` ,(` ��� - r• . , ' :. . �� . F�.i � .. ...... h �'=�.. � - ,. �-�� -�`' . ... ;.� � S._ .-
<br /> ` �4 . " ,�`` .�....._...��.--�'._._ ..,,�_.._--_�_a..�.c-...._.._ ..._._.__.�...._... .u.._.t—� _"'_..._ . ._
<br /> �' ' .—._....�.� �_... �—.� �,�+ ' 1 f :�a —
<br /> ` 1 �— �Q➢P7��'f �-^ - �
<br /> � • 7. ��t+�ctton of leetder's Rlghta i�tite �o�9�rky. If 8orrower ta��s �o vor�om, tna cov-�an�s ana a.�r�e:nenm _-'--- - .-
<br /> cantalnAd tn this SseurRY InsUum�nt.ar thero ts e IeBa�D�vicead�a that may elgnificanW atfttct l.�ndafg r�hts 1�tho ProPest�►(such es . . .:
<br /> Y
<br /> . a Procsading In bsnlcruptcY�Probnte,for conQa�rnatlan ar far(eaure or to entorce s�ws or regeitaU'ons},than Lender may da and pay far .. , . ys,.' ;,:s-''�
<br /> � whatover 6� neeessary to protect the vatua e�4 t�e Pro�ertY end Lendefe rights In tfle Property. I.enders acibos may IncNd� paytnQ > °','�.T. ._,
<br />• .f any sums seeured by a l;an which hae prl�riiy ov�r tA�Secu�dY tnsUument eAP�'�9 In cauR.Paytrsp masonabli attamUy'o iL�and ,.
<br /> • A 7,Lcn�r daas rtot h8ve to do eo. ` �•`.i y
<br /> . enterinp on th�Proparty to melce repaErs. ARi�ouyt�Lsnd�may tako��bacama a d'dlon�t a4 Qerro�rcr sceuecd Dy thi� S�uriry . , , 4,�
<br /> Any emaunb disbursed by Lender under thts pera9raD ,` "';':-`��-:
<br /> ' Instrument Untess BortovrEr and LenQsr agrae ro otRCr terms of ReYm�si• these amounts sflaD bear interest from Ns date ot i=
<br /> `�` disburs6m&nt at ttte tdote�atD end shBll Ce RaY���W������upon noUce irom Lender to @orrowsr rsquestin8 R�YR'��- , ,_;
<br /> 8. Martgsga Insur�nce. if Lendet �qu�red mortaaQe insurance as a cond3lon of making the loan secured by th19 �� -
<br /> . ,.: . insuranae N eSr�s:t. If, tor any ma:�on, ;he
<br /> Securfty Irr�trunent, 9orrovrer shell pay Ma pram4�ms reRuUed to malntaln tha mc+tgage
<br />�`.� mortgaga insurance cflvaraSe reGuUed by Lendef IeDses ar caagas to D�!n eft�st,BortoN2t shaU pay the prsm�ms�eQu4ad to oCtafn ------1=--- ' ---
<br /> �. �� cavc�age substantfai�Y equ�ra�nt ta the mortaago insurance O�++busb � e6[eC►. at a cost substantlalty e4utr��nt to the cost to � •Y.—�
<br />• � Bortarrer o f t he mo rt g a g e t n s u r e n�e P�u a h � eft�et, trom en e�amato moRgcgo insurer apAroved by umdar. If substantiatry
<br /> � equhralent mortg�ge tnsurance covera8�e is nai av�b�• Bottovrer sha9 paY to Lendar eaah month a snm equcil to anatwe!fth o4 the , .�...
