, �� r. . . . . . . . , . • ; ___
<br /> . .. ;r�:. . . � . �
<br /> � ��: .. ,.� L� ,,. ' �4 , . . �` t . � ` . ,.� �•, . . ��;.� � �� �.
<br /> t :---_--�—:.:_._;�_. — s:�- -4--- -- — -- __-__`..J_ . . `�_.�. '� — �r .-�
<br /> .:_ _ , . , � .. . . .._,�_..�. — —
<br /> - .s. _ -. -- � _ ,'. — '- , .- __ °
<br />� . �'�.. .. .,.'� .� `�.�w�'
<br /> E
<br /> � c�Er`• . . u.',�_¢
<br /> k., �� —
<br /> t • . -
<br /> 15. Miscellaneous Proviefons. g�' �.��� � � ., • . �� ��
<br /> �.�
<br /> ; , ' � . � �.�� �,
<br /> (a) Borrower No� Released. Extension of the time for , , __
<br /> � payment or modif cat on af ainvrt zation o£ the sums secured by .. , � . _�,�-:.
<br /> � this Dee d o f Trus� g r a nted b y Lender to any successor in interes� ....� �
<br /> ' sY�all not ogerate to s�lease, in any manner, the ��
<br />�,. of Borrower _ � -
<br /> rE �: liability of the original Borsovaer and Horrow�r's successors in
<br /> intere�t. Lender shall not be required �o comr3snce proc�eri inor -` � � « ."�
<br /> against suc h successo� or refuae to extend tim�a for paym ,;L 1 .�'� . ..,_.
<br /> amortization of the sums secured by this Deed o f ,4,F,,,. __,�,���,��:
<br /> �,, otY�erc;rise madify the oriqinal Borrawer and ;� ;• :__
<br /> � 2`rust by xeason of aay d�nands made bY ��£fJ�x,�„�,���k�-
<br /> Har�cower's successors in interes�. � �:
<br /> Without af�ecting th� liability �F.��"�r _
<br /> (b) i,end�r's Powera. obligation _
<br /> � of any otber person ia le for the payment of any �.. . .
<br /> i� :,..;,.�
<br /> herein mentioned, and withaut af£ecting rh� lien or charge of '{.Y�,,.;'�,� . �,.. .•.
<br />, . Tru�� u on any portfQ� of �a Praperty not then or ��.-,,;�r,;�
<br /> of "'�i'i^ ���°
<br /> �is Deed F •- . >_..-
<br /> �heretofore rel�ased a� �ecuri�.p �dr �� full am�ount of all ������_.,`_,
<br /> " unpaid obligations, Lenr��� may, from ti�e to �iane and without �:-�.>r..:.�r��..�
<br /> � - �otice (i) release any �S�fl� so liable, (ii) ex�end the maturity =�-�� �,�-..�, ,',�',�""`'"
<br /> . � i ��,�
<br /> " �r alter any of the te�. of a.m�� such obligatioas, (iii) qr�t '
<br /> �cther indulqences, (iv) s�iea�� �4i i2c�s�°"y: or ca�ion��aay �� � �
<br /> released or reconveyed �fi any �=.me, at Lender s op �yl ; . �>�: ,
<br /> � : parcel, portion or all ¢�iE the Property� (v) take or release any , y _
<br /> ;,4�Y'
<br /> ' other e�� addit�onal secur3ty for amy o�b:gation herein mentioned, �,f�l�6��,,,L `` i��,�,�.'.
<br /> . �`
<br /> • �z (viU �ake co�positions or other axr�s�emants with debtors in .,� .: _.. ,
<br /> 4� ,. �".
<br /> • � ��yatiwy thereto.. � r :.E.a..��..t,.':
<br /> - �`�: ;`i•``. r;AP�.
<br /> _ (c) Forbear���e b Lany e� g�� � W���. �y
<br /> forbear- ���.��`:. }�
<br /> v_`,#=�;;..:ry-
<br /> ' t �� reme y hereunder, or �.�, . .`. ' i;A,;:<
<br /> > � �,�._ by Lender n e�se�'��.�� g , .^�.�`,,� .',
<br /> n,��e�-wise afforded b� ����icabl� law, ����2 not be a waiver of e� .ss
<br /> ��eclude the exe�ciae c�i any s�a:x righ�c �s remedy. Ths proau��- ._, ;5= .::-
<br /> +► �nt of t�s or other liens or �4-��� 3� �
<br /> . mant of insnrana� or ,-�:'� P�Ym of Lender's right to ' ` ��'%i� -
<br /> � � chargea by Lender shal.�l not be a wai� �, z� . __
<br /> � a�celerats t�e matiurity of the indebtec�:.�.r.�s aecured by this Deed _
<br /> ' of Truat. •.;��;
<br /> ,.1,'... ..-��, -,•.�w�r.
