- � _ . � ' . . _ -
<br /> . � � •. _ . - . . . <
<br /> _ „ . ,. � � .
<br /> <
<br /> � , , .� ,. . •.�. , x��
<br /> .
<br /> � ... . . , , .�.. ... � _—.�___— ....._W
<br /> , .
<br /> �. _ .o� --� — ,.
<br /> . , ,... . _ .
<br /> _�.:-.�� - �,��� �;_ �«:
<br /> - —.T_—- .:
<br /> L{�..�
<br /> � ������ -, °��'----�,.
<br /> Aar�s�aunt9 6pDunseO bY ���nd¢r U+� Paraq�h sn� Bacame an �ddYbnal �t o�naw� and 6e 6ewred ep . <: t• --
<br /> tA� gaeur3y tnsuum�� 1►�eao omou�t3 Q�li�t r�t hom ths cteu ot 6rs0us8�mont a1 iho Notg reL�,end nt thQ optten o4 , �
<br /> • tartdw.BAat1 b�6�nmediaE�ry Que and psyaDb. �.�: ��l ` .` '��.��
<br /> BGrtow�sfl�S9 Ora+r�yt�i d'.:ch� �Y I� �vhlcA �aa G��71 aver tAts Seeur3Y mstrum:nt untuss Boarower: (a?aS� � .�.,`:. , � -
<br /> S9
<br /> < wrR�p to th�O�Ymant�41Aa abE�at�n c3cur�d Ey th� f�n U m m�nK aec�yfab�to t.�nr3�;(b)conta3ts�+�aod tnfth th9 t�n .
<br /> ` 0Y. ar d:.� �h3t enTOS��9 at i,1a G�n In. i�ti Rr6Gied�tp �ivhieh In ths Lendefs ophion oAerato to ptevant ttia : � .. <. -.
<br /> an!o�t of ths 6on: ar(e) a�eurss from trie hofQer o!tRO Ben en epraemsnt s�istaet�ory to Lender subard�atinp tna�n to �`�'-r .
<br /> �, � tii��cur3y tnabumenl. It Lendlr�as ttui any Rart o4�M Pro�rty b subjaci to a Gen whl�h may ntta�0*far�y ovar thLS .. _
<br />_ Sacur�y tn9uuma+L la�eda may p.�s Barowsr a net�c�ta�ntay3rty tha 6on.6orrovrar o�eD ssu�9�► th�tien or mtce a�e or more ot _ _
<br /> tno aettn�s c33 tartl+eE�ve w��tfl Qaya of tls�B4�ln0 of nottes. �---� ---'
<br /> ..-�•' V`r
<br /> a.FeCiS.lrnd�r crs�V co'C:ct t�..a and cRa.�x3 r�ar¢ed by�s S�crWtY• .. _
<br /> . g.Qreund�Ear Acee4era�to�o��c�g +����_�=,:"���,�;,
<br /> (�)Ostwl��.«�esr may. wxsvi as rmac�o ar r.�u�auons�:a or ert� sbcr�n h u�cas. of ca�ra�e aarauas. .�:-µy,,�==�=
<br /> m � . ;
<br /> ' r�(ttfri ktrTWQIILa DaYprWnt 6D di0 ot QO 6uss�S GOCUted by thts SOGtat�y In9fiunent B: "i•�'���.�
<br /> wn:.�,_=
<br /> (�Bocrawar daw@a by f�p to pay in ND any manthQY DiY�1�+ira�d by th5 Secw3�►Instncment prior to or on �p�
<br /> Iiis".-_;='.'�- =
<br /> � tha due d�te o1 tAe�ad mant�sy psymant or --_----
<br /> . •�' (�gsROwar dWub bY t�iiA far e psdod af th►rtY dnY�,to B���nY oth�r ob+9�ns ccn�nQd i�tnis 3scuritY ,•k���: ;,.---,v,. .
