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<br />����% DEED A�TW6A�Y�oo'�H �UTiJAE AD1�t�10ES 4 .� ',�,.
<br /> �•.��. '• �..,:' : ��< �`
<br /> THIS DEEO OF TRUST,is made as oi tha 27Yh �ey or Seotember te 96 by and amonD . •. ,. • �• ` .:
<br /> .. � :,._'a: �'-- . ..
<br /> theYrustor. Revin Sulse & Tammie L Hulse, Hu�bend and Wife �p "°� -= �+�--
<br /> --"ru�'?�.-,....�
<br /> �.:�.
<br /> ' A t.,G'.::.7:rYsT@ir--,;�ti�.::
<br /> � WhO.e maiting address is �A�i RE+dLnnA R�ad� ('rand 7al anA� NR d9S{L3 (heiein"Trustor,"whe'��r one or rpore). �t; .,V« , �. ,•'
<br /> �� r.`•'�4T;:.r,'Jr�� ...
<br /> the Trustee. Five Po inta Ba n k e b s a s k a C o o t i o a � _
<br /> �?in
<br /> � whose mafting address is F O �x �Z-r �*'and rs1 ar��„ *�o �+RR(19 (herein"Trustee`�.end "4��` _
<br /> -r�.
<br /> :�::�,:a;, - 1-
<br /> �r.+s Beneficiary. Five P�ints Baak A Nebraska Co�s��atioa � _. =3�`,��y v
<br /> _ P O Box_15IlZ.S�: Ry:�".F�.NL 68H0� 1�arein"Lend$�. . �_ ,--A.—
<br /> wha�o mai[ing address ia � ��.��-- i••��a
<br />� :-s;r: Revin Hulse & '., " = ,'. .
<br /> `:-� FOR lfta'�lsskPLE CO!�SIDERATION.�z���-ding Lrr�r+�ar��zs���un c!credit idenUfied herein to �, �,:,�,_
<br /> �. r r. - ., .;-
<br /> Ta�ip L HuD.:.� shereln"6orrov�er',v�fisiher one or more)ansf the trust h9rein created, <,�,�,:•, ��.--
<br /> � the recelpt oi which is h�/acknow!e��acs-�rc�'.:3r'��reby iRevacabty grants.Vansters,corweys and assigns to Trusta�IN �
<br />: :�t;,Y; TRUST,WiTH POWEA OF S�.iE.for the��ef�:and s�,ra y of Len3ar,under and subjectto the terms and condftlons heretnafter aet �`,:
<br /> ,�,s�. forth,the rea!properry,described as frl�taws +�'
<br /> ����E:.. Lot Tweaty Three (23�, aast�rood SubdivisiErn�, Grand Island, �+i Couaty, Nebraska ,.� , ' `
<br /> ,
<br /> Es , �':� i.�.
<br />.��-.v;.(:., � .��k:Y(h�' c..��. ..
<br /> . . i'�fi,� ��•c;I �is'..i�
<br /> �. .� `�jfN' . .'. ����y ��F�:. .
<br /> ' •t.rin.. �THM- .��`:• �
<br />� �I�'•",� Together with ail buitdings,Improvements,flxturen.�.'�=��.w:��a D�ageways,oasemente,�iphts,privileges and BpAurta- �,•.�,,i
<br />"`'��•:. nances tac�9�^J�t+ereon or in anywtse pertalning therei:,2=S�r�co-c�,.'ssuos and profits,revert;ta:�and remainders thsreof,and - .>�,1. ;:�..:'.
<br /> suct�pe�so:'rtii,�•u{c�srty tt►at is attachad to tha improverr����'�=c�:�sUtui�a flxture.includic�y,i�ut not Ilmitad to,heeftnp ana " :'�;�;`.
<br /> cootinp equiprr.ar.�anOtagether with tha hamesteacD c��,r�rrt-�i��a�s,if any,whicfi Intorests are�ereby�eteatsad and watved;al! • ,.�,,,�y: .
