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<br /> , - ��j�(-j•�1]��(�A�$. a01lO'NiR#�1.[fl��100'Yl�Ilt� S faa0'1Yf' • .
<br /> � �'J,��l�e�i�t. �L�![ f�0�i� MI��I�L'f .�.ElldlT�My IDYO�t I�IE'
<br /> - ' �OE i���CI��R�����tlq��bC���� �p�e lOC1�ILd
<br /> , �I�e rea�►ided's� �,--�•-�... ,�ociodie�.hrt na ijmited ta,ieascn�6k aaomeys•efep.and caait+of
<br /> Mfe ev�esoe. . `
<br /> . K Irt at�ie ts taNte�,7kwMs aW e+eas�i s sMioe�E�efaWt ta ae�►a�t7 ia Rriei a�}�rrt��f tie
<br /> ' �i��i r�sYr.�i a�la d�ei�CS ia�ie�er�aeri�el b� inr 1�e�rw�er s�i
<br /> � 1�lie -�1rec�ee�w le�seriei i�a1��iUie law Atl[r!re H�e re�i�si i!a�j�la�7fr�Mee�
<br /> ` �ae w!r�4 M tlrr/e��a��v t�e�er�a�aiei a/�al�e Yw 71r■r1aG w�liort o�
<br /> -.- •= �wer�S�d t�t�at�ie�it�i�i�� a�ii �a�tie tiu�t a�#pt�c+e A■d a�der!�e ler�_
<br /> u� a
<br /> i�Y.tl��lia�l a����ia'i�wke iele�ies. 7t�e�l .
<br /> �ie d r�ra�r�.f a�e re.�ert�q ......a.e.t at tlrc ei�e a.a�boe J a.��re.iw�y,�
<br /> � IR�erKlb�iedpee� �ata�wie. , . � - !�
<br /> ?e��t��7irw�e��'It�Mee�I�s[�direr M tie/�eMa�7��ke's de�a�re�tMc
<br /> 7'ie tbe iee� i��Ir hde e�Ye�ce�t tr��f tMe Aalene�It wMe tieeei�.
<br /> ��a�tie�r�oee�s�t t�t wk i�lie�wi�oe�ier. ts) !s i aMs asi �d e�ti+eiiiK tl�e -
<br /> .. �.r.k a�i aK s�l��aK�a�t.ra�e'[f�ee's ren��rei,�ot�aeeb f�ve �6
<br /> �f Nt a�pt�f iit �t tMe ti�e ot t�e ied�tatio�d ie1l�i�aM rea�o�srit attor�e�s'f�a at
<br /> �M i��N ar wu�se�ne���IYs Seark�LiRr�M;a�i(c)a��e�as to fYe�asar��er�s
<br /> Reo�ne�a�cG Upoa prymeat of aU sams sec�cl by this Securiry I�trurne�t,I.ender sball teqt�est 7lrusta to
<br /> ' re�piv�eY'tbe propeRy aM sfiaii surnnder this Security Instturnent and alt nates evidenctng debt savred by this Satia�iry
<br /> . Imtrumrnt t�'IIvsiee. 7f�utoe sh�l}iecanvey the P�opaty without wuranry and withoat c7�ge to the pe�soa or persms
<br /> �p�y a�tu.i� Such petson ar per.saas st�al[pay aay�ion'costs. .
<br /> - l� S�i�tll�fe 1t�ftea I,enda:at its op[iva.maY fmm tlme to time temove 7iustee and appoint a sucassar trustoe
<br /> . to say'ttu+�tee appoioted dadtada by aa insuaimeat�ded'm t�coaety in which tbis Sa.wiry Inst�tunmt is marded.
<br /> Witl�out ootwey�noe of 16e Ptopecty,the saoressor mure�s6at1 succad to all the dtte,puwer snd datie's confened apo� .
