. � �. �}' . � r� -. -� - ,ifr. ' � • - ,.,.. . . -:.�
<br /> .
<br /> �.. .;:;. . �
<br /> • -' " •i ��• ---- ---- �
<br /> Y '-' .^n_ -' _- __ - __ - _ _ .._ . . . ...� _.. .. .� ' ...��.�-.�_.���... .r.c.� _� .
<br /> �t.�- .1��� . � . � . y ` . .. . .. • ` ` .. . ` . - . . . �
<br /> . ` � i , .. ., . . - .. ' _ ._ "._ _. _ __ - ,��� ,����"__'G_—_' .
<br /> . � 3.H�[i`�e'!l+�ttt L��oe.`Ronvwes'�irit toerep t�e Iaspeo+�eme�s�R�Ar Ueee�ACt r��ei_e�.it -.
<br /> - � , p�opeety i�ed�,�iidt ias hy fiae.Uaea�d�i�oclyd�ed wit6in tlre term"asle�d�+d coret+�e'a�B ae�►a�a�1�'�.'i�1�ii�i ` �.
<br /> • �ocd�a.,tloodie�,far�rLich i�eader eequi�a�oe•'�S iemw�oe itli be m�iotaioed ia t�e'aoo�s ad for lie pesioi_
<br /> � lhit lreader tequi�.lUe i�u�rsoc carrie�t piovidin�We initadoe�lt 6e cho�ea b�►Eoao�rer aibjeet tn L�et's 1�vi►i ,
<br /> . �rbicb�hdl not be��e+wdblY uit�e�d.If Boasa�ar b�s to au�iat�ia oo�vaa�e dacribed abare,t.aoder m�r..�t l�e�def'a _
<br /> . ` ��,�ia cor,e�e to p�ote�I,eader•a ei�hts in tbe Pcopeity in aWO�d�ocx�►hth p�t�pb T. � . ` < ' . . � �.
<br /> Ail�oauaeot pot�ties aed rooerrds:b�U 6e ac�eptabk to i.eader�nd s6�ll iu�lude s�tand�ed mottp�c1a�e.`i�ider
<br /> , �11 inre tbe ri�ht w boi8 the policks aod reae�rals.U 3%nder eequira,Bo�qr sM11 p�oaptiY tive to l.a�tee all teoeipb ot
<br /> - p�id pcemiomc aod t+e�+ra!ooti�s.-ls t6e eveet of loe�.Bo�owa sb�U;ivt�enmpt m11�w die iewwooe s�ries�d��e�Orr--- -
<br /> i . :Lsader may nrta ptoa?ot laa I/aat mrde p�omptlY�Y�• . , :
<br /> < crnk�t t�enaec�sa Baiow�atAer.rtte�e 1n�itiaf,i�r�ce Ptu000��,�u be appliea m ii.or iep.+r cr�e
<br /> � prope�t�►d�n�ad,trdrs iaitoacion«eq�[r ls aca�omically raa�fe,od Leader•s«ewrity is a�t iesu�ea.If tMe�atoiulo.or
<br /> . n�r i�not eooaom��llj►faa'tiie a i�eader s�ecuraY w�wW be�ie�a�.tLe ioa�ee poaeds�11 bt app�ied 1�die��-
<br /> �,y}i,�by�is Sea�it�r Imutpnait,�rlah�or mt diai due,�ritb aoy esaas pid to Bortewer. Ii Aonow�r ab�erlo�tie -
<br /> prapaty.a dae�not aps�rer Mrit6in 30 days s notia ftnm Laider dnR dse imur�ooe c�rrier�i oReeed b seqle a c4i�.ttis
<br /> � is�dermiy cdkct the i�x pmooedz Lmder msy we tLe proopeds tn ce�ir a te�tai�e�e 11�npetty a b pry.s�t
<br /> = teartnd by this Sxariry Impument,wlKtl�oc mt thm due.'I'Le 30�ctay Period�vill befin�vh�n tbc notia is jiv�.
<br /> --- onks� t�euaer.na Hoc�ava o�benvLte a�ec in wriaaa, a�►�an o�P����p�+Pr�1 mc aosi ar_
<br /> _ - poetpon�t6e doe date of tbe aadhty psyments�efemed w in p�pl�s 1 aod 2 04 clw�e dre amouet of�ie pa�rae�.,If `
<br /> � uider pa�agraph 21 tbe Prnpe�ty is acqaiied by Lmder.Borro�vex's rig6t w,aay imuneoe poiicia aed pnoeed�+ae�f� .
<br /> d�nngc w the Pmpetty prIoc to the aoqnisition stw1J pacs w I.ader to the exte.nt of tha s�ms�oaued tiy tbit S�priyr I�u�we�t .
<br /> __ imu�odi�tely prior w dje aoquisition. . . .
