, . . . ' • � ' . . �i .. • �.. `� . . . . .. ` �� � ` ' F , �°�.
<br /> • ,.- . • . . .
<br /> -�-;�--- '��,_ , T __._..— _ .._.,_ ------�-- - _ .. • - _
<br /> �— ` �
<br /> � ` 9�° 91��4 `�.� , �. _
<br /> 18. �otrow�r's �ilQitY 4� Relettl84e. u Ber►ewar mce'ia esrtatr� condiuons� Dorrawsr 6h98 hov0 th� r�ht to nuvo t ; - , � • �;'`T:.`';-
<br /> 'cntprCtmen! af Ihts&eCUriry tnaWmant d:<ccntht:ed at anY Yfine prbr to the aarl7es ot (a)6 daYB (or eucA othct pevlod as eAA��� < . . , j�;-
<br /> ltw msy epeCNy tar r�1nn18tH�t) tiiforo &sb of t?�o Prop'y'rtY purCUattt to any poti+Ct oi asio Contsh¢d in Mis S�utlY InsWrnenx cr ; .� �. . " . '�
<br /> (�) Cntry of n Judpment enfarehp ctits S�cu(dy tnsbumr.nt Thosa con6idans ere t�at Barrower: (e)pays Lendar eU sums whfch then tr �:
<br /> 1 '�
<br /> wou6d Do due und:.r thb &xuritY InsUUm..^nt end tho Noto as N no�����strumsnct�6�ich�d'nyc6 tsnot tmited to,tmasonabta �` � ( ��a.
<br /> cav0nsnt or aQ�oamants; (oT Dalrs eli ex�9nsas tnairtstl in�forc6�p t?� r�Y ,�-
<br /> attomays't�ss:end(d)takea saeh actton as Lender may reasonabPy requ�re ro aasucs that ttsa Iten of thts Securiifr Insuument.Lender's � , '=`
<br /> rights h trie Prop�rty and Bortawe�s obf+gaNan to DaY�8����d by this Security Instrurteent shall continue unchanged. Upoi : � �
<br /> ralnstatamf�t By Barrowor. thts Secur3y ln8W�e+�t and the 6bllyatlans secured hereby sl�a[1 rEmab►fi+l h o�ecttvs es h no accotaratfcn . . . .
<br /> had accurt3d Howevar,this right to refnstate sha➢not apDh�tha eas� of accebraUon undsr peragrap � �
<br /> 9�.�@��Of (�16t@; Ch�ngc o4 Losn Sc�rvD��r• The Nois or a paRjal e�terest in the Note (tog8sher with thts Sec�riig , • `•� . �` �`
<br /> Instrtimant)may tie sold one or more Hmas wat►out prior natko ta Sorsawer. A ts�msq resu3 in a changa�n tha entity pmown as the -= 4_ ,.. --- --
<br /> 'Loan Ssrvicer') t9sat co!fects monthy Palrments due un�st tP�o Note and this Secur�Y InsuumEnt Thsre atso may te cne ur ma� • , _
<br /> changes ot the Loun Ssivtcer un�atsd ta a sat0 of the Nofe. If there is a chenp,e of the Loan Senrieer.Borrower wifl be gn��+��n � • � _
<br /> notice ot the ehengo in aecotdance wk8 garaQraFh t4 ahove ared app6cabte Eaw. The noiice wm state the n.;me and address at tha ° _
<br /> naLV loan Servicor artd ths sddress to whEch payer�eRts shoutd be made. The nO2iCe wID B1S0 Contail es�y QS:�infOrtrteUo�1 tGQu'vCtO 6},� f ' 'r. '.:;
<br /> 4_ . _ _
<br /> eGPGCabfa lew. i :•�>-°:<:.': : ' �:—
<br /> ^�0. 1'IS�?dOidB�il��� Borrawet sha(I noi causa er pertnR Ne presence. c�, d'sposal.stotage. or«iisass af enf� '.: �,,: . . . .