<br /> ea
<br /> o}which,inctuding repiacc�rrt.nts and additions therc�,'r��r,�Ly C�a�ared to be a part of the real estate secured byth9110n of thts �-:�.•. ..�<.,
<br /> �• 1::..,
<br /> Oeed o!Trust and sli o1 tha toregaing being reterres!t�lar:�si�as tfie"Property". ��r�•,.
<br />'�;,...:� 'r+a��_"
<br />���•"i��:. This O�d of Trust ahail aecure(a)the paymsnt o�Yne pflnctpal sum and IrtterssY evidanc�by a promissory note or Credit � .;.;_
<br />-::�t:� . Se tember 27, 1996 ,having a rr�aturiry date oi Deca�er 27. 1996 � '� 'f�� `'~`. -_-
<br />•,�•:?,;•,.� aQreemern dated .i � --'": � .
<br /> f..
<br /> � �� 'm ths artpinal p�inctpal amount u!$ °a_Ana_tia .and any and all modiflcaUons,ex0onsiona end renewata ��`�`• ` " . ' 'f• :'
<br /> ��"'���,: ¢��.?�t t h e re t o a n d a r►y aed att tuture advances a.��readvancee to Borrower(or any of them it mare��one�harcunder TM'� � `�'<<� � '
<br /> ±--•--• ...•
<br /> '!��°}� r�i.r�uusit�m�?ne or more promtssory notes or credlt agreemelCts(R�n cailed`•Note'�;(b)t h o paYmen t O f c L`m r a u m s a d v A n e e d b Y � ` _ .
<br />°;�"'".• ��$�p¢��metect the security of the t�tote:(c�the pertormancs of etl ca�l�aants and agreemente otT�sior set&�,�h 3�etein;end(�all , ��t�, „�
<br /> � �� pre3ent a.�5 tuture la de b t e dness a n d o b i l s a t t o n s oi Bo►rawer(or rrr t•�!hem If more than oney ta ilc�de+uc��+er Otrecf,tn�Lrsct �� r�.����, , ..
<br /> ' absot�ate or contlnpent and whether arising by note,�rcrr�.�n15r.overdc�l.A a�cRUU�ise.The Note.�YS 4ieed r,�T���and any arnr 313
<br /> � otAer dacuontsthat secure the Note or otherwise exec�,tea�tn connect,bn thervettit.tncludinp�vithout limiffittcn��u��antoa�,security � .�. , ���;�: ��
<br /> " ' agreements and asSign�sriants of leases and rents,u1v[I!L•s refened to�erein a3 tha"Loan Oocumenta". •�.,;��'.�`.• _
<br /> Tructar c.ovenants an8 agrees with lender es;tu�GSv.�
<br /> . �. .,
<br /> �� � 1. Pc�m�t►10�(rNiot►'2�nG3s�.A11 ir.C4btednoss sec;�red heraby.�aiY,z?1 be paid when due. � �i�� '�"
<br /> rN
<br /> � 2.11f�7NStor is the ownor o1 tt►e Proparty,has the rtght arr.rt;t+:rihoriry to convey the lAv,�rty.and warranb thst the tien x,.".�';. ,. �
<br /> created hereDy ia a flrst�.�d prior Ifen on the Propert�except tvr il�mts and encumbrances mr�.4oRh by Vuator In wr1Un�and m�:�wm�'
<br /> delivaredto Lender beteGTS�+»+cecutioc�of thls Osed oi Yru�and Lh��x?c�rtlon and delivery ot this Osed otTrustdaes notvlolats any �
<br /> contraet or other obY.�afr.r.�to which Truafor is subjaci �"'
<br /> . mants and aIl other charpes ay�nst the Pra�erty ����.'
<br /> 3.4sYw,Afs�am�n4s.To pay before dofinqaerscse et1 taxeu.r•.�rer:al aasesa r , :: :° ::
<br /> i<.,,;.. � now or hen�S�r levled. �'�;�i sji�A��}•;.,�,.� .
