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<br /> � ��WI�N�1�lG�111FIqYldll�t,ADW`OF�1lR�f.T lKCf�Qfl�QIOQEfIy��IW�C�iCq'IdKS.�f�.
<br /> s�ad tua.e.noM►ar haa�R�•p�t of n�e prop�ty. w�r t�plaameots,na.adiaon:��r,au alsp ua oov«+�a b�►dus sa,rritr
<br /> . I�ia�t, Ali af t4e taejoio�is refared b in d�is Sa��►��the"Pmpetty.".: � . . .
<br /> SORROWER COVENANfS UW Boemwer is IawfuDy seisod of tl�e eshte M�eby c�nvcyed and has tbe right w�et .
<br /> � a�d�ao�nve�►the Pbopaty�nd tl�t tbe Ftopeny is uoeocumbered.eaapt for mcwn6ranees r�iocord. Borrower wurants aod _ ,
<br /> ' welf defeaa gae�ally tbe t�tk ta die Aopeity against aIl claims,and detnacsd�suDjut w any cncumhraoces af resad. . . ' -
<br /> � THIS SECURT['X INSTItUMENT ca�nes uaiforn►covemots fa natiooal use wrd aan-unifarm cavatants arith
<br /> limite�}v�ia6ans by jotisdiction to canstiwte a unifonn sceurity iesAvment covering czal propecty.� �
<br /> - fJiHtPOttM COVBNANi�.8amwersnd Let�det covetu�t�d ag�ee as follows: � r � -
<br /> � ` 1.` Pa��a�t e��SidMl a�d I�tene�PseeWWJ���C�� Bormwu shaU pnroptiy p:�y wden due.Wt '
<br /> p�iOCipat of aed tets�est an the debt evidenced by the Nae sndanY p�ep4yma�t and la4e ct�ges due uuda We Noe�. .
<br /> , ' ` 2�. I�'�ds tae'll��es�d Imrn�ea $ubject to appliqbk law or to a written wx�va by Leeder.Botrovver shall paY w .
<br /> � I,ender aa the dny montWg psyments a�due under�he Nate.undl th�Note is p�id in fuU.a sum("Fiulds"1 for(a)Y�Y .
<br /> ' . nus aud as�asd�e�s wAich may attain prirxity over tbis Sa:uriey U�saument ss s iien oa tbe Ptopertyr.(b)Yai1Y kasdwld.
<br /> � pay�eols at p�uM t�(s aa�dMe Piopettg. if ary; f�)Y�Y�or-p[operty insuru�ce pemtums: (d}yartY flaad
<br /> . ` insua�cxx prort►i�sm.if any;(e)Y�Y�8�insu[mce p�emiwus,if anyl:and(fl�Y��P1Y��Y Samwer to `
<br /> Lender.in sccadatix wit6 the Provislons of paragnph 8.in lieu of the p�yment of matgsge insur�oce p�emiums. 17�ese
<br /> itaas m cslkd"Esa�ow Itans." I.aider us�y,at any time.ooikct and hotd Funds In an amount nat to exceod ehe rnauimum -
<br /> amount a zender for a federaiiy telated matgsge lan may tequin for Baerower's escrow ar�unt w�der thc fede�al Reai
<br /> Fstate Seulement ptooedores Ast of 1�'14 u art�ended frum time to ume,12 U.S.C.�2601 et seq.(°RESPA'h.antess anotlier
<br /> �law tluit�ppTies w ihe Funds sets i�ksser aunounf. If so.Lender may.at aay tirne;collert�d 6old Funds in��rnount not to
<br /> exceod tbe ksser amount L.eader tpry eshrt�ate tbe anwunt of P1mds due on tt�e 6asis of curtent dat�c and teasonabk .
<br /> r.sdmaoes af w�+es of futane Escmw Items or ahenvise b�xcadat�ce with applicabte law .
<br /> 77�e�at�U 6e held in au insutudon whose deposits are ias�uod by a federal ageacy.instrumentaitty,or entity
<br /> (inctuding I,eoder.i�Lendet is such an in�tiwtian)or in any Federal Haa�e Loan Banlc. Lenrkr shall appty the Fut�ds to PaY
<br /> _ — tht Etc�nw Items. Lendcr may na chugc Barower for holding and aPFtY�8 the Funds,aanualiy analyzing the escrorv - - -
<br /> socaau,or verifying the Escmw Iums,unless l.ender pays Barower iaoerest on the Fbnds and apptica6le law permits ..