<br />. . ��S! ::, _:�,i'�,,j�...
<br /> (d� Successora and Aasi ns Boundt Jo3nt and Several �, ,
<br /> � I,iabilit Ca tions. The conenante and agxeementa herein con- � Y��
<br /> ' tca ned s a nd� and �he rights heretnnder shall inure to, the `���,�,•
<br /> f.'.;c__.'���.`.:� .,.
<br /> � respective successors ar.� assigne of L��er and Borrower, subject �!
<br /> to the provisions of p�aqragh 141e) rT��eof. All canenants and �t+'�����-=..:�,=?--=��
<br /> �•� ' ° � �l. The captio�as µ"��.,.� • �-�
<br /> �;�,; ` agreementa of Borsowe� shall F��e yoin� an8 sem�< <r,�.,:.� ;;,�.i;., • _-3^
<br /> ,.��:_�� and heaciiagg of the g�s�agraphs x�� thi.� Deed cufc Txust axe for ,. .
<br /> ,_� convexaiu�nce oa�ly and �.�e not to be u���d! to in�erpret or de¢ine �F� ��'�"� `:,.i��:
<br /> the pra•�.sions hereof. : f�''y -
<br /> � .�„�� (gp �:� est for I�otices. The partic� hereby request � ��
<br /> B:
<br /> ,��:`���( of an not ce o default �reunder and a copy of any ';� . .
<br /> . �,j� that a �o�y y be mailed to �ch party to this Deed of �•. �
<br /> � noticQ rf sale hereund�y ...
<br /> � Truet at the address E�Git forth abov� 3:� the mann�r proscribed by �.� �:�:_:
<br /> .� . ' applicable lac�o Except for any other notice requ�ired under . . _
<br /> � " applicable lac� �o be given in another mann�s, any notice prmv�.dwd
<br /> for €n this Deed of T�cr�t shall be qiv�en by mai].ing such notic� � �
<br /> .. :;,� by cer��ffied mai� addre�sed ico the o�1x« parties, at ��� addresa �- -�-..
<br /> aet �or21� above. �� � -
<br /> ��_.
<br /> � .�...�y notice proviaed foL in tl�is Deed �s� Trust °,h;,�,�Y�;
<br />�:.,;"�;:4-.��• shall be effecL�ve upon mailfnq in the manner designat�3 her�irqo °'�+�n,:. . _
<br /> •- .h�+,..�.�i �. . R�`1�71
<br /> � If Borr�awer �Is r.:ore tlsan one person an�¢/or entity, noi:i�� �enL i-� '+ �� ";`;:;: , ....
<br /> •,i1l',, �a... . �, ��ti
<br /> the ad�3:�:�ss �Q� fort1� �ove shall be �.�o�ice to all ati::cl�e peraor�x� ,,;, . ,:.;,�.,,; .�i,!�j
<br /> .,;�,t. `... ::<<,',!„�ve,��,
<br /> � and/or �r.tfti�a.,, ; �,;•• ;.�:;x...-�:,.:
<br /> . y'7YYiL�%.�l-r; � •..'.:1�a._�_.
<br /> � y.
<br /> � (f) Inapect�on. Lender inay make or cause �� �� 1�3e �,:T�+�4.: �� �
<br /> rovide8 r,'�;u;-�,r�����:�'.
<br /> • reasoz�ble entriea ug<tir! and inapections of th� Properi:y'� P � .. .., �
<br /> that Lender ahall give Borrotr�er noti.ce prior to any �ury3� inspec- ',��;,�,�;4,•���'
<br /> � tion specifying reasonable cause therefor related to �,ender's _' �.
<br /> • inferes� in �hhe Property. '"'�:�!: ^'�, . ���''
<br /> . . .. �:-:
<br /> (g) Rec4nveyance. IIpon payment of all sums secured by : • _J_
<br /> �his Deed of Trust, Lender shall request Trustee to reconvey the �"
<br /> � Property and shall surrender this Daed of Tru�t �n� al� ^otes ______ �•+
<br />� . . � evidencing indebtedness secnred by this Deed v£ Trust to Trustee. �
<br />. �
<br /> -6- � • � .
<br /> ._ .. . „ ,. . .. - . . . .. � . . . . _ . .. . . ..,� . ' . . .. __ . . . . " . �i� , �'. . , � . . , •
<br />