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<br />_ � .-./�t{',t�: _
<br /> `,, the Progerty ira violation of any law, ordinance. o��regulationt . � .�e _4:�:-°
<br /> �:. �.<. •: .s.�
<br /> � and ahall pay a►nd promptly discharge at Horrower s coat and �,4: ;
<br /> , expea�e all lians, encumbsancea and charqes levied, imposed or '='���`�'
<br /> ;,;`' _ {
<br /> asseased againet the Property or any pa►rt thereof. ,::;;�E ��� ;�
<br /> � 6. E�ninent Domain. �ander is hereby asaigned all �.;`r�`.<<<�'.�<`
<br />-"". compenaation, awards, damages and other payments or reiief - -- -r: .
<br /> ' (hereinafter "Proceeds"� in connection with condemnation or other
<br /> ls`'%f'�' ,
<br /> `� taking of the Prag�rty or par� thereof, or foz conveyance in lieu � : ;�.,;`V��.;, �
<br />� �� of condemnation. I.ender shall be entitled, at its option, to , _�.��;��,
<br /> � commence, appear in and psosec�te in its own natne any action or '"..�:fd�:�,:;,..
<br /> 1r
<br /> proceedinga, and shall also be entitled to make any compromise or :�.''.:�F����-�.�:;i_�.
<br /> � settlement in aonnection with st�ch taking or damage. Y� the ��'�_'
<br /> . �` ,�r.:.�_�.;_.
<br /> '..� . event any gortion c� 'the Propert�r is so taken or damaged, Lender _ •�, :..
<br /> .., r:"._T�--�_�.__
<br /> � shall have the aption, i� its s��e and ab�olute discret�.on, to ; .:_ . � i,-;=;
<br /> apply all auch Proceeds, after c�c-�ncti�a� therefrom alS. cdsts ar� h '.u ;:.,;
<br /> expenses incurred by it in cv�s�ctioa e�ath suah Proceedso upfla� ,�;,r}-� ;, :;_;:-
<br /> . any indebtedness secured hereh�r �cl in suah order as Le���r aay a.,.,,, {f;�<r�:'�.,k>�:
<br /> determine, or tm apply a11 suc� �oceeds, after such deductiaa�� F� t F
<br /> to the restoration af �e Prope�ty upon such cor�c�itiens as L�n��� ; ,��'. �`�•<;� ,.:
<br /> c3
<br /> ceeda to indebtema�ss shall . =1�- ��:_..
<br /> - may dete�mine. Any appIlb�ation of Pro �,-�.�:..-.,-
<br /> -- __ .,,.� ���_�a „r p�stnone �e due date of any payments �n�iQr the �������=:
<br /> �.-, �.... -
<br /> � Note, or �u�e any default therev�tler or 3�ezeunder. r t—�.�,°
<br /> �.: 6�,'y",* -
<br />, 7. Performance bY U�'��-• ZA tbe e�ent of Borrower's ,.;.�,,,,,
<br /> ' � failure �o perform any of �che ����nt� herein or make any pay" -;�, �"`,.:;�;;;__
<br /> ' menta r�quired hereby, or if an� ac�t �� �aken or legal psoceeding �...R��,x`:=
<br /> � cammenced which ivaterially aff��fis L�n+3�r's interest ia the ' �:�.�=
<br /> u , �
<br /> ^ Property, Lender may in its oUr� discretian, bu� withou� obliga- °;,4�: ..��:;:,� :
<br /> tion to do so, and wi�hout noti�:a to or 3�►and �on Borrower, �sl `�•�;f';:_.;::- ;
<br />:�� �����; wi.thout releasing Borra-v,�s grom any obl.�a�ation, do any act ��hi.�n ' ���-r?.' .�
<br /> �:�.-..
<br /> � . the Harrower has agreed 3��t fails to do and may also c4c� a�y other .; ,. ���• ..
<br /> ° ` act 3.t deems necessary tn protect the security hereof. ��rrower ;�;�`-
<br /> •- shall� irnmediately upon demand tlierefor by Ir�nder, pay �o Lend�r "_�,.�� •
<br /> Z Y '"..