<br /> yearty mortgap3 tnsurance premium befig patd by Borrow�r whs the t�suaaaas c!�verago F�,Qsed or coas4d to be tn eftacL LenQer w(7 -. T-;,•s�:'.}
<br /> acceP� use end ceta►n thaso payments an a toss reseroa in irau at mart8e8s hisumnce. Lass rsssnra PaYmanta mfly no bonger be .,' '`_'�•.+;-'�^:`z;�Y,y-
<br /> � •• requYed.at tt�s optton of Lender. B moAgage insurance cov�re8a(�t3�s emount and car tha per(od that Lender es�tres)Provided by r;;:'.�:•:� 4'
<br /> �`-�''�:�s��
<br /> an insurer ep�mved by Lender agsin becomes avatl�b� and is obffiine0. BortDn�t shpl1 pay ttte Dremlums requked to malniain ;.,.��-,"_.:__-
<br /> morigaga insurance in eRecL or to provFda a Ioss resen'0. unU7 the requUement for mflrtpa�a Insurartce ends� accard�tnce wfth any �'� • • r u Y-�
<br /> r.- _,
<br /> wrmen agreert�ent beiween Borrowet and Lendar or apPQcabi�1aw. '�;.:�'�:e"°°=------__
<br /> � s of the PrOpeRy. lsnd6r shell�i u e —_ _ -
<br /> g. inm}�ectIon. �ender ar ns a�eni may make ceasonabla entrfes upan end �►speation
<br /> � Borrower rtaUce a1 V�e tUne of or prior to en inspec�on sSecdYin9 reasonab►a eause tor tha isspeetien. �:`�+�,a �
<br /> Y� ,.. . .�
<br /> 10. Condemnatton. The proceeds of any award or cla�n �or damn8es, di►�ect or eonsequenual, in connecttan wRt� arry i ;T_,_.
<br /> . cond0mnatiart or oiher tekfrtg of anY PaR o}the Propert/.Or for ComteyBnCe In fiEeu C�CCedemn8tion,ete herebY essiqtt9d etld BhBn be _.._::�:' :°._�__...�
<br /> �:
<br /> patd t0 L.entte�. —
<br /> -�t . In the e�t of a total taktnp of the �operty, the proceeds sha0 be aPO� to the sums securad by thts Security !n&VumsnL �s _ -
<br /> �;-�� r�—��.,
<br /> � whsthsr a�nCi then due.wrth any mxsss Pa:d to Barmwer. b the c-�nt ot e�tial mkln8 af the Prope�ty in which the fIIfr maYicot _- —_
<br /> -- va4�e ot tho P�aDertv �T'�ed��N �e�re the takfng is equal to cr.•4�f `4T 't� emount of ths sums secured by this S19cur8y �`�.�;,.•�.:- -
<br /> _— _ ..•�• - tn writha the sums secuced by thfs SacuidY �ti-".--�?�'!�---__
<br /> — insUument inttrtediatdf b�i�the teking. uniass Borro�rrer end �i:� .�..�^'�'.�= �'`-'e w rrx�°,rc��
<br /> InsVUment shaf� be r���Y �e amount of the c�'�✓raeds r.�:.L�f�rJ by tha irs�owfnp fiaction: (o) the total emaunt ot tAe sums ����
<br /> securad iMCrto�'ataN 6dts*e ihe tels�q�irlQed bY(�'i +�:ra�7 r.-.:.�.�s:��:0 of the Property bnmedtatety before the takhg.Any bel�nCe -Y.,.��,r.=.- �.°�. . . ,-.-
<br /> ShaO he patd W Borrows. (n the�C� a P�'-�'�"•7 0�n'O�� �^ vrhicA Ne faU maRcBt vatue of tha Properly tsunedlateN • __
<br /> w=
<br />� before Me tetdng Is t�s tAen the a^�na�-t ot the sr...�sss sacured E�:''atety betore the takhg.uniess Borrower end Lender othm�wMe . '
<br />. , �� aqreo in �vr�tnp or ccai� aPPC�b� law othenxt.de �rn5des. the pcaceaQs sh�'l. be appGad to the sums ss+.vred hy this EecuiRy - ,. ;.;_
<br /> ` InsVUmsn4 whafhar or nat ths sums ara then dua ' ' `�`" '
<br /> , .r' -:�ic�
<br /> If t?se Pros,'ertY ts abandonad by Bartativer,ot U.�r notice by I.enQar to 80.-�wsr that the conde�nnor oi�'ro maice an aw¢rd M .ilt:,�i��:;`
<br /> sstt�a datm tor damapes.BorroRer hiib to respond to Lender w�n 30 daYs ait�r the dais the notiee is giv�.i.s�dar is artba�txed _:�:;',
<br /> to calf��nd nDPN�P���'�op�•���ta��sr�of the Properrty or to the sums secured by�!.��'�Y �.
<br /> P tY
<br /> '�!
<br /> ' mstrumant,wtu3ther ar not then due. �'.
