f.a ` , . . . . . I .. � . . . . . , ' - _____.�..:�.-..
<br /> 'Y�•�' • • -c �1`- ' • � . �,r . -. . � . • . .. .� . � . " _ �_..
<br /> t;� , � ��y
<br /> . , . , _�l_: - ' . `^�L?.
<br /> __ � — _ _�—�_'�.=i �1_ _ __ __ _ _�_ _ _____.. .� ..___ .... -'_-.
<br /> r� �a�„�,� 9�° ��`�'1i�7 .. ; . � Y_�.-. _.,
<br /> 9. F�. BOROW6t 6QtE88 tD iRflStO 8U payments on tha eocurcd dnbt Llhece Quo. Untess Eorranrar end la3ndar aIIree otherwiso, any ��'�• - • '�
<br /> peymertts I.�ndar rsc�tves Borte Borrowsr ar�or Bartovua's 6eneftt wiU bs apyt?ed flret to any emounte @urovr�r owes on tha saeurad dabt •
<br />,.�4`' ox e t u s&Y c f M tercst or pr l n t ip+l l.eeeo n d t o h t e r e s t,a n d t h s n m p r t n e l p a l.i f p a r t t a l p r a p s y r e�a n t o f t h a s e e u r a d d e b i occura far an Y reeson,it wi11 • ,f<' !' . �'�_,-=_-
<br /> ieot reduea or excuae arry schaduta�payment until tha eseured Eebt is pa►d In tu0. � .
<br /> . • 2 tXdm�{4�a�s4 Tt�s.Eaarovmr wi0 pay att taxea,esseasmente,and other ChergSS atuibutaDte m the pro erty when Qua and vn11 defend tltto ,. � .�
<br /> .. to tt►9 pro�erty agairsst any dafms whict�woutd impolr th3 f3en of this deed of Uust.londa�may reau'ua 8artower to assign any riqhte,eleicne or . . � '� .�,�_—
<br /> ,; dstenses whtch gonovr3r may have against pertl�s wRO eupptl►lebor or mritet[aic to improva or maln2ain ttta propestY• µ��'„� '_
<br /> 3,Insutanse. Eanowxr wiU kesp ti�pvoyarty insured under terms aecoptaDte to Lender et Borrmver's expenso tnd for Lenders benefit.AI! • � '��
<br /> irtsuranee poiicies shail ind�sdg a stertdatd mostgage dause in fawr of Lomtsr.lAr�r+.vi!I ba nemsd aa loss payea ar ea the ins�ed an any such , ' ' s'-+r-
<br /> insuranco policy.A�y irtsurenea prosands may 69 apRfied,viitA:n Lue�des'o di�cr�rian,to either tns rastoratlon ar repah of tha damlgod property •� .`,"'=4 ,:
<br />� or w ttvi soarred daLt.lf Leader requiras mortD2g3 ursurEnce.@orrovirar ogreas to msintein such insuraneo fw as long es Lsntter reyy'aes. � .
<br /> 4.Pro�aRy.Borrower wiil kaep ths properiy in good eondition end rnake eU ropaira reaaoisbiy necessary. . _ - -- ,. �, �by,
<br /> .. �,._
<br /> 6.E�sruaa.Borrower agress to pay all lenders experwas,induQirt�reauonaD�a attormys'fees,'rf Barcowar breaks any covetume in this deed _ _____ _____ _ ,�
<br />" ' . of trust or in eny abtigatIon sec�ued Dy Yh!a daed of fiust.Borrowar w.il p�y ttrase rsnounta to Lortdar es provided in Covenam 9 of thls dead of �---. �.
<br /> . Vtut. `" •• • - _,lf�,-,
<br /> 8.Rr!^..e Saeta;3y�Irtt�sb.Urttess Borrowar firs'ohtains LBteder's wrritton consa�t,Bmrowar wi0 not make ar permit any ehanges to a�y prior �: ';�.' _�. y`;•�';�~`,=;
<br /> � securi2y i�erosts.Bacrowar wi8 parform al! ..r Bartowar'e obligati�rei under any priar moRgage. 8eed of truat or other seairiry agsaemcrtt, � .; d�
<br /> indudirt8 8orroweYs eov�enartta w make psymar�ts when Cuo_ �° •.V...� :.:.�•. . `"--
<br /> ena • � .
