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<br /> _ -=Z-=-z=-- �-- - - • - - - - �-- ____. _... < � � . . . � _
<br /> - � . . r.� .,. ��' - ' - - `r' ' -." -." - 'P' -S - - - - . ' . . . ` ..�� . , . �-
<br /> ' .. , . . . .. ... . . .. . ',, .V �� , . �` f . i -- .
<br /> . ._..... ___ _ _.-_� �4.'..'--. ..,-..�.�.�._�_. _ "- '.--"-" --- .. _.. �. -.i%: Y-:.. . . .. . . ._. .. .�,. .... . _ . ---°— ` . . . �.
<br /> �� D��� , .. . . . ' -:"
<br /> ��e ° '"� LOAlVNO. 1559200I04 , ` €'-
<br /> 10.Con�amn�id�st. 7tte ptoceeda of any award or ciffirn tor dsrnZg�,tlireci ar cansequantiat.i�cannaction wtth ' 2 �.,� `�� t`. ��
<br /> any candsmna�cn or ather tskinp of any pnrt ot tho Propariy,or fo�com��ance tn Ileu af condemnatfon,Qre h�reby � � � � _
<br /> ASOIgnBd ARd 8h811 b9 pSld t0 Lerr�Or. < . . •;:��.
<br /> In the�veM of e toi�l taidng of tho Pro�sr�y,the prccasc9s ahe�b�epp[�td tp the sums secured by this Sacuri?y � : . • �
<br /> Instrurnent,vvi�athot or no't th�n duo,v+stPi any�ceas pa!d 4o Bflrror�;��.In�ho evEnt of a partial t�fsing of ths Praperty In � r . ' -�
<br /> whl�t�the tair matkst vstue o?tho Prope�ty ttrtmodt�tety bcioro tho trzkfnc�1��squaf to or greater than t6e amount of tt�e E �� � ��°'
<br /> sums sacared by thls Securfty In�trument Immadtatery bafare the Ym4dng,un��oRau�rer snd Lender oYharwise agrsa in [ : ' � -':-- -=. �`;
<br /> writing,the surns secuted by thls Seaurity In�"tnttr�erit ohefi 6oe�ed�ae:sti by:ha amaunt ot the praceeds muitlpltsd by the f. �
<br /> following fract(on:(a)ths taYa1 emour�t a�tPto stima secured dmmad#�tety fodxrr�tit�taking,dtvtdr�f by(b)the fatr martcet �� ;, , �; . . , ��
<br /> vatue of the Preperty Ommediatofy bQFare tfte takk�g.My batance st9a11 b�palai to Borrower.In ttes gvent ofi a�artisl ! �.
<br /> tatdng of the Propsrty tn which tha fab marlce'i value ot tho Frope�Immed�deiy L��fore the tafdng Is tess than the ' . , , °
<br /> tzmourY of the sums secured(mmodi�te3y betere the teking,untess Bamowar arsai Lertder aataruvise egree tn wrtting or i• '. . , '
<br /> wr
<br /> eanless a�plIcable law othen�vise pravides,the proceeds stTa31 be Rp�lted ta�e sums secursd by thls Sec�utry . .���"
<br /> Irtswmeeit whether or not the swms are then dua .. �
<br /> If the Propsrty ts abandoned by Bormwar,or Ifi,aft�r nottse by Londer ta Sarrower that the conclemnar offers to :� . '".;;.�
<br /> make an av�ard or s�ttle a daim for darrenges,Ba�uvar faiTs to�apand ta rendsr c�+�ithtn 30 days aftar ihe date Me . �
<br /> �adce is gtve�,Lender is authorizaf to cofieci and apply the proceed&at�a opUan,eftherto resYOratton ar repair af the �, :. �.4;
<br /> �ropetty or to the sums secured by 4�1�Secur(t�►InsuurrterR.whathc�r or naa then dua . . .-�',�w:,a:, .-
<br /> UNess L�nde�ared Borrawer othenvi�a agree in wrdting,anY aP�tft�tinn uf p�ace�s to pflnd�af s�all not e�aend or . . : �r��;. : � -
<br /> �os�porre th�due date a�the momhty paymerits rcferred to 9n peragrapt�t artd 2 or change the amaunt�such � �° � � -
<br /> t ' _
<br /> ���� �€�i<�,���, r.
<br />. .`'F.�'y��.'-:e-.