<br /> t fh
<br /> �� - Uniass t�endar er�d 8attawer�hmwlse a�se b wr7in9. anY+�p�i�tb+�a���DC�to pc(nclpal sha0 not c�and or poutpono tha _,� ;��i--'�"
<br /> � �� �e dai�ot tt�monthy payment�rsterted to h D�a�Oh9 1 end 2 or�chr,ng�t�s�aTnount af Eucfi poymento. '� .'�
<br />__.-� ".-; 19. Bo�eower No4 Re9ea�ed:�0�earanr.c 8y+����'sa;s�P�l�re�. �ns�on or u�o carr� tor v�i a ;;:-.--
<br /> e
<br /> c:}' '� ... w
<br /> `� � mod�3caL'an c4 emortimtton of the suma secured by tt+ts S�C�Y�ff�+�t granted by LenQer to any succussor in interest o! orrower 1 ;;
<br /> LS�`� . shoA not ayerata W roteass tfio�uc�ot tho original Borrovrr�or•Aana�v�s suocessars tn In4��t: Lender sheB not be requirad to
<br /> ,��t�!;+4 comrt�enco P���4��s t a n y s u c c e�s a r b tr�t e r e st ar refuss Ya wctend Uma for payment or�.�thervvise rt�odrtj amartiazien of the _
<br /> ���%�� sums secured by this Secanty Instrument by reason o! arry demand made by the ortgfnal Borrower ot E�or�afa successara h
<br /> .�.•. ;•, �,,��`
<br /> h���,p�y�p�p��py Lsndor(n ex��fshg erty rig�t or remady sh�nof bo a wBNer ai ar pwcluEe th9 ra�soL'�o ot eny�pht or �� ,_L
<br /> remadll- �:r't`�"a..' :Rc
<br /> - t&,Suace�ra and A�.fq�o�ound: Jofnt and�Tart�l Llabiilty;Co-sl�rters. rne cavenenr� �na �,�;�;s,,:r:._��:_. �.�.
<br /> , ';t;,�.. a�awnozr� ot thts �ecunty tnsUu�t sha9 bad and benefd thfi s_ecessors and essipns of Lender on0 Bortower, suCjy�:rto Uw .����-
<br /> .��...�_�...U:.:.�.;:�.-
<br /> � pradsian3 of paxa6ru(�Jx. �7.Barrowera cavenants an0 apreert�enta ehaD be jatcL ruu:aeve�al.Any eortowar wRv castpns�i��acufdy �R�,r,��...•-a;.-.,,;;
<br /> , t�t.r:xnont on to mortQaQe, �slt snd carney N�t °��''�``�:`�;'?
<br /> • tnstnt:..,�'t but doB� �sr�t exaCUte the hOtD: (9) Is Co-siQnhg thb SeCUr2tY N ' d��+,�Ef,..
<br /> BcRavrarts htorest In the Propeity under the terms ot thl�Secur�y+►.�strument;;:6 rs nat pbrsana8y obi(gated to pY 4he su��s+nd � ��,�,..
<br /> by tril� Sacurky Insburtrenx end (o)a9rees thal Lsn6er 8nd c� efisn.t Bortower may egtee to e�dend. modiiy.toA�eer ar mal�a�y �`� e��;C Iw _
<br /> � �';ci�A'�"r�r,
<br /> acoammodations wkh ragerd ta ta+m�ot this SecuYdy Instrurnerte�r.tura D1ote w?~aut that 8ocrowefs consent ��,�
<br /> .. . . �3. LOaO Cit�Q+�B. It the toan secured by this SecuY�y ll�7umer�2 i2:u:iblect to e taw wh(ch Qets r.sw�h►um loan Char�es, s�{� `"•�.. „���:..�
<br /> • ' nnd that law b 4nr�f�+!arprated so that the fnteres2 or other losn charges a1ltu�te0 or to he co�icted i��a.sr�ocdon wRh ths Ioen +l`;1'_.=•-_�e�1,',:E�'
<br /> ;� ;±;h •-
<br /> . . • � �eed ttt�peTmdted t'rnRs.t�en: (aJ enY such lagn cherae3 sha�he reduced�ai�+f!�s amount rtecessary ta rRm�ti�tho charpe to the _.. ?�•t��:'.".`.:�`-•,.:,�----
<br /> , pe�mP�te�Gm�;and(b)any sums ak�coQected from BoROweg�rAt�k�h wccE�e:a.�3Ennftiad Pm�s wiD me tefur.ple0 to Bortowar. L�nQer ��l,.y,:,.� �.-,..�.'��__
<br /> avxn9�arr�flr tho Hote�r by maki'1"�direct p�yrner.t to Borrowet. 11 a •;;:,�, .
<br /> moy choaou t0 mnko tAb rofund b�caducing Ne pr6tcipal s,.
