:Y � .. . .k'ul,(' ` .. - '. . � "'.`` ` . . _ � • T 1 F-. _ __—_�_�_ �: �' , A��M�.
<br /> _. _qc.- _' _ . . _ � _ � . .�._. . . ,.__. . ...._—__' ' _' . .,.. E�L---�t: — _
<br /> - - � �. •� _ ,..._ ._._ ��-' - -"'— ' -�
<br /> .�t.-�.:__ .�� �_�..... - .. .-==- --� .-_.
<br /> _ . .r. . ���.. _._
<br /> ��.• :k .�c�� .
<br /> g�- 1�'�'7� . ,. ��: >'� _�
<br /> � ��� ,
<br /> coaffic4s w@h appfie8bb tew.euth C�nf�Ct ett�no2 affact ot3ttx pravhfons ot thC9�uf$y insUument or the Nai9 wh'.�h cen ba �. .. -_
<br /> :;� :�.-. � ,::
<br /> fl.� ef;�ct rlttrout the eonf.ict�sg Drovlsbn.To M(s end the�►�x�s of Nts S�curiY tnstrument and the tdote are d¢ctaied to t j ' � (
<br /> he sc�ttibiD. � �•�':j`- .- .�qe.
<br /> I 1�. Berrawe�'a C�py. Borrower shaD be piv�on�cantormzd copy of the Note and of ths SecuMY InsVumgnG i � :t .f. �,.,,,
<br /> i { � �_
<br /> 96. �'L.B�.P��3da����� Borrorrer aha�not eause or Rerm3 the Drese��e. use. dtspasal.storn�a,ar raeeaso ot � . �..' . -
<br /> � �y MBatdeus �A�nee3 on �r tn tti9 Prepocty. Borrowar sha0 nat da�nor s4ow �yane s�e to Qo�anythhy aftectit9 tt�� I ; ; , - --
<br /> >�:;
<br /> P r o D�Y t h s t b in vioi�tion o1 �n9 Cnvto�u+�ntal Law.Ttw pcaceQtnp Nro sentenses ShaD nat nCPH to tha pressrce. uf8. uf I; . . _ _
<br /> � rocagniad W �e aPPTOP r t�t o ro n o m ti 3� ,
<br /> sto�e on tno PropertY of sma�4�ur.t�at 1i�sdQUS Stisb�tancas ttsat are @er�ere.ty �. . -- --�'r�-- . .
<br /> — rssiGtsnttal us4s end to mnhtensnsa ot t�1e ProD�Y• j; —!,l
<br /> �•.:
<br /> Borrowar shaA Rro+nDUY 4� ��� �n notie� of nny hiv�st�tior►. cLs6n. Qemand. lawsui� or othsr ac8an by anY �- . ' .�:i' , _
<br /> ar rirate F�fi invoNinp tha PropsPhr and any Har�rQaus SubsffinCe ar Environmental Law of I: •;::,
<br /> gov�rsrt�sntaf ar rq�u�tory a0�`Y 0 � • '�'' `
<br /> r w�iCA Borrower hes aCt�ai la�owtedpe.it @artow� leams. or ts �oU(ied bY �Y @ovemtrtental ot teRutatotY tiuihorityt. t3�3t 8nY � -. �%�., :• —
<br /> � � a r.
<br /> remavaf or ottwr �►tie�atian of eny Harardaus Substances atfact3�y tha Property is neeesserY.Barrovrer sPiau VromPtM t2ko au ,_ Z i
<br /> necessaN remadin!aeUons in escocdance wRh Emdtonmental Lasv. '� `�s .
<br /> AS u5ed b thLs parayr�P� 16.'iiaatdous 9tbSffinCeS'ate tho3e subSWnc�s detned as tmdc or h�atdous SuDs�tu�bY ': � ;F_ . ' '
<br /> kerosene. ott�er Hamrt�abTe ar tmdc petroteum prodacts. toxic "' .--
<br /> Emr;ronm�en u t t,aw a n a e n e r o�o w n s s u��,c c�s g a s o a n e. I � `. �:.w��`' ';:'--.
<br /> pasticidas�nd herbtcbGos.w�soM�nts,rt�ts eontahtny es4�tos or tam�aldeiryde.end rsdtoacUve mamrL�l,s.As u:e� t n . . ''s; . -
<br /> �h,j para�rapA 76,'Envtonmenffi1 Law"means tedBral(aws end laws of the�rLsdictton wRere the PtapeAy Ls lacated that refato a�. <<��,.�s�,i�-
<br /> m haaRn.satatY or ew�onmenml pro�io"- � �_ �-
<br /> ��e�-v
<br /> ' ':'3;i..z. _-_
<br /> NOPHINIFOf�A�6ortOwer and Lender fuTthet COVanaflt attd a{�tee fls fo6Dws: .r=:�.':i.�
<br /> . ,'+�',r•.