<br /> ��p1.�orrc,�,w{�r Not Relsased;Fak��tco�g►I.Qnd�r!�¢�d a alt�o3Var. �¢enston af the tIme fer payme�ar � . . ,_�-
<br />- QiIC(}ULC�Q�C Wl S�l�?��«^�del�n o��r►w cOrv4a+1 hV�wto Qnn�••a..1..��.a�rsN n.....w�h..t.:..wd.�^: ' . ' • �`� �-'��--
<br /> � � »� a.... � La�y J��f�� �.� :
<br /> �esi ai Barrwver shali a�ct ope�cte to re�a�sa tti0lf�o�ity af the caig�n�t�aremvar ar Borrawers�ac�rs in : ''� ,`.�
<br /> f�rest Lender shail noi be requIred to comtttencs proceedi�gs agatn�'t any successor tn frrterest o�e�to�xtend . . , �`
<br /> �mefor ent or atherwtse mod amortl�tlon o9the sums sacured b�tDtts Se Insir�meni� cr�an o#an 5�`
<br /> dem�nd�e by the origina!Boma s�r ar Barro�uuer'c succesro�In lMares�.My to� ��L�r dar In exerdstng �j�'
<br /> any�ight ar retnedy shali nat be a wa�rar a�ar preclude the exerctsa at�nf�right or remedy. '. ��
<br /> . 12 Successara ant4 Ass t yna Baua�d;Jof�tt e[t�38treirei lG9b39�t�;�tgne�. The covenar�ts snd agr6omerts oi ' • ' � •' r` �° `•' ` �
<br /> tt�
<br /> .t�• •
<br /> ;9�i�s Security Instr�m►errt st�at!b tnd and bene'iiii the surc�ssars and a5signa►ci Lender and Borrower,subject to the �..; �•�'�;. -
<br /> . �rtstons ofpara�aph t7.Bortawa�s covenar�b��e�reements sha13 bo jolni and s�verat.My Borrower who �
<br /> �atgns thts Secur�y Inswment but�aes nat execr�L'*.e f�o�t,�'s co-aigning thls Secarity InsWmeni oNy to � �� ' .
<br /> � rnprtgage,�nt and comrey 4hai Borrai.:s+�s(nterest O�o Uaa F����ander the terms of this Sacurity Instrumer�(b)is
<br /> �ot perso��cbligated w pay t0�e su�sacured by 4his Se�s:��+,I,r:�umQn�and(c)aQ�ees�at Lender an�i any ot�er - �;� �
<br />. Bertowe�may agree to e�dend.mod�y.�arbear or m�o arty accac��od�ttana w�h regarrd to the terms of this Securiry , � ;
<br />,: � �a�strument or the�lote wftt�out tlt�Qemnwa�Q;��aa�±, _ �.:°f �
<br /> ' 13.I.�n Chac���. tf the loan sacured by thi�Secucfty Insbvencar�i i��ubJaci to a taw wir.lrfi se4s car�fmum loan � t:r �i ;. L.
<br /> .. .. charSss,and that law is ftnalty IMe�re�3f sa that the tnterosY or a8�a�laan chargea colle��r t�be�[c-�esi in �'•'�.��•?. . � �R� _. ;
<br /> cannectlon wkh the toan excaed tha p�sC:ed Ilmita,thon:(a � sucT�[tian , � �' �;.�` --.
<br /> � m chargest�arf�mrvd.'i.r,�l(��:aamoare� .: �._:�� ;,,� :N :-.
<br /> � necessdry to roduce the etrarge to the�n�zn�ted f?mt�and{b)any sumE�1�aelle�ed �t�Bore�x�a�:��ich `� �� ��+�'�.�y
<br /> exceeded permiited limita�:�l!ba re�unded ta Be�a�r lender mey chaaso t��tr.a thfs re�nd by�wrar�g the � �'�`
<br /> i--
<br /> . Pdnctpal owed tmder the l�or by mafclr�g e�tr�����netrt to Botruw�r.if�cd'rlctid redttt�s pdnCtpai��he rieducita7 ;� �-`' `�'
<br /> ��n�� �;'� • '-_"�';_
<br /> � vWi be treated as a P�P�PaYJ►oeM�rSthout ar►y�u��aYmerrt�:�e under th�Note. ���;'. ���• `.,.�� - ' ,.,;;_,.
