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<br /> . TMiS SECi1Rl'PY IN5TR�1:�1ENT combfes�ss unH`orm covenant�for natiorral u�artid non-unKoem caver��s�� r� ?
<br /> Iimftc�vartat�ons by Jur[sd:ction to constlh8e e unifortn sacun3y insteume�covertng real pra�arty. . :'�
<br /> UNlFORM COVENANTS.�orrovtet and Lender covenani and agree as failow�s: . ��
<br />;';;;� 1.Paym9rtt o!FMn�ipi!tltit!I�Y38i0tt;�JBp�Ym87tt Atl�L�tB ChII�E�A. BOrrGa+&t S�U[srGmP�Y P�Y when du9 . � _
<br /> the p�inctpal af and Interest en thsa dsb2�vIdcncsd by t�h�Noio snd any prepayrrt�rt and late charg�s dua unde�tha
<br /> `'''� Note. -�
<br />,.�,:� � ` �
<br />•��T�:;'� 2 Funds ta�Taxu���nd fln�t�a�v. S�ab'ect Lo a��lr�o taw or to a written watvor by Lertdar.B�rro�r�er��Il y ,`_
<br /> _ �
<br />„�-`� to Lsr�der on tha day rrart�d'Y P�Y�►s�ts aro due eander tDto N�Yo.u�tha Noto is pa:d tn fuN.a sur��Furx�s'}fo�:(a E� -- -- ---- _ ..
<br />-:s.
<br /> - Y�Y�xes ar�d asse�ts wh�may sttaln prtorlty over this Se�ty InstrumaM as a Ilen on the ProP�nY:�)Y�►�Y .
<br />� leasehoid paymer►is or�ou�d►�rns o�the ProP�Y���Y t�)Y�Y�a t d or proparty tnsurar�ce prs m is�ms:(d 1 ¢"_:
<br /> �,:
<br /> yeaity flood[nsurance p�cmEums.if an y�(e)Yeariy moat9aDe tnsurarice premtums.�any;and( any sums payabte by � :�.;:
<br /> Borrower to l.en9er.(n eccordartcs wiih the�ratirtstcns ot paraQraPh a In ttau of the payme�t�moci�age tnsurance . - .
<br /> • premiums.These tfems afe calied'Escto�H Items.'Lender may.at arryltima,cali�at arid hoid Funds tn an amoun4 nat to �
<br /> exceed the maxlmum emouni e tender i�r a Tede�aif �[ffied enoR ��.��,:
<br /> y �$pe loan may require for @orrowar'e escraw aacouM �_ ,.�_
<br />� under the tederal Rea1 F.&ifltp fi�ttterner�i Procedure9 Act ot 1974 as emea�ed tram tlmg to time,l2 U.S.C. �2601 at ---- -_
<br /> seq.('FiESPAh,�Jass anott�r!aw 1�t eppiles to the Fundo sets e tssaer amovnt It sa,Lender may,at as�y time,cdtect - ..
<br /> and hdd Funds In en nmourtt nW to exce�the tosser�rnoun4.Lonc4er m�y esiimate the arrt�urR o!Fu�ds du3 an ths . �;'��
<br /> basts of cu�rent date and reascnabte esUmates a!expend(tures of future Escrow Items or othsnNlse M accordance wwtth � .`.`"'_�
<br /> eppifcabielaw. � : .�_ �-�
<br /> .,,��..�.
<br /> The Fw�ds sha11 be hetd in an lnstPMian wriaso da�oslts ace tnsured by a fadaral agency.instrumentaiity,or eMity � y�=���
<br /> (irtctudt Lender.ff Lendar�att�h an InstitWon)or in a�t Federal Hame Laan Bank.Lender shal!apply the Funds to _� _���-
<br /> pay the�scrowltems.Lsr�der may not charge Bonowar tor hading and applytng the Funds,ennualty analycing tha � �'�""�r...� ,:�r
<br /> � escraw e�ccurit,or veriiyirig the Escraw(tems,uNess Lendor pays�crrower irs*�rest on ths Funds end ep�llc�ble law ,�;,�.�'�` ;,�;,:._--
<br />'' permf�s Lender to make such a charQe.Hawe�er,Lend�r may reqtrlie BoROwer to pay a one-time charge tor an � .. . --, - .--
<br />'—_ indeaendent raal estat�tax re�ottlrsg serotce used by L�ttidsr tn con�ectton with 2�'s foan,uNess applicaWe law _ �^;'� _
<br /> provides athenrrlse.UNeas an agreerrtent is mad�or apioiicabte taw requires irri..�to�a patd,Lender stmli rtsit ba — -
<br /> � requlred to pay Borrow�r any brterest or eam{Rga on tha Funds.Borrower and L�der may ag�e in wrftlng,however, ,�,�
<br /> th
<br /> thai trtterest shall be patd on the Funda Lender si�ail�p ta Borrov+er,witho�c�:.�ge.an annual accour�tng of the � �� ����`
<br /> Ftmds.shawtng credBs�ttd debIis to the Funds�tl�li�p.1�OS0 fQT�Yi11Ch C3L`�e�r�.!t0 th9 FUlld&HV88 ne.?de.Yh� �:: . _ `5"r'-��.,
<br /> Funds are ptQdged as add�nal secunty for all sums s+�ued bythfs Security i��ent �'`�`", " . `-
<br /> �:--�:li�. �� J_
<br /> .�'S',a1. .