<br /> 17.AE��1f'itlYl@Ilt 0}�@i1LR. Bortaxrmr uncondRionaYY asskR�s and Uanste�s W Lender aU the rents end revc�:�cF tha . - _ .
<br /> . _ p�o .Barrawer wihoriz�Lender ar I.�d�s syents to co4ect tho rants end reuenues and hereby directs�ter.cc.i ot tAa ;(` -��' ,:;�,;; i - —
<br /> � to Lendafs notk:e to Bortower of Qc:TO,�s bt83Ch of ,:,; '"`�� `_
<br />--- rrope�r�y m pay b`w tenb W lsnd�r ar Lenders apen�. Ftmwever.Drfor .
<br /> arry covenant or ayr�nw�t h the Ssr.ur�Y tnstrumert�.Borrowar shaf caVOet and r�aNe a0 c�ts and revenues of tha ProD�Y �; -�. �;�.; -_
<br /> r� - , -
<br /> es OntsWe tcr the bencfit ot Lender and Bortower. Thts �ssipnment of rents eonst3utes an ebso4te asstgnment artd not an . :��'���:�.� _: .-
<br /> � .�t. i4
<br /> 95S�11�8�t fOf 8��S�I�1�Y• ;r',_....:a._, .1:� `� T'--�-
<br /> - If LridM QMs notiCO ot brWeh !o Bartavrar: Ia�W rsMS �by Borrow+3r sha0 bca hstd ti3l Hornowar as trustaa for �.�_y F_�a � _:�'.•4 � _
<br /> h2t18£d O1 Lendel Onty.to be aDA� to the sums secured by the S�eurdY In&trume�n�(b)Lender shaD bo�st:7tad to co�ct tand �_.r..�, ; -_.
<br /> n��s�of tti�rcr►ta ot thu ProgaRy:end f�I a�eh ta�ant of ths ProD�rtY shaD DaY a0 rents due and �:r.pa0 to Lend�r or : . ` j i� �-
<br /> 'f�,�'. `:, �"..
<br /> I:��lc�s's apent on Lendds wr�ten d�nand to tha t�nant ^iat wouh9 prevc t . _ `�-: . ,,.
<br /> 8orrower hr�s not�eutad eny prior as�t of the r�ts and d�as aot end w�l not pettorm arsy F,sB'. n f�r�_ ; ��. �_`
<br /> s
<br /> lennder irom mmr�stne�s d0►+ts unaer thts¢srueraon t7. . _�'�"'� .;�' ,,.,.-
<br /> e dB '
<br /> • u>,�:;.:
<br /> �snder atiaY not be�irod to enter upaR.�lCe control ot or matrtah the Proy�ty betore or aftc-r�,rt��rsoUce of bre3ch to ", � ;((;`y%��
<br /> Bortower. However.Lender ar n isad�tal.y QOCointet!raeetvsr may do so at ar►y ttne there is a brs6�h-�..� r�D�n ot rents ._ �;;.(..: •`�_
<br /> �-_
<br /> t or mmady of Lender.Thfs essgnme�st ot rents of Iha PropanY -:1.. .;,�.--: ,,; _
<br /> .— sha0 not eura or walve as►y�sfauR ar inva6dat�any othv r�1i " ;�� .
<br /> a ..
<br /> shast terminaW Whan Me Qobt s�+red by tha Socurill Instrument ts D�„fuR ,, . ,.-.
<br /> h
<br /> � ent in fult arrd� �eraSrapQu 9, �_ .'' ;; - '-:..,%�,��:
<br /> 18. Foreclowre Procedure. It B.�ndet �e utres Immedi�4e paym . ,.n�-����:,:
<br /> � e..ie�:.:
<br /> Lcnsles cnay involce the power o4 sa�e and any other remedtes permitted by� aBpttcabeo taw. '• , �,,, r�u
<br /> '��`.. �:;.<�"��,.�;,._.
<br /> t�r_der �trall be entIU�d to �ol�e�t dl e��n�es Incur�ed in purauln� the remed�es provi�.36 �n e ��rr.��-
<br /> te�s and costs �t tttle �� ,�,. »• =.
<br /> ii�is� parag�aph 18. tn�fudit��, but nat limited to. reasonabte attomeys' �'�� � { �
<br /> �t � . ..
<br /> evidence.
<br /> If ihe power ot safe is inv�i'cat� Trust�e st�ail reaord � nottc� oi dstautt In each cou�ty in �:,, , �'�� -
<br /> whlch any par¢ ot the Properly ir� tio�at�d and shn11 maii coples of auci� no�cQ in tate manreer '�f � ;�r���. .
