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<br /> � �p�i�abie lan'�ntY apocifj'fa t�st�)���,� �-'ftio�seycq di�tinas ate�t��� . -
<br /> Secynty Iasnumsen�a(�)Ca�Y�a J�� °�'�� ��d tde IVae as if na acakr�tioa had .
<br /> ' :pays tauder all s�n wllich thea weuld 6c due u�oder f�is SociuitY �I ea incuned ia mforcing 1Lis SecuritY ,
<br /> mc�ae�(b)ca�es any defauit af u►y atlrcr oaveaants a a�eementc:()WY� P�
<br /> Inunnne�t.mctud'mg:6ut nat�imited co.tea.woabte atto�n�Ys'fxs-,and(d)takes suca action as Lender may nlsombly ,
<br /> requtte to assuce thst tAe lieo�Uds Savrity L�t,L.e�dei�s rig�ui the PtopatY�1 Bamwa�s obiiSation to pay t1�e . ,
<br /> .�sermed bY ttds SewuitY toso�umeat sl�li caatimu �o8od--Upon nynstaterneat by Batuwer. this_SecuntY
<br /> Imt�nnd�t aod�e obligatiaac se�d�Y�t'�in falIg efCective as if ao aaxle�arion tud accutred. However;this
<br /> - �ya�s�inotappiyiuWeeaseo€nsekratioaw�drlp��phlinter�tintiieNotetcogett►awitt�d�isSecvtitY
<br /> 1! Sak d N�fe,-Cra�e d I.as Senker. Tbc Note or a putiai
<br /> Insuum�t)tnay ee�oid a�e or mae t+mes withaac prior twtia w Botmwer. A sak a�ay resWt itra����
<br /> pmovm ss the"Loan Seryiar")tbu callects montWy paymencs due m�der tl�Note and this SecuritY
<br /> u�y be aae a�more c1lao�es ot d►e Lo�s►Setvicer uaielated to a sale of che Note. 14 abave appticabk law. T6e�wt��'ce�
<br /> Baruwer w�!be Aven rvritka notice of the ch�nge in acco�daxe with p�gr'dp[i nts shauld 6e made. 'Ihe natice wn71
<br /> ,' ariU sqte d�e�n�e and addnss of tUt�rev�+l.oan Servicet aod tbe address w�rhic�paYm� .
<br /> alsa eauain snY dHer inf�on Rqaaed isY�PP��taw. e or�elease of ang
<br /> � ����, Baiawer sM}i not cause a pemdt the p�.use,disposat.scora8 • affecting the
<br /> Huardons Sabsvoces un a in d�e Property. Bamwer shaU mt do.nor aUow anyone else to do,anY�B ��� �
<br /> t�tope�ly tbaE is in violarion af any Et►viio�une�al law. 'Ibe pRCedinB two senteaces�not a�ly�����
<br />=¢ staage an the Pmpenl'of s�all 4u�nuties of H�zardaus Sui�stanas that are g�rattY o� —
<br />--= caidential oses�d to maintea�ance of the Phaperty invesp rion,claim.demutid.tawsuit or athe�actiai Iry ai►Y
<br /> v. ' Bamwer shall promPd9 give l.ender written natice of any � ��y Ha7ardous Substance ur F�vironmerttal -
<br />`� `• goye�mnental or rcgWa�aY aBeacY�Pnvate party u►votvir�tf�e Ptoperty an ovemm�►ta!or�eSulat�Y
<br /> - i Law of wdicb Borrawer 1� xtual knowledge. If Bamwer leaias.or is naq��od bY Y 8 �
<br /> a�city,Uratany ee�wval ac ott�ranediauan of any Nazarda�s Substance affecan8 tLe Ptapen3'�n��'•Bormwer __-_
<br /> ' ' sti�il P�PJY�alt nxessary remedial actions in accordana with Environniental Law. '
<br /> t�
<br /> � � As usod'n mis paragaph 20:"Huardous Su6stances"are those satistanoes def'wed ac toxiC dr t�a�acdous substances by , �.—=
<br /> 'n
<br />- � F�vironmentai Lawr�nd t1�e faliowing substances: gasoline.ke�sene.d6er flammable or toaic pet�Tecm products�t�ac-' _�
<br /> pes[icides and her6ictdes, volap'1e solvents,materials contaiaing asbestos or fom�aldehyde.and ra�oa�uve materiats. As ��:_
<br />-._ � _ used in this paiagraph 2b,"Envimnmental Law"means federaL iaws and laws af the jurisdiction where the Penperty is C�►ted ��=�_
<br /> � j _ _ . . ,... . _ �t:��.