<br /> .�•_.-
<br /> �n7h7mt1iflL ''.� � =--t
<br /> g�D Sate Witl�out CreAtt Il�provaf.Landir sha1. ff pam9�d bY eDO�➢a�w (incOtd:np sectian 341(tn o!tRe �.Y:=,�_ _:,
<br /> @amS�Qrmai�DpasRory/ Inst�Yons Act of 19@2.�2 U.S.C.1701}3Qd))and wtin tha pftor aAAraval of tha Secretary. ,. ,�=4:::0j�
<br /> re�ir�l�n�dias WY�t tn 4u1 ot ai ths aixns siau�d bY t�ts S�eur�Y Instrumant iF. "�., . ;F.:".r-
<br />� (q AY ar Oart of Uw Pr�tY. cr a WnaF'�c1al lnOrast In a Cust owninp aJl a P�►t of Uw Propeny. ts sofd or ,�v;=.Y—___
<br /> cthstwlSa trinsferraA(Qth4r Wn til►davko ot QaFeent�,8�t0 ':.�"�. ��''
<br /> .s�i..;-:
<br /> (�YM Pr�aCtlt ts not oeea0�bY�P��a pran�as hfs a ha O��iP��tdanea.or the purchaser or
<br /> - ..._..._,... �,.. tir .` p.r��arnr f�s nof bean apCruved h aceotdsnce wRh tt�e a•x--
<br /> — � �:`�_�;=�:-.
<br /> a�w sv viaari�s up �...+....i,
<br />, . rer�Ysrn6�n�01 flN B�Cmt�rff• �.y'."'�°'
<br /> (e) Ho Watver. t!slrttmtsttt�Gts oeeur Utat wouid piAmR LenQer to rsqut� irmBdYU PaY�t h fuR bu!Lender --
<br /> dois rtat�iQuie+�sueh DsY�ts•Lu+dor d�a not w�ra ps ciQhts vr��sP£Ct W suEsr.s�uEnt svznts. F��°'�°�9
<br /> . (d� ReQutation� of HUD Seere�ry. m manr crrescrosennt¢s rc►�ut�stons tssuae hy tt►s secresur wID uma - �
<br /> Lc3nQafs Nyhts. b tAO asa o! PiY�►4 Qe(nuR�.to require h�rtwQWta P�Y�t in fu� end foree�so 8 no! Pe� Thts _
<br /> S�puiy lnstrura�ant doas not aut�ort�a�c�feration or tareaiosura�nol permtted by�tations oi tna Secretary• .
<br /> • {Q) �OT�Qi�@ F10! IOSiI(Ed. Bocrowa a�that�thi���strumant end tlta Nato era noY determha�trs ��,;
<br /> � ba�b90 for inswanca uader Ns Nattorial Hwuinp/1�t vri�in$ ef dalos[90A Nom tAa Cate �eraof, lertd�
<br /> 1os
<br /> ih9 iian Yo MrrneQfat�paym�nt fn tu1 of a�wrt�a scauod by th'.o S�cuf35►InstrumenL A vrrRten statement �
<br /> mal►.8t QA �'
<br /> af acry tsuthorizRd It�nt of ths Sectsl�tY dabd subsaquant to i� O?dtNa(QO➢ irom th9 dafe hasuat. decCe�hp .�., ...-�'_�
<br /> to hsure thi� � fnstricnent�d!he Nota.aha�be d�amad concWsWe pmof of suCt� tn�pb�r. NoiwDh3tandnp
<br /> the for�oinQ, 4hs oFtiun�raty nnt ba�xrw�Y�d by L�ndar when tt�unavw7abi�!►o!hsurance is SofON due to len�'s �.�
<br /> /2II�u to rernR a martgapa tnsurance pnmim�to tM S�c �_
<br /> ra►.ary• �,�>'-�.
