl be paid on the Funds. l.e¢�s�k� to Boaower, 5 rt�..: ��,'n.•; �''
<br />':>i�;�� without c8ai�a,,an annual aecounting ag t�e Fund�shotiviug credits�debits to the Funds av�t�:��sr;��ior which eacFi. '��:,' �,
<br />' , � debit to the Banels was mada.The F�ads are pledgEd as additional see�uity for aU sums sec.aued tm�r��s��z.aty InstrumenL ��.. :•� . :_
<br /> _ _ If ti�e Fundt,lusld by Lender eazceed thc amo�tsg...--mittedto�e hel�L�-'r^�!:�.w:e'�;Leader sbaII acevr.�t to Barrower � . °-
<br /> • far the excess f�nnda In ar.�andancecv�th the requinexaontsof applicable law. U the amouut o f t h e Fuu d s he i d f i y,�Len der a4 any ` '.�5L�, :
<br /> time is not su�t�cnt to psry the Escraw Items�vhen d nc,I.e n d e rmay so no t i f y Bonowr�ria w i i t�g, an d,ia sttdh�se Baaower �..��� �
<br /> -� ,.;,,}; �
<br /> , shall pay to Y.�d�r ttta Fun�uat necessary to make up the def ciency. Bonawer shall make up the defisaency in no more than ,����. ,�,-_
<br /> twelve monlWy,�n3'mante,ai I.ender's sole discretiom. . �'`�;--
<br /> UPon PaYraant•in ftill uf all sums seciued hy this Sec�iry Instrumen3,I,end�r shall promptiy refand to Barrawer any . .��F�!';;,.T.,.x�`-
<br /> Fuads held by L+endaa i�u�derparagraph2l, 1.en�wsLall acquire os sell the Prog�r,Lender,paior to th�acq�sitioa or sate t , � '�'':'. ';'-_-
<br /> of the Ptape�2�J.s1uil1'aPP�Y�Y F'unds Lxeld hy►Lenflea at the time of acqe�s�tion�-�ie as a credit a�iust the sums secured 6y ��.. �`,��'''°�- .
<br /> � •ti -=
<br /> �° thisSeauii+j.�Yw�traimont. � :;-�,~��-`-
<br /> his
<br /> V:�.�.. 3.Appli�i'�o�04 Pf4ymen4o.LL-,Jr:��licabinlaw provides ot3rr�aarise,all paymeatsreceivedby LenderrmdeiPara�gi� �S#"� .�;,
<br />�� i aad 2 shall be appliad:�,to any�fg�ymentcLarges dus underthe Note;ser.oad,ro amountspayab2e underpazagap�.� ----
<br /> third,W interest duo;faw�a,d�prinapal dne;and last,w a�r tate cbarges due under Wa Note. ....: -- .., a�:
<br /> 4.Cbse�es;H.tenu. Baaatvcrshall pay all taxt.�,u�essffients�cbai'6es.Snes andimpositioas attributaLC.to the Property � • ''��y'i '°-�
<br /> which may aitain�prtartty over this Security Instr�e�i.and leasehold payments ar grouad reais,if aay. Bmrowor si�all�.ay �:�'`�.:'�'�--`-''�'�.
<br /> . these obii�tiaas i�a•ttta mtwnerprorided in garagrrap'�2, or�not paid in that manner,Bonawerstiall pay them on time dircc� � ��'��' _
<br /> to the pe�mmved�Pttym�ea�Bgrrowershnll promptly faunish to Lender all aoflces of amountsto be paid undert8is Dara�tIIPB. :�,?+;�=:.�"�'' `.-�;.
<br /> If Borrower makes tlt�sse g�}r,mente dtrectly.Borrovmr s�all promptly finanisb to Leader receipts evidenaag the payments. d'�.� :.•.�.,:�.::,aoMw � �°;
<br /> BorraR�sr.s}iuU prompity dlscl�arge any lien whiab�as priority ov�er tbis Security Instrttmenttmless Borrawer:(a)agrees in '".�y`,�� ' ;�a..
<br /> 1�. � .."��_
<br /> � writing to tbe pnymant•of tha eblisatian seauedby 1ha t�sn in a manneraooeptableto Leader;(b)contests in gaod faith the lien
<br /> by� or de�t:ad5 aguiasi�esnfarcamentag the lien iq �e�al pro�eedings�hich in the Len$er's opinion operateto prevent ttce :�° •�:w�:��+.-' �--
<br /> .,I S�i
<br /> en�ozcemeat+oi tha 1its�or(a)securesfrom the hod�;r of tLe lien an agreementsatisfactory to Leadersabordinatingthe lien to "Y ��?
<br /> � cais Secariry Instrwnont.�fi B.mdar dctermiaesthat swy p�azt of t6e Prop�ty is snbject to a lien wluc6 may attam priority over ��r�.:�:..��<`-��
<br /> �, t�ms Security InsWmunt,:��af:rmny g v�ve Burrativer a nntioe identifying the lien Bairo��er shall satisfy the li�m ar take one or �o����:`�'•����-,°�.�--�'-,�`:
<br /> more of the adions set for,�n�,:ove witY�in 10 days oStt,�@Fving of notice. '�•� ��""—"�� --
<br /> ;--�.
<br /> Farmso29 � '^���,'^ �
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