<br /> tbat relate to health.safety or environmemat pcotection. � �!.4X�:
<br /> NONI-UNIFaRM COVENAN"fS. Borror�and Lender funher cwenant and agcee as foliows: �.i,.�_
<br /> 21. Aecekration;Remedies. lxnder�Y Sh'e aotioe to Borruwec prior to aceeleration toUowing Borrovrer's ���`._
<br /> breacb d anq coveaant or s�grreemmt ia tNs Stivrity Iesbvment(bat nat Prior to�ocekration under P�rAgrnP6 17 _ �;�
<br /> sg
<br /> uele.s4 sppliable Ww pmvldes.atherw�se).�'�e aotice shatl specitl% (a)the default:@)the adion required to cure the .
<br /> by w6ich tUe deis�ait must be .�:: '
<br /> ,� defaatN lc)A dnt�aot kss t6�n 30 ds�js f�dr!he date the notioe is given to Borrower, .� �,�.'.
<br /> . ; cared.�wd f�tiat faiWre to care the defa��nn or betore the date speci�T6e natice sdall turt6er�`asforn�Bon o�of —=�-�-
<br /> � t h e sun�secared b 9 th�s Securit9 Instru�aEnt.and s�k ot t6e Firoperty.
<br /> � t6e ri�ht ta re�state aRer accekratioo nnd the rig 6t to h r i ng a c o u r t'a q i o n t o a s s e r t t h e n o rt-e x i s t e n ce o�a delault or �'�"�'`.��.
<br /> '�� } any ot6er defease oi Borrawer to accderation and sal� tt the detaalt is not cured un oe beforc tLe date specified in --
<br /> the nake,LeMler at its optioe may cequiee immediateµ►Sment in tuii of all sums secured by thts Security Insb�ument a�f-
<br /> ��i�'
<br /> ,« �.. � wit6out turther demand and may invoke the power of sale and an�other remedies permitted by applicaMe�aw J'^,----.-
<br /> - ; Lendec shall be enNtled to co1Md all expenses incarred in parsuing ihe remedies provided in this par�graPA 21, ',�"�'�'=..
<br /> 7 .:.cr,�._
<br /> • ;e . { inciuding,6at not ltmited to,reasonabte attorneys'fees and casts of titie evidertca
<br /> . ` It the pnwec of sale is invoked.'Ilrustee shall record a notice o!default in eac6 county in Ririch�ny Ps►M ot the _
<br /> propertx�S Iocpte�l and shail mai!copies ofsach nMice in the manner prescri6ed bY aPPi�ble Is�w to Borroae�and to _ .;.'�,:.,,,
<br /> ._�:,' 'llvstee shall gtve pu61k
<br /> the othee persons prescrlbed by applicablt i�w After tl�e time required by appli�...�e law, '.':;f�:'::'-- -.
<br /> `' nMke af sak to the persons aod in the awa�'pcescn'bed by applkable law 7Yagte�without demand an Borrower. _
<br /> `'� i �p seII the Property at pu61k auction tot6�P 6jghest bidder at the Ume and place aad ander theter�ag designatM in ` �_
<br /> �he natice ot s�le ie one or more parcels and in any order Trusta determines. 7lrustee rn�9 P�DoM sak of s�(t or any . - `
<br /> � pyreel ef the property by pu61k annauncement at the time and ptace of any previously schedated s��e.,l.ender or its r-
<br /> desi�nee nwy Purchase the Property at any sak. --
<br />.�• �-� Upon receipt a l paymen t o f t he p e i c e b i d,7 l r u s t e e s h a l l d e l i v e r t o t h e p u r c h a s.e�7ti'ustee's deed conveying the _
<br />_ • '�_ � ptr�erty. T6e recitalg in the 7Yustee's deed shail6e prima f�cie evidence ot the truth ot ihe statements rtwde therein.
<br /> r. • �p�sha119ppfy tbe proceed9 of the s�le in the tollowing order: la)to all cosls and expenses ot exerclsing the power .
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