<br /> s r� *�+J Yittr!r11�t�gt in tb9 bOCauso of �
<br />-- ta. �n��ww�u�iritrr 6Ctiuv�iri ri�0 t�t•:d t8 Gi:oow'tita.r.9!:^.��'."�tG�,i-� Y�l .�_�
<br /> Borrouara isflao to pay an amaunt 6aa imder t�a No�a Mg Soc�'ry tns�ument This riaht s9A� ever►a1�r tonciosure x. ____�.
<br /> s ao
<br /> �rs fns�Rutod.To ninsi�fo tt�S�cuR7l ln�trw�w�L Barto�r at�aY tender in o lum� sum al arraunu ceQ►4ad to �',
<br /> , p��� s o
<br /> � emseawata �ccaum e�urem n:c�ua�,. w ene emem uxiy aro oo�tons 0} BOfiOWY� Utl�if UIL4 SOC� UISWf116tiT. _ r —_r.
<br /> forac(owra wsts an0 roasonab�a �:d custame�Y �ttomoYs toos•and �sa4 GmD�Y assxt�:od rr�A tho fometosure t:��z;,"�:_:__.-
<br /> :. proc..ey,�uv�ro��t br eorrowv.thit s�yr cnstiw�t erw tna ob.�ttons tnu tt:a�wraa cnaw ra�wir►in atoct as ��''-
<br /> y 1.a�d�r twd not ros�uYad t�PaYment in IUL 7towe,iar.Lendw t�not nqulrad to G�+'��rotn�ttn�nt ik (q t,vidar has -`.,.__._.,. .-
<br /> accsptad nhstaLe�r�wnt tRx tAs eomrwrwenws! of fa�etawr� aoCwd'nQs wRhh two y�us �ty D�ec�dh� �e ��`.;...:` .,.>:-=u�_:
<br />`,.t,,,''_ .°
<br /> � cortrw�carnen!of o curr�nt foracics�pcocaodinp�(�nhstate�nt w�pnctudo tococtosure on d'dterent Qrounds in tha ttrhire,
<br />:;��� or(�j rehsta�l wID aQu�rsoA►Q�ct t1[e prfoR!►af the 68n croair�d GY thts Sec�mtl►lnatrumant
<br /> . d �__.'
<br /> � �� 17. Borrower Not itefested;�or�earence By Lender Not a Wat�er.�xcens�an oi�na rtme of vaymer►i cr ��'.
<br /> modeicatton o1 amart�aston ot the t�uns sacu�d Oy tftivs:'�sl�y tnswmw�t 4rantrA DY ��to e.r►y sucs�cr in tnmrest ot ��,.-��::.:_-�'_
<br />`-�``-`< Borrm►�er shd na!opante to rote�ss the G�b➢iy ot fia o;n�1 B:.noww or Bortowara successa in interes�.Landar sh4B naz be '
<br /> ���_'=+e�'?T;+".
<br />:.:i]iiaf; -. __,.-.°. .
<br />__::,;�,� , rsquitlld to Cortsrf� P�oCeYdinQo�aYts!anY SuCCaBSOr in hCisv�t o�r8!us9 to m�nd th�D(ot peym0nl Ot othOrwise m¢c'.3Py �_
<br />�r�,,,, ,. ertwrttatton of tho Surny sacund bY � ��Y fnsWment 2►y reason of enY da�n�nd mQda by the ort�inal BOrrower ot
<br /> BoROw�fs succ�ssors „ int�rast I�nY tabMnc�� bY �� h ��� +�f► ripht or ramody sha8 not be e waiwr of or �
<br /> "��� �, prectud0 tM wrcW o1�nY ripht a rertieCy ���" '�
<br /> ,;,.. !!'�.z�:-_��._.
