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<br /> �f17IlIRES 1lOW a[�IE'i'L�EI'�`[(r[T O�tbC(1[�OQC[iyl. Iw�EQ���![l0[I�S��l�SO�fE COYE[Ed�t�113'.SOWf1�}► ,.
<br /> . ` ' j�L Au�1bC f011G�001s_fi PGfle[�EQ IQ 111 dUS$GCllfitJf�i51�tC��QKIy�. ' -' �
<br /> ' �� SORROWFR C�QVENAN't'S ti�t Borrower is fawfulty seisod o�thc r�te he�eby convoyed and 6as tlu right to grant ,
<br /> and cd►vcy the Fbpaty aad t6at tbt pmpettg is�mencumberod,��ap[for a�mbiao►xs of teco�d. Basowa wa�rants and _
<br /> will defead Saiejalty the titie to the Propeety agu�}st�it ctaims and dem�nd.�.su6lcct to any enrumbr�ces of teccKd. - �
<br /> TI�S SEC'�1RR'Y INSIRLJMENT combines unifoaa oovm�ats fof nationat tue aad non-onifum coven�nts witb
<br /> � �limited vui�tioas by jutisdictian ta constitute a umfartn sec�ity inswmeat covering real pmpetty. .
<br /> UNIIaORM COY@JANTS. Honowa and L•eader covenaot gnd agRe as fottows: �
<br /> • L P��ae�t d Prl�cipM and I�t�t:Pr�a7snt s�d'late CMar� Borrower shalt P�P�Y P�Y when due rhe ,
<br /> � princi�l of�nd i�on the debt evidaiced 6y tbe Note and anY Pre�►Ymet��a�tate charges due cmder the Nn�e. ..
<br /> � �farTaiea a�d Lmars�a. Snbjxt to applicaMe taw or to a wntcen waiver by t.ender.Boirower sh�ll pay to
<br /> Leoder cn the dsY�Y WY��e due utxfer die Na�uatiI t6e Nate is paid in faU.a sant("Fw�ds')for.(a3 Y�Y .
<br /> , wces aac�sssassmaits afiich mry atta�n priority over this Secutiry.Listrument as a tien as the Ptope�y:(b}Yeariy Ieasehold_
<br /> PQY�a&� nnts an the Ptoperty. if any;(c}yearl�C hazard or pcQpetty insurance prcmiums: (d) Yearty tlood ,
<br /> iasataaoe p+emiums. if say;(a}Y��B� ���P���+if any:and{�aaY su�ns paYa6le by Bacr�wa-ies
<br /> � Lendci.in aocordance with the pcovisioas af�aragraph B,in lieu of the payrnent of mortgage insurancx pcemiums. These -
<br /> _ items ue callCd"Fscivw I�ems." Lender may,at aay time.collect and hoid i�stsds sn an amamt nat to exc�eed tbe maximum —_-
<br /> arnwat a knder for a fedaaIIg-se)ate�i matgage lawa may iequine for Bomnwa's esemw account aRde�the fedecai Real —�---
<br /> -_- Estate Sepiernent Pt�ocedures Act of 19?4 as amended fram time to tia�e,12 US.C.§�b01 u seq.("RESPA"?,untess anothes _ — _
<br />-= law tl�t applies to tl�Funds sets�lesser amowt� If so.l.endzr may,at any time.collect and hold Funds In an amamt not�o --�--
<br /> ` excad the lesser amoun� Ixrukr may estimate.tha ar�ount of Fands dre on the basis of cuirent data and neasonable _
<br /> estimates of expe�dttue�es of fut�e Escmw Inepas oc�'tieawise m accc:rdance�;itdt�pplicat'°law. --.�- � ,�,.�. ;.-
<br /> —= Tde Piu�ds shall be held in su-iastitutjoa wbose deposlts�e's�sured by,a federal agency.instraTrx�tY.���Y .��:��.
<br /> - -. �..__
<br /> - (',nclud'arg i.e�der,if l.ender is such aa insaiaivan).a um aup£ed�.a�Ha+�Laars Baaic. i�d�zr shatl appty che Fcmds ca qi��.` �-=
<br /> : the Escsow_Items. I.endez may pat-c�tarBe Bonower fos twWinS�aPP�B?��•aa�nalty analyzin$th�esci��ia` .. °''°`- --•-
<br /> = aoeamt,or vaifying tt�.P.sc�ow fitms.�uWess 1;mder gays Somower ic�t ar�ti�e Fia�s aa�applicable law.pe�'ts . ;=
<br /> � I.ender w m�tce sacli ac�uge. .However,I.ender.ma�cequine Borrower w pa1=�.ane ume c3�a'rge for an.in�ndeai real . 4,�,�.�,,__
<br /> estate taa nporting service used by Lender in connection with ihis toan,unless applica6le law pmvides otl�ecanse. Untess an "-�k�"�,"��`,
<br /> _ "'�' • �agneement is m�de or appiicable law requlres intemst m be paid.Lender shallaat bo ceqased to pay Brnmwer any interest or . `�':�.. ---
<br /> ' � eazaings on the liu�ds. Borrower and l.ender may ag�ee in writing,bowever,that interest shall be paid on tfie Fands. Lender- ,
<br />- •�':; � . ' shall give to Bomower.without charge,an annual accauanng of the Fi►nds.shawing ct+ediu and debits to We Fundc and the �,_=;__.��rY
<br /> _ pucgose far which each debit to the Funds was made. The Fuads ace pledged as additional securiry for stl sums secw�ed by ���
<br /> this SecQrity Insuumen� ;�"�3° ..
