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<br /> -------•--------�------[SPACE A�OME THIS LINE FOR RECORDIMG OATA]------=--------•------
<br /> � . _ . . � -
<br /> _ � , � � ?RUSlEEE'S �EED " �`�
<br /> 1
<br /> _ �cMO�r �.� � BY n��sE �sa�s: � � � _ —
<br /> =` That s Oeed of Trust rr�s �ade and entered inta on or about Aprfl 27, 1990, by and -. . —
<br />- — between de�frey J. S�h� and Oebra A.. S�ha, husbaad and Mife, Trustors, and Ha�e -
<br /> � Federal Ss�rtngs and Laan Associ�tton of 6rand Island, Beneficiary; wherein Carercla'1
<br />-- Federal Bank, a federal Savings Bank, f/k/a Ca�rcial Federal �Savings and Loan -___—
<br />- - Assoaiatlon, Mu n�ed Trustee. This Deed of Trust was recorded ApMI 30, 1990, in tlie _ __
<br /> Records of the Itegiste.y of Oeeds of Ha�l County, Nebraska, as Oocu�ent No. 90-102289. ,
<br /> Oo or atiout Apri1�27, 1990, Ho�e Federal Savings and Loan Association of 6r�nd �_�_
<br /> Island, as SeneficizrY�-�tssigned all.of its right, title and beneficf�tl interest in the ��=._-
<br /> � De�d of Trust to Co�erctal Federal !br#gage Corporation. Tbe Assign�ent ras recorded � --•�_� .
<br /> :',.ay�;,r���
<br /> April 30, 1990, in the office of the Register of Oeeds of Hall County, Nebraska, as �� �
<br /> . �':%`�=r"-
<br /> Oocu�ent No. 90-102290. Hereirtafter the Trustee,�Coierciat feder�tl Bmk, a Federal � .=:F:���
<br />_ �.,'. Savings Bank, f/k/a Ca�ercial Federal Sav�ngs and Lom Association, Mill be referred
<br /> to as 6RANTOR. �4��
<br /> .. �..
<br />.� • The 6NAl�`TOR in cQnsideratio�af - ----- 3t��
<br /> a ot ervs ua e
<br /> consi eration reeeiv �ro� Coe�ercia �edera rtgage orparation, hereinafter �`�,�A-,;�:
<br />� _ 6RANTEE does hereby grant, bargain= sell, ccinvey and confir�unto GRJINTEE the follor+ing t. "���`="'��
<br />� _ described re�l property in Hall��eunty, Nebraska: . �_;�'��
<br /> �;� , , :- �.
<br />� '� Lot Nine (9), 61ock Sixte�a (16), �allege Additian to Mest Lawn in the . � � .T,��
<br /> � ; City of 6rand Islind, Hali County, 1i�braska. 4.� , -=
<br /> To have, ind to hold the �6ave-de�cribed pre�fises together Nith all tene�ents, . ' =�
<br /> heredita�ents and sppui�tenaaces �li�reto betonging cmto�the 6RANTEE, and to 6RANTEE'S -: . , � � -_
<br />�� . - � successors and assigns forever. . �j°-;��
<br /> �.�-�._-
<br /> � ' 6RANTOR does hereby covenant.with t�e GRANTEE and r+ith the GRA�i7EE'S successors ' � �`"j
<br /> !.L . . �.Y.�' —
<br />. , a;:' �r� �ssigns: . � - _
<br /> � " � 1 T6at Jeffrey J. S�ha �nd DeLra A. Sai�ha, husband and M1fe, �rustors, � � `� ' -
<br /> � :. , , � � .` �,�
<br /> :,: fii��ed to p�y the Benef�ciary pay�ents whict� xere centractua�ly due, and the GRANTOR, ,.,,:: ..:�:;
<br /> � at.�f�he request of the Beneficiary, elec� to declare the �etire unpaid principal �`������' '� - ��
<br /> •:Y i�
<br /> ' 6�3ance, toqt��er Mith interes� r,�Qreon, at once i�ediately due and payable. �� '
<br /> _ 'Y
<br /> (u . .
<br /> . 'd �� � - � ' '
<br /> _ r___ (2) That a Notice of Qe€ault �ns recorded by GRANTOR on March 12, 1992, as , �
<br /> - -.-.-_- -:=
<br /> Dow�ent Na. 92-I01941, in the records of��e Register of Oeeds, HalZ Caunty, Nehraska. - - - � - --.
<br /> � - t A eopy of the Motice of Oefault was serv�d upon: � ;
<br /> � �= - Jeffrey J. S�ha Oebra A. Smah�t ,� -
<br />. Y _-='` 2208 Nortb Nustan 2208 Nartb Huston f � .
<br /> ri!!R:_-`, ..
<br /> �. �-x: -.�_ 6r�nd Island, Nebr�ska 68803 Grand Island, Nebraska 68503 � - �
<br /> .. ,,�.- ,
<br /> : ��.-,� ' ' .
<br /> � '=�''•�"�=> ' by certified iail, return recelpt requested, postsge prepaid, on March 17, 1992. � �� �
<br /> -�.- . _ .
<br /> � ;�;;�'..,•:.:� .: - (3j That Trustors, �effrey J. Smaha and Oebra A. Smaha, husband and wife, �
<br /> . � ��'�:�..:��•; faiied to cure the defantt referenced in the Ratice of Default withln 30 Qays after the ; . �
<br /> �-���- recordinq of the Nottee of Oefaajt. ' � . � :
<br /> . �: • , ,
<br /> � • � � . � (�) That a i�otice of Trustee's Sale was executed by 6RANTOR on A�ril 20 ' � � •
<br /> , � - � � 1992. A copy af t6e Notice of Trust�e's Sale �ras served upon: . :
<br /> � � � � Jeffrey J. Sm�ha Oe6r� A. SAlilfi
<br /> . . ..�
<br /> �� ' 2208 Nortb Hustoe 2208 Narth Huston :
<br />.; �
<br /> � GraaQ I��auds l�tehras�_ 68803. _ . 6r�nd Island}_Nebraska 68883. , _ _ _ �
<br /> . . ;
<br /> . . - - - - . _ _ _�
<br /> �r � ' � � - � _ -
<br />♦ ' 4
<br />