<br /> _;J{`:
<br /> �v 13. Sueceatmre and At�t� Bo�e�d: Jolnt bu��1 Severd Liabiti3y, C0�8lQ[tOt�. The cavenants end ■sa°--=�-�-
<br /> •���� eprsa�sm of thta S�cu�dy tr►strur:r�f:�1sa0 bfnd�n!b�naf3 tha:��ora en0 astsiQns ot I,endu and Bortower.subject tn-tl�a� ��`w�
<br /> 3;�.'v.. �
<br /> �� . provist�ns of Par�r�ph 9(b).Borrowsrs CavanQ^tz ana e9reerrer�tr�3hap bo Joht and severa! A�1+ 8ortower who castgc'.��ir.i� �-- ,. _
<br />-� '�, Securny InaWmont twZ Q»no!eucute the tJabbz(ra)ta co-s�:inr�th[�&cuftY tnsWment onty us mc2-,�FF��i end tzr.ur.p �°.:.__..-- . �.,
<br /> a -
<br /> i4�•''` that Bortowera Irttbr�as�•1� the Pra�erty unda►U.�Iru�ssq a!ti� �tCUrdy insbtr.rtang(b) is not Q�'s�,�� c�,kqr�3d to pay m�+�
<br /> �� ° -
<br /> ' suma uacured by cit� S�ewZ�y I�stna^ent; errd (�.j aflrees lhtt I:s:ESr end any oiher Bortavaer 'c'.wY nyr�+�ib extend. r.ad.u};� -
<br /> x un���- f
<br /> .t��' �OIbBBT 0/ (M�(9 8Ry �.�`."•G.'ll'.i1DQS'If�116C N�I�! f6�.'�t0 t119 tfl.Tl fi��t9b &ect�ity Instrument or Uav{�ote wfthout that Barraar,�'¢ f. '' w�i
<br /> f
<br /> �i!��2 cOn58nL .�� �t�::
<br /> �+Y`�•...a^s_.
<br /> 13. NoUcoo.a'•ry naUca tv Borrower pmrYin�tot b thio Securdy InstrumBnt shaD bo gNen by delhrerin9 it ot by m811inp it *�-�='
<br /> �:.--== °�-�- .'..
<br /> . hy frat chss mnY a�ioss apP��bw roquires u�of anotAar method.Ths rtotice sha8 be direc4od to tho 6roperty Admress or � .,.,,..s
<br /> �-�.,�
<br /> eny other adQr�s Bonower dosfg�ate3 by notioe to LonQar. Any naUca W LenQer shn0 be glvsn tsy frst cGrss mail to len.�`i�'s 4� �
<br /> �.•'\:�_�•r.=3,_
<br /> address atatod hantn or any addrsss L.a�dYr Qisiyn�tos by �s:tice to Bocrower. Arry natica providea fot fn this Seraur.a�y �==-=—=_-_
<br /> • tnstrums�►t&h90 bB Qeemed to hsv9 besn gNen to Bnrtowe►a I.anQor when gMan as provbed�thZs pats�H. .:��'�r
<br /> �_ee:+t,x..
<br /> � - 14. Govarnin� Lew; Sev�abilHy. Tn�s ssr�m�r instrumont sAa�b0 govt�nea by Federat I�w end iho Iaw of the ..•'��Y'•-��`
<br /> . 1 ' �
<br /> jurisdictton in whkb the Pro�psrty b b�ted. ►n th9 euenl tfiYt�y provubn or Clnuso 01 this Sacunly 1nsWmant or the �ab °{'""�' '
<br /> �s rr.'rt�,ti„•,.
<br />:•y `.' .�•_.
<br />.,.... ' � �_- ..
<br />»----"
<br /> ..-.-�.•r,.
<br /> ' F58t�.LMO IS/EO) Payo 3 0l S . � .1
<br /> . . � .
<br /> . �
<br /> sTe - ...._
<br /> , ��i}�cy;rlt.` .
<br /> �. `4: . ;u.�. ,� . ' , .. . .� � . ,� . • • �, •�al.,
<br /> � ,� . .. .. � . . . . . .. .. - .. ' • _. . � af'..�. '.• . .. - .� .. ' . .' _I�.
<br />