<br /> - If the Funds 6etd by Let�dqr eaceed the amounts permitted to 6e held by applicable taa. Lender shall account to �4�`��°-��-
<br /> , t of the Puads held b �`y--y'
<br /> • Bomawer fa the excess Fuads itt accordance with the raiuinemenis of applicable law. [f the art�aun Y �-=_
<br /> • Lender su any time is not sufficient to pay the F.scrow Items when due.Lender may so notify Bortower in writing.and.in =
<br /> �,-�:-
<br /> such case Borrower shaii pay ta l.ender the amount necessary to make up the deRciency.� Borrower sh�q make up the �;�,�•,
<br /> � deftciency in no mone tl�n twelve manthlY payments.at l.endet�s sole discrotion. � �,��;�rl_=.
<br /> Upon payment in full af ail sumg secured by this Securiry Instcumeni.E.endet shall promptly refund to Harower any - _=..
<br />• Funds hetd by[.cndcr. If.under paragraph 2l.Lendcr shall acquire ar sell the Propeny.Leade�.pdor ta the xquisition or .�•:.�f:`=�--
<br /> � � sale of the Ptoperty.shail uppty any Funds held by l.ende�ai the time of acquisitIon or sate as a cr�cfit against the sums , � v� �
<br /> secured by this Security Inswment. •
<br /> : ` � 3. Appikatbn of P4ymeets. Untess upplicuble taw pravides othcrwise. Ali paymenta received t�y Lender undcr � � '
<br /> ��� paragraphs 1 and 2 5ha11 be appiieA:first,to any prepayment charges due under the Nae:secand,to amounts payable under _. �:`
<br /> � �_� p a ro g t a p h 2;t h i r d,t o i n t e r e s t Q u e:f a s n h.[o p r i n c i p a l d u e:a n d l a s t.to an y late char ges due under the Note.
<br /> � ' 4. Clu�tges; Liens. Borrower shall pay all taxes,assessmenxs, charges:fines and impositions atuibutabte to thc - __
<br /> . �:i Property which may�Ittain priority over this Security instrumen�and teasehotd payments or groua d rents.if any. Borrower ,
<br /> shatl pay these obligations in the manner provided in paragraph 2,ar i f not pai d in t hat manner.Botrower shaU pay them on : _
<br /> - ", nmc directly to the persan awed paymenti Hortawer shall promptiy fumish to Lender all notices of amounts to be pa�d under =.
<br /> . this paragraph. If Borrawer makes these payments directly.Borrower shall pramptly fumish to l.ender receipts evidencing ,
<br /> `,;-. thepayments. . .
<br /> Barrower shall prompdy discharge any lien whicb hac priority over this Security Instrument unless Borrower:(a)agrees .
<br /> � in wridng to the payment af the o6ligarion secured by the lien in a manner acteptable to l.ender.(b)wntests in good faitb the .
<br /> r='� lien by,or defends against enforcement of the lien in.legal proceeding.a which In the Lender3�opinion operate to prevent the --•v
<br /> . �' enforcement of the lien:or(c)secures fram the ho2der of the lien s►n agreement satisfactory to Lender subordinating the lien . � _
<br /> .:•��� to this Security Instrument. If Lender determines that any part of the Pcoperty is subject to a lien which may apain priority .
<br /> over thls Security Instrument,l.ender may give Bmrower a notice identifying the lien. Bortower shall satisfy the Iien or take . �
<br /> one or more of the actlons set fotth above within 10 days of the giving of notice. '..
<br /> '� �• • S. Hnzard or Yroperty Inea.•nnse. Borrower shall keep the impsovements now existing or hercafter erected on the �
<br /> ' ,�. . '"j..�, Property insured against loss by fire.hazards includcd within the tecm"extended coverage"and any other hazards,including .'
<br /> �. �� ftoods or flooding.for whIch l.ender requires insurance. 'Il�ls insurance shall be maintalned in the amounts and for the ( ,
<br /> - - _- .:�_�- �� .
<br /> �;,;�
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