<br /> 1I.K� My rtctice to Bo�rcua�s�rovdded for in thio S�r1�t��turnent sP�all be �c�m�; deiive�ing it or tsy ,:.�;��� 7� ,.
<br /> a,a:. _
<br />._'' ; p, tf,� �.'-.,;:
<br /> maYing ft B�y ffi�R dass ma9 uNesg ap�r,�lo taw requirea ure d�3r.�[4�Qr me'UtOd.The n o��i�be dir�2cted to tho . � �r� ��_
<br /> pr�perty Address or any W1te�address�tarrower dosSgnat�by r�Ytce ta'Lender.My rtodce�C�n��r�7 be gtven � ;�;F� `:1��_
<br /> by flrst-dass mafl to Lerider's address s3a2ed herefi or eny oth$�addres3 Lender designates by��a+t��arrower.My �;., �„_�__.'=:.�
<br /> • natk�provided tar in this Securiry tns�umerit ohtill bo dQemad to h�v�a bean ghren to Borra�r�r ae'I.�m,�r�wfien given :� ' ;;;�t;:r�:�•;•::-
<br /> ae pravlded in thls paragraPh. �',t��'�.:.'. � . �
<br /> � 15.Ga�in�Law;Ssv�bl�. 1?�'iis Secur(ty tnswnre�c�i•�,I�ba gavemed byted��u�,v�tr�e Iaw otthe � -��"°-}�>�"`.� j
<br /> j e�dk�lon�n whtch the Pr b tac�THd.In the evaM that�:y pr.-,,7YF�w'�E►q Of CISUSA O�YtIA�.``�SC-Y5��l�flTylilB(It OT tI19 �: -� .`'„`r ;""� � ,_
<br /> l�ate canflicis with applk���surfi cortflSci�flot uffect o�er pra►!;�tar�,at this Securi�y Ir_5�r�st.`ar tha N�te .: •� '�'. ;-`
<br /> � whkfi can be gNen eii��hnui tt►e conil3cting pea�islen.To 4h,b end iho pea�.�ns of thts Secu�ity t�..�rrrent end the . _����•-" : :-:_==
<br /> Nate are dedared to be seve�F►b1a. . <�`�x'�`� �-
<br /> �.�.,, ..
<br /> 18. Boesower's C��y. Borrov►zf st�alf 6e pivsn one cartianrr-ad�opy of the Nata artd�sf��S Security InsUUment � *T� ���� �` ��' -
<br /> s 31
<br /> �-"�''!;.r�.�•'.;.
<br /> 17. Tran�of ths Propwty or e Beno2icta9 trttar�a trt�$o�ou�r. Ii�II cr any part�7 t;;a P�r,.�v or any � ';;;��,�,;�,�'� :,=;
<br /> tntere&i In it Is sokl cr Uat�sferred(ar B a beneiicial Irttetest U Bsrrowaa l�sald or transterred�6��ar Es not a .��: . :=: ::
<br /> ��x ..,` '
<br /> naturaf person�w�ut Lende�s priorwritten canuerrt.Lendor may.st�o optlon.requlre tmre�dl,��a pQy�rR In full ot ail �,��•..:.�.,._
<br /> sums secured by thts Secwiry InEbvmcnt. Hawevar.this opilan s1�ai)nat bs exercised by Lc�frr tt exerctse Is "���
<br /> prohibRed by tederallaw aa�c!tha date of tnls Security Iru;4raamorR. '�"��°`'''�_:.� ��
<br /> . . :. . �--
<br /> NEBRASKh-SIN(iLE FA�IILY-FHINA/F�ItA9C UpIFQ1tiN11NSYflUbtBtOT , + . FORPA S0�fl/o0 ' �• ��•-
<br /> ISC/CMDTNE//O7D2/3028(�80}L PA�E40F� � �. ,
<br /> • • �`°°
<br /> ,--—- , _ �__ ._-_•___--_..,,, _..---..r.,--...... . -�_____._ . ' .. ,
<br /> _ , . . � '1, . • ,
<br /> . : , .. � . ' . . ; • . , P=
<br /> � � � .. . ' . r,..
<br /> : . �_ . . ' . .
<br /> . � ' •' •' ' ' ' _ . .�-,�--�------- ' -- �, • �_.
<br /> . ,.
<br /> — :.�,�_.- -,---....-,�......:»...r--�--^--�.:��-----...,.�._.�--... , . . . .
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