<br /> -_- T.e�1er w m�ke such a ctiarge. However,Lender may t�equit�e Bono��t�i�aY a q�time charge foc an independent real . ,
<br /> 'ti• esEa�ie tsx reporting service used by Lender in condection with ihis loan,unkss appI�&aw provides otUerwise: 1IY'nT�s an
<br /> -': a�tmjent is made�or applicable law reguires intetest to 6e p��,I.ender s![aU not be'i�q�d wPaY Boirower any�st ar , — _--
<br />•.'� ' �on the limds. Homower and Lcnder may agtee m writing,h�►we�er.��hat-interest shaU be paid on the Fimd�"`T''..eiider = —
<br /> ': � shaU give to Bor��nRer,wlthout charge,an annual accountia�of the Fuac�.st�owing credits and debiu to the Fimds�3 the = -
<br /> "� . paEQqse for which each dehit to me f�mds vras madt. 7T�e Fvutds are ptedg�as additiwtal security for ali sums secttir�by - -
<br /> •t....
<br /> :;�:' tliis•Security Instruttiea� ' � ===
<br /> - ; I€the Punds lxtd by I.eades exceed the amamts pe�ed to 6e held by appli�sb2e taw. t.e�xier shall ao�uc to � --==�-
<br />.':� • .�Bcic�awer for the eacess Fuads�uz aocordance with the�qnaements of applicabk taw. IE t6e amount of the Funds i►dd by
<br /> ,z,� . 'Lza�frs at any tane is not su�i�to pay the Escrow Items when due.Ltnder may so�iotify Borrower in writirtg,aad.in
<br /> ;,�,; suc&case Bom�wer shall pay to Lender the amount neressary to make up the defic'�ency. Barrower shall make irp the
<br /> def'�eiency�no more than twelve monthly payments,at I.cnderk sole discretion.
<br />- Upon paymeat in fu11 of atl sums secured by this Security Insuument,Lender sl�aalt promptly refund to Botrower any =_-_ __
<br /> = Funds hetA by Lender. If.u�Qer paragraph 21.l.ender shall acquirc or seU tlte Propetty.Lender.prior to the acquisition or ---
<br /> •� sak of the Property.shall apply any Funds held by L.ender at the time of acquisition or sale as a credit against the sums . �;;'F�-�.
<br /> savrod by this Securiry Instrument. �
<br /> 3. Application of Paymeots Unless applipbte law provides ptherwise.all•paymeau r�ceived by Lender under '�t�-��=
<br /> paragnphs 1 and 2 shall6e applied:first.to any prepayment charges due under the Nae:second.to amounts payable under �`
<br /> -- puagraph 2:third.to interest due:fouAh,to principal due;and last,to any late chazges due under the Note. ���.���''-•=--
<br /> . - 4. Cks�es;Lka�. Borrower shall pay all taues,assessrnents. charges.�nes and imposidons aari6utabie to the �:�.,�'�1s�°_-:
<br /> - - Pmperty whicb may Auain priority over ttis Security instrumen�and leasehold payments or grau�xl renu.if any. Borrower �."=�;�i�-
<br /> - - � sbs�ll psy these abliguions in the maaner provided in puagraph 2.a if nM paid i�that muu�er.Borrower st�ll pay them on �_�i:�_
<br /> = time dimtly to the person owed paymem. Botmwer shali pcomptly fumish to Lendcr al!notices of amounu to be paid under ;<:I���
<br />-- this paragraph. if Borrower makes these paymenu dir+ectly.Borrower shap promptly fumish to l.ender receipts evidencing - - -- .
<br /> - the PaYmeau. ' �,. . ��.
<br /> � . 1.:�_V_
<br /> ' Hot�wer shali promply discharge any Ilen which has prioriry ovgr this Security.Instrumeat unless Bomawer:(a)agrees '' ��d��"
<br /> '��---
<br /> { Y.�t'.—
<br />-.5� " in wriang to the payment of the oDtigation secured by the lien in a maru�er acceptable to Lender.(b)contests in goad faith the :•f, ,__ __
<br /> :��r�' lien by.�defends against enforcement of the lien in.tegal pcoee�eafings�which in the lxnder's opinion operate to prevent the �'_-�-__
<br /> enforeement of the lien;or(c?secur�es fram the holder of the t�en an agreement satisfactory to l.erxter subordinating the lien `• ;�T�.,
<br /> �:' to this Seruaty lnsuumenl. If Lender determincs that any pan of the Property is subject to a lieo which may atttin priority ."�'�-_
<br />= avet this Security lnstrumenb Letxter may give Borrawer o notice identifying the lien. Bortower shall satisfy tUe iien ar taice .;. ;,:
<br />- oneqr mae of the aetions sel focth above within Ip day4 of the giving ot notice. � _
<br /> S. Hazard or Properts.i�naca Borrower shall keep the improvements now exisdng or hereafter erected on the :
<br /> , s'taperty insured against loss by fire.hazards included within the term"extended caverage'and any other 1�azards.including
<br /> • tiuods or f�ooding,for which Lender rcquires insurance. This incurance shaq be maintained in the anww�u and for the •
<br /> Fa�3118 �,'� Ipa.Relaf6paqt�f � .
<br /> �� . � . • .
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