-�-�;�,< , . . . - . , . — _�-_.
<br /> _ . r: , _ _ _ -
<br />.. , � . � p�F� � ��. . . . . . . � � ' , � I` <��l.4 ' �. . ` G, F •�r..1:
<br /> ..��. , . .. . . . _ .. _ . . . . �r�� �,�:
<br /> . � '—� '--•--�- . — e C i�� `` (�, . --_ -
<br /> _„-__.-- -.:�-�.--.�..Tz `___�____,__--�,-_. r .+ � 4 < k L ` s �_._ f . � __,.
<br /> .. } , ` � ` 1 . k t � �..,....,.r_..�v.._�.__._�_�...�y..��.ti+v--.�.�..i_� � . .
<br /> _ `"_ .�. _ ..V..� �y������......�.....-r+—�— � .�_�._._..�..._ . . u,.��4� ' ,��'�tr' . _
<br />� j a insuranoe oovera e in the�amouat and��th�e qaen'od .`, � . `.:�.,.�
<br />` ' paymeats may no loager�e tequ�rzd.�t�e a�uoa of Leader. if martB ge 8 ( , �
<br /> that Lender taluites)Provided 0y aa imaur:r ap�sovt��y Leader agaia becomes ava�lab2t aad is obtainad.Bortower shail pay ', '.�,:;�� � < G.�:�f.
<br /> thc pre�iums ceqeired to maintain mar2gage insura�ce i�a effax.or t�provide a toss reserve.antil t�e re�nirea�ect for maitgage .. , ,. .�,�..."� ..
<br /> ''• ia�uaase ends in 2ccoidaace with any written a�msat between Borrower and Yxader or applicable law. . -. ;; . '` �•�
<br /> . � 4.paspe�tan. LEnder or its agent may maloE tea�onabte entries ugon and inspeaion,of tt+e Progerry. Lender shala give .. '.�`. --
<br /> ._ �.,.:���,.���_-.
<br /> < Borrower nodc�at thg t�o€or prEar to an inspeceton speclfj�ing ceasonable cavse for the iaspecaon. - ---
<br />-�,r iQ3.Coud+�aa��ion. 't�p�ao�of aaq a�rard ar daim far d�,�es,d:rzct or coaseque�rial. in oonaecdas wit3i any - -,- _ . - -, _
<br /> = caademnation or other taking of any part of ehe Prcperty,ar fQr coaveyance ia lieu of candemnarion.are hereby assiSued and . '
<br /> shall be paid to L�eud$r. �,z;,,�-a��-.;�:�:=�i,=�;
<br /> ' In the eveat of a total talcing of tY�Praperty.[he Pxo�ee4s shall be spglied co the sums seaued hy th�s Sec�ricS+Insau�eat,
<br /> wheiher or not then 8uz,with anY excess paid to Bortower. In the eveat of a paztial t�ng of the Pm�seity m wluch the fair . ,. �-.
<br /> � mar�ti value of the Pmperty I��tely lsefore the taYiag is equal to or gn�ssr ti�an t6e amnvnt of the sums saured by this i " . .. R'�
<br /> . y�� 4 r7--
<br /> : : �jy j��_ei�t irtt�ter 1Ff el��CfQPS ihE tBYIA$s IInI�.4 BOIlOWEt 2II1�I.�C[OII1CI�tI1SC 2�,[tC 1D WTl1�II$s t11C SIIIDS b�bY �;`'._.r�.z`•v.:...-.-.,�
<br /> ` this Secu�ity Insuameat shari he�educ�d by c� amna�st of the pmae�s iauttipli,�d by tIu following fiac�on: (a)the wtPl ���� � - •.
<br /> ,i ar�a�t of tha s�ms securzd�iately hefoce the ta�n�,divIded 6y N)the faiY ma�et value of[he Property immediasely �;""'%'';'`';;;s:,;:,c�,-��-:=:�-.:
<br /> .` he5oae�e taking.Any ttalaace shall be paid co Bormwer. Ia dte eveat of a pazti�l ta�ng of�he Pmpeicy in wivc�t,�fair --�� '---�-�-_-_,-^ -
<br /> u �
<br /> �ar��Pas of the Property 3�dt;arely tsefor:dse tal�aB is less t23aa the ama�t of tl�e s,�ms seatted a�iarely 6�G'a�ttiae �'"'�`���k i� � �"', :, ,
<br /> aa , �:� ...-
<br /> taking,cr�s Emuower aad I.ender othecwi3e agc�m writiag or amtess spplfcable law ath�arise pmvides.the prac�ad's s6all ';�', ��,' - ,�l�, r r
<br />. '.! � � tr� f
<br /> , T �C }13.�' LO t�C 53�:1�L9IICd jD]i�1L9 SE�lCf tnatn�anent{y�r 07 ilOL t�C SUIDS 8IC 1�P��iS. '' "._ .e�ur�s,. m .