<br /> n1
<br /> i�....r., �;;,?,i•
<br /> reseribed by�Pplicai�+'�daw to I�u,crower and to the other peraons prescritied ae�Pth�er e s :, .•�. �":�-�,
<br /> p ..,.��,'.�.�
<br /> � After tlfe time req�otredt I�y sPg��le faw.Trua�tee ahal� Qive pubiic r�xs�f�ce o!aa p �. ,<: {:: _
<br /> and In the manner prescribed�a�,�Pllcable la��. Truatee, witi�u4 dEm.u��on Borrower,ai�all �ell � . �.. _
<br /> , �^�-_
<br /> the ProperCy �t PLbiic eusttoc�tm t4zra lel�hest btdd�r at the t1Qne and pl�ce srt� urtder tho terana , �., r,_i.�
<br /> � desistt�te� 1's� Uto rtatPce o! � ��s one or mope p�rcels �nd In any order Ttustee dete�enf�ea �- � •,+���,_
<br /> :� �susue msY Po s t p ocr� Qate af �t�;�v eny par�el of 1he Property by public �vneemenE et tAe s._ s�'�:,�
<br /> urei�aae the h ;, -:
<br /> ,� t�o and place of err� paevia�y scheduted aale. �ender or its d�signea may P �+n .
<br /> preperry�t any sde. `.;.
<br /> � � UAon reeetpt of payme�8 c� 1?tca pnce bld, Trustee stwtl dsUver tn the �cic�."9aser T�uatea's ' �� ,.� _
<br /> :�'t� deed conveyinq�the i�oper�,�.'i�i�ECitats In the Trustee's deed st�atl be gi�irna.fu�to evld�nce of <k�k��R. t . -• 4=tn
<br /> ;_ � the ��raeee�� a� the aato tn the ` �
<br /> � � 3�,� the Wth of the stateaacuT`� cr�adx thereln. Trustee r�11 cpphl �,�,.;,y:°° .,�.:�_�:
<br /> :;'�� toltawin� ader. (aZ tra rr�ttl ccats a.�d e�enaes of exerciaing the �a�er of sate, and thQ aale. �;�,;,,�{�`�;,Y;.. :. . _'
<br /> '� Inctuding the Paymer�t at'ti''°�Te�:stze's tees actualry ineuned, not w exceed � � ,�,��..�....�.<,;�= :.
<br /> ��.. .rt�., .. s�a�:--.
<br /> ot the �rtcr�ipal a�aue�Y a! tha ism� �t the uma of the dectaratlon of deMult, and reascRable <�-��t; ��y � ���-� _.
<br /> x� e t t orr�e� f�a as permittad tiy Iriv.�� (b)to el� ra�ms aeeured by this Securi�gr tceatruman�; and (c) ��t..,�,,�• •y,r, .�. _�"�.
<br /> ,;i�i s�y exces�to tha peraan or p��s legat�y enfitled tm it
<br /> �,�•�7� +.�s� � —
<br /> ' ; .�:;;,_,,,:... �
<br /> ,-' tf the Lender'e!rt[at'rast In thle Seaurity tnitrument la hNd by tltQ S�cret�y and tho �.r.��4ary ��;.;;-�.:�' ,. . : .. —_
<br /> requirea Imm�diste�vrees�4!n 4�e1! under Para�raph 9, ttte &ecp�� may invoke tl�e �aR(�dQcle� '1;1�,,., �' :. .
<br /> �, �� 14 U.S.C. a �!.r.:., ---
<br /> ;y �. poe�rer of sate provlded in the Sin�to Fami�y I4�artgage ForesEoauro Act oi 1894 ('AcYy ( {, . -
<br /> >; 3 7 5 1 ��q) b y re questinp a torec{aare commis�loner desisna4ed under 4he Qct to comnlenco .;��, , i{`
<br /> '� ' toreetowre �nd t�o aell the Rropeiiy a Provided �r� 9P+e Act Notfi+�� in the preceding �antense F:.��.;':� _��
<br /> �' r�a l l d e p ri v e the �ecre t e r y oi any ►iphb otherwite availnbla to a Lender under thlo Peragraph 18 ,._• �: , ---
<br /> � ;.� , �{ ---
<br /> ;�' qr eppll�te Isw. , ---
<br /> #, :;:_-
<br /> ,,; � �;._ �.
<br /> :7: 19. Rr�+COt1VOyt.�.�te�3. Upon psym9t►t o1 n!1 Sum9 59CUred by thki SeeutclY InStrument, Lend9t Shall re�6st Ttustoo to S
<br /> ,� recomrey tha PtapeRy and sfie! surtender thb S�eurRY Insdvmont and a0 nmted evid��einy d�ht saeured by this Seeurity ,�•� ��-
<br /> i InsWment to Trustoa.Trustoe shatl racarney the Pro�ty wkhout warranty and wRhout eharge to tho parsan or pErsons tegn�f (� .,;` _
<br /> � ontdbd to H.�eh p�son or psrsams aha'J pay eny recordat(en eosts. ��, .--
<br /> �4 �� - —
<br />:
<br /> � _
<br />