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_ _ .__ _ <br />�Q�lll� ! V'�! <br />A tract af Iand in the �Vest Haif (W1/2) of Section Twanty-Three {23), Township Eieven <br />{11) ?Jorth, Rar. qe Nine ���) West of the 6 P.�v1. in. Fiall Caunty, Nebraska, �described as � <br />follo��s: . . - <br />Beginning a# the West Quarter (W1/4) Comer of said Sectian, thence ntnning southerly a <br />distance af nine hundred fifty four and f�fteez�-hundredths faet {954.15') a.iang the west <br />line of said Section to the point of begirming; thence continuing South along said west <br />Iine five huudred twent�y five and thirty�hundredths feet (�25.38') to a point; thence <br />def�ecting lei� eighty nine degrees,�_ftfty two minutes, forty two �seconds (89°52'�2") and <br />running easter�y a distance of six��hundr�d twenty four and twant,y-five �huridredths feet <br />(624:25').to a point.on.a.random Iine running aiang the westerly,high:ba.nk�of theNoz�th <br />Channel .of the P(afte River;�also beingknown as�the.'�1oad Rivst; thence'r�azining along <br />said ra.ndom line described. as� foll�ws: thence deflecting left fif�y=f ve� degre�s,. �f�fty thxee <br />minutes, fift� six seconds f�5 and runnin� northe�st�_riV ��i;�?� , �f�f� � <br />. . ' � . Y._ . _ .J . <br />hundred ninaty three and eighty hundredths feet {�93.80'); thence de�lecting right thixty <br />four ciegrees, forty fve rninutes, f�ur seconds (34°45'04") aud running nort�ieasteriy a <br />distance af three hundred thzrty feet (330'); thence deflectzng lef� one hupdred fi�ty eight <br />degrees, �ifty eiglrt minutes and twenty six seconds (1�8°58'25"), and n�nning west a <br />distance of one thousand two hun�ired ten feet (1,210') to tl�e point o£begizzxting; <br />containing 10.014 acres more ar lsss including �he county road ri�ht af way along the <br />west side of said tract; togather with all land and accretion right lyzn� between the a�ove <br />des�ribed randarr� Iin� and the cerner or thread of the Woad River. <br />A tract of ground in the Southwest �uarter (SW114) af Sectzon Twenty-Thre� (23), <br />Township Eleven (11) North, Range �tine (9} West af the 5�' P.M. in HaII County, <br />Nebraska, described as fallows: <br />Starting at a point csn the West section line of said Sectit�n Twenty-Three (23), Faur <br />Hundred Twenty-Three Feet (423') North ofthe Southwest carnar ofsaid Section,�tIus <br />poiut a�so being an the Centerline of the Woad Riv�r channel; Thence narthezly on - the <br />Section line a distance ofNine Hundred F'orty TI'u�e Feet {9�9'); thencE at an angle of <br />I�iinety_Degrees (90°} to the right a distance of �i� Hundred Sixty-Five Feet (665') to �he <br />Ceirterlir�e ofthe �ood River channel; thence upstream on the Center line of such Wood <br />River channel to the point of beg�anning and containing 7.4 Acres, more or iess, and. such <br />tract being a part of Governmeut Lot C�ne (1) of the, traat of ground is <br />described by metes and t�ounds ir� the Plat of Survey certified to by Lester Ehlers, <br />Registered Land Surveyor and Hall County Surveyor, on �ctober 19, 1959, identif'ied as <br />Exhibit `A' attached to ancl made a part af the Warranty Deed filed for record in t�ie <br />flffice of the IZegister of Deeds ofHall County, Nebraska, on N'ovember J.4, 1959,� <br />recorded in Baok 129 afDeeds at �age 447, subject to the "use for zoad purpose�" of a <br />strip Twenty-Seven feet (2T) vvide offthe left side t3�ereof as provided in the Deed <br />recvrded in. �ook 37 at page 98 ofDeed Records of HaII County, N�braska. <br />