<br /> D]
<br />, :4 I€t�.e P�rty is abandoaed by Soaawer.or if,aRer aQtice Dy L�ucler w Bsrra�rer ttr�the oond�or offets to maYe an - • _�"`:^•
<br /> II '
<br /> -,� awu�a��tsle a c}aa for dama�es, Boaower gails w xr�pond to Lender withm 30 d�+s aRer the daie the noiflee is givea, +�.,��K :'.•��r •��,
<br /> z'.;�-'` `�.,�-
<br /> .. f Ixnder na�'�n�Zed tv collea a�d a�tply the proc�s,at ita aptioa,eiditr co ras2or�tion as�air of the Pmpeny or w the sams t�..���F..
<br /> --� --.i...r..��nf �t.]fP.1 Ai Mt t11PJ!atte. f r ���. . ` -� .
<br />.: - 30.vicu`vji'wi'o.ca..-'m r.��- .. — •.-.,- r ��'�- .
<br /> `. �' Unt,ess I.endsr a�d Borrower othetwL^e a�e i a w r i t i ng, anY BPP��of pracads w princtgal shall aot eatead or � _ �='v�.----
<br /> Post�son$the dae dats of the m�nt�lY PaymienLS relFFeaed to ia paragraphs 1 aad�os cbange the amaunt of snch paymente. -- -_._
<br /> r
<br /> .�� 11.Borrow�Not RQleasad;F��3Y Le�'Nat a Wn9va.Extmsion of t�he time for pzymeat or modi�tioa _ �
<br /> �•�:� � of a�an��tion of the sums sedweed by this Setarity Insuumenx�tte3 DY Lr,ader to aay�nm�essor m interest of Barc�u+��all . . , +
<br /> not opecz¢a w zeleaSe the liability of t�e ori�innl Ba:xawer or Bortower's saccessors tn�.Ixnder sh�U not 6e��3 to . . : ,� �" .
<br /> co�oesce praceedin&s a�nst anY sacassor in intetest or tefase to ea�tcad¢i�e for pay�.R a3ot1se�.�,e mudify as�'9'��^ ' f f,;y�':.':
<br /> = of the svms serauad Dy this Seauhgr tastrrumeas Dy reason of aay demaa�Jl �*ade hy tl� artginal.�a,imwer or Bnao�Pr's '�^;'?���'„^
<br /> �.,,aaY right aT�...e�y sha1�1 r.�t be a vtzisrc�of or psecIude� _ �ti;r:,.,��::
<br /> su�ssois ia interest. Aay fCrII�eaza�ae by Irndr�in���" .
<br /> exer�Lse of aay right oz remed`�. ,,:��_:� ���;" ��
<br /> . 12. Saooessors a���:Joi�and Stver.al Idab�ity:Co�.'L']��e covenants and agreements of this _. � . .,�.•
<br /> : ",.: ;-
<br /> � t � Sec�ity Insttament e2aL bi� aad�enefia the sueoessors aud aasigns of E.s��afld Borrower, subjec.t to the pmvL�innd of : . ' . .
<br /> '� pusgrr�h 1�. �orro�zr's oov� aaQ a�snts r.hall �jn�t xa���. My Bo�wer who oo-signv thia Ses�uity ' :�:,.�:'�,r,.. �-��
<br /> ��� Iasuament bnt dces got exaarte t�e Nae: (a)is oo-signung tais Sauaty InstxaQaent only to mortgage. Sru►t aad oor►vey ttat "' 'F'°=; '� , . -
<br /> ����
<br /> - ti:,...;..
<br /> ':�_ B�onaaer's intaest ia the Pro�crty und�t the terms of ehis Sesauiry I�st�ume�;(b)is not gersonalty obligai�d to gay tLe suma r� ��,. �. ��.
<br /> ers •
<br /> ., i sec�M by this SECatity in �.�+�n��d(c)agcees t�at L�der�d�y olaer�rovrer may a��to o�tend.rmdiFY.fo�a� _ -_ .,- -�._;s�a__._�-=�-:;
<br /> �. S , maYe aay a000m�cci��ans with:egard to the u:r�o of tbis Sscnziry�t ar the Note vrIthout that Barmwr.r'a oonsen� .��•--
<br /> ':' 13.La�n Cts�^�.If the toan se�ured hy Q�Sec�ity Insttaffient is saisject to a laev whiah$�s m�iQ�c�grs.
<br /> ,_.;;:.. .
<br /> t,� and tl�ai taw is fmally iatespreud so t�at the intes�st ar other loaa cdiarges caIlaxod or to be w11�oa�in cona,e�tion wi2h the ---
<br /> �' �.z:"''�"'�
<br /> • 5��..y IQ'i[[c:a.�aaas f�lt'i��lIIllfSs 1h8II:(8�2i1;j1 b'OCh�GaII '{�l��'8��bC ICdU00��1j1 t�iC 3��LO aouur`t�t C�11TgPi .r.^: _
<br /> '�: w t�i�.�"'+ltted limit;and N)�!►s���Y colIetxed fmm Borrower which ex�ipetmit4ed limits wiYl be nfunded co �Y,Sr -`-'+�;y r .