<br /> �.F!i..z - ____——
<br /> T.Asatflntr�nt of Ribtlt tnd PtoS�s.Bortowar asstBn3 to Lettder tT►�tert[s and profita of tha prop¢rty.Untess 8orrower and Lender have agraed •-`>'�'";-�;���,�='
<br /> '"' oth2rwf e in vnitInp, 8ortowar may ca�tec2 and retain th�rertts t�s tong as Boirawar ts nat in Qefaut4 tt 6orrower de4autts, Lender, Lenders � `����}��'"
<br /> � at 2 ..:..,i>
<br /> ':r,! ageM,or a eourt agpatn4ed receivermay tako poscesaion as�d manage the property and �Uect the rents.AnY rerma Lender coLects shaU 6e ; �...� .�,, ,
<br /> aD�ed first tu tha eosts of marta9mp the GroDertY. ind�ding wurt cnste and ettomsya' fess.wmmissians to �er►tal age�Me.and any other •`t�,..3t_�-.���.
<br /> rtecessary related exQenses.Th9 remamfng amaunt ot rents v�d0 then apply to paymeRia on the sec�ued debt as provlded in Covenartt 1. � � �_;_„. .�
<br /> _,�.:='_;"
<br /> 8.L�uq�t�otds•Co�;FF�tsd UrJt Qovito�rnsnts.Bonower apreas tn compty with tt�e provisions of eny tease if thts da2d of vust is on .;�;s-'".'v,�-_
<br /> � a laasehohi.If thia deed of Uust is on a unft fn a eandominium ar a planned unit Eevelopmert4 Borrower will perform a!I of Bortower's duties —
<br /> under tfi9 eoveaants,by-laws,or regutatiorts e4 thc�iwndeminium or ptanrsed uPlt devetopmerit � �"�
<br /> ��`�."f.� 9.Autnorfty o4 L,�rdas to Parfam 4or Borrowu.If 6oROwer taiTs m perform any o!Borrowefs dutias under this deed of uust, Lendar may �'.�� ` �µ
<br />:�','.fL;'45. ' -�+.
<br /> t perform tha daCaa cr-causa them m be pe�formed.Lendar may sign Borrowefs name or pay any amoum if necessary tor performanee.M any ;- �,=,�"�.�
<br /> e�^►suction on ths ssvperty is�oontirtued ur rat earried on in s reasonable manner,Lender may do whatever is necessary to ptoteci Lsndars °�-'s-���
<br />`:�'r r�� �a-ity intarest��Cropeny.TTHS may inetude compieting tha construceian. _---�= `'�:—_._ _
<br /> 3�f� . ts�er's falhae to�v��r-�IFectuds Lender irom exercis(rtg any of i�other rtgths urtder the law or this deed of trusL '� " '�' —
<br /> e��� i `l� . - . � -mQ.
<br /> {�y amoursts paid LS Lender to protect Lender's security intorest wiU he aera:r'�by thia daed of trusL Such amaums will be dua on demand �
<br /> � and wilt bear interest from the dab of tt�e paymertt urtil paid in fu�ai the irtLgr*a�:rate tn effect an the secured debt ';? � l
<br />`� ,�J . ;. �',���-,r��c�.:.
<br /> ..�„�'....�..�.....:�,c r>a.,--
<br /> 10. Qetwh�sd AccNeatJon.It Borrower fa+�s to make a�ry r�rr,errt v�hes�Cue or breaks any eovenartrs undar this desd of bust or eny t�7F�`��• '� ��' `
<br /> ,' � ohiiSatian seaued by thls deed of trust or any prior mortg_ge ar deed of trust,Lender may acceterate tha maturity of tfle seaaed debt and y, �`�� ��•�'x-���., .
<br /> ..�.••; demar.A immeJdiate paymarrt and may inwke the power oi sete a�'�arry otfier remedies pertnitted by applipESe law. �. i,�"!� . '°.'�'''_. . ,�;:.
<br /> `•'� �X .��....�p., -�:,•
<br /> ' 11.Roqu�st far Ratic�ot D�fadt.It Is hereby re3uea^ted that coples of the notices of Qefautt artd sale be o�to each person who is a party • � ,��_�� - _
<br /> �,,�� herew,et tRa ad�ass of each such parson,as s�.:farth here3n. e -� "-' -• �:; _
<br /> I'•�;;+: 12.Pow�r of 8��.lf U►a Lender Imrokes tha pevrar of safe,the Trustee shaEl`rss record in tha tsffIca of�:�ee9soer of deeda of each catmty . �•.
<br /> U
<br /> � whercin tM vust property or some part or par�l theraof is sitva�d a notice of defauft arr.�i�" tl�e(�forma�on re�uUed by taw.The Trustee ; . ;
<br /> shall also mail captes of tha nct��of detauEt to the Borrowcr., �each person who ia e �.�haroto,and to other perr�rss aspresePibed by � , • 'i;�.•.'.:;.
<br /> '� s;�!icabie I&w. Noi tess than ona� .r,�oirih after the Trustee caaa�s�he noUce of dafa�t, cu nvo awnths if U►s trust p-�p�rty is not in any ?_ .