<br /> reNn�9 c�educes prirtcip2i tho ceQuct(on w�be Veatod as�paRirJ.fpmv?�Y+�t v.!R'+m.:d anY ProA��t chargo ar.der ths Note. f,'�,�,�:.
<br /> 1A. NOtiCE�. t%�y natkc�to Borraaar G�ic�1D�tor In tbis Securny h[5z'�:�:+ns:GhaA be ptren Dy de�m R or by rna�irEa 8 DY '�'��N;
<br /> fr�t cteso maA uniess appicabt� lew roW�es arr= a`anotha' mothod. The r.c":ar sha0 tso d�ectsd to the?roperty Address or�ny ��1�� ,�
<br /> 6C
<br />��' , othar addiess Borra�c�8r des�natos!�,natkv to iCr.dnr. My notice to Lender sh�l be 8i�i5n �v flrsl eius mtD to L�ders address +.}t`�__-s�-•�._f'-
<br />`;:,� statod t+awln or any other address iar.Eex dosl�a�s DY notico w Borrower. Arty notico Gror��r,d cor in this Secufii�► Instrument sheH •4+�i't��`��,;��.:,,.
<br /> �,,''h'.� .., t;:
<br /> � be deemed to havD boen Olven to Boaa�ver cr LExtdor whun 9hren es Pravided N thb Pcrs�:. ; ...
<br /> � . 1�. Governin�law;SCt/8�1��1y. TP�@s Sctourity InLtrttmettt sht� I�s govemed by fe4or81 (^tv end the I&w of th9 T .. r y;;V``�`' --
<br /> . ' � (ur�diction in whieh the Property Is bcatod. In the�vvr,�t tha2 eny provlsion ar efaus�of thb Secur�yr Ins7una�rt or the Noto conl�ets ••,�
<br /> . .' •r' W� �p�p� taw,such confliCt shaU rtot af(eCt otRer provisions uf ihb Securiry Instrument or th0 Note K:`.1�'h cu� 6e flNen elbct .�� "
<br /> wRhaut tne contficting provisbn. To thl�end the pravLSions of thb Seeun'iy Instrument and tho Note sre declarad to bo severebb. ;,�.�=t_:; ,.�r.�:�i�
<br /> � . 16. Borror�rer's Copy. Borrowar sha0 be gluen one cantom�ed coDY of the Nota and of thi�Sscuriiy Instrum�nt ';�F,��:;��,
<br /> 17.Trenafer of the PrAperty er e Ben=flcial Intcrest In B�rrower. it �nn w anv pert of u�o Pro�r or any r-"''`� ��:---
<br /> •- �:� j�:��y� �wj�S.'�',�
<br /> � ln�erest in it is sotd ar Vanslerred (or H a beneficial int�est tn Borrower l� sotd or transfExred and Borraxar is not a naturel poraon) � ;�r4*f��.,
<br /> wdhout Lend�'s pNor written conssnt,Len�or mny,at Rs optian,re4uQe trnmedl�te DaYment in fuD o!aU sums socurod by this Security r ___
<br /> InsUument However,thts oyibn shaU not bo ar�reised by lenQer U e�reus b proh�3ed by toCaal Iaw as of the QaSe ot this Smcun'ty ••
<br /> • ' insUurtt611t �•�±���,��
<br /> It landar mcsrctses this opUon,Lander shau gfire Bortower notico ot ucce�mUon.The notice shn0 prov;AS a p:rtod of npt less ihan
<br /> 30 days irom tAe date the notico is daVvsreO or maiied �i8hh whiCh the Borrawer rt[vst pay all sums securod by th19 Secur7ty
<br /> � �_ � Inswmen� It Borrowor ia�s to pay thosa sums pftor to the exp�aUan at tAis period,Lend�r may trtvo&o any rsmeptss p�rtn3tCd by lhis
<br /> Sp;�,rity tnstrumtmt wflhput turt�ar notiGO ot demand an Borrower. Form sose oJOO _ .
<br /> ,_-1 _. _�
<br /> . F7028.LN.0(2la91 Pipa 9 of 5 � .--.. _--- _-----�� �___..
<br /> . . ' , �
<br /> - ' �. 69800�3 . , { _.
<br /> � , . . - . S; ..
<br /> . . ... .1;' . - � ' r'-' • ' _ ,'., • .- . � _ � . ' `_ � .
<br /> . - - .. ... _ . � , . � .. :.Ih,. , .. _ .. . .__. ... , . . . � . . . . • � • . . _ . � ... .. -� ,
<br />