<br /> If tt�e�urtds held by Lender exceed the amourns permitted tv�C�etd by��ble law. � `:''•'����' —
<br /> L..J�9T S�iC11�D�UJIt t0 .-,y t�,-
<br />..,c��.; Borrower far ths excess Fun�s tn accotdance wfth the requiremerds��,s:' -'�3 taw.If the a�auM of the Funda hatd ��="`�i ; � '-
<br /> �°:�•;:���i.,:' '
<br /> .;.r;' by Lend�r at asty tttna i�aat sufHcterrt tapay the Escraw Items whe�m d�.:.�1�cTay so notify 8orrower tn wrftin$, �:�.� ,,; '
<br /> and,tn such case Borrower shaR pay to L orrderthe amoum neces�p¢a rauna aq�che deflclency.Barra�s�r shall m�tce .`:��;�s,:r ,;. r :���::
<br /> '}�� � 4;,'•"„'! . ..� : r;x.�
<br /> ��; u�t he d s flc t ency i n no more�n 4 v��i mor�thf�l PaYme r rt s.a4 Lernder's sde��dr�n. .,�%,��< _ .' . ,
<br />:��'���� �P�Paymertt tn i��of u,7�sECUred by this Secur(ty Insiru�aM,Lendzr��narn�ulr r�tund to�orra��uer any► �i,�..�y�,, �.,��S ' ���.
<br />�`�•'��`�' Funds hetd b Lerxfer.t9.utrder p oq : � ',:y.r �:: __
<br /> �f�,� Y P�g� �21.Lender s�aD m uire 0�s�l the Pr�� -t.�i+,n Prior to the a Wsition j.,.} �,...
<br />�ri`,'r;� or�at�of the Prop�,rty.st+a7 apP�Y�Y Funds hetd by Lr nder at ths t(me o4 acq��:�a�J�or saa as a credtt agalnst tha �. �,t,; �,; ..�.�;:��.:� �-�f;
<br />.. ��., .'=�,� ,-_.,��:� � ��:.s%,,,�.
<br /> . $1�11$SEC11fA��UI�S�@fXli�(i�'1tJ�K'J11t. .�-• 1" 3 '„',... ��-:T r
<br /> � : • ,A!::,.
<br /> 3.Applica4Mr�ot Pajicitaca�a. Ur9tess appllcabto i�asn�rav1des a�therwise.a�r��rrtents reaetved by Le�far under �-� ;,�s,:�;;, .,-; .�j .:�: : ,.-
<br /> n��%�`l;�f�.,,.. : �' � ��:�r;.�,
<br /> �..ragrapt�s i and 2 shail bo ap�lled:flrst,to eny prep�3ps:�arrt charges d�3 und����Note;secflnd.to ammiuits p3yabio � �; ,,
<br /> . under paragrg p h 2:t h t r d.to tnterasi dus;gou r t h,to p r lno i p a f duo;a n d l a s t„to a.-��t�a c h a r g e s d u e u n d e r t h a N o t a ,���u,+�:-�-_:• c ;:. °'�
<br /> „,� 4.Ctt�rQes;Ltfle�. �oreower sha)ipmy atl texes.assessmerr:s„rdr�,.�,2s.�'L�es and imposftbns�bt�ta tha �;��;t ,.r_�;,y:. �� . .`�::
<br />' �Pe�l►which may at�tnp�iorEty over t hts 3ecuritylns�ume�t,acr�l rra�?:��"s r�yrnonts or grourt�d rerns.Har►y. ;;??`�-H..:.•m �;;�:�;-� ,r;-;,.