<br />':;;;,,,:;,r 4. tnwrance.TokeepthePropertytnsuredagainstdamagobylir�,[lazardsinctudedwithtnthaterm"extendedcaverape".and ,${'}�, ,.
<br />.:,:Sil),• .. a�,��! .".r'.
<br /> suc A o t her h a r ar d s a s L f u i d�r m a y r e�u'r a,I n a m o u n t s a n d w i t h c a�a n i e s a c c e p t a b l e t o L s n d e r,namin g l.entler at an additional ��,:;ts- :�.
<br />:'i�?ir;.i l.q��;�..�;o_,
<br /> ,,;,., nam=d Insured,witb loas isisyab(e to th0 Lender.In case o1 toss under auch poitcinr�tha Lendsr Is authorize0 to�9Ju�L coltact and ��,�},.
<br />;>:�;; ,. compromise,allclatmatAereunderen�ahatlhavethoopUonotapptyingallorpaaiotihelnsurancoproceeds(I)ooanyindablednots _ , .
<br /> aecured hereby and In aueh ordor es Lendor may doterm ine,p i)t o t he Tru a t or to bs��.r 3 d f o r t h e r e p a i ro r restorat:on o1 tha Pro p a r t y - _�;��,;
<br /> �" or(iii)tort►nyOlharpurposeorobjeatsaU�factorytoLenderwithoutaf�cUngthalleno11h1sQ�edaflTrustfortheNlfamoulrt�uro� � �''^ ° �
<br /> hereDy boto:o auch payrraent ever took ptaco.Any applicaUon of proeeads ta indebtedness stt�li no!exterM or postpone tha dut+ Ay�,
<br /> Aate of an s ents under the No:e,or cure any dotauit th�round�r or horeunder. ��'�==.-"''
<br /> Y p Y� �;
<br />�� � 5. Eeerow.Upon wrltten damand by LenQer,Truator shall p�y to Lender.in such manner ea Lender rnay desl�rzats.auffletent - .
<br /> � eums to ena6le Lunderto pay as they become due one or more otthetottowing:p)aU taxea.assessmonU endother charpesapalrtst �.. .., �. _��=• ._
<br /> . the prpperty,pi)the premlums on the praperty Insurance requlred hereunder.and piq tho promiums on any moRago in�uranco � � � y fat .�
<br /> • requlredbylender. �-'�`'�`�x.-':� •
<br /> � 6. Itainttnane�.R�paUs and Com��ene�with Laws.Trus4or ahait keep the Property In paad condi4on and ropnir.uh�fl
<br /> .�'�`'�'x'"`
<br /> � ,,..�.�. promptfy repalr.or replace any Improvement which may be demaged or desUroyed;shall not commit or permit a�y wsete or ��
<br /> detedoraUon Of the Property,ahal!not remova,demotish or subatamlatry alter any o1 the improtemaMS on the Properiy,chall not ��,:: _, . _�
<br /> • � commt�suftet or portnit 8ny actto tre done in or upon tha PropaRy in v1o18Uon o1 arry tt�w.ordlnance,or regutatloir,enA shaU Ray and ., . . -
<br /> � ptompUy►discharge 8t Trustor's cos!and expense all Itens,encumbrap►ces c►nd thargE3 lovied,imyosed or esaesssd s$ain3t th� . . � •,
<br /> Ptoperty or any Psrt thereot o,• .
<br /> . .�.�.:�:.�.�-_,:...
<br /> .+ ;� , .
<br /> V � . . . ' • �
<br />. - .� . .' . • � ' .•. •. • � • ' ' � ._ - � .r - ' ' •.'- • - .
<br /> :.,.�.:,.S�i:�'ti.fs�7�.tss:.2[-er.*s-�-.�iz;�si'r.x.:.r..d',-r.1.•n'�s...�..-._----'---e...:_ti,1'. . �l} • . . .. . ,. � � . .. .c. . ,.. , ' � ... .. ,..
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