<br /> === � f.OccrpMC�.A+ae�'vaHo�.M�t�oe a�d Pt+at�etiow oCt�e.Av�eatJt��t's�A�Yea11�L��l�. �
<br /> - Borruwer�1wU acc�y,e�bi�,and nse the Prope�ty as Bonower's principat mWeaoc aitbin�y dap�aAa tYe esew�ina d s
<br /> --�:-. t6ts Sa:arity Iaunuaent�ad sh�ll c�tinue w uc�upy the Pioperty�s Boao�er's pciocipal teaidouoe tot at krt a�e�r art
<br /> -- the date of oocnpaoc.y,un2ess I�ender at6er�vi.te aaroes in vvriting,whu�ca�eot alnll noi be un�!!�.a�� � '�
<br /> ' a�teaoating circumstaiioes esist ahicb a�bryond Bomowds contml. Borrower stalt not de�ny, �e ar i�p�ir M�e
<br /> - - � PmpeRY.�Uo�v Ihe Prnpaty w detera�te.or comnit wa�oo the ProQaty.BaQn9rer shall be in dda�k if�y.�_. :
<br /> action or pc000eding,wbetber civ7 ot criminal,is begun that in I�eMec's good faith jud�oould nwk irr far63one d fie .
<br /> . , �P�opeciy or otherwlse antecially impair the l�en c�ted bg tl�is Security Inmumau or l�eader's�ry iolenat.Borroa�et u�7► . ,
<br /> opec
<br />. < c�u�e such a defaah and nias�ate,as provided'm pasagraph 18,by ca�sing thc acKon or praceeding to be i�mred�rith i sWi�
<br /> . that, in lender•s goad faith ddermin�tion, prectudes fosfeidu�of the Bomnwet's inkrest in tbe PmpiYi.y or odja'n�le�id
<br /> ._ impai�ent of tbe lien creatod by this Saurity Insuumeat or Ieader's security inten�at. Bt�rYmMet al�at�a be i�aie�alt if
<br /> . Bormwer,dnring the loan application pmcess,gave materially false or inaccivate infornr�oa or abtame�s w L�ndet,�a fiiwd
<br /> „ to psuvide l.ender with any a�aterial information)in connaxion w�th the toan evidtnced by the Note,ioc2adit16.but�sat liniled ,
<br /> _ to.nPreseutatioas oonceming Bomawer's occ�aocy of the P�operty as a priacipRl nsidena.If�is SeouRity t�ant is p�s .• ,. .
<br /> teaselwtd,Borcower shall wenpty with all the pravisions of the leace. If 8orrower acqaines fa�c to'd�e ProP�Y. �
<br /> _ leasehold aad the fa title slsall not merge unless Lender ag�s to the merger in writiag.
<br /> 7.Pmtection ot I.ender's Rigbfs in t6e Ptoperty.If Bo�sower fails ta perform t6e coveaants aud agnx�aents canrainod in
<br /> this Sxudty lnstiument,or there is a tegal praceeding that may significandy affect L,ender's rights in t6e Pmpeny tsuch s a
<br /> � �y procoMiag in ban2uuptcy,probate.for condemna�on or fodeiture or to enforce laws or regulations),tt�Lender may do atd
<br /> . paY for whatcver is nocessa�y to protect the va�e Qf the Property and l.rnder's rights in�he Propertg�.�nder's a�was mry
<br /> inclndo paying any sums secured by a liea whic6 has priori� over this Security Instmmeat, appeariag 1n cauit, paying
<br /> aasonable att�meys'fees and enteriag on the Property to rra�e repairs.Although I.cnder raay taYe actioe under this pua�grapt�
<br /> • 7.Lenctet does not f�ave to do so.
<br /> �:;�' -
<br /> My amounis disbatsed by Lender under tlnns paragraph�7 shall become additional debt of Borrawtt saaired by this
<br /> Securtty Instrument.Unless 8orrower and Lender ah�ree ta ather terms of payment.these amounts sha1C taear iaurest from the
<br /> date of dlsbnrsement at the Note rate and shall be payabte. with iaterest. upon notice from Lender to Borrower r�ng
<br /> ., . ��t .
<br /> 8.Mo�t�e Irtsut�nea If L.ender rcquired mortgage insurancc as a condition af making the loan secured by this Secar3ty
<br /> Iastnunent, Borrower shall pay the premiums required to maintain the mortgage insurance in effect_ If. for any reasoe, the
<br /> mortgage iusuruue coverage reqnired by l.endes Lapses or ceases to be in effect. Bormwer shall pay t6e premlums reqnired to
<br /> obtain coverage substanti�lly equivalent ta the mortgage insuranre previously in effec�.at a cost snbstantially eqaivateat to the =
<br /> • , oose to Borrower of tt�t mortgage insurance previonsly in effec�from an aItemate mbrtgage insurcr approvod by I.ender.If
<br /> ' ' k:`*��:��' substantt�lly equlvalent mortgage insurance coverage is not availablc.Banower shall pay to Lendcr each month a sum equa)to _
<br /> � �'�����'�'� ��; one-twelftb of the ycarly mortgagc insurance premium being paid by Borrowcr when thc insurance coverage lapsed or ceased to
<br /> �.,,:3_. ,. �.
<br /> �-- -". s��;���_� ;� be in effect.l.ender witl accept.usc and retain these payments at a lass reservo in lieu oi �rw»gage insurance. Loss reserve
<br /> � ian�802� !NO
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