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<br /> �� �e�e�tsMle.a�itre�te.Le��MKl�s��ttie7tM�e'sl�iesaet�i7i�err�,NtNe�c�t five , 96
<br /> � iF be ailwt eE tie`wNe.at!ie N�e'd tit ieet�raii�w of�el�w�it,s�ie�ie sfMnels'lees�M
<br /> . . � �M�f.(��N alt w see�r�at b.tYs 3eeskT Wb'r�M��i ie)s�l esoe�M tl�e�eesw r N*'s�
<br /> ���, Upou P�Yr�M aE atl swm sec�ad bY this Securi�Y I�ntnn�.l,ander:haU nequat 7tusta to < °
<br /> �onv�r ie pYoQe�ty aod sfiill`wna�der this Socwlty Instnonent aad all notes�ride debt sec�mod by this Secariry
<br /> �t b 7iasiee. �1a�1ee alaU�ecanvty dre P�operty�vitNout wa�rantY aod vvithout�arge sc-s�e P�raon Q P� .
<br /> �y atitird xt it Su�chpn�an or pessao�stqll psy an7 mo�duio°�'°sts.
<br /> .. - I1. 3�i�ilE 7F�sfta Lrnda.at its option,m�y fm�n timaw tone nmove liuttee and�ppoinc a s�ccessa�tx � � .
<br /> to ary 1tns�ee appoioted DeKUnde�by an instnuneot ncaded L►ttie countY ia which this Secei�a�ad du��conferred upon
<br /> �Vld�o�ut cmveyance of thc Pnoperty.the sacaessos trustee shall succcod to all the titk.pow ;
<br /> 'Itus�ee berein aoti 1�w. ` of the nodces of defaWt aad sak 6e'sent W&xmwer'�
<br /> �. l�eq�eat�������� . . ,
<br /> � addemis.+�fiich is 8�e F�pE,sty � . .
<br /> --=- .__<...,:.._.,__T ._ . ..._ . . .. . - -- -=- .
<br /> - �t:.: b Bon+ower and ncaded togNxr vn�'Ti�us _
<br /> � �to tbit Se�itJ I�trt�est. If one or ma�e riders aie exQcuud Y .
<br /> Securiry Insauaxnt, tde covemints of each such rider shati 6e incorporated inw and sh�ll-aa�d.and sopplenient tAe
<br /> ` _ coven�nts w�d agran�nts of this Sec�ujty lasuument as if tiie•ricier(s)were in a pe�t of this Socurity Insuumen�
<br /> � [Cboct a�pplicable box(es)l• ..
<br /> '. �Candominium Rider �Graduated Paym�mt Rider �Growing Eqaity Rider
<br /> ' '. , �P�u�i�ed Unit Development Rider 'D�t1�er ISAerifYl : . • . . .
<br /> � ���JiGNIN(i BELOW,Bomnwer accepts and agcees w t�re tertas contained in pages k�coa�r,�f this'Secoiieg�
<br /> . Instsument and in any rider{s)ezecuted by Borrower and recorded with it . ;
<br /> �. � � " {�>
<br /> � BARRY OAVISON BO"O""'�"
<br /> . . (Seal> �
<br /> � 8«�owa
<br /> " , (�)
<br /> < . . Bormwer
<br /> . ' ' • ` ' (Seal)
<br /> � . eomowcr
<br /> STA'i'E OP 1V4HRASKu3. H�Q.L County ss: , -
<br /> . pn thig `'Zz� day of Jun6. 1992 . befarc mc.the a^.di�'�igned,a Notary .
<br /> Publlc duly cammissionedand yualified for said county,penonally wme . _
<br /> ._ gp�'y_R QAVISON _ A SINGLE PERSON ' _
<br /> ,to me known to be the
<br /> • identical persan(s)whosc name(s)�re subscribed to thc foreguing instrumcnt und acknnwlcdged the exea.-tinn thereof to be
<br /> hi8 voluntary act and deed. ' .
<br /> Witness rny hand and nutarkd seal at GRANO 15LAND in said cnunty, the
<br /> d�te aforesaid.
<br /> - ��G• ,� � :
<br /> 1Yofary Publir
<br /> � � L� ROBE TA L R��O
<br /> MlrCe�.6►1�1r30:1994 ��UC5TFCIRltECQ�FVEYA�CE •
<br /> -- TO TRUSTEE: -
<br /> The undersigned is the holder of thc notc ar notrs sccurrd by this Decd af'Tms�. Said notc ur notes,togcthcr�vith:�Il
<br /> — uthet indebtedness secured by this Uec�of'Itust.have t+een paid in fufl. Yau ure hereby directed to cmtccl wid note or
<br /> notes and this Deed of'I}�ust.whirh�re delivcred hcrcby.artd tu recunvey.witbout warrunty.utl the rytatc nuw hetd by you
<br /> _ underthis tkcd uf'nust to the person or petwns teg�lly enti�ted theretn.
<br /> _ ffste: • -
<br /> . `.. ,_ . . _ . _ . .
<br /> fl'a.er 4�I�l'U.R���
<br />