<br /> , �'•. $art�'�r�r. I.�nder r�ay chaose w maYs tTsts refund by ndnraag the princip�l awed uader the Nou or by matdng a dtmct . �L2=� ` 1 � 1 �,
<br /> ;..� paymmt w Baim�+e� If a cefaad :+educes princlpal. the zoductloa an']� tx ueatod as a parti�l pi-.g�ymeut witha�t naY - _f�°a'°`. '
<br />_ ` ' P�ePay�ent c3�ar8e tz„der the Nate. .
<br /> ,.�; � . +rr._ �.wMJ�-•�-
<br /> � ; . P41.Nn�ice9.Aay notice tm Borrawer provided for ia this Seauity Instrument ahall be gven by dalivering it or 1sy�aiUng .;.,.'; _': ,; �. �_..
<br /> it by F:�:ctass mail unless agplicable law requins use of aaother methnd.The nofla shaU be directed t,o the Pcage�i3t AAdnss . ':':. � --
<br /> or aay othcr addr� Borrowe�desip� by notIce to Iander. any►notIce to I�ader shaU be givm by �r�ltus�r�ail to , ��'£�'' __�
<br /> . L�ender's addtess st��hcrein or�yr ot�er addcess Lender designate3 by notix to Barrower.Any untica��ra�v�i��,sr m this ,.;,•��;,4� �;':
<br /> �r�s�ume�s�il be damed to Lave heen glvea to Bo��rer oz l�endes when glvm av pmvidsd i�.�tu�g�:�aph. : ,i, :_;�_
<br /> • verQed b feaerai Ia-� and � Ra�► of the � �� ' --
<br /> � , 15.Gw�iog 1.4w; SeverabiLity. 7bia Sec�uity IasKrument shaU be go Y ,: .
<br /> • ' jnrisdiqioa in aL4ch the Prcpc=ay i�tacued.In the event that any prmvision or�anse�f sliis Se�tu'stgr Iasttnmeaa rss the Note � :, : . : . . "_..
<br /> � ►r,-rs.�„�.�e a��e Note whir�can be ,�� � -
<br /> ' •. � �. conflias wi►b�ppHcab2e 1aw.sucU confl4a sba11�affecc rttheryn�vIsion�of ihfis S�uis� , ;: . �. � -
<br /> %`.. ��i� giv�effect wittwiu tlie canflicxiag presvislan.To this end the yrovisiana of this Sa�rltgr Insuma�.�t aomd!�z e Nou an decta�ed t
<br /> � ��!!�: -
<br /> .;� w be severable. ' �
<br /> �!!: ""`,.�„�.;:.:�-�.._
<br /> ��• Lt'n�oRO�`��opy.Bosower shall be given one confiormed copy of the Nou and of this S�+1�..^t�eat. —"rQi=�?°�,�, .._.
<br /> � � �Qin.�Q�.��,y�9 ?�1��F'J^T��k'•.
<br /> ' tbfldi:�� ZI�1f:'-e::i.:�=:Y-.L..'.
<br /> :. : ��ii1l.�'�'c)p2�LAt /tqsade ------ -- -_
<br /> . r�5�
<br /> . _ .. 'r/ . '_ � _
<br /> � �".'''_'��t}��' :� ` . . �i1P � . � , �_ � .. :' �'1. . . . • . _ � V.. . _.. . . . _ '_
<br /> .. .. . . . . � ' ". � . . . � ti.� ' ' . . . . ' . . . � ` �.- _ ' ' ' .. . - . n?- .
<br />, . . ' � . . �_ ' � � - � , . . . _ - � . .. c, . ' � . •
<br /> , - . . ` ' . . � • � .. ". .. � .. . .. . - .. . � . - - - . _ . f: • . - . . . ' . ---
<br /> .. � � . _ . - . - � .. . -' . . . � .'��"y� '0' . � . . � _ . . � � . ' �. �� ..r - - . `. - ...
<br /> . . . .. . � .
<br /> . . �
<br /> . - ... - - � , , , . � . . . _ � � . : . . • . . . '� ���1'!�1N�'-�
<br /> . .. . . . .. _ . . ' . . ' . ' . . - ' _ . . t. , ' �
<br /> . .. . - .. . . . , . . �
<br /> . , - • ' _ ' . . • .. . . - ' .
<br /> '�. � ' � ' ' "_ - _
<br /> ,
<br />. i. . . . �. -� � '� ' " . ...
<br />_ _ ._ ._ . __ � .,-,__ - -,-' "_-__-- "' __-__�.--.�._... ._1''__ _ -_ . -___. " — _ _.-_ __ ._ — _ _. .__ _.
<br /> ' ' - _ ' . � . � _ : � ' , � . . ' . � � � , -lt • • ' ' . - .. . . _ _ ' � . . . . '
<br /> . , , .
<br />.-: - � . . o.• . _ . . _ •_' • . .
<br /> .
<br />�, ,. � � � . � . ��. .. _ .. ._ _ . ... . . .. .
<br />. . . • � ..... .. , .
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<br /> . . . . ._.. ..,.' '.'.,:r.�. - , . . -. . "�
<br /> ..� ' .......-. .. , •� . ` '�. . - . • . . 4 - �� .`.
<br /> . . .�� .. . _.�� .. � u i �t•'`. • • .. . . . ' . r..V.. ' ' .. - . ' . � � .... r .. �r.
<br />