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<br /> r _ S ,
<br /> � . � � ' ' , � DBED GR11t�TING, BAS€MENT � � -
<br /> ' I. Cli,nton £. John, ea unwarried aan, of Grand Isldnd, Hall , �
<br /> - - - -- County. Neb�easka.� 4n aaasfd�raetan�o€-�liB DQLLAR t�l.QO� .and .- -
<br /> ' � other�� qood and val.uable coasideratfan, xeceipt. af ahfch is .
<br /> � acknoaledged, GRA[�TOIt, herehy. qrani, bargafn, sell and convey '
<br /> . to Cliceton �I. John, GR�lNTBE, of Grand Island. qsll County,
<br /> ' Nebraska, an �ase�ent for ingress snd egrass betKeen Claude
<br /> � Road and Lots 1�►�lve t�2), Thirtee� (13), and Fourtesn �1�!) fn ,
<br /> Ruetins`s Ff rst�:Sub�ivision in 8a11 Codnty, Nebraska, over and:
<br /> ` acroas the £oliorfng describe8 rea2 estate sftuated fn Hall
<br /> County, Nebraska: ,
<br /> . . h tract af land co�nprising,a part af .the East Balf of. .
<br /> the SouthKest Quarter tE 1/2 Sw 1/4), Section Txent�= _ .
<br /> � Fonr. (24}, Toraship Eleven til) North, itange Ten (10) =
<br /> � West, of the 6tb �.M. , fn the City of Grand Island,
<br /> � , Hal2•Coun�y, Nebraska,. more particu2arly descrik�ed as : .
<br /> - - - lallctts: � `
<br /> ' � . Beginning at the soatheast corner of Lot T�relve r12),
<br /> _ Ruetfng•s First Subdivfsfon= thence runninq north along
<br />- . � the easterly ].iae of Rneting's Ffrst Subc33vfsfon on an �
<br /> `�A� l�ssumed Beating of N 00 degrees 00 feet 00 inches E, a .
<br />_;-�_� . distance of Fifteen and Fotty-Five Hundredths t15.45) ,
<br /> � ` feet, to the ACTU1lL point , of beqfnnings thence � �
<br />_- continufng N 00 degrees 00 feet 00. fnches E, a distance
<br /> -i�=� � " af Two Hundred Sixteen� and �'wenty-Eiqht Hundredths .
<br />= �- � ; (216.28) feetr thence runnin� _� 89 degrees 59 feet 12 ,
<br />':M1 �
<br /> � �inches E, a c�istance of Seventy-Six and Sweaty-Four ,
<br /> - � , �HundFedths (76.24) feet; thence runniag S O1 degree 55 �
<br />�_�. �,:' feet 27 inches E� a dfstanc� c€ One Suasdred Forty-Nlne . �
<br /> � and Forty-Eight 8undredths (149.g8) feet; thence
<br /> . , running S 89 degrees 13 feet �B. inches E, a distance of
<br /> � . Eighty-One and Four Tenths (82.40) feet; thence running _
<br /> �� S 00 degrees 21 feet 00 fnches E, a distance of Fifty- " =
<br />_ � Seven and Eighty-Six Hundredths (57.86) feet; thence . -
<br /> - running S 89 degrees 12 feet 36 inches W, a distance of
<br /> - � . One Hundred Sixty-Three and Or�e Tenth (163.10) feet to
<br /> the ACTUAL point of beginning and containing 0.502 E-
<br /> � acces more or less. �=-'
<br /> - � �,;�;
<br /> �� : The easament granted by this Daed is �arpetual and is for ;°
<br /> � the benefit of and appurtenant to the following desrribed real �.
<br /> � � estate in the County oE Hall, State of Nebraska: . �
<br />_ . �
<br /> Lots Twelve (12), Thicteen (13), and Foucteen (14) �ica , �,'
<br /> Rueting's First Subdi�ision in Hall County, Nebsaska,, �
<br /> T, '' The easement granted in this Deed is appurtenant to the ,
<br /> , dorninant tenement and runs with the land.
<br /> _ , �:;..
<br /> _ - -y . . _ . _ ' _i;:_'.
<br /> � Execu�ed ,2.t , 1992. '�
<br /> � ,J �� �o :�
<br /> '� ,�. z� cr � �l tcr � `
<br /> . � �t Cl nton E. Jo ''
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