<br /> Ha�ardous Sabstuncos on or b tt.ha Pa¢�tY. Borrow�r sha9 not do.nor allow enyone esa;a Gsn,a.ythtnp affecdn9 tha Rmparty dtat ,';'F��w�S;`,.._,,� ;�.�, ." �,,--
<br /> is in vblatlon of eny E�svtronmrs:ta7 Law. The precadin9 two S�:ences sha0 not apPty t� Y"� Dresence. use. or storago an the , �. .�a��'
<br />� pro of smaU�ua-:�ies ot H�:dyas Substances thai ere QeaeraltY�eco0nized to be apprapriate to nomsal res;dantisl uses and to , • ,: ;�.��.
<br /> DenY ...
<br />� man�nartce o(th�Property. ��YS�''":.
<br /> C-�rower shafl prompttyt gNe l�:dsr wr3ten natiee of any nvastga�on,ctaun,demead,lawsvit or other ac4ian by a�y tia�menffi! , ,�
<br /> ,.f:•. �,-..
<br /> .:''�,,r,�-.�. ,�.�
<br /> or�ula'ary ageney or private pertY inrolviiy the Propsrty end e.:y Hamrdous Substence or Environmental taw af whfch B��rr,;arer has ` ... h,' �twaFs,ry,...`—
<br /> aqv31 knowfedge. it Borrower teams,or is nat�'�by any gs+retnmenffiI or re�►atory aulhority. that any r�na�.�ar other:�adffitian r •, ���n%"-
<br /> . ,�� _t:i���
<br /> �" of any Na�rdous SuDstar+ce aHECthO 4he F��1' Is rtocessery. Borrow� ��i9 promp!!y ffike s0 nocas� remedia! actlons in , . , . . fr.:•r. ,
<br /> � •'•`*s'�'���"'��'�r 1�_,_
<br /> flCGC:dHPGB Wt�l FSV3tDtiTfGBflffi��,BW. > � � -
<br /> • As used b Uts �.aptr,�7� �, 'Hara_'.�sus SLbStenCes' are thos9 sub�mra�s �A.�t6d es toxiC or h8�zdous Su�sfa�ces t!� + ' { �tk�'h�',' - -
<br /> w.. �-.�...�o.�m nmdur.ta YN eacYCid35&'.� �,fi�j �.tr��
<br /> - �.�... w Yi.n��l..�b?�•y�;_F�e�o�^x' nee..N.�.�'.o.uov�roW 3ii�ei itnTd:orv v'�. o--••.-_. .M -- - - = .-_ _ _
<br /> c.i�vevin'.w�:m.w..�"".w a ►'�"� {1 '"' «5`i r - - 1� _ �_
<br /> � herb(ct6es. votaU7e sotvants.�•a.'�roats��ir��+� asbestas or famiatQehyde.and ►aa;aa��:a�-'e�'s. As esed 'n Mis pa�g%s:•`� d. +,:r�r��,, � �
<br /> `Envtonman�tl Lam' �ans fed�i I�ws er.� lncv3 of the jurlsdiotton where the Praparty s �a:e:a� r�a2 aa:s.M ta heat:",. ss=nty a: `Ni,'.'?��1 �> �.r-- -
<br /> � u'r{t� '
<br /> ..a� environmenffiI prc�t�n. 'vw;�. �` ,�'Y' „'�"°'�•.
<br /> �•;;' NOU!-UNIFOR�7 CDVENANTS. 8o+�wer an��ntlet fifrther Cave�ant end agr�e as to6ows: 'h@Y;,,4izi.;,��; .�',i.,. , .
<br />-`.i 5 '�. A�c�e l e r a t�o fl; �E:Il 7 S�Y 1 1�2S. L e n�e t s l�1� g d�x n a 3�c Q t o B 0 1 P a W�7 �i Y D 7 Y D 8 C�1�I�«�L'� f,�rb i�T'ai�i C 2,9 '��:I,U;� •r�' �`•. ��tf;
<br />=�,��� B�rr�we�'s breacl� o! any ema�2n�nt o� o�e�rra�r�3 in thiu Scsctuity �ns�s.ti+an4 �ut n�� �ri�r t� . ';�,�� .?�c < <���:: � -.
