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2U11U2�6� <br />by and constitute the personal propei <br />use the Internal Wiring during the A� <br />Internal Wiring and (ii) shall prohibit <br />Without limiting Operator's exclusi� <br />antenna, or signal amplification sys <br />Internal Wiring interfere with the p� <br />immediately. In the event (i) install� <br />unhindered provision of the Services <br />condition not caused by Operator, <br />thereo fl will have negative consequ� <br />determine in its sole discretion, Oper <br />Owner. <br />of the Owner. Owner hereby <br />;ement Term and (i) shall not <br />her providers from using the � <br />rights to use Internal Wiring <br />n or (B) any Owner modific <br />ision of Operator's Services, <br />�n, repair, maintenance, or p� <br />not possible at any time as a r <br />(ii) such interference, obstr <br />;es to Operator's personnel s; <br />rr may terminate this Agreemf <br />s to Operator the exclusive right to <br />any other provider rights to use the <br />d its Equipment, should either (A) an <br />�n, relocation of, and/or work on the <br />�vner shall eliminate such interference <br />er operation of the Equipment, and/or <br />ilt of interference, obstruction, or other <br />ion, or other condition (or the cause <br />ty or the Equipment, as Operator may <br />without liability upon written notice to <br />3. Owner represents and warrants that it is the legal owner of and the older of fee title to the Premises; that it <br />has the authority to execute this Agre ment. The person signing this greement represents and warrants that <br />he/she is Owner's authorized agent ith full authority to bind Ow er hereto. If any one or more of the <br />provisions of this Agreement are foun to be invalid or unenforceable such invalid provision shall be severed <br />from this Agreement, and the remain ng provisions of this Agreeme t will remain in effect without further <br />impairment. <br />4. In the event of a default by a part hereunder in addition to right available at law or in equity, the non- <br />defaulting party may (i) terminate th Agreement after 30 days pri r written notice, unless the other party <br />cures or commences to cure such bre ch during such 30-day period and diligently proceeds with such cure <br />(exercising commercially reasonable fforts). Neither party shall be 1 able to the other party for any delay or <br />its failure to perform any obligation u der this Agreement if such del y or failure is caused by the occurrence <br />of any event beyond such party's reas nable control. <br />5. Each party shall indemnify, defe <br />and expenses (collectively, "Liabili <br />willful misconduct, breach of this A <br />of the party from whom indemnity <br />efforts to promptly notify the other <br />neither party shall enter into a settl� <br />which shall not be unreasonably wit <br />6. Notwithstanding anything to the <br />special, incidental, punitive or conse� <br />service, revenues, profits or business <br />IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the <br />acknowledgments. <br />OPERATOR <br />Charter Communications VI, LLC <br />By: (CP�r�r Communication�;�. <br />By: . " . <br />Printed Name <br />Title: VP/( <br />� <br />and hold harmless the other a <br />), but only to the extent that : <br />;ement, or violation of a third <br />sought. Each party seeking <br />�ny situation giving rise to an <br />;nt that imposes liability on t: <br />;ld. <br />;ontrary stated hereunder, Ope <br />zential damages, including, but <br />pportunities. <br />rties have set their hands on <br />OWNER <br />LARRY ALLEN' <br />Manager � <br />� ` <br />— BY� �' <br />Printe e: G� <br />_ T �--_7���� <br />Date: JU <br />-2- <br />inst all liability, claims, losses, damages <br />h Liability arises from any negligent or <br />rty's rights or applicable law on the part <br />�h indemnification shall use reasonable <br />�emnification obligation hereunder, and <br />other without the other party's consent, <br />• will not be liable for any indirect, <br />limited to, damages based on loss of <br />the date indicated in their respective <br />NGEAU <br />l, �4"�...2c�. c�� y <br />Rev 07/30/OS <br />