<br /> � 'ltosteahaeinand p� ' Lw. ,. -.:,., , . ° . - ,
<br /> .. • �R •��at���1�a11e�a..�ottuwcc reque.sts tbat.�i�es of the notices of defauit ufd sate be sent w Bonoaer's � _
<br /> - ---��v�histi�ef�ope�tyAddie.ss.= =- -- , -:---- , ----- -.- . , - --
<br /> ltiders ts fli�Sa�rit�Idtroarcab If ane or mae riders ace exec+ued by Bocrower and reeade�.wgetlrer with Wis
<br /> . . . Sec�uffy Instn�ment.tbe coven�ats of ea1.fi su�h ridcr shaU be inccxpor.�ted into.and st�all amend and suppkment tbe ,
<br /> , cova�nts and agoemcnts of this Security Instsument as if tbe�ider(s)were in a part of this 5ecurity Instrumen�.
<br /> [Cifeckakrplicabla6oa(es}]. , . '
<br /> :�Condominium Rider �Graduated Payment Rider �Growin8 F�uitY Rlder .
<br /> �Planned Unit DeveFc.�xnent Rider X�Other I5pec�fY1 ADJUSTA81-E RATE RIOER . . .
<br /> BY SIGNIN�BELAW,Barawer accepts and agrees to the terms contained in pages 1 thrc��h 4 of this Secority
<br /> Instrrment and in any rider(s)eaecutect by gormwer and recorded with iw
<br /> ,
<br /> 11V' ,
<br /> �N\ _.C�ia.✓ _(Seap ___.
<br /> DA(�1 J AY Borrower '
<br /> tseal)
<br /> T� G AY BORO'"'n
<br /> " . ,. e4���-=_=
<br /> (Seal) �"_-
<br /> ' • Bwlowcr �!!`�----
<br /> • , -- --— (5ea1) :,;r.
<br /> Bortowcr •�:� �----
<br /> ' . ��:.'.�_ --
<br /> ����
<br /> STATE OF NEBRASKA, HALL Cnunry sc< ��'��'
<br /> r�`°?1��� '�.
<br /> Onthis 8th day of June, 3992 ,befare mc.�hc urtdersigncd.a Notary ��- ��••%�;�t.�
<br /> Wblic duly cammissioned and qualificd for said county,personally c:unr _ _ � ���a��.. �
<br /> r,...x�,--
<br /> .to mc knawn to bc the �-``�.�'-`•''
<br /> ..; �_;y.� :
<br /> iden��al person(s)whose name(�)are subscribed ta the toregoins instNment and acknowledged the execution thereof to be --.t;.i ,-�� �
<br /> r�e� voluntary act and dced. _
<br /> Witness my hand an�i nrnafl�l titai at GRAND ISLAND in �;�fid county. thc . .. ',�
<br /> date aforesald. � : . ��
<br /> . � ..
<br /> J Y , • �se ot Nea,ulu � R 8 RTA 4 REEO ��►an wn��� ,
<br /> NOBERTA L REEp • _ �
<br /> ���A iWy 30.1991
<br /> - Et�U�5'P�'Ufi ti�CU1�3VEYANC� r-' - - .
<br /> TO TRUSTEE: , !�
<br /> ,
<br /> Thc undersigned is thc hol�rr oi thc notc ar nute�sccurcd by this D�ed of'(iust. Said note or notcw.tugcther with a11 ;' ' •
<br /> wher indebtedness secured by this(7ccd�f Trust,have becn paid in full.' Yuu arc hcreby dircctcd ta c;uieel v:fid n�te or � , .'
<br /> notcs and ifiLs Deed of Trust.which are dclivered hercby,and tu recomey.without wananry.:ili thr rsrtte nuw htld by you �
<br /> under this lleed of Th�st.to the persan ot persons fc�ally entiHed thereto. � � . •
<br /> . _ . �-----
<br /> Date: . _ . . _ . _ �_-- — --.
<br /> • {1a+.ee 4,f J pa„i•s r � .
<br /> � � T .
<br /> � � � � . . � � . - .
<br /> , . � - _ �_.�._e�__. � .
<br />