<br /> t�et�raUon untl�r p�ar,��fi '�?wn4as�r �PII�abi� la�w provltloa oth�a+roS�). T�s �m4ice st�all spectiy: . ,,.,�• ���`•;;: �;-
<br />_T.� . �.'�,,�. '� , ;
<br /> ; (p) tha d�faul'h (t�) t�+a u�4#an ret�u3r�fl � �are tha detault; (c) a date. not less��san 30 duy� 4ror:� th� - r'�=! ��
<br /> u
<br /> dt�to tha nott� ta gi�an to �erron�sr, by whlch the defaul4 mu�t be cured; and (�p th�t ft+lturo to cure ^�` F� �r��,,,
<br /> ,.. �`"'':�..
<br /> tAo detau�t on or 6etore tht� da4e specifled In the no4lce may reault in ac�eleraUon of the aums , ;.; . � �� �`�r ��•
<br /> � securEd by thl� Security In�trument and c�to ot it�e �roperQy. The noUce shall further intorm -Y�--
<br /> Borrawer o! tl�e rlsht to �elnstate atter acceteration and the rtpht to brinq e court eetlon to aste►t the �� r
<br /> . nce ot e defanH os eRy otAer detence at Banawer t� naceteretlor+ and �ele. tt tha defauft la ��-"`���� , ;�,:t�` . __,
<br /> non�ext�'te ` '
<br /> not cured on or botore the date�p�clfled In th� �Uce, Lende� �t tts opUon msy requlre immedlo4e .:;��� ���{�. :. `
<br /> payment In �uli of all aums secured by thta S�cupiry Instrument without turther alemand end msy . .,.,. . ..•���-�>i , -
<br /> Invoke ths power o? sate �nd �ny other remedlea permlt�ed by appltcable lew. Lender c�atl be �.;���,:;�1
<br /> enUtted to coltect dl e�onc� IreeuRed tn pur�utnp 4he remedtes provtded in thta puapreph �t. �'�;, ,�.�„�,:-�,�,'°��:
<br /> i�cludlnp,but not limtted tn,reawnable attorneys'fees end cosis of Utle evlde�ee. �-
<br /> � (t the power ot aite Is Invoktd. Truste� shaH racord s noUcs o! defwit4 In eaeh caun4y In whtch �.�:�•-�-�--�- -
<br /> � any part of 4he Pro�erty is toeat�� and �t�all mufl coples of a�eh noUae In ths man�er prescribed by '-��`--�—
<br /> � appltcable iniv to Bonower and to the other person� pre:crlbed by applicable taw. Aiter tP�e tlme ' '�'��� ,�_ _
<br /> • �equlre�! by appllcabla tnw,T�stee s�all �ive publlc noUca ot sate 3o the peraons end In the manner - � �
<br /> ` prescribed by applicabfe law. Trustee, wtUwut demsnd on Borrower, sha11 sstl fhe Pro�er4y a4 pub0le F ;--�,��:;, �`��.
<br /> aa�tlon to tt�e hESheat btdder at the tlme �nd ptaco ao�d mnder the term� de�lSnated tn the notica ot �._�•
<br /> '<` saie In one or m�e parcet� end tn erry order Tru s t ee de3errntnes. Trustee may po�tpone sale ot atl =,�:,:-..,_�_._
<br /> . ;` , .
<br /> '.�. ; or any percel 07 the Property by publ�c annaunctment �t the tlme and plece o! any previous(y .,:-�;;,�b,:.r .,
<br /> � seheduted�te. Lend��!ts de��r��e may purchase the Property at any sale. <� ��-;� -
<br /> � <,,,���.:_ , .��.,,:_t_:
<br /> 'i �9aon recelpt o4 ps��t of ths price btd, Trustee W9a11 dellver to the purchsaar Truetees deed :���.:�.,. . �,
<br /> � earnrayln�the Properry. Yhe rectiats In the Trustee's deed shall be prlma hole evidence �f the truth ,{� � •�•--,:.•.�� '—
<br /> .: .�`
<br /> � ot the atete��cts made therein. �cstee sttiall appry 4he proceeda of tAe sate In the iollowln� order: �,' �` ����� �
<br />� (a)to a�l eo�auid e�enses of ex�r�'.�infl tho power o!sale, and tho �ale. Includin� the psyment ot ;•• _,,:;��;v;t:,�. �"`
<br /> '�`�; the Trustee's fsr�s aotua�S�I InauRe�,�sflt to exceed 3 9` o! the prlacipal amount o4 tha note ,,,�'�'.,:�;� �" --.-
<br /> � a3 the tlms ot the declsa�Cim� �!��..�It, and reasonable ettornay'a tee� sa permtKed by law; (b) to all ����(,.s�l•,•.� ,-.,4�� •.;��
<br /> �,,•.� i.t'�N P,�,�t..t,5i,.►� -�
<br /> wms securad by thl� �yrity Qa►�irum�nt; �nd (c) any exceso to Ehe person or persons legalty ,��,:.fi �-� � ;�
<br /> ,;�. entiUtd to IL + �rl�.f,'•;y,
<br /> ,+ ... ;�r..'. . �..