<br /> � � all coats and expeases incurred and sums expended by Lender s� � ,�.-
<br /> • �� connection with the exercise by Lender of the foregoing rfghts, =.ti;..,
<br /> � t o q e t h er with interest thereon at the default rate provided in � r.,,: .;y
<br /> the Note, which shall be added to the n e tedn�as seaure d -�--
<br /> . ��;.
<br /> � , hereby. Lender shall no� incnr any liability bacause of anything • •�,:.-., .>,
<br /> it may do or omit �o do hereundQr. � � '�''"' �'��
<br /> - .,.��. ,,... .� .,: .
<br /> 8. Hazards��� Materials. Borrower ahall keep the ---`°"�'����
<br /> �.,�.�.,-�.
<br /> Propert�^ in complianc� ac� any and all federal, state and loaal - -,�•_;�_
<br /> laws, ordinance� ana regulatfons rela�ing to indus�rial hygieno '.��=r =
<br /> or to environr..��ntal conditions on, under or about the PropertY, --- � �
<br /> • � � including, but not limited to, soil and groundwater conditiong. ��:
<br /> -� . : Trastor ahall not uQe, generate, manufacture, store or disp�he� of �'�'�---L�-
<br /> on, un�:r or about the Property or tranaport to or fram !�'"'"�`= -
<br /> Propeat� any ¢�ammable explosives, radioact3ve materials, hazardous „�„r, :�'�'
<br /> � wastes, toxic substances or reiated materials, includinq, without �s �: '
<br /> , .�-.
<br /> ��';�-,:::` .` ,�.
<br /> � lfmitation, any subgtances defined as or included in the defini.- !•�"�+r;�;,,... , ,._
<br /> tion o� "hazardous substances", "hazardous wastes", "hazardous �,�;A;��?���;�:
<br /> ., .�,!:::_,
<br /> » �r�*�'�''`�i�=:�=
<br /> materi�sts" or "toxic substances under any applicable laws, ��, .
<br /> ordinanaes ar regulations Icolleetively referred to hereinaft�r :.� 9�.1,,;� �,: ..•
<br /> as "Iiazardous li�aterials") . L�+�rrower hereby waxrants and rep�ce- �,� ��.:�-•. •
<br /> sents to L�nd��r ithat there ar� ��� Hazardous Materials on or v.�3��ar , .
<br /> � the Proia2r�y. ��sa�:�*�r hereb� agrees to indemnify and hold '�•�-�
<br /> �� harmless Lender, it�.s a�%r.ectors, officrzs, employees an�. agents, ��..�-�_=>:::
<br /> . and any successors � II��der's intercr.•tt, from and agai�st any and �`�o�_-°
<br /> all clai.ms, damages �rr� liabi�ities arfsing in connection with � � ,�,:�:.�-_
<br /> � the presencP, use, sta��ge, dispa�sal or transport of any Hazardous •
<br /> � Materials on, under, �ur�m or about the Property, including, with- E�`'
<br /> out limitation, (a) a1.? damages direc�ly or indiractly ariaing �•����:-- �
<br /> • out of the use, qeneration, storage or disposal of Nazarclous u '��,;�r`��-�•��� �
<br /> _�':�(�j�=y:;
<br /> � Materials by Borrower or any �prior owner or operator of tEse -;�,�_:F;�� __
<br /> Property, and (b) all costs ai any required vr necessary rep�iz, .� ,,,�,a,. .,
<br /> � cleanup or detoxification and the preparation of any cl�osure os .c:���'_,:��•
<br /> .� � other required plans, whether such action ia requir�d or neces- =����+:�;' '� �
<br /> ' sary praor to or folloc�ing transfer of title to the Property, to "
<br />� � the full extent tha't such action is attributable, clirec�ly or � .. �
<br /> . . indirectly, to the presence or use, generation, storage, release, ..- _
<br /> . ri,raa�er�ecl ral�:.aa or 3isposa? Qf H?z�rdons Nlaterials by any __ _. . _
<br /> • � person on the Property prior to transfes of title �hereto by , ,
<br /> ;�.,,:��
<br /> , -3- �. . .
<br /> . , � R
<br /> ___....,. . .. . . .,
<br /> . , . „ , . . .. . �.
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