<br /> � � b�oratcd cityr or viliapv and"s�vraa�?n fartninp operattons can1�3 en b�the trustor,the Yrus^�.ea shatl give pubUc notiee of sate to the paraons s +•�-� R--�;-•;• �...-:
<br /> .7`'. a�.: �. .:! ::
<br /> ��1.f}„•_� �n 3 i.�-►t h e maruser p rescnlsed b v�(a l a,,'�5cable(a�v.Ttustee,v�P'�w�domand on Sorrower,shaD saU the prope r t Y at puWic auetian to tho hipfiest �� ,_ ... � ,
<br /> -`� ��,• 6iQ�a If cequited by the Partn t tc•:s,�siead Prc��n AcK.Trustee shali offer the property In two sepazate s a(es as requ'�red by appiicable(aw. " �r,. .--, �t;.�f• �y';.;"
<br /> F7��,: Trusoee m,ry posWone aala of ail or arry pazal:c�t��property bY puDlic artrwuncemer�t at the ttme and place of arry pravtousty scheQuleA aaie. �.. , � ��; _
<br /> +?/?�'��+ Lander or rts destprtse msy purcfiase the pro�w�i ar arn►sale. .p •
<br />�Sr��w i�';.+ `Si �� .:':'
<br /> ..::.� . • `
<br /><;.�s'x,�'�?' % ' .:': 1�•'•�, ,;
<br />�.9,_�}..±. Upon receipt of pay�ern o9 ths�✓.ica lid,Trus��tra0 deliver ta the purcfiaser Trustee's deed eor►veying the property.Ths recitlals contatned in - ��:
<br /> .•�••r,;5 Ttustee's deed shall be prima trr�o c�vidienco of the verth of the s�iemartis contafnad theroin.trusiee sl�ail ayply tho proeeeds at the stiTa in the � � ' '� '� : ����
<br /> s .� f ' •.
<br /> ' fotlowiny ard3r. (a) ta all e��cr�es of tha eate, including, t�:t. not Iimite� to, reasonabte Tnistee's tees, reasonabie a�mayra fees and �.; • ,'�+.;�. .°
<br /> :����'s•'' reinstatement feos;(b)to all3ums seeured by��eed of trust,and(c)the batance,if eny,to the persons tegaAy errcftled 4o r�:alve ft. , �, �� ' • -
<br /> ';,`�.�y ' � � ;. �';y'r':;`-'r,`-.
<br /> i�Inv 1 9.F o n e t a w�f.�r.La r s der'a o ptlon,th.s deed�•�rr�:m a y be foreGOSed in L`r�manner provido b y a p pficECSm[ro�a tar tarer.t+osure of ma►t�rw �_•,�'. � �' -,^_
<br /> �_ L , . an reat property. .•
<br /> 14.� ler�'.�er may enter the property to inspect it if la*Qer glves Borrower notiee batorehand.The notice mnst��the reasonabte ;,� �, "�x.�
<br /> e�use fa Lendefa inspec8on. �+,'..�:�,_;, � , _
<br /> _ t1f '. �1:.i�;, . -
<br /> , � 16.CaeQnt�cr�Sa.�.Borrovrar esst�n s ta Lender the proceeds of a�sy awerd or claim far dama es eonnected wittf a tondemn7,:ian or othe►takiny —�v` �. � _
<br /> � of a0 u my�sasr.r13l�e property.Such proceeds w3ll be app��as provided in Covenarn 1.�s asaipnmerrt is subject to the tertna of arry prtor "•�
<br /> seeurity epreomia+r..
<br /> ,':_'4f;,•_f. �•r,��
<br /> 18.WaT�r.B�r mtr•r.s:stng any remady avaelaLSe�Lender,Ler,Eet doea not give up any�ighte to later use any other�emedy.By not exercist�y - - - -
<br /> ' ..� oc�y remedy upon 8arrowers d¢.t��it,Lender Bcea noY waive�t��9�to later consider the event e defautt if R happens apain. 'Y�,_s'�, - -_-
<br /> , . �• ... ., ,.- .:
<br /> 9it.Joint artA Swaral L�ty;t^Jwai�r�: Sucer�san aRt�.as1�u BamQ. an e�aas unQer thia deed of trust are joirv �a:d severat.Any �''�^
<br /> _._a,,.�. �..
<br /> BGrrower who co-aipn9 thia c�r�of bust t��C.ae� not c�c�n the undert ng 0etrt insnument(s)does so onty to gracrr.:�M convey that , ���'��
<br /> � Borrowers intereat in the property to the Tn�me w+iCsr the terms of thia dee�oftrust.In addiUon,sucfi a Borrovier agrass C'L�i tAo Lendar and ., ` �'�
<br /> a ather Borrowar undcr thla daed of uust�a�;��cx:end,modiv or mske arry other change�In ths terms of tAis deod of v�.ist or the se�-.� -_� .. `�`
<br /> de�s wtthout thet t�A:rrowere wsiserrt arai wiri:v:n rotaasinp that Banowor iraxa sho torma mf tht�Qaod ot wat.