<br /> ont c�t al suma secur�d by tAta Soc�m�+J InsWm.ors:,tmder sl�fl rs�qaest Trust�to reconvay `�`�x``��?�i�?`��'�'
<br /> 22. ReC�ri�t�la'.s�C�. UAon puym , _�:.�, .��,�•.r•.. �-
<br /> the OropeRy and s'ha8 aurtandar thla Securit�l Inabumant and aB notos 6vldan��fl dobi sscunrd Dy!Aa�curitY Instrum.ent to Trustev. ,.,.,.�`�.��
<br /> Trtistec+sha9 recomey the PropePty wMhout wartanry and w8t�out ehuqs to the peraon or porsons��Y eetnled to iL Such person or i1"�`�•�". ]"-'�`
<br /> •.�.-.
<br /> pporsons sha9 pay ony reeordatton costs. � � �� ' �
<br /> t . ra.-.
<br /> , 4i�a=T�
<br /> . �g, cateb33py�tqp Yro�p. �anan, ai �s oaaon, may hOm dme to ttne remove Trustee and appoht e successor trustee to ••� �, � �
<br /> any Ttustee appolnt80 he�reunda by an hstrumer►t rocarded In the County h wh�h thb Security tnstivurte9nt Ls recorded. W�thout • ' ;��, _
<br /> tonu�yence of the Praporty,suo:a+scr trustc�e shaN succoed to all tho Htta.power and duUas conferted upon Trustae hereln and by ;_}`,, L .. � � =-.
<br /> .. -� apD�iCab(e(aw. '',<i� . _ . • -
<br /> 24. RE��tzst tot Mo'Ne�. Bortower reQuosts that capbs ot tha notbes of defiuR and s2Je bo sent to BoROwers address 's� ��.
<br /> whlch b the 'a^D�ofty AdQress. I`•'.`•�`:. .. . �
<br /> � 25. Ri��4a this Security Ins�w��er�t M one or more rlders are eocecuted by Bortc+ror r,rd rscordod togethot w�J+ -� � . � • �•_�
<br /> .�r'i`,
<br /> , u�..;,.
<br /> �,1 L,iy�eutity Insbumen�the eovonan:s end agr�ements a4 sach sueh ridar shflU be tncorporuted Into onC shall amsnd ar•d supptemect �:•.1;�;;• ;;�.i��:,•.
<br /> �i`°r?�� " . �r.�..��.��
<br /> t:2 coventinb and agreernents of tht�S�cur�ly Instrumant as i''i".e rlder{s)were e p8R ot thLs Security hsWment. , \,.,.,�� . _
<br /> �i�st�y�• .- .. .
<br />' Form 3028 B/8; , .• . • ' �.
<br /> t(�,
<br /> ___
<br />.,..: U�I.... .__--_'r'_-___. - __
<br /> - ft02B.LM0(2/Ba) Pape 1 01 S _ ... . ` .,. . �•.
<br /> I'; '
<br /> � 350 ' •
<br /> 1 1"+:'
<br /> �..,.: _ .::..._..:_
<br /> � .. . . - • .. ... . . . . .. ._ � .. - ;7. ���\. ` , : � , . . • . . � . ..`�. � • t �i. .i
<br /> ..... _ . . . . ._ . . . . _ ... . ... �... . . . . .. 1. . . .i 1. ... �. • .. .. a�� .. •
<br />