<br /> �wrc�war shall pay these obli�at1or�s In the snanrtar provtdEd tn pr:.�:��,�rr�Yi m�t paki In that mannor.Borrawer shall ,�r����•- �• �' '��'� ,.�,.;.;.�,.
<br /> � " PaY them on tlme dirs�iy to tfie person awed paymerR Bo��r s�sa0 pr���f�zish to Lender a11 naticea o! .��"���}'�'�r_�`;��
<br /> � � �tr�l�r- ..<.-• :
<br /> a m o w�t s t o b e p a l d u n d e r t h l s P a r a 9►a D h.l f 8 o r r o w e r m a,c o s 3 fi��y m e�d��d�l y.Bormwar shail prom p t i y tum,sh to �t;���, n�,:�`.--
<br /> ; Lender receiptaevidencingthe paymenie. .;�-: �-,�,.
<br /> � <: . Bomower shail prom�tfy discharge any iten which has o�Iority aver thts Securiry Instrurr�untess Bonowsr:(a) ..l ._,, � .;.,3 ..,�.•_ :
<br /> '. aQrees(n wridng to the payeneRt ef the obligatlon seca��ed by the Ilen In a m2r^.�2r acceptabte to Ler�ier;(b)corReats in .
<br /> falt�the Ilon by.or d2femts a tnst errtotceme�2�sf tl�e lisn In.I °ngs wi�tch tn the Ler���InEon .%�:;:°�>'���'�. .•"
<br /> , � 9a � eAa1 Prm�'�e., �:y..-:�-=:'"'��'..�j-"���.'
<br /> ' ` ��aie to prevent t�e erdorcemerR a!the IJen;or(c)sa�ures fror��ha hr,���cif s;,�e lien an agreemeirt s�'u�ory to il%�} ���;._=-,�.:-
<br /> . t Ler�der sabordtr�*.�rtg the lien to thb Security Inst�ument B La�ar��_�;.�21�at any pa�t of the Pto rty�s sub;ect to ';;�;:"' ��.----_L_—._..
<br /> a Oen whtcn���r,�:n prbrRy wer thls Secwity Inswme�,L.eradtarr�ra:p�g*Ja Borrawer a naYtce!de r�g the lien. ��-; • -�
<br />' .� � Barrower shati��3fy ttso Iten o�tako one or more of the actioris s�i f�tih�y3 within 10 days of the ng of noUoe. ,:'r: .,�,v�W_,.._�..,,�
<br /> ,�,;,; �, ,� .
<br /> l.7�°i'_�_._.s•,... ..
<br /> b.Haard ar Pro Irlsupor�. Barrower shaU k o e p the t.r���rsRv R��uv extstlng or hareaftor erected on ths ,i„j�;�,�� .��:.,�. • �•.�'��.�.-
<br /> � � � Property Insured a n3t la3s by ftro,haza�da(nc�uded wfthhtr�tfto rx�.*�'�:�6�1 covera g e'and any other hasards. '�.'rF?:`,= a — --.
<br /> induding floads o�flo�ing,tor whtch Lsnder rec�ulres trtsur^�.¢s��1rrt�'e�lirance sha11 be matntalned In the emounis and �,'•`'' .
<br /> '� ia theporloda tMt Lortid2r�eq�alros. Tho in3urant:o car�ler�raralt►rr,�s�t�insumnr.e shafl ba choson by Bo�rmnror suloloct aj ���
<br />'�i i�� . •""5'���1A��'.•'._.
<br /> to Lender's apprauel which ahall nat be unreasorrabty wfthhetd. t��;rower taNs to malr►taln oovenege described abavo. :._�_.
<br /> �. �;oler may.at lsr9der's opYiora4 obmin cavereg�to pr�ioct ls�der's r�gMs(n tha Propariy tn aocordanm efi� :'� .tf�,�.,_•_
<br /> : ��P9�7• ..,- '�'"�'�=
<br /> :-.ciwi4w.�..••
<br /> :'-��,+"'F,''?trP"^„'��.—'—
<br /> • ,�: • e"'�. .:.
<br /> _ ':,4.{y�{
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<br /> ISC/ClADYNE//0782/�'026(�f.'O�L PA�E20F� • . • --
<br /> : • ..._ . �• ��
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