<br /> Th�duUoa and bonoflta o4 this deed of tru�t she0 bind and benofit the sueoassora and assigna of Lender and Bonower. �! - "'a:''•-� -��' �
<br /> 9Q.I�ia&a.Unteta otherwiso rc�.:fred try Iaw,arry noUee to ts'�x�wer ahail be given by deiivern�;,+t or Dy maiiing it by cert(fioa�r,nil aQd��►s:ad� �� �� : ' W-�
<br /> L'orrower at ths prope►ty addra�ar any otner ad�rssa that Lrarawer has gtven to Lender.6aemnver wi0 pive any noUce to�Ender by cevn:`�f ��. . �'" ' —�,-°.
<br /> ' m�i t t o L p n d e r's e d C r�s s on p�p e 1 of thta Eeed o!trust,or to zn y otMr aEdress whieh Lo:v9rr�aa Qesi y nated.An y other noUee to Len3es rtsw9 . �,�•�
<br /> � � i be serrt to lenQee'¢mCdrosa aa stated on page 1 nt thla deed of trust. _ 'r;'�-•:. �• ----
<br /> ��a�• .--
<br /> .� Any noUce shNt bn:�med to have bean Qiven m L'onower or lender when givan in tfio manner steted above. � �p��k�t�Y'•��
<br /> _ ��4w;?' `��:'
<br /> 1f1.Ttruftr d14�n fF�apufy cr r��cxHdal l�r�st tn tha BaROwm.If ali or any paR o}tt�cs�roperty or any Uttarest in it is sotd or uansforred �.�;;r � • ` � � ���`
<br /> wEµnut Lende�s�r�ar wri�n carcant, LenCer may demartd�inmediate payrnctnt of thn cmy:.:ed deDt. Lender may also demand immediate �•�';'��t� �� '�� : , u�_�.
<br /> � • ��cr.ent if the Ear.�war Is rac¢natural person and a bert�f.r.iat interest in tfio�ortov+er�:,sold or Vansferrad. Howeve�, Lender matr not f o���{;• " �•-:•,:,,:,: '`
<br /> Ai; 1 t�? '•.. ..- � 1:;,�-
<br /> Ch,�r.and payrt:ent�h�e above s:.ratlons if it ia nrahibfted by feQeral law as of tha date ot tPtic dzed of truat. •1��i;'�;;.,+,•�..,,.�,:.x..r� �,T;_.;T
<br />' 20.R�conv�yesr.¢.L"lhen the ohliyeUon secu�sd Uy tAis deod o}bvst haa beace patd and LenOer has no hor�?rar obltgaUOn to make�d�eu�uas ����' ;.::,.r:,�,��'�^��.Jk��'�� —
<br /> unEer ffie in�orunm�r�or agreemertte secured Int tf�ia deod of frust,the Trust�o ahai{upon w►Itten ropuectts�,ttie Lender, reconvey tA�t wt ' r •;d'°m-:r
<br /> � property.The�'er ahali deliver to the Borro:var, ar to Bortower's successav i�iMarest,the ttust deed and the note or attier ovidence of tha ;.,.,,-. ,•���
<br /> . cr.l;gatlon so sa�9And.Bortowar shatl pay enp re�xa9ation eosts. ,„,., r::.._' . �.."..
<br /> , � 8C. Sute�asor T�ustN. Lender, at LenEnYs c(:tcn, may racr.aw Trusteo and eppaint a successor trustae by first, m�ilrra3 a eopy of the �_;�'�;►,�;"`_=°',�=
<br /> ��^^:ution of Custee as reQuired Dy applicublo aw,and thon,b filinQ the substitution of trusteo tar racord in the offlce ot r,hs�ragiuter of daods • . ��, .. :.:
<br /> 0 y
<br /> o�each eounra��r u�hich ths trust property,ar:ene Cart thereof,is srtuated.The succossor trustee,without conveyance of the property,shail '.��.�. �;.
<br /> succeed 2o nll�i��x sror,duties,authar;ty and e�e of the Trustee namad in the d¢ed o!Vust and of any succassor Vustoe. r�,.. .�i �
<br /> . . '?'�f'= . :
<br /> . � ' ';�'� -:�• ..
<br /> . •.�`
<br /> . � :. .. � �_-
<br /> _ � . ' rpuge 2 0l?1 '` � •
<br />- -` -__ :__ _ __
<br />� 01'JaSS SYSTEMS.WC..ST.CLOUD.MN 68301 11�804397�73411 FOitM OCCMf6NE 8r18191